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base repository: geodynamics/aspect
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: 792e91f44177d49cfbe60a4aca62075350f65743
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head repository: geodynamics/aspect
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: b4d6fd7e1ca9ec9921d6bc0eba5c4ca3d89d7a49
Choose a head ref
Showing with 16,275 additions and 52 deletions.
  1. +51 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/CMakeLists.txt
  2. +145 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/Case2a.gnuplot
  3. +131 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/Case2b.gnuplot
  4. +427 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/Elefant/Elefant_Case2a_diagnostics_Trms.dat
  5. +427 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/Elefant/Elefant_Case2a_diagnostics_viscdiss.dat
  6. +427 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/Elefant/Elefant_Case2a_diagnostics_vrms.dat
  7. +4,158 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/Elefant/Elefant_Case2a_isotherm.dat
  8. +4,270 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/Elefant/Elefant_Case2a_tip.dat
  9. +4,270 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/Elefant/Elefant_Case2a_trench.dat
  10. +227 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/
  11. +75 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/composition_trms_statistics.h
  12. +16 −6 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case1_compositions.prm
  13. BIN cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case1_diagnostics.png
  14. +4 −4 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case1_materialmodel.prm
  15. +4 −2 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case1_meshrefinement.prm
  16. +9 −1 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case1_postprocessing.prm
  17. BIN cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case2a_diagnostics.png
  18. +16 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case2a_materialmodel.prm
  19. +21 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case2a_postprocessing.prm
  20. BIN cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case2a_temp_15My.png
  21. BIN cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case2a_temp_8My.png
  22. BIN cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case2a_temp_t0.png
  23. +21 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case2a_temperatures.prm
  24. BIN cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case2b_density_evolution.png
  25. BIN cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case2b_diagnostics.png
  26. +26 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case2b_materialmodel.prm
  27. BIN cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/Case2b_velocity_evolution.png
  28. +117 −23 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/doc/
  29. +152 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/
  30. +74 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/isotherm_depth.h
  31. +33 −15 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d_case1.prm
  32. +111 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d_case2a.prm
  33. +39 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d_case2b.prm
  34. +100 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/
  35. +52 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/subduction_plate_cooling.h
  36. +158 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/
  37. +75 −0 cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/trench_location.h
  38. +1 −1 include/aspect/particle/interpolator/distance_weighted_average.h
  39. +4 −0 tests/
  40. +183 −0 tests/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d_case2a.prm
  41. +62 −0 tests/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d_case2a/screen-output
  42. +61 −0 tests/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d_case2a/statistics
  43. +4 −0 tests/
  44. +201 −0 tests/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d_case2b.prm
  45. +62 −0 tests/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d_case2b/screen-output
  46. +61 −0 tests/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d_case2b/statistics
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# Copyright (C) 2024 by the authors of the ASPECT code.
# This file is part of ASPECT.
# ASPECT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# ASPECT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ASPECT; see the file LICENSE. If not see
# <>.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is a sample CMakeLists.txt file that plugins can use to
# configure and build a shared library that can then be loaded via
# the input file. For more information, see the manual.
# For actual use, you may want to use a different name than
# <my_plugin> for the project, and for the names of the source files
# below.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------


FIND_PACKAGE(Aspect 2.4.0 QUIET HINTS ${Aspect_DIR} ../ ../../ $ENV{ASPECT_DIR})

"Could not find a valid ASPECT build/installation directory. "
"Please specify the directory where you are building ASPECT by passing\n"
" -D Aspect_DIR=<path to ASPECT>\n"
"to cmake or by setting the environment variable ASPECT_DIR in your shell "
"before calling cmake. See the section 'How to write a plugin' in the "
"manual for more information.")


SET(TARGET "subduction_plate_cooling")

145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/Case2a.gnuplot
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
#### Script for plotting the results of the Quinquis
#### subduction benchmark as described in the thesis
#### Quinquis, M. (2014). A numerical study of subduction
#### zone dynamics using linear viscous to thermo-mechanical
#### model setups including (de)hydration processes.
#### Charles University, Prague.
#### Note that some of the results were provided by
#### Cedric Thieulot who ran the same benchmarks with
#### the finite element code Elefant.

set term png
set output "Case2a_Case1_diagnostics.png"

#### Plot 3x3 graphs on one page
set multiplot layout 3,3 rowsfirst

#### Some plotting settings that are the same for every graph
set xtics 2
set xtics font ", 10"
set xlabel 'Time [My]' font ", 10"
set xrange [0:15]
set ytics font ", 10"
set key font ",7"
set key samplen 0.6
set key spacing 1
set grid lw 1
set size square

