This package is part of ROS/IOP Bridge.
The local position can be obtained from three different sources: Tf
, geometry_msgs::PoseStamped
or nav_msgs::Odometry
source_type (int, Default: 0)
Defines the source of local position. 0: tf, 1: geometry_msgs::PoseStamped, 2: nav_msgs::Odometry
tf_frame_odom (str, Default: "odom")
Defines the odometry frame id. This parameter is only regarded if source_type is 0.
tf_frame_robot (str, Default: "base_link")
Defines the robot frame id. This parameter is only regarded if source_type is 0.
pose (geometry_msgs::PoseStamped)
Reads the local position. This subscriber is only valid if source_type is 1.
odom (nav_msgs::Odometry)
Reads the local position. This subscriber is only valid if source_type is 2.