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pub package pub points android_intent_plus

This plugin allows Flutter apps to launch arbitrary intents when the platform is Android.

Platform Support



  • Flutter >=3.12.0
  • Dart >=3.1.0 <4.0.0
  • Android compileSDK 34
  • Java 17
  • Android Gradle Plugin >=8.3.0
  • Gradle wrapper >=8.4



If the plugin is invoked on iOS, it will crash your app. In checked mode, we assert that the platform should be Android.

Use it by specifying action, category, data and extra arguments for the intent. It does not support returning the result of the launched activity. Sample usage:

if (platform.isAndroid) {
  AndroidIntent intent = AndroidIntent(
      action: 'action_view',
      data: ''
      arguments: {'authAccount': currentUserEmail},
  await intent.launch();

See documentation on the AndroidIntent class for details on each parameter.

Action parameter can be any action including a custom class name to be invoked. If a standard android action is required, the recommendation is to add support for it in the plugin and use an action constant to refer to it. For instance:

'action_view' translates to android.os.Intent.ACTION_VIEW

'action_location_source_settings' translates to android.settings.LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS

'action_application_details_settings' translates to android.settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS

if (platform.isAndroid) {
  final AndroidIntent intent = AndroidIntent(
    action: 'action_application_details_settings',
    data: '', // replace with your applicationId
  await intent.launch();

Feel free to add support for additional Android intents.

The Dart values supported for the arguments parameter, and their corresponding Android values, are listed here. On the Android side, the arguments are used to populate an Android Bundle instance. This process currently restricts the use of lists to homogeneous lists of integers or strings.


There is no similar method for iOS. Instead, the url_launcher plugin can be used for deep linking. Url launcher can also be used for creating ACTION_VIEW intents for Android, however this intent plugin also allows clients to set extra parameters for the intent.

Querying activities

canResolveActivity() and getResolvedActivity() can be used to query whether an activity can handle an intent, or get the details of the activity that can handle the intent.

final intent = AndroidIntent(
      action: 'action_view',
      data: Uri.encodeFull('http://'),

// can this intent be handled by an activity
final canHandleIntent = await intent.canResolveActivity();

// get the details of the activity that will handle this intent
final details = await intent.getResolvedActivity();

print(details.packageName); // prints

Android 11 package visibility

Android 11 introduced new permissions for package visibility. If you plan to use canResolveActivity() method, you need to specify queries in AndroidManifest.xml with specific package names:

you can read more about package visibility on Android on Android Developers blog:

or Official Documentation

please note that some packages are visible automatically and you don't have to specify queries:

Learn more