Oliver Gugger
Part of the Lightning Network team at
Puzzle ITC, contributor to lnd
Notes at: https://beta.etherpad.org/p/lightning-workshop
- Even with SegWit the block size is limited (1'000 vkB, 4'000 kWU)
- Average transactions per block went up as far as 2'723 (~4.5 tx/s)
- How do we get to Visa which can process up to 24'000 tx/s at peak?
Sure, because downloading 5.3 GB every 10 minutes is no problem!
- Scale off-chain
- Add a layer 2
- For example: The Lightning Network
- Smart Contracts create Payment Channels
- Funding transaction is in blockchain
- Payment Channel updates happen at "speed of light"
- Payments can be routed through multiple hops/channels, creating a network
- Protected by onion routing/multi layer encryption
- No trust required, cheating made impossible by cryptography
- Layer 2 on top of Bitcoin
- Routing payments like TCP/IP
- Install any Lightning Network wallet for Bitcoin testnet as described on https://gugger.guru/lightning-workshop/
- Send yourself some testnet Bitcoin
- Wait for the balance to be confirmed (usually 3 confirmations)
Technologies used:
- Multisignatures
- Timelocks
- CheckLockTimeVerify (absolute)
- CheckSequenceVerify (relative)
- Hashlocks
from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tHD9Gj9UNg
from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tHD9Gj9UNg
from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tHD9Gj9UNg
from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tHD9Gj9UNg
from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-bXIZOMNyA
- Open a channel to lightning-test.puzzle.ch
- Wait for the funding transaction to be confirmed (usually 3 confirmations)
from: https://lnmainnet.gaben.win/
assume Puzzle ITC has a Lightning Network Hub and channels with merchants:
- What considerations would you make when choosing a Hub?
- How big of a channel would you want to open?
- How big would the channels to the merchants need to be?