Oliver Gugger, Puzzle ITC
Disclaimer: Slides are provided for illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice or strategy. Do your own research! Vested interest: Author owns Bitcoin and other crypto currencies
- About Puzzle ITC
- Smart Contracts
- The Lightning Network
- Trading Basics
- Workshop: Questions – Answers
- Snacks and drinks offered by Puzzle ITC
one team – one mission

We cover the whole Life Cycle of business applications

We are the partner for Open Source solutions

We belong to the best employers in Switzerland
We support you through the whole IT project
- Puzzle created a Lightning Network team
- Hands-on workshops to the Lightning Network regularly on Meetup
- Starting in summer, members can choose to receive part of their salary in Bitcoin
- We are always looking for talented engineers
- Scripts on a blockchain
- Self-executing programs that handle funds
- Two categories
- Turing-complete virtual machine (Ethereum, RSK)
- Turing-incomplete scripts (Bitcoin and forks)
- Crypto Currency named Ether
- Pow, block time 14-15sec
- Turing-complete Ethereum Virtual Machine
- Called the World Computer
- Programmed in Solidity or others (Serpent, LLL, Mutan)
- Every full node runs all the code and has all the state
- Two types of addresses: User accounts and contract addresses
- Interact with contract through transaction
- Contract needs Gas to run
- Gas limit
- Gas price (Gwei, "gigawei", or "nanoether")
* Applications
* CryptoKitties!
* ERC20 tokens
* Dapps

- Forth-like stack-based stateless
Turing-incomplete language - P2PKH (pay-to-public-key-hash)
- P2SH (pay-to-script-hash)
OP_HASH160 <Hash160(redeemScript)> OP_EQUAL
- Flow control
- Multisignature
- Time locks
- Hash locks
- Applications
- Escrow services
- Payment Channels
- Atomic cross-chain trading
- Smart Contracts create Payment Channels
- Funding transaction is in blockchain
- Payment Channel updates happen at "speed of light"
- Payments can be routed through multiple hops/channels, creating a network
- Protected by onion routing/multi layer encryption
- No trust required, cheating made impossible by cryptography
- Layer 2 on top of Bitcoin
- Routing payments like TCP/IP
- Hands-on workshop repeated soon
- First mainnet node in Switzerland, among the first 110 world wide
- We want to help build the network for Switzerland
- Build and support the community
- Approach merchants
- Pay employees through Lightning
- Slides: gugger.guru/lightning-workshop
- Puzzle Blog: puzzle.ch/de/blog
- Lightning Network: three part video on youtube
- testnet node: lightning-test.puzzle.ch
- Meetup: Stay tuned for next events