This documentation will introduce some implement about syzkaller:
- Show you how fuzzer sent data to executor and how executor execute a syscall.
- The sequence of syscalls generation.
- User program minimize.
- About corpus.
- About KCOV.
- Resource centric
This section is about syz-fuzzer. Syz-manager will run the command in VM by ssh:
/syz-fuzzer -executor=/syz-executor -name=vm-0 -arch=amd64 -manager= -procs=1 -leak=false -cover=true -sandbox=none -debug=true -v=100
In the fuzzer side, syz-fuzzer will run executors and send data to it by using pipe. In syz-fusser/fuzzer.go function main, we can see:
/* flagProcs is from -procs */
for pid := 0; pid < *flagProcs; pid++ {
/* initiate Proc struct */
proc, err := newProc(fuzzer, pid)
if err != nil {
Fatalf("failed to create proc: %v", err)
fuzzer.procs = append(fuzzer.procs, proc)
go proc.loop()
The loop() is in syz-fuzzer/proc.go. 'Generate' and 'Mutate' will determine syscall sequence of userspace process. 'proc.execute' send data to executor to run syscalls.
func (proc *Proc) loop() {
ct := proc.fuzzer.choiceTable
/* The corpus reflash every times */
corpus := proc.fuzzer.corpusSnapshot()
if len(corpus) == 0 || i%100 == 0 {
// Generate a new prog.
p :=, programLength, ct)
Logf(1, "#%v: generated",
proc.execute(proc.execOpts, p, ProgNormal, StatGenerate)
} else {
// Mutate an existing prog.
p := corpus[proc.rnd.Intn(len(corpus))].Clone()
p.Mutate(proc.rnd, programLength, ct, corpus)
Logf(1, "#%v: mutated",
proc.execute(proc.execOpts, p, ProgNormal, StatFuzz)
The process will be executed as following: proc.execute -> executeRaw -> env.Exec -> env.cmd.exec 'env.Exec' setup the environment and make the commandline of executor. 'env.cmd.exec' will send progDate to executor continuously.
func (env *Env) Exec(opts *ExecOpts, p *prog.Prog) (output []byte, info []CallInfo, failed, hanged bool, err0 error) {
/* progData will be sent to executor */
var progData []byte
if env.config.Flags&FlagUseShmem == 0 {
progData =[:progSize]
atomic.AddUint64(&env.StatExecs, 1)
/* Redirect the stdio and run syz-executor */
if env.cmd == nil {
atomic.AddUint64(&env.StatRestarts, 1)
env.cmd, err0 = makeCommand(, env.bin, env.config, env.inFile, env.outFile)
/* Send progData, executor will run syscalls */
var restart bool
output, failed, hanged, restart, err0 = env.cmd.exec(opts, progData)
if err0 != nil || restart {
env.cmd = nil
/* Read kernel coverage */
if env.out != nil {
info, err0 = env.readOutCoverage(p)
'makeCommand': first, setup executor stdio to os.Pipe. Then, run executor by using osutil.Command:
func makeCommand(pid int, bin []string, config *Config, inFile *os.File, outFile *os.File) (*command, error) {
// executor->ipc command pipe.
inrp, inwp, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create pipe: %v", err)
defer inwp.Close()
c.inrp = inrp
// ipc->executor command pipe.
outrp, outwp, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create pipe: %v", err)
defer outrp.Close()
c.outwp = outwp
c.readDone = make(chan []byte, 1)
c.exited = make(chan struct{})
/* make command, similar to os/exec.Command */
cmd := osutil.Command(bin[0], bin[1:]...)
if inFile != nil && outFile != nil {
cmd.ExtraFiles = []*os.File{inFile, outFile}
cmd.Env = []string{}
cmd.Dir = dir
/* redirect to pipe */
cmd.Stdin = outrp
cmd.Stdout = inwp
/* run syz-executor */
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to start executor binary: %v", err)
c.cmd = cmd
if c.config.Flags&FlagUseForkServer != 0 {
/* Handshake to check the right using of pipe */
if err := c.handshake(); err != nil {
return nil, err
tmp := c
c = nil // disable defer above
return tmp, nil
Send progData continuously, executor run the syscalls continuously.