#### x- and ytics for each row resp. column
NOXTICS = "set xtics ('' 0, '' 2, '' 4,'' 6,'' 8,'' 10,'' 12,'' 14); unset xlabel"
XTICS = "set xtics 2; set xlabel 'Time [My]' font ', 10'"
#### Margins for each row resp. column
TMARGIN = "set tmargin at screen 0.97; set bmargin at screen 0.73"
MMARGIN = "set tmargin at screen 0.67; set bmargin at screen 0.43"
BMARGIN = "set tmargin at screen 0.37; set bmargin at screen 0.13"
LMARGIN = "set lmargin at screen 0.13; set rmargin at screen 0.33"
CMARGIN = "set lmargin at screen 0.45; set rmargin at screen 0.65"
RMARGIN = "set lmargin at screen 0.78; set rmargin at screen 0.98"

#### The path to the ASPECT output
case1 = "output-Case1/"
case2 = "output-Case2a/"
file1 = case1 . "statistics"
file2 = case2 . "statistics"

##### Data from other codes
ELEFANT = "Elefant/"

#### Linestyles
set style line 1 dt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "blue" pt 4 ps 0.8 pn 15
set style line 2 dt 1 lw 1.6 lc rgb "black"
set style line 3 dt 1 lw 1 lc rgb "orange"

##### Slab tip depth ####
set yrange [-670.:-80.]
set ytics 100 font ",10"
set ylabel 'Slab tip depth [km]' font ",10"
plot file1 u ($2/1e6):(-$27/1e3) w lp ls 1 notitle, \
file2 u ($2/1e6):(-$27/1e3) w l ls 2 notitle, \
ELEFANT . "Elefant_Case2a_tip.dat" u ($2/1.e6):(-670+$5/1000) w l ls 3 notitle

##### Trench location ####
unset key
set yrange [1390.:1480.]
set ytics 10 font ",10"
set ylabel 'Trench position [km]' font ",10"
plot file1 u ($2/1e6):($45/1e3) w lp ls 1 notitle, \
file2 u ($2/1e6):($49/1e3) w l ls 2 notitle, \
ELEFANT . "Elefant_Case2a_trench.dat" u ($2/1.e6):($4/1000) w l ls 3 notitle

###### Isotherm depth ####
set yrange [-670.:0.]
set ytics 100 font ",10"
set ylabel 'Isotherm depth [km]' font ",10"
plot file2 u ($2/1e6):(-$50/1000.) w l ls 2 notitle, \
ELEFANT . "Elefant_Case2a_isotherm.dat" u ($1/1.e6):($2) w l ls 3 notitle

#### Total Vrms ####
set yrange [2.0:3.4]
set ytics 0.2
set ylabel 'Vrms [cm/yr]' font ", 10"
plot file1 u ($2/1e6):($20*100.) w lp ls 1 notitle, \
file2 u ($2/1e6):($20*100.) w l ls 2 notitle, \
ELEFANT . "Elefant_Case2a_diagnostics_vrms.dat" u ($2/1e6):(100*$4) w l ls 3 notitle

#### Total viscous dissipation ####
set key left top spacing 1.2 font "Arial, 7"
set yrange [6:26]
set ytics 2.0
set ylabel 'Total D [kW/m]' font ", 10"
plot file1 u ($2/1e6):($44/1e3) w lp ls 1 t 'ASPECT-case1', \
file2 u ($2/1e6):($44/1e3) w l ls 2 t 'ASPECT-case2a', \
ELEFANT . "Elefant_Case2a_diagnostics_viscdiss.dat" u ($2/1e6):($4/1000) w l ls 3 t 'Elefant-case2a'

###### Total Trms ####
set yrange [1286:1310]
set ytics 4.0
set ylabel 'Total Trms [C]' font ", 10"
plot file2 u ($2/1e6):($59) w l ls 2 notitle, \
ELEFANT . "Elefant_Case2a_diagnostics_Trms.dat" u ($2/1e6):4 w l ls 3 notitle

##### Slab Vrms ####
set yrange [3.6:6.0]
set ytics 0.4
set ylabel 'Slab Vrms [cm/yr]' font ", 10"
plot file1 u ($2/1e6):($36*100.) w lp ls 1 notitle, \
file2 u ($2/1e6):($36*100.) w l ls 2 notitle, \
ELEFANT . "Elefant_Case2a_diagnostics_vrms.dat" u ($2/1e6):(100*$3) w l ls 3 notitle

