For all tasks use this input file: ~/genepi-teaching/ngs-bioinformatics/data/fastq/demo/miseq/5118_S39_L001_R1_001.fastq
Go to and install fastp using “compile from source” into your directory here:
Pick a fastq file, execute fastp and transfer report locally
Bonus Task: Execute FastQC on the new file.
Seqtk is a toolkit for processing sequences in FASTA/Q formats. Please use seqtk to (a) extracts reads from a fastq file (using sample
) and (b) to convert a fastq file to a fasta (using seq -a
Save your output files in genepi-lehre/teaching/ngs-bioinformatics/students/<your-q-number>/seqtk
Create a for loop and execute seqtk on all files in ~/genepi-teaching/ngs-bioinformatics/data/fastq/demo/miseq/
Task 4: Have a look at
Any pipelines available useful for your lab?