func (c *command) exec(opts *ExecOpts, progData []byte) (output []byte, failed, hanged,
restart bool, err0 error) {
req := &executeReq{
progSize: uint64(len(progData)),
reqData := (*[unsafe.Sizeof(*req)]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(req))[:]
if _, err := c.outwp.Write(reqData); err != nil {
output = <-c.readDone
err0 = fmt.Errorf("executor %v: failed to write control pipe: %v",, err)
/* send progData by using pipe */
if progData != nil {
if _, err := c.outwp.Write(progData); err != nil {
output = <-c.readDone
err0 = fmt.Errorf("executor %v: failed to write control pipe: %v",, err)
// At this point program is executing.
On the executor side, it just read the input from fuzzer and run the syscalls. 'executor' is run by fuzzer. First, it remap its input/output. 'do_sandbox_*' fork child process to get data and run syscalls. In
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "version") == 0) {
return 0;
/* remap input/output, kInFd/kOutFd will be close */
prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGKILL, 0, 0, 0);
if (mmap(&input_data[0], kMaxInput, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED, kInFd, 0) != &input_data[0])
fail("mmap of input file failed");
// The output region is the only thing in executor process for which consistency matters.
// If it is corrupted ipc package will fail to parse its contents and panic.
// But fuzzer constantly invents new ways of how to currupt the region,
// so we map the region at a (hopefully) hard to guess address surrounded by unmapped pages.
output_data = (uint32*)mmap(kOutputDataAddr, kMaxOutput,
if (output_data != kOutputDataAddr)
fail("mmap of output file failed");
fail("mmap of data segment failed");
// Prevent random programs to mess with these fds.
// Due to races in collider mode, a program can e.g. ftruncate one of these fds,
// which will cause fuzzer to crash.
// That's also the reason why we close kInPipeFd/kOutPipeFd below.
/* dup stdio to kInPipeFd/kOutPipeFd( In executor.h) */
/* Handshake send from makeCommand */
/* fork and run syscalls */
int pid = -1;
switch (flag_sandbox) {
case sandbox_none:
pid = do_sandbox_none();
case sandbox_setuid:
pid = do_sandbox_setuid();
case sandbox_namespace:
pid = do_sandbox_namespace();
fail("unknown sandbox type");
if (pid < 0)
fail("clone failed");
debug("spawned loop pid %d\n", pid);
int status = 0;
while (waitpid(-1, &status, __WALL) != pid) {
status = WEXITSTATUS(status);
// Other statuses happen when fuzzer processes manages to kill loop.
We use the do_sandbox_none as a example, fork and run a loop to recive data:
#if defined(SYZ_EXECUTOR) || defined(SYZ_SANDBOX_NONE)
static int do_sandbox_none(void)
int pid = fork();
if (pid < 0)
fail("sandbox fork failed");
if (pid)
return pid;
#if defined(SYZ_EXECUTOR) || defined(SYZ_ENABLE_CGROUPS)
/* Common source limit */
if (unshare(CLONE_NEWNET)) {
debug("unshare(CLONE_NEWNET): %d\n", errno);
#if defined(SYZ_EXECUTOR) || defined(SYZ_TUN_ENABLE)
Here is the loop:
static void loop()
#if defined(SYZ_EXECUTOR)
// Tell parent that we are ready to serve.