##### Slab viscous dissipation ####
set yrange [2.0:18.0]
set ytics 2.0
set ylabel 'Slab D [kW/m]' font ", 10"
plot file1 u ($2/1e6):(($38+$40+$42)/1e3) w lp ls 1 notitle, \
file2 u ($2/1e6):(($38+$40+$42)/1e3) w l ls 2 notitle, \
ELEFANT . "Elefant_Case2a_diagnostics_viscdiss.dat" u ($2/1e6):($3/1000) w l ls 3 notitle

###### Slab Trms ####
set yrange [820:870]
set ytics 5
set ylabel 'Slab Trms [C]' font ", 10"
plot file2 u ($2/1e6):($58) w l ls 2 notitle, \
ELEFANT . "Elefant_Case2a_diagnostics_Trms.dat" u ($2/1e6):3 w l ls 3 notitle

unset multiplot
131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions cookbooks/kinematically_driven_subduction_2d/Case2b.gnuplot
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
#### Script for plotting the results of the Quinquis
#### subduction benchmark as described in the thesis
#### Quinquis, M. (2014). A numerical study of subduction
#### zone dynamics using linear viscous to thermo-mechanical
#### model setups including (de)hydration processes.
#### Charles University, Prague.
#### Note that some of the results were provided by
#### Cedric Thieulot who ran the same benchmarks with
#### the finite element code Elefant.

set term png
set output "Case2b_diagnostics.png"

#### Plot 2x3 graphs on one page
set multiplot layout 3,3 rowsfirst

#### Some plotting settings that are the same for every graph
set xtics 2
set xtics font ", 10"
set xlabel 'Time [My]' font ", 10"
set xrange [0:15]
set ytics font ", 10"
set key font ",8"
set key samplen 2
set key spacing 1
set grid lw 1
set size square

#### x- and ytics for each row resp. column
NOXTICS = "set xtics ('' 0, '' 2, '' 4,'' 6,'' 8,'' 10,'' 12,'' 14); unset xlabel"
XTICS = "set xtics 2; set xlabel 'Time [My]' font ', 10'"
#### Margins for each row resp. column
TMARGIN = "set tmargin at screen 0.97; set bmargin at screen 0.73"
MMARGIN = "set tmargin at screen 0.67; set bmargin at screen 0.43"
BMARGIN = "set tmargin at screen 0.37; set bmargin at screen 0.13"
LMARGIN = "set lmargin at screen 0.13; set rmargin at screen 0.33"
CMARGIN = "set lmargin at screen 0.45; set rmargin at screen 0.65"
RMARGIN = "set lmargin at screen 0.78; set rmargin at screen 0.98"

#### The path to the ASPECT output
case = "output-Case2b/"
file = case . "statistics"

#### Linestyles
set style line 1 dt 1 lw 1.6 lc rgb "blue"

##### Slab tip depth ####
set key left bottom
set yrange [-670.:-80.]
set ytics 100 font ",10"
set ylabel 'Slab tip depth [km]' font ",10"
plot file u ($2/1e6):(-$27/1e3) w l ls 1 t 'ASPECT'

#### Trench location ####
unset key
set yrange [1340.:1480.]
set ytics 20 font ",10"
set ylabel 'Trench position [km]' font ",10"
plot file u ($2/1e6):($49/1e3) w l ls 1 notitle

#### Isotherm depth ####
set yrange [-670.:0.]
set ytics 100 font ",10"
set ylabel 'Isotherm depth [km]' font ",10"
plot file u ($2/1e6):(-$50/1e3) w l ls 1 notitle

#### Total Vrms ####
set yrange [2.0:5.0]
set ytics 0.5
set ylabel 'Vrms [cm/yr]' font ", 10"
plot file u ($2/1e6):($20*100.) w l ls 1 notitle

#### Total viscous dissipation ####
set yrange [6:20]
set ytics 2.0
set ylabel 'Total D [kW/m]' font ", 10"
plot file u ($2/1e6):($44/1e3) w l ls 1 notitle

#### Total Trms ####
set yrange [1286:1310]
set ytics 4.0
set ylabel 'Total Trms [C]' font ", 10"
plot file u ($2/1e6):($59) w l ls 1 notitle

#### Slab Vrms ####
set yrange [4.0:5.2]
set ytics 0.2
set ylabel 'Slab Vrms [cm/yr]' font ", 10"
plot file u ($2/1e6):($36*100.) w l ls 1 notitle

#### Slab viscous dissipation ####
set yrange [3.0:9.0]
set ytics 1.0
set ylabel 'Slab D [kW/m]' font ", 10"
plot file u ($2/1e6):(($38+$40+$42)/1e3) w l ls 1 notitle

#### Slab Trms ####
set yrange [820:855]
set ytics 5
set ylabel 'Slab Trms [C]' font ", 10"
plot file u ($2/1e6):($58) w l ls 1 notitle

unset multiplot