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Releases: getodk/aggregate


27 Mar 22:09
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Aggregate v1.0.5 Release Candidate

  1. Reduce memory requirements for KML and CSV generation to enable generation of larger datasets.
  2. Restore bookmark navigation after login challenges - v1.0.4 did not navigate to a requested bookmark page if the user was challenged to log onto the site.
  3. Add support for Oauth 1.0 publishing from Build into Appspot-hosted Aggregate instances. Oauth 1.0 tokens do not work on Tomcat servers.
  4. Add support for Oauth 2.0 access to Aggregate. Aggregate will accept any Google token granting access to with access rights equivalent to the indicated Google user.


This is a Release Candidate and should be considered less reliable than a Production release; please test it thoroughly before deploying.

The primary changes in this release are in the areas of authentication, permissions and page navigation. All the typical interactions have been tested, but failures may produce unexpected errors.

No special upgrade steps are required when upgrading from v1.0.4; see v1.0.4 Production Upgrading instructions when upgrading from versions prior to v1.0.4.


27 Mar 22:08
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Aggregate v1.0.4 Production Release

(January 2012)

  1. issue 483 (on Google Code) - unable to log into MySQL or PostgreSQL deployments with openId.
  2. issue 484 (on Google Code) - streaming does not function.
  3. issue 486 (on Google Code) - odk:length not respected on Google AppEngine
  4. Fix layout issue with HelpBook and misc. popups.
  5. Update all security jars and misc. others to latest releases.
  6. Update to Google AppEngine 1.6.1 SDK


NOTE: Google AppEngine requires special upgrade steps if you utilize odk:length.

Upgrading Google AppEngine

See v1.0 Production Upgrading instructions.

If none of your forms use odk:length to alter the maximum string length, then the upgrade is complete.

Otherwise, for ONLY those forms that use odk:length:

  1. Download the forms that use odk:length using the ODK Briefcase application.
  2. Delete the forms on Google AppEngine (this may take several minutes or hours if you have many submissions).
  3. Upload the forms from ODK Briefcase back onto your Google AppEngine instance.

Upgrading MySQL or PostgreSQL

See v1.0 Production Upgrading instructions.

odk:length has always been respected on MySQL and PostgreSQL; there are no additional steps to be performed on those systems.


27 Mar 22:08
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Aggregate v1.0.3 Production Release

NOTE: MySQL and PostgreSQL deployments of 1.0.3 suffer from issue 483 (on Google Code). As a work-around, if you can live without OpenID logins for google accounts, you can install 1.0.2, configure an ODK Aggregate username with password and Site Admin privileges, then upgrade to 1.0.3 and use the ODK Aggregate username to administer your site. Otherwise, continue to use 1.0.2; the fix for this issue will be in 1.0.4.

  1. updates to make ODK Aggregate OpenRosa 1.0 compliant provided the version is an integer value.
  2. issue 416 (on Google Code) - avoid full scan of submissions on the Submission Admin sub-tab.
  3. issue 416 (on Google Code) - improvements to submission processing and publishing to minimize quota usage.
  4. issue 416 (on Google Code) - change attachment handling to use lazy fetches, reducing quota. Eliminate immediate refetch upon change.
  5. issue 468 (on Google Code) - form delete consuming significant quota.
  6. issue 478 (on Google Code) - excessive quota during submission processing.
  7. issue 478 (on Google Code) - improvements to submission processing to regulate the number of background tasks launched. Fixes to limit rate of Watchdog firings.
  8. issue 478 (on Google Code) - move upload-submission background task to run on the foreground instance.
  9. issue 474 (on Google Code) - case-sensitive hostname compare fails.
  10. update libraries to the latest Apache commons and others
  11. plumb missing quota exceptions up through services API
  12. improve logging during background task activities
  13. add logging and improve tracking of watchdog executions


See v1.0 Production Upgrading instructions.


See v1.0.2 Production Downgrading instructions if downgrading to a version prior to v1.0.2.


