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SPIR-V Backend


An experimental SPIR-V backend for LLVM based on GlobalISel.

While this is a work-in-progress, this backend already supports a significant subset of LLVM IR as input. Refer to the test suite to get an idea about the coverage.

SPIR-V specification:

Build and Testing Instructions

Cmake configuration:

cd /path/to/build
cmake -G Ninja -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="SPIRV" /path/to/checkout/llvm

Optional CMake options (among others):


This will also create llvm-lit in /path/to/build/bin.

Command to build llc and all the tools needed for unit testing:

cmake --build /path/to/build -- llc FileCheck count not llvm-config

Running tests for the SPIR-V backend:

/path/to/build/bin/llvm-lit llvm/test/CodeGen/SPIRV

TODO This currently emits many warnings about missing (but unused) tools. Can we silence that (without building those)?

When Sphinx is enabled in CMake, you can build this documentation using:

cmake --build /path/to/build -- docs-llvm-html

In the example below, we use Clang. If you wish not to build it yourself, Clang 9 can be used instead. To build it yourself, use the usual command:

cmake --build /path/to/build -- clang

Usage Example

Here is an example on how to compile an OpenCL program to SPIR-V. We first use Clang to compile OpenCL into LLVM IR with -emit-llvm -S. We also patch the tripple in the generated LLVM IR with Sed to make it compatible with the SPIR-V backend.

echo '
constant size_t N = 16;

kernel void example(global float* in, global float* out) {
  size_t index = get_global_id(0);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    out[index + i] = exp(in[index + i]);
' >

/path/to/build/bin/clang -c -x cl -cl-std=cl2.0 -O0 \
                         -Xclang -finclude-default-header \
                         -emit-llvm -S -target spir -o - \
| sed -Ee 's#target triple = "spir"#target triple = "spirv32-unknown-unknown"#' \
> example.ll

/path/to/build/bin/llc example.ll -o example.spvt

The generated SPIR-V is in textual format. Support for binary format needs to be added. Furthermore, a few things need to be improved, such as adding the SPIR-V Magic Number, version number, etc...

Backend Structure


The source code lives mainly in llvm/lib/Target/SPIRV and the tests are in llvm/test/CodeGen/SPIRV.

The details available here are mainly to make it easier to dive into the code. These details also mention a few places where the code can be improved or completed.

Changes to GlobalISel

Currently, the backend relies on some (hopefully minor) modifications of the IRTranslator (llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/IRTranslator.h).

Making the methods "protected", and marking the ones that need altered for SPIR-V as "virtual" seemed like the way to document what needs to be changed in the interface with minimal diffs to the original, and no changes to the base IRTranslator implementation.

The main changes required are:

  • Having some kind of call-back whenever a vreg is created for an LLVM IR Value so type information can be preserved for the value.
  • Having the option to avoid flattening structs and aggregate types
  • Callbacks for creating constants (to e.g. have correctly typed nullptrs, global OpVariables with initializer, constant structs via OpCompositeConstruct etc.
  • Having a way to preserve indices (e.g. in extract element, get element pointer), rather than using pointer offsets into a flattened struct (which might potentially have padding), which becomes difficult to map to OpAccessChain, OpCompositeExtract etc. which use offsets.
  • Add an option to avoid turning bitcasts into copies (to preserve type information)
  • Add a way determine between explicitly defined alignments, and ones implicitly calculated from the data types.

Backend Configuration Points

Relevant bits responsible for the backend configuration and behavior:

  • SPIRVTargetMachine

    This class sets up the backend to use GlobalISel, defines the passes using SPIRVPassConfig, the data-layout, etc...

  • SPIRVSubtarget

    The TargetSubtargetInfo, referred by SPIRVTargetMachine, that defines various bits of information about the SPIR-V environment (e.g. OpenCL vs Vulkan, pointer size, ...), which instruction selector or legalizer are used, etc...

    Currently, SPIRVSubtarget contains a few placeholders, such as the set of available extensions, that should be defined based on command line arguments, or some other mechanism.

  • SPIRVInstrInfo

    This class, aided by TableGen, defines and describes SPIR-V OpCodes. This is currently hand-crafted with most SPIR-V OpCodes but could be further scripted. See SPIRVInstrInfo.(h|cpp|td) for more details.

  • SPIRVRegisterInfo and SPIRVRegisterBankInfo

    These two classes are used to define information about registers for SPIR-V. For SPIR-V, we only need very few register banks and classes. Actually, we only need two: one for types and one for identifiers.

