- update garmin, guru and osmand data
- fix build badge
- export OsmAnd extensions
- move handling proprietary extensions to separate projects
- update gexode to ~2
- @furkot/garmin-data 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2
- export route color as Garmin extension
- handle RV, Ferry and Unknown travel mode
- update dependencies
- rename project to @furkot/gpx
- mark exporter encoding
- rewrite as a generator
- furkot-galileo-data 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1
- remove all Garmin extensions from standard GPX files
- add support for Galileo symbols and colors
- furkot-galileo-data 1.0.0
- refactor mapping waypoint symbols and track colors
- switch to 6 significant digits
- fix order of link element under metadata
- fix out-of-memory error when generating large GPX
- allow using ES6 syntax
- map Flight travel mode to Garmin Direct mode
- generate GPX using gexode streaming mode, stop using Jade
- emit ShapingPoints when RoutePointExtension is in effect
- change coordinate order in track representation to longitude, latitude
- use furkot-garmin-data module
- emit only ViaPoints when RoutePointExtension is in effect
- set RoutePointExtension Subclass entry for off-road points
- always add ViaPointTransportationMode when stop mode is set
- support Garmin extension schema ViaPointTransportationMode
- fix Garmin transportation mode per route
- Garmin counterparts for added pin icons
- add Transparent color
- emit waypoint field 'tags' as Garmin extension tag 'Categories'
- export track color
- expect absolute urls to be provided on input
- don't emit gpxx:RoutePointExtension elements until valid value of it's subelement gpxx:Subclass can be determined
- tmd:TripName is a mandatory element according to the schema
- expect timing data as UTC timestamps
- account for timezone when generating timestamps
- remove Furkot-specific extensions
- more Garmin-specific extensions
- different content of waypoint cmt and desc elements for Garmin-specific vs. standard GPX 1.1 files
- Garmin-specific routing
- limit coordinates precision to 5 decimal points
- fix exports
- export extension and content-type
- initial implementation and tests