27 Mar 22:20
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Aggregate v1.0.2 Production Release

  1. fix issue 458 (on Google Code) - incorrectly presenting ⁄ for slashes in form ids.
  2. fix issue 457 (on Google Code) - forms containing slashes or characters that should be escaped could not be deleted.
  3. fix issue 426 (on Google Code) - publishing of dates and date-time values to Google Spreadsheet and Fusion Tables -- now recognized as dates.
  4. fix bug in publishing that was using wrong date during retries. Could cause some data to not be published to Google Spreadsheets and/or Fusion Tables.
  5. fix bug in image thumbnails that improperly set the size of the thumbnail
  6. fix bug in kml export that didn't properly escape strings
  7. fix bug in Google Spreadsheet publishing that delayed publishing start
  8. log application version during start-up.
  9. adjust refresh rates of the UI pages to lessen database accesses. issue 416 (on Google Code)
  10. add over-quota error pages.
  11. plumb up to the UI all over-quota exceptions -- as distinct from generic datastore failures.
  12. optimize all queries for GAE operations. issue 416 (on Google Code)
  13. move background process (/gae/watchdog) to run in backend instance.
  14. move background activities (watchdog, publishing, csv/kml export, purge submissions and delete form) to backend instance.
  15. watchdog is now run every 40 minutes, but only when activity is occuring on the webserver. If there is no work pending, the watchdog is not run. issue 416 (on Google Code)
  16. enable multi-threaded webserver operations (should reduce instance-hour consumption on heavily-used sites).
  17. improve low- and out-of-memory performance within GAE QueryImpl class. Lower the pre-fetch size and reduce the fetch limit to avoid timeouts on large dataset reads. issue 416 (on Google Code)
  18. change publishing to use longer timeout values to Fusion Tables and to dynamically adjust for slower (or faster) external service connections.
  19. reduce the batch size during publishing so as to minimize unnecessary datastore reads. issue 416 (on Google Code)
  20. improve error logging during publishing and form deletion.
  21. move Form creation and cache-management into FormFactory. Reduce cache lifetime to 3 seconds. issue 416 (on Google Code)
  22. better encapsulate and hide FormDefinition object within Form object.
  23. track and emit datastore query, query-read, get, put and delete usage counts (does not yet flush to log during webserver shutdown). issue 416 (on Google Code)


See v1.0 Production Upgrading instructions.


On Google AppEngine, should you need to roll back to an earlier release (e.g., v1.0.1 Production), you will need to manually delete the "background" backend. This can be done through the AppEngine dashboard, via the Backends link.

On MySQL and PostgreSQL, no special action is required.


27 Mar 22:20
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Aggregate v1.0.1 Production Release

  1. add 30-second cache for Form definition issue 416 (on Google Code).
  2. change GAE queue configuration to limit retries on failure issue 416 (on Google Code).
  3. add logging on datastore accesses issue 416 (on Google Code). Disabled for performance.
  4. double watchdog interval to 6 minutes issue 416 (on Google Code).
  5. double webpage background-refresh interval to 10 seconds issue 416 (on Google Code).
  6. change the default number of records to display to 100 (from 500) issue 416 (on Google Code).
  7. fix issue 410 (on Google Code) publishing does not flush all data to external services.
  8. fix spurious error message on Form Management tab when Aggregate 1.0 has no form loaded (noted on issue 412 (on Google Code)).
  9. fix integration test breakage.
  10. fix datetime string parse error that was causing rounding errors in the millisecond digit. Impacts all data display, extraction, publishing and Briefcase activities.


See v1.0 Production Upgrading instructions.

Aggregate v1.0 Production Release

  1. add version information on Site Admin / Preferences tab
  2. fix date/time parsing problems that were affecting Briefcase data transfers.


If you are running RC4, RC3, RC2, or RC1 (on Google's AppEngine or with MySQL or PostgreSQL), there are no special upgrade steps. It should just work.

If you are using Beta 4, follow the upgrade instructions described under RC1.

For all other Alpha or Beta releases, you must either use a new appspot instance or delete ALL data in your appspot instance; if you are using MySQL or PostgreSQL with an Alpha or Beta release, you should start with an empty database.


27 Mar 22:24
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Aggregate v1.0 Production Release

  1. add version information on Site Admin / Preferences tab
  2. fix date/time parsing problems that were affecting Briefcase data transfers.