  • SPIRVTypeRegistry

    SPIRVTypeRegistry is used to maintain rich type information required for SPIR-V even after lowering from LLVM IR to GMIR. It can convert an llvm::Type into an OpTypeXXX instruction, and map it to a virtual register using and ASSIGN_TYPE pseudo instruction.

    Type info from this class can only be used before it gets stripped out by the InstructionSelector stage. All type info is function-local until the final SPIRVGlobalTypesAndRegNums pass hoists it globally and deduplicates it all.

  • SPIRVLegalizerInfo

    This class defines which operations are valid for SPIR-V.

Execution Pipeline

The main functions being executed, in that order:

  • SPIRVBasicBlockDominance::runOnFunction

    Sort the Basic Blocks so that blocks appear before all blocks they dominate, as to satisfy SPIR-V validation rules.

  • SPIRVIRTranslator::runOnMachineFunction

    SPIRVIRTranslator overrides GlobalISel's IRTranslator to customize the default lowering behavior. This is mostly to stop aggregate types like Structs from getting expanded into scalars, and to maintain type information required for SPIR-V using the SPIRVTypeRegistry before it gets discarded as LLVM IR is lowered to GMIR.

    SPIRVIRTranslator is relying on SPIRVCallLowering to lower LLVM calls into machine code calls. It relies on generateOpenCLBuiltinCall (SPIRVOpenCLBIFs.cpp) for anything specific to OpenCL. Similarly, SPIRVTypeRegistry will rely on generateOpenCLOpaqueType (in that same file) for any type specific to OpenCL.

  • Legalizer::runOnMachineFunction

    This SPIR-V backend relies on the default Legalizer and SPIRVLegalizerInfo.

  • SPIRVInstructionSelect::runOnMachineFunction

    SPIRVInstructionSelect is a custom subclass of InstructionSelect, which is mostly the same except from not requiring RegBankSelect to occur previously, and making sure a SPIRVTypeRegistry is initialized before and reset after each run.

    SPIRVInstructionSelect is helped by SPIRVInstructionSelector to generate SPIR-V instructions from target-independent instructions.

  • SPIRVBlockLabeler::runOnMachineFunction

    SPIRVBlockLabeler ensures all basic blocks start with an OpLabel, and ends with a suitable terminator.

  • SPIRVAddRequirements::runOnMachineFunction

    SPIRVAddRequirements iterates over all instructions and inserts the required OpCapability or OpExtension instructions.

  • SPIRVGlobalTypesAndRegNum::runOnModule

    SPIRVGlobalTypesAndRegNum hoists all the required function-local instructions to global scope, de-duplicating them where necessary.

    Before this pass, all SPIR-V instructions were local scope, and registers were numbered function-locally. However, SPIR-V requires Type instructions, global variables, capabilities, annotations etc. to be in global scope and occur at the start of the file. This pass hoists these as necessary.

    This pass also re-numbers the registers globally, and patches up any references to previously local registers that were hoisted, or function IDs which require globally scoped registers.

    This pass breaks all notion of register def/use, and generated MachineInstrs that are technically invalid as a result. As such, it must be the last pass, and requires instruction verification to be disabled afterwards.

  • AsmPrinter::runOnMachineFunction

    The AsmPrinter is customised for SPIR-V through the SPIRVAsmPrinter class. It is further customised through SPIRVMCInstLower and SPIRVInstPrinter.

Missing Features

MCSPIRVStreamer currently subclasses MCObjectStreamer to disable all processing. This should be modified in order to produce binary SPIR-V in addition to the human readable SPIR-V output.

TODOs and FIXMEs can be found in various places in the code. Use this command to get a list of the relevant ones:

git grep -Ei '(FIXME|TODO)' -- llvm/lib/Target/SPIRV/ llvm/test/CodeGen/SPIRV/

Additionally, the following errors are known and should be fixed:

LLVM ERROR: Cannot translate OpenCL built-in func: dot(float vector[4], float vector[4])
LLVM ERROR: Cannot translate OpenCL built-in func: hadd(long vector[3], long vector[3])
LLVM ERROR: Cannot translate OpenCL built-in func: logb(float vector[2])
LLVM ERROR: Cannot translate OpenCL built-in func: isequal(float, float)
LLVM ERROR: Cannot translate OpenCL built-in func: vload4(unsigned int, float const AS4*)
LLVM ERROR: Cannot handle OpenCL atomic func: atomic_xchg

Integration tests are welcome contributions, too.

It would also be interesting to set up some fuzz testing, maybe based on llvm-isel-fuzzer (see :doc:`Fuzzing LLVM <FuzzingLLVM>`).