The following examples show how to use Easegress for different scenarios.
- API Aggregator - Aggregating many APIs into a single API.
- FaaS - Supporting Knative FaaS integration
- Flash Sale - How to do high concurrent promotion sales with Easegress
- LoadBalancer - A number of strategy of load balancing
- Distributed Tracing - How to do APM tracing - Zipkin.
- Kubernetes Ingress Controller - How to integrated with Kubernetes as ingress controller
- Performance - Performance optimization - compression, caching etc.
- Resilience and Fault Tolerance - Circuit Breaker, Rate Lmiter, Retryer, Time limiter, etc. (Porting from Java resilience4j)
- Security - How to do authenication by Header, JWT, HMAC, OAuth2, etc.
- Service Proxy - Supporting the Microservice registries - Zookeeper, Eureka, Consul, Nacos, etc.
- WebAssembly - Using AssemblyScript to extend the Easegress
- Workflow - An Example to make a workflow for a number of APIs.