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Matthew Blissett edited this page Jun 30, 2021 · 4 revisions

Datacite to EML mappings

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To understand how the IPT produces the DataCite metadata from the EML and IPT resource properties you can refer to the mappings below.



  • DataCite property: lists the name of the DataCite metadata property
  • Obl.: Obligation, the property is (M) mandatory, ( R ) recommended, and (O) optional
  • Occ: Occurrence/cardinality, the property is (1-n) required and repeatable, (1) required but not repeatable, (0-n) optional and repeatable, (0-1) optional but not repeatable
  • IPT/EML property: IPT resource property, or EML property the DataCite property maps to
DataCite property Obl. Occ. IPT/EML property
identifier M 1 resource DOI
identifierType M 1 “DOI” - controlled value
creator M 1-n resource creator (plus associate parties with role originator)
creatorName M 1 resource creator name
nameIdentifier R 0-1 resource creator ORCID
nameIdentifierScheme M 1 ORCID (mandatory if nameIdentifier is used)
schemeURI O 0-1
contributor R 0-n resource contact, metadataProvider, and associatedParties with various roles
contributorName R 1 resource contact name (mandatory if contributor is used)
contributorType R 1 “ContactPerson” - controlled value (mandatory if contributor is used). Other role to controlled value mappings: author->"Other", contentProvider -> “DataCollector”, custodianSteward -> “DataManager”, distributor -> “Distributor”, editor -> “Editor”, metadataProvider -> “DataCurator”, owner -> “RightsHolder”, principalInvestigator -> “ProjectLeader”, processor -> “Producer”, publisher -> “Producer”, user -> “Other”, programmer -> “Producer”, curator -> “DataCurator”
nameIdentifier R 0-1 resource contact ORCID
nameIdentifierScheme R 1 ORCID (mandatory if nameIdentifier is used)
schemeURI R 0-1
title M 1-n resource title, and titles in other languages using xml:lang attribute
titleType O 0-1 “translatedTitle”
publisher M 1 resource’s publishing organization. The choice of publisher must correspond to the organization against which the dataset is ultimately registered.
publicationYear M 1 resource’s publication year
subject R 0-n resource’s keyword(s)
subjectScheme R 0-1 Thesaurus/Vocabulary if not URI
schemeURI R 0-1 Thesaurus/Vocabulary if URI
date M 0-n resource publication date (could also do temporal coverage dates)
dateType M 1 “created” for initial publication, and “updated” for subsequent publications (mandatory if date is used). Other temporal coverage date types to controlled value mappings: Single date -> “Valid”, Date range -> “Valid”
language O 0-1 resource language (ISO-639-1, e.g. “en”)
resourceType R 0-1 resource datasetType/datasetSubtype
resourceTypeGeneral R 1 “Dataset” - controlled value (mandatory if resourceType is used)
alternateIdentifier O 0-n GBIF Portal dataset page URL and IPT public resource page URL
alternateIdentifierType O 1 “URL” - controlled value (mandatory if alternateIdentifier is used)
RelatedIdentifier R 0-n previous resource DOIs
relatedIdentifierType R 1 “DOI” - controlled value (mandatory if RelatedIdentifier is used)
relationType R 1 “IsNewVersionOf” - controlled value (mandatory if RelatedIdentifier is used). Additional relationTypes that could be described include: bibliographic citations using 'cites' relationship, relationship to external data using 'isVariantFormOf' relationship, relationship to eml.xml using 'HasMetadata' relationship
relatedMetadataScheme O 0-1 GBIF Metadata Profile (used with HasMetadataFor relation)
schemeURI O 0-1 (used with HasMetadataFor relation)
schemeType O 0-1 XSD (used with HasMetadataFor relation)
Format O 0-n “DwC-A” - free text value
Size O 0-n resource’s number of records, or size of DwC-A in MB
Version O 0-1 major_version.minor_version (used in conjunction with RelatedIdentifier to indicate information updates to resource)
rights O 0-n resource’s IPR (complete title e.g. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0)
rightsURI O 0-1 resource’s IPR’s URI (e.g.
Description R 0-n resource description, with descriptions in multiple languages specified using xml:lang attribute
descriptionType R 1 “Abstract” - controlled value (mandatory if Description is used). Additional descriptions can be described for methods, with descriptionType “Methods”
geoLocationBox R 0-1 resource bounding box (first pair is SW point, second pair is NE point, e.g. 41.090 -71.032 42.893 -68.211)
geoLocationPlace R 0-1 resource geographic description, free text.
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