Click to expand Neo4j on Docker setup instructions
✅ Step 1: Install Docker Desktop If you haven't already, download and install Docker Desktop.
✅ Step 2: Verify That Docker Is Running Run the following command to check if the Docker daemon is running:
docker info
✅ If Docker is running, you'll see information about your Docker environment. ❌ If you see an error, ensure Docker Desktop is open.
✅ Step 3: Run a Neo4j Container Run the following command to start Neo4j in Docker:
docker compose run```
✅ Step 4: Verify That the Container Is Running Check if the Neo4j container is
docker ps
You should see a running neo4j container in the output.
✅ Step 5: Access Neo4j Now, open Neo4j Browser in your browser: 👉 http://localhost:7474
Username: neo4j Password: thisisthelocalpassword (from the Docker command)
✅ Step 6: Connect Your Backend to Neo4j In your .env.local, make sure you have:
Then restart your backend:
deno task dev
🛠 Extra Commands (If Needed) 🔄 Restart the Neo4j Container:
docker restart neo4j
🛑 Stop the Container:
docker stop neo4j
🚮 Remove the Container (if needed):
docker rm -f neo4j