If you are running RC4, RC3, RC2, or RC1 (on Google's AppEngine or with MySQL or PostgreSQL), there are no special upgrade steps. It should just work.

If you are using Beta 4, follow the upgrade instructions described under RC1.

For all other Alpha or Beta releases, you must either use a new appspot instance or delete ALL data in your appspot instance; if you are using MySQL or PostgreSQL with an Alpha or Beta release, you should start with an empty database.


02 Aug 03:22
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Correct submissionTime to use JavaRosa datetime formatter


27 Mar 22:07
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Aggregate v1.0 Release Candidate 4 (RC4)

  1. update javarosa library
  2. allow null URI in resume cursor
  3. fix issue 387 (on Google Code) (issue 380 (on Google Code)) - Briefcase download generates invalid Submission XML
  4. NOTE: date/time data may not be properly parsed during Briefcase transfers.


If you are running RC3, RC2, or RC1 (on Google's AppEngine or with MySQL or PostgreSQL), there are no special upgrade steps. It should just work.

If you are using Beta 4, follow the upgrade instructions described under RC1.

For all other Alpha or Beta releases, you must either use a new appspot instance or delete ALL data in your appspot instance; if you are using MySQL or PostgreSQL with an Alpha or Beta release, you should start with an empty database.


27 Mar 22:07
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Aggregate v1.0 Release Candidate 3 (RC3)

  1. fix issue 345 (on Google Code) - unable to change user passwords on Tomcat deployments
  2. fix issue 317 (on Google Code) - bookmarked pages weren't working because the hashes and query parameters were being stripped during authentication.
  3. fix issue 375 (on Google Code) - csv downloads (and kml downloads) only emited the first 500 records, not the entire dataset.
  4. filters could not be defined and/or were not working on Tomcat (MySQL, PostgreSQL) deployments.
  5. KML file exports now honor the active filter and emit only what that allows (plus the image, title and location fields).
  6. conform to OpenRosa Form Discovery API by handling the verbose and formID parameters.
  7. include a specially-built javax imageIO library that is redistributable so that Tomcat instances show thumbnail images out-of-the-box.
  8. integration tests are now working in the Maven build, using seliniumhq 2.8.0. Coverage reports are not yet available and test suite only verifies the app starts, the superUser can log in, and a form can be uploaded.


If you are running RC2 or RC1 (on Google's AppEngine or with MySQL or PostgreSQL), there are no special upgrade steps. It should just work.

If you are using Beta 4, follow the upgrade instructions described under RC1.

For all other Alpha or Beta releases, you must either use a new appspot instance or delete ALL data in your appspot instance; if you are using MySQL or PostgreSQL with an Alpha or Beta release, you should start with an empty database.


27 Mar 22:21
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Aggregate v1.0 Release Candidate 2 (RC2)

  1. improved help content, including links to youtube videos.
  2. show only "complete" submissions on the Submissions tab.
  3. row filters now properly implement hide logic
  4. now paginates results on Submissions tab.
  5. fix for Google Spreadsheets publishing issue.
  6. new "Submission Admin" tab under "Form Management" supports marking as complete an incomplete submission (incomplete submissions are those lacking one or more of their audio, image or video captures).
  7. only submissions that are marked as complete are published.
  8. media file count on Forms List tab is now clickable and displays the filename, file type and file size of each uploaded media file associated with a form.
  9. fix bug causing csv and kml downloads to not automatically open Excel and Google Earth, respectively.
  10. fix bug causing Change Password to report failures (now waits up to 15 seconds for a server response before failing this operation).
  11. fix bug causing Permissions page to only display 15 usernames.
  12. update to gdata 1.46.0 libraries


If you are running RC1 (on Google's AppEngine or with MySQL or PostgreSQL), there are no special upgrade steps. It should just work.

If you are using Beta 4, follow the upgrade instructions described under RC1.

For all other Alpha or Beta releases, you must either use a new appspot instance or delete ALL data in your appspot instance; if you are using MySQL or PostgreSQL with an Alpha or Beta release, you should start with an empty database.