int iter;
for (iter = 0;; iter++) {
#if defined(SYZ_EXECUTOR)
int pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGKILL, 0, 0, 0);
#if defined(SYZ_EXECUTOR)
output_pos = output_data;
/* execute_one executes program stored in input_data */
debug("worker exiting\n");
debug("spawned worker pid %d\n", pid);
for (;;) {
int res = waitpid(-1, &status, __WALL | WNOHANG);
if (res == pid) {
debug("waitpid(%d)=%d\n", pid, res);
debug("waitpid(%d)=%d\n", pid, res);
kill(-pid, SIGKILL);
kill(pid, SIGKILL);
while (waitpid(-1, &status, __WALL) != pid) {
The syscall will be called as following: execute_one -> schedule_call -> thread_create -> thread_start -> worker_thread -> execute_call -> execute_syscall -> syscall
'Generate' and 'Mutate' determine the sequence of syscalls in userspace. 'Generate' generates a random, new program. 'Mutate' will mutate from it. Mutate may insert/remove a syscall, change the call args or splice from the other corpus. The choice of behavior base on the probability.
// Generate generates a random program of length ~ncalls.
// calls is a set of allowed syscalls, if nil all syscalls are used.
func (target *Target) Generate(rs rand.Source, ncalls int, ct *ChoiceTable) *Prog {
p := &Prog{
Target: target,
r := newRand(target, rs)
s := newState(target, ct)
/* Generate a userspace program with random sequence n*calls */
for len(p.Calls) < ncalls {
calls := r.generateCall(s, p)
for _, c := range calls {
/* analyze args, resource */
p.Calls = append(p.Calls, c)
return p
RegisterTarget will initiate the target.Syscalls. buildCallList will enable the Syscall refer to configure from syz-manager. BuildChoiceTable add information about prios. Prios in syzkaller is a two-dimensional array. Represent from syscall a to syscall b.
func (r *randGen) generateCall(s *state, p *Prog) []*Call {
idx := 0
if s.ct == nil {
/* All syscalls */
idx = r.Intn(len(
} else {
/* Choose syscall will random id */
call := -1
if len(p.Calls) != 0 {
call = p.Calls[r.Intn(len(p.Calls))].Meta.ID
/* Choose call refer to proi */
idx = s.ct.Choose(r.Rand, call)
meta :=[idx]
/* Generate args, add to calls */
return r.generateParticularCall(s, meta)
Here we can see several kinds of mutate in the switch, 'case' determin the probability of mutate mode choice. Probability of oneOf(n) is 1/n. Probability of nOutOf(n, m) is n/m. The method used is similar to generate a call.
func (p *Prog) Mutate(rs rand.Source, ncalls int, ct *ChoiceTable, corpus []*Prog) {
r := newRand(p.Target, rs)
retry := false
for stop := false; !stop || retry; stop = r.oneOf(3) {
retry = false
switch {
case r.oneOf(5):
// Not all calls have anything squashable,
// so this has lower priority in reality.
complexPtrs := p.complexPtrs()
if len(complexPtrs) == 0 {
retry = true
ptr := complexPtrs[r.Intn(len(complexPtrs))]
if !p.Target.isAnyPtr(ptr.Type()) {
p.Target.squashPtr(ptr, true)
var blobs []*DataArg
var bases []*PointerArg
ForeachSubArg(ptr, func(arg Arg, ctx *ArgCtx) {
if data, ok := arg.(*DataArg); ok && arg.Type().Dir() != DirOut {
blobs = append(blobs, data)
bases = append(bases, ctx.Base)
if len(blobs) == 0 {
retry = true
// TODO(dvyukov): we probably want special mutation for ANY.
// E.g. merging adjacent ANYBLOBs (we don't create them,
// but they can appear in future); or replacing ANYRES
// with a blob (and merging it with adjacent blobs).
idx := r.Intn(len(blobs))
arg := blobs[idx]
base := bases[idx]
baseSize := base.Res.Size() = mutateData(r, arg.Data(), 0, maxBlobLen)
// Update base pointer if size has increased.
if baseSize < base.Res.Size() {
s := analyze(ct, p, p.Calls[0])
newArg := r.allocAddr(s, base.Type(), base.Res.Size(), base.Res)
*base = *newArg
case r.nOutOf(1, 100):
// Splice with another prog from corpus.
