Unlike the other "components" the code contained in this directory is NOT a standalone project and is NOT packaged / built into an executable deliverable. Instead it is a collection of utilities that are used by the various Knative-Kafka "component" projects. The logic has been consolidated here to avoid excessive duplication of code for obvious reasons. You should only add code here when it is being used by multiple Knative-Kafka components, and not when you think it might end up being so.
The Makefile should be used to build and test the code as follows...
# Verify / Download Dependencies make dep
# Run All Unit Tests make test
In order to update a consumer of this common component with changes made here, you need to first have pushed a branch with those changes to your fork. Next, test your changes in the consuming project by updating the dependency on common in the respective Gopkg.toml to follow the pattern
name = "github.com/kyma-incubator/knative-kafka"
branch = "<branch-name-in-fork-repo>"
source = "github.com/<fork-repo>/knative-kafka"
Then update the vendor directory by running
dep ensure -update github.com/kyma-incubator/knative-kafka
Once you have thoroughly tested the changes of the common component, submit a PR for ONLY the common component changes. After this PR is approved and the changes are on the master branch, revert the dependency in the Gopkg.toml of the consuming project to once again point to the master branch of the kyma-incubator/knative-kafka repo.
Finally, go thru the consuming components (channel, controller, dispatcher) and update the common dependency via
dep ensure -update github.com/kyma-incubator/knative-kafka
These updates will be a part of the final PR that includes any changes made as part of feature/bug work on the knative-kafka components. If the feature/bug changes were only in common, this second PR is still required since the changes to common must be on the master branch before dep can pull in the changes.