The format is based on Keep a Changelog. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support for Python 3.13
- Rendered shape family tables in ReadTheDocs
method now properly exports convex polygons- Warnings raised in test cases are now handled properly
- The private
class has been removed, with functionality moved toTabulatedGSDShapeFamily
are now iterable, allowing easier access to shapes.- New
, andUniformDipyramidFamily
- New documentation to help users initialize common geometries.
- New methods to export Polyhedra as OBJ, OFF, STL, PLY, VTK, X3D, and HTML files.
- New documentation section: "Shape Family Tables"
- The data in
for source :cite:`Damasceno2012` is now sorted to match the order described in the paper.
- The
have been deprecated in favor of the new families added above, which are faster, more consistent, and present a simplified interface. The deprecated code was retained for backwards compatibility, but is no longer included in the documentation.
- New
method. combine_simplices
, andcalculate_signed_volume
methods for the ConvexPolyhedron class.simplices
, andface_centroids
properties for the ConvexPolyhedron class.- Additional pytests for surface area, volume, centroid, moment of inertia, and equations properties.
- New
export methods for use with simulation tools
- Pre-commit now uses ruff instead of flake8, pydocstyle, pyupgrade and isort.
- CI now uses GitHub Actions.
- Docs ported to furo theme.
- Reimplemented
, andget_face_area
methods for convex polyhedra using NumPy vectorized operations and polyhedron simplices. - [breaking]
now returns sorted simplices, rather than running polytri. This can change the order of vertices and/or triangles. - [breaking]
may return faces in a different order than previously. Faces are still sorted withsort_faces
, and will still be ordered such that curl and divergence theorems work properly. volume
, andcentroid
properties now return stored values, rather than computing the quantity at each call.rescale
now computes the centroid to ensure the correct value is available whencentroid
is called.- Optimized pytest configurations for more efficient use of local and remote resources.
- New edges and edge_vectors properties for polyhedra.
- New shape families for Archimedean, Catalan, and Johnson shapes.
- New shape families for regular pyramids and dipyramids, and a selection of regular prisms and antiprisms.
- The minimum required Python version is now 3.8.
- The minimum required NumPy version is now 1.19.
- [breaking] Sped up point in polygon and point in polyhedron using NumPy.
- Migrated to pyproject.toml.
- Numerical precision issues in tests.
- GSD spec correctly outputs for Polyhedron objects.
- Error in __repr__ for polyhedra with multiple face degrees.
- ReadTheDocs build errors resulting from conda memory usage.
- Typos in JOSS paper.
- Plotting and other graphical rendering of shapes using plato.
- Notebooks with example use-cases for the package.
- A quickstart tutorial.
- Ellipse area setter and Ellipsoid volume setter.
- Point in circle checks.
- Point in ellipse checks.
- Inertia tensors for 2D shapes that implement moments of inertia.
- Add minimal bounding sphere for all shapes.
- Add minimal centered bounding sphere calculations for all shapes except general polygons, general polyhedra, spheropolygons, and spheropolyhedra.
- Enable getting and setting the circumsphere or bounding sphere radius of a polyhedron (for both types of bounding sphere).
- Add maximal bounded sphere for all shapes.
- Add maximal centered bounded sphere calculations for all shapes except general polygons, general polyhedra, spheropolygons, and spheropolyhedra.
- Enable getting and setting the insphere or bounded sphere radius of a polyhedron (for both types of bounding sphere).
- Point in polygon checks for general (nonconvex) polygons.
- Point in polyhedron checks for general (nonconvex) polyhedrons.
- Minimal bounding sphere for all shapes except spheropolygons and spheropolyhedra.
- Add minimal centered bounding sphere calculations for all shapes except general polygons, general polyhedra, spheropolygons, and spheropolyhedra.
- Getters and setters for the circumsphere or bounding sphere radius of a polyhedron (for both types of bounding sphere).
- A
for all shapes.
- Ensure that hypothesis-based tests don't implicitly reuse pytest fixtures.
- The circumsphere from center calculations (replaced by minimal centered bounding sphere).
- The bounding_sphere property is deprecated in favor of minimal_bounding_sphere.
- The insphere from center calculations (replaced by maximal centered bounded sphere).
- Centroid calculations for polygon and polyhedron use the full integrals rather than simple averages of vertices.
- Circumsphere and insphere from center calculations for ConvexSpheropolyhedron.
- Form factors amplitudes for sphere, polygons, and polyhedra.
- Shape families associated with a DOI can be directly accessed via a dictionary.
- Expected abstract interface for shapes (both 2D and 3D) has expanded.
- Plotting polygons or polyhedra can automatically create matplotlib axes.
- Perimeter calculation for polygons.
- Area and perimeter setters for spheropolygons.
- Shape family API is now entirely based on class methods rather than a call operator.
- The parent ShapeFamily class is now part of the public API.
- Doctests are now run as part of pytest.
- Subpackages have been renamed: shape_classes is now shapes, and shape_families is now families.
- The common_families submodule of shape_families is now just common.
- Volume calculation for ConvexSpheropolyhedron includes area of extruded faces in addition to vertices and edges.
- Documentation has been revised and edited.
- The module.
- The module.
- The module.
- The get_params method of TabulatedShapeFamily.
- The family_from_doi method (the underlying data dictionary is now directly exposed).
- Calculation of circumsphere from center for convex polyhedra.
- Simple name-based shape getter for damasceno SHAPES dictionary.
- Polygons moment of inertia calculation.
- Interoperability with the GSD shape specification.
- Shape families and stored data for well-known families.
- All shapes can be centered anywhere in 3D Euclidean space.
- Extensive style checking using black, isort, and various other flake8 plugins.
- Make Circle area settable.
- 3D shapes can be oriented by their principal axes.
- Make Sphere volume settable.
- Inertia tensors for polyhedra and moments of inertia for polygons are calculated in global coordinates rather than the body frame.
- Modified testing of convex hulls to generate points on ellipsoids to avoid degenerate simplices.
- All insphere, circumsphere, and bounding sphere calculations now return the appropriate classes instead of tuples.
- The common_shapes subpackage.
- Continuous integrated testing on CircleCI.
- New Polygon class with property-based API.
- New ConvexSpheropolygon class with property-based API.
- New Polyhedron class with property-based API and robust facet sorting and merging.
- New ConvexPolyhedron class with property-based API.
- New ConvexSpheropolyhedron class with property-based API.
- Ability to plot Polyhedra and Polygons.
- Can now check whether points lie inside a ConvexPolyhedron or ConvexSpheropolyhedron.
- Added documentation.
- New Ellipsoid class with property-based API.
- New Sphere class with property-based API.
- New Ellipse class with property-based API.
- New Circle class with property-based API.
- Added insphere from center calculation for convex polyhedra.
- New ConvexPolygon class.
- Documentation is hosted on ReadTheDocs.
- Moved core shape classes from euclid.FreudShape into top-level package namespace.
- Moved common shape definitions into common_shapes subpackage.
- Shapes from Damasceno science 2012 paper are now stored in a JSON file that is loaded in the damasceno module.
- Formatting now properly follows PEP8.
- Various unused or redundant functions in the utils module.
- The quaternion_tools module (uses rowan for quaternion math instead).
- The shapelib module.
- Old and modules, which contained old implementations of various poly* and spheropoly* classes.
- Initial version of code base.