if len(corpus) == 0 || len(p.Calls) == 0 {
retry = true
p0 := corpus[r.Intn(len(corpus))]
p0c := p0.Clone()
idx := r.Intn(len(p.Calls))
p.Calls = append(p.Calls[:idx], append(p0c.Calls, p.Calls[idx:]...)...)
for i := len(p.Calls) - 1; i >= ncalls; i-- {
case r.nOutOf(20, 31):
// Insert a new call.
if len(p.Calls) >= ncalls {
retry = true
idx := r.biasedRand(len(p.Calls)+1, 5)
var c *Call
if idx < len(p.Calls) {
c = p.Calls[idx]
s := analyze(ct, p, c)
calls := r.generateCall(s, p)
p.insertBefore(c, calls)
case r.nOutOf(10, 11):
// Change args of a call.
if len(p.Calls) == 0 {
retry = true
c := p.Calls[r.Intn(len(p.Calls))]
if len(c.Args) == 0 {
retry = true
s := analyze(ct, p, c)
updateSizes := true
retryArg := false
for stop := false; !stop || retryArg; stop = r.oneOf(3) {
retryArg = false
ma := &mutationArgs{target: p.Target}
ForeachArg(c, ma.collectArg)
if len(ma.args) == 0 {
retry = true
continue outer
idx := r.Intn(len(ma.args))
arg, ctx := ma.args[idx], ma.ctxes[idx]
calls, ok := p.Target.mutateArg(r, s, arg, ctx, &updateSizes)
if !ok {
retryArg = true
p.insertBefore(c, calls)
if updateSizes {
// Remove a random call.
if len(p.Calls) == 0 {
retry = true
idx := r.Intn(len(p.Calls))
for _, c := range p.Calls {
/* Some syscalls may need specially modify */
syz-db usage( from here):
syz-db unpack $(YOUR_CORPUS.DB) $(YOUR_TMP_DIR)
You can found a lot of files in $(YOUR_TMP_DIR). You may want to add to or modify it according to your need. Then repack your corpus run:
syz-db pack $(YOUR_TMP_DIR) $(YOUR_CORPUS.DB)
In MakeEnv, setup the share memory to get the output from process:
func MakeEnv(config *Config, pid int) (*Env, error) {
// CreateMemMappedFile creates a temp file with the requested size and maps it into memory.
inf, inmem, err = osutil.CreateMemMappedFile(prog.ExecBufferSize)
outf, outmem, err = osutil.CreateMemMappedFile(outputSize)
/* set output */
env := &Env{
in: inmem,
out: outmem,
inFile: inf,
outFile: outf,
Pass args to makeCommand:
func (env *Env) Exec(opts *ExecOpts, p *prog.Prog) (output []byte, info []CallInfo, failed, hanged bool, err0 error){
/* 'env.inFile, env.outFile' as extrafiles, except stdio */
env.cmd, err0 = makeCommand(, env.bin, env.config, env.inFile, env.outFile)
In executor main func, apply extrafiles for output.
/* After stdin, stdout, stderr */
const int kInFd = 3;
const int kOutFd = 4;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (mmap(&input_data[0], kMaxInput, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED, kInFd, 0) != &input_data[0])
output_data = (uint32*)mmap(kOutputDataAddr, kMaxOutput,
In executor loop, handle_completion will be called indirectly. This function will write out the signal/coverage information to share memory. The data will be process by fuzzer.
void handle_completion(thread_t* th)
if (!collide && !th->colliding) {
/* Send relative information */
uint32 reserrno = th->res != -1 ? 0 : th->reserrno;
/* Only get the pointer */
uint32* signal_count_pos = write_output(0); // filled in later
uint32* cover_count_pos = write_output(0); // filled in later
uint32* comps_count_pos = write_output(0); // filled in later
uint32 nsig = 0, cover_size = 0, comps_size = 0;
/* KCOV mode, in kernel configure */
if (flag_collect_comps) {
// Collect only the comparisons
uint32 ncomps = th->cover_size;
kcov_comparison_t* start = (kcov_comparison_t*)th->cover_data;
/* th->cover_data initiate in cover_open */
kcov_comparison_t* end = start + ncomps;
if ((uint64*)end >= th->cover_data + kCoverSize)
fail("too many comparisons %u", ncomps);
std::sort(start, end);
ncomps = std::unique(start, end) - start;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < ncomps; ++i) {
if (start[i].ignore())
} else {
// Write out feedback signals.
