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File metadata and controls

690 lines (552 loc) · 18.1 KB

Google SecOps SDK for Python

A Python SDK for interacting with Google Security Operations products, currently supporting Chronicle/SecOps SIEM. This wraps the API for common use cases, including UDM searches, entity lookups, IoCs, alert management, case management, and detection rule management.


pip install secops


The SDK supports two main authentication methods:

1. Application Default Credentials (ADC)

The simplest and recommended way to authenticate the SDK. Application Default Credentials provide a consistent authentication method that works across different Google Cloud environments and local development.

There are several ways to use ADC:

a. Using gcloud CLI (Recommended for Local Development)

# Login and set up application-default credentials
gcloud auth application-default login

Then in your code:

from secops import SecOpsClient

# Initialize with default credentials - no explicit configuration needed
client = SecOpsClient()

b. Using Environment Variable

Set the environment variable pointing to your service account key:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/path/to/service-account.json"

Then in your code:

from secops import SecOpsClient

# Initialize with default credentials - will automatically use the credentials file
client = SecOpsClient()

c. Google Cloud Environment (Automatic)

When running on Google Cloud services (Compute Engine, Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, etc.), ADC works automatically without any configuration:

from secops import SecOpsClient

# Initialize with default credentials - will automatically use the service account 
# assigned to your Google Cloud resource
client = SecOpsClient()

ADC will automatically try these authentication methods in order:

  2. Google Cloud SDK credentials (set by gcloud auth application-default login)
  3. Google Cloud-provided service account credentials
  4. Local service account impersonation credentials

2. Service Account Authentication

For more explicit control, you can authenticate using a service account. This can be done in two ways:

a. Using a Service Account JSON File

from secops import SecOpsClient

# Initialize with service account JSON file
client = SecOpsClient(service_account_path="/path/to/service-account.json")

b. Using Service Account Info Dictionary

from secops import SecOpsClient

# Service account details as a dictionary
service_account_info = {
    "type": "service_account",
    "project_id": "your-project-id",
    "private_key_id": "key-id",
    "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...",
    "client_email": "[email protected]",
    "client_id": "client-id",
    "auth_uri": "",
    "token_uri": "",
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
    "client_x509_cert_url": ""

# Initialize with service account info
client = SecOpsClient(service_account_info=service_account_info)

Using the Chronicle API

Initializing the Chronicle Client

After creating a SecOpsClient, you need to initialize the Chronicle-specific client:

# Initialize Chronicle client
chronicle = client.chronicle(
    customer_id="your-chronicle-instance-id",  # Your Chronicle instance ID
    project_id="your-project-id",             # Your GCP project ID
    region="us"                               # Chronicle API region

Basic UDM Search

Search for network connection events:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone

# Set time range for queries
end_time =
start_time = end_time - timedelta(hours=24)  # Last 24 hours

# Perform UDM search
results = chronicle.search_udm(
    metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_CONNECTION"
    ip != ""

# Example response:
    "events": [
            "event": {
                "metadata": {
                    "eventTimestamp": "2024-02-09T10:30:00Z",
                    "eventType": "NETWORK_CONNECTION"
                "target": {
                    "ip": "",
                    "port": 443
                "principal": {
                    "hostname": "workstation-1"
    "total_events": 1

Statistics Queries

Get statistics about network connections grouped by hostname:

stats = chronicle.get_stats(
    query="""metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_CONNECTION"
    $count = count(
    $count desc""",

# Example response:
    "columns": ["hostname", "count"],
    "rows": [
        {"hostname": "server-1", "count": 1500},
        {"hostname": "server-2", "count": 1200}
    "total_rows": 2

CSV Export

Export specific fields to CSV format:

csv_data = chronicle.fetch_udm_search_csv(
    query='metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_CONNECTION"',
    fields=["timestamp", "user", "hostname", "process name"]

# Example response:

Query Validation

Validate a UDM query before execution:

query = 'target.ip != "" and principal.hostname = "test-host"'
validation = chronicle.validate_query(query)

# Example response:
    "isValid": true,
    "queryType": "QUERY_TYPE_UDM_QUERY",
    "suggestedFields": [

Entity Summary

Get detailed information about specific entities:

# IP address summary
ip_summary = chronicle.summarize_entity(
    value=""  # Automatically detects IP

# Domain summary 
domain_summary = chronicle.summarize_entity(
    value=""  # Automatically detects domain

# File hash summary
file_summary = chronicle.summarize_entity(
    value="e17dd4eef8b4978673791ef4672f4f6a"  # Automatically detects MD5

# Example response structure:
    "entities": [
            "name": "entities/...",
            "metadata": {
                "entityType": "ASSET",
                "interval": {
                    "startTime": "2024-02-08T10:30:00Z",
                    "endTime": "2024-02-09T10:30:00Z"
            "metric": {
                "firstSeen": "2024-02-08T10:30:00Z",
                "lastSeen": "2024-02-09T10:30:00Z"
            "entity": {
                "asset": {
                    "ip": [""]
    "alertCounts": [
            "rule": "Suspicious Network Connection",
            "count": 5
    "widgetMetadata": {
        "detections": 5,
        "total": 1000