// Currently it is code edges computed as xor of
// two subsequent basic block PCs.
uint32 prev = 0;
/* Hase to signal base on the pc */
for (uint32 i = 0; i < th->cover_size; i++) {
uint32 pc = (uint32)th->cover_data[i];
uint32 sig = pc ^ prev;
prev = hash(pc);
if (dedup(sig))
if (flag_collect_cover) {
// Write out real coverage (basic block PCs).
cover_size = th->cover_size;
if (flag_dedup_cover) {
uint64* start = (uint64*)th->cover_data;
uint64* end = start + cover_size;
std::sort(start, end);
cover_size = std::unique(start, end) - start;
// Truncate PCs to uint32 assuming that they fit into 32-bits.
// True for x86_64 and arm64 without KASLR.
for (uint32 i = 0; i < cover_size; i++)
/* Fill memory has been 'write_output(0)' */
// Write out real coverage (basic block PCs).
*cover_count_pos = cover_size;
// Write out number of comparisons
*comps_count_pos = comps_size;
// Write out number of signals
*signal_count_pos = nsig;
debug("out #%u: index=%u num=%u errno=%d sig=%u cover=%u comps=%u\n",
completed, th->call_index, th->call_num, reserrno, nsig,
cover_size, comps_size);
th->handled = true;
Env.readOutCoverage read the information written out by handle_completion.
func (env *Env) readOutCoverage(p *prog.Prog) (info []CallInfo, err0 error) {
/* Slice env.out */
out := ((*[1 << 28]uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&env.out[0])))[:len(env.out)/int(unsafe.Sizeof(uint32(0)))]
readOut := func(v *uint32) bool {
if len(out) == 0 {
return false
*v = out[0]
out = out[1:]
return true
/* read by using readOut and set Err to msg */
readOutAndSetErr := func(v *uint32, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
if !readOut(v)
// Reads out a 64 bits int in Little-endian as two blocks of 32 bits.
readOut64 := func(v *uint64, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
if !(readOutAndSetErr(&a, msg, args) && readOutAndSetErr(&b, msg, args))
var ncmd uint32
if !readOutAndSetErr(&ncmd,
"executor %v: failed to read output coverage", {
/* read call info */
for i := uint32(0); i < ncmd; i++ {
/* readout sequentially, written by write_output, the sort is the same */
var callIndex, callNum, errno, faultInjected, signalSize, coverSize, compsSize uint32
if !readOut(&callIndex) || !readOut(&callNum) || !readOut(&errno) || !readOut(&faultInjected) || !readOut(&signalSize) || !readOut(&coverSize) || !readOut(&compsSize) {
// Read out signals.
info[callIndex].Signal = out[:signalSize:signalSize]
out = out[signalSize:]
// Read out coverage
info[callIndex].Cover = out[:coverSize:coverSize]
out = out[coverSize:]
for j := uint32(0); j < compsSize; j++ {
info[callIndex].Comps = compMap
Finally, 'triageInput' will process the data read. 'triageInput' convert signal from uint32 to 'Signal' map. Signal is base on pc. Then pick out new signal by comparing all the maps. The new signal may need verifity and minimizing. Then add to fuzzer corpus and manager corpus.
func (proc *Proc) triageInput(item *WorkTriage) {
Logf(1, "#%v: triaging type=%x",, item.flags)
if !proc.fuzzer.coverageEnabled {
panic("should not be called when coverage is disabled")
call := item.p.Calls[]
/* From uint32 signal to Signal map */
inputSignal := signal.FromRaw(, signalPrio(item.p.Target, call, &
/* Pick out new signal by prio */
newSignal := proc.fuzzer.corpusSignalDiff(inputSignal)
var inputCover cover.Cover
const (
signalRuns = 3
minimizeAttempts = 3
// Compute input coverage and non-flaky signal for minimization.
notexecuted := 0
for i := 0; i < signalRuns; i++ {
info := proc.executeRaw(proc.execOptsCover, item.p, StatTriage)
if len(info) == 0 || len(info[].Signal) == 0 || == 0 && info[].Errno != 0 {
// The call was not executed or failed.
if notexecuted > signalRuns/2+1 {
return // if happens too often, give up
inf := info[]
/* Check the signal */
thisSignal := signal.FromRaw(inf.Signal, signalPrio(item.p.Target, call, &inf))
newSignal = newSignal.Intersection(thisSignal)
// Without !minimized check manager starts losing some considerable amount
// of coverage after each restart. Mechanics of this are not completely clear.
if newSignal.Empty() && item.flags&ProgMinimized == 0 {
/* Minimize */
if item.flags&ProgMinimized == 0 {
item.p, = prog.Minimize(item.p,, false,
func(p1 *prog.Prog, call1 int) bool {...})
data := item.p.Serialize()
sig := hash.Hash(data)
Logf(2, "added new input for %v to corpus:\n%s", call.Meta.CallName, data)
Call: call.Meta.CallName,
Prog: data,
Signal: inputSignal.Serialize(),
Cover: inputCover.Serialize(),
proc.fuzzer.addInputToCorpus(item.p, inputSignal, sig)
if item.flags&ProgSmashed == 0 {
Syzkaller have to pick up those effort effective syscalls from the random generated program. This is program minimize. It called by:
func (proc *Proc) triageInput(item *WorkTriage) {
item.p, = prog.Minimize(item.p,, false,
func(...) bool {...})
The minimize implement:
func Minimize(p0 *Prog, callIndex0 int, crash bool, pred0 func(*Prog, int) bool) (*Prog, int) {
// Try to remove all calls except the last one one-by-one.
/* The pred will run the cut-off prog
* if the cut-off prog can't effectivly generate sig, return False
p0, callIndex0 = removeCalls(p0, callIndex0, crash, pred)
func removeCalls(p0 *Prog, callIndex0 int, crash bool, pred func(*Prog, int) (*Prog, int) {
for i := len(p0.Calls) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if i == callIndex0 {
callIndex := callIndex0
if i < callIndex {
p := p0.Clone()
/* run the cut-of prog to trigge the sig */
if !pred(p, callIndex) {
/* It means one of the effective syscall was cut */
/* It means one of the ineffective syscall was remove */
p0 = p
callIndex0 = callIndex
return p0, callIndex0
Here is the predicate progrom slice from triageInput method:
func(p1 *prog.Prog, call1 int) bool {
for i := 0; i < minimizeAttempts; i++ {
info := proc.execute(proc.execOptsNoCollide, p1, ProgNormal, StatMinimize)
if info == nil || len(info.Calls) == 0 || len(info.Calls[call1].Signal) == 0 {
//The call was not executed.
inf := info.Calls[call1]
if == 0 && inf.Errno != 0 {
// Don't minimize calls from successful to unsuccessful.
// Successful calls are much more valuable.
return false
prio := signalPrio(p1.Target, p1.Calls[call1], &inf)
thisSignal := signal.FromRaw(inf.Signal, prio)
if newSignal.Intersection(thisSignal).Len() == newSignal.Len() {
return true
return false
The syzkaller use the KCOV for collecting the kernel coverage triggered by fuzzer. Some information about KCOV:
- gcc insert the calls to get information of kernel. This is some information about trace_pc/trace_cmp. Note that KCOV doesn't show all the code triggered by userspace process. For example, a base-block may be