Entity Summary from Query

Look up entities based on a UDM query:

# Search for a specific file hash across multiple UDM paths
md5_hash = "e17dd4eef8b4978673791ef4672f4f6a"
query = f'target.file.md5 = "{md5_hash}" OR principal.file.md5 = "{md5_hash}"'

entity_summaries = chronicle.summarize_entities_from_query(

# Example response:
        "entities": [
                "name": "entities/...",
                "metadata": {
                    "entityType": "FILE",
                    "interval": {
                        "startTime": "2024-02-08T10:30:00Z",
                        "endTime": "2024-02-09T10:30:00Z"
                "metric": {
                    "firstSeen": "2024-02-08T10:30:00Z",
                    "lastSeen": "2024-02-09T10:30:00Z"
                "entity": {
                    "file": {
                        "md5": "e17dd4eef8b4978673791ef4672f4f6a",
                        "sha1": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709",
                        "filename": "suspicious.exe"

List IoCs (Indicators of Compromise)

Retrieve IoC matches against ingested events:

iocs = chronicle.list_iocs(

# Process the results
for ioc in iocs['matches']:
    ioc_type = next(iter(ioc['artifactIndicator'].keys()))
    ioc_value = next(iter(ioc['artifactIndicator'].values()))
    print(f"IoC Type: {ioc_type}, Value: {ioc_value}")
    print(f"Sources: {', '.join(ioc['sources'])}")

The IoC response includes:

  • The indicator itself (domain, IP, hash, etc.)
  • Sources and categories
  • Affected assets in your environment
  • First and last seen timestamps
  • Confidence scores and severity ratings
  • Associated threat actors and malware families (with Mandiant attributes)

Alerts and Case Management

Retrieve alerts and their associated cases:

# Get non-closed alerts
alerts = chronicle.get_alerts(
    snapshot_query='feedback_summary.status != "CLOSED"',

# Get alerts from the response
alert_list = alerts.get('alerts', {}).get('alerts', [])

# Extract case IDs from alerts
case_ids = {alert.get('caseName') for alert in alert_list if alert.get('caseName')}

# Get case details
if case_ids:
    cases = chronicle.get_cases(list(case_ids))
    # Process cases
    for case in cases.cases:
        print(f"Case: {case.display_name}")
        print(f"Priority: {case.priority}")
        print(f"Status: {case.status}")

The alerts response includes:

  • Progress status and completion status
  • Alert counts (baseline and filtered)
  • Alert details (rule information, detection details, etc.)
  • Case associations

You can filter alerts using the snapshot query parameter with fields like:

  • detection.rule_name
  • detection.alert_state
  • feedback_summary.verdict
  • feedback_summary.priority
  • feedback_summary.status

Case Management Helpers

The CaseList class provides helper methods for working with cases:

# Get details for specific cases
cases = chronicle.get_cases(["case-id-1", "case-id-2"])

# Filter cases by priority
high_priority = cases.filter_by_priority("PRIORITY_HIGH")

# Filter cases by status
open_cases = cases.filter_by_status("STATUS_OPEN")

# Look up a specific case
case = cases.get_case("case-id-1")

Rule Management

The SDK provides comprehensive support for managing Chronicle detection rules:

Creating Rules

Create new detection rules using YARA-L 2.0 syntax:

rule_text = """
rule simple_network_rule {
        description = "Example rule to detect network connections"
        author = "SecOps SDK Example"
        severity = "Medium"
        priority = "Medium"
        yara_version = "YL2.0"
        rule_version = "1.0"
        $e.metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_CONNECTION"
        $e.principal.hostname != ""

# Create the rule
rule = chronicle.create_rule(rule_text)
rule_id = rule.get("name", "").split("/")[-1]
print(f"Rule ID: {rule_id}")

Managing Rules

Retrieve, list, update, enable/disable, and delete rules:

# List all rules
rules = chronicle.list_rules()
for rule in rules.get("rules", []):
    rule_id = rule.get("name", "").split("/")[-1]
    enabled = rule.get("deployment", {}).get("enabled", False)
    print(f"Rule ID: {rule_id}, Enabled: {enabled}")

# Get specific rule
rule = chronicle.get_rule(rule_id)
print(f"Rule content: {rule.get('text')}")

# Update rule
updated_rule = chronicle.update_rule(rule_id, updated_rule_text)

# Enable/disable rule
deployment = chronicle.enable_rule(rule_id, enabled=True)  # Enable
deployment = chronicle.enable_rule(rule_id, enabled=False) # Disable

# Delete rule


Run rules against historical data to find past matches:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone

# Set time range for retrohunt
end_time =
start_time = end_time - timedelta(days=7)  # Search past 7 days

# Create retrohunt
retrohunt = chronicle.create_retrohunt(rule_id, start_time, end_time)
operation_id = retrohunt.get("name", "").split("/")[-1]

# Check retrohunt status
retrohunt_status = chronicle.get_retrohunt(rule_id, operation_id)
is_complete = retrohunt_status.get("metadata", {}).get("done", False)

Detections and Errors

Monitor rule detections and execution errors:

# List detections for a rule
detections = chronicle.list_detections(rule_id)
for detection in detections.get("detections", []):
    detection_id = detection.get("id", "")
    event_time = detection.get("eventTime", "")
    alerting = detection.get("alertState", "") == "ALERTING"
    print(f"Detection: {detection_id}, Time: {event_time}, Alerting: {alerting}")

# List execution errors for a rule
errors = chronicle.list_errors(rule_id)
for error in errors.get("ruleExecutionErrors", []):
    error_message = error.get("error_message", "")
    create_time = error.get("create_time", "")
    print(f"Error: {error_message}, Time: {create_time}")

Rule Alerts

Search for alerts generated by rules:

# Set time range for alert search
end_time =
start_time = end_time - timedelta(days=7)  # Search past 7 days

# Search for rule alerts
alerts_response = chronicle.search_rule_alerts(

# The API returns a nested structure where alerts are grouped by rule
# Extract and process all alerts from this structure
all_alerts = []
too_many_alerts = alerts_response.get('tooManyAlerts', False)

# Process the nested response structure - alerts are grouped by rule
for rule_alert in alerts_response.get('ruleAlerts', []):
    # Extract rule metadata
    rule_metadata = rule_alert.get('ruleMetadata', {})
    rule_id = rule_metadata.get('properties', {}).get('ruleId', 'Unknown')
    rule_name = rule_metadata.get('properties', {}).get('name', 'Unknown')
    # Get alerts for this rule
    rule_alerts = rule_alert.get('alerts', [])
    # Process each alert
    for alert in rule_alerts:
        # Extract important fields
        alert_id = alert.get("id", "")
        detection_time = alert.get("detectionTimestamp", "")
        commit_time = alert.get("commitTimestamp", "")
        alerting_type = alert.get("alertingType", "")
        print(f"Alert ID: {alert_id}")
        print(f"Rule ID: {rule_id}")
        print(f"Rule Name: {rule_name}")
        print(f"Detection Time: {detection_time}")
        # Extract events from the alert
        if 'resultEvents' in alert:
            for var_name, event_data in alert.get('resultEvents', {}).items():
                if 'eventSamples' in event_data:
                    for sample in event_data.get('eventSamples', []):
                        if 'event' in sample:
                            event = sample['event']
                            # Process event data
                            event_type = event.get('metadata', {}).get('eventType', 'Unknown')
                            print(f"Event Type: {event_type}")

If tooManyAlerts is True in the response, consider narrowing your search criteria using a smaller time window or more specific filters.

Rule Sets

Manage curated rule sets:

# Define deployments for rule sets
deployments = [
        "category_id": "category-uuid",
        "rule_set_id": "ruleset-uuid",
        "precision": "broad",
        "enabled": True,
        "alerting": False

# Update rule set deployments

Rule Validation

Validate a YARA-L2 rule before creating or updating it:

# Example rule
rule_text = """
rule test_rule {
        description = "Test rule for validation"
        author = "Test Author"
        severity = "Low"
        yara_version = "YL2.0"
        rule_version = "1.0"
        $e.metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_CONNECTION"

# Validate the rule
result = chronicle.validate_rule(rule_text)

if result.success:
    print("Rule is valid")
    print(f"Rule is invalid: {result.message}")
    if result.position:
        print(f"Error at line {result.position['startLine']}, column {result.position['startColumn']}")

Error Handling

The SDK defines several custom exceptions:

from secops.exceptions import SecOpsError, AuthenticationError, APIError

    results = chronicle.search_udm(...)
except AuthenticationError as e:
    print(f"Authentication failed: {e}")
except APIError as e:
    print(f"API request failed: {e}")
except SecOpsError as e:
    print(f"General error: {e}")

Value Type Detection

The SDK automatically detects these entity types:

  • IPv4 addresses
  • MD5/SHA1/SHA256 hashes
  • Domain names
  • Email addresses
  • MAC addresses
  • Hostnames

Example of automatic detection:

# These will automatically use the correct field paths and value types
ip_summary = chronicle.summarize_entity(value="")
domain_summary = chronicle.summarize_entity(value="")
hash_summary = chronicle.summarize_entity(value="e17dd4eef8b4978673791ef4672f4f6a")

You can also override the automatic detection:

summary = chronicle.summarize_entity(
    field_path="custom.field.path",  # Override automatic detection
    value_type="DOMAIN_NAME"         # Explicitly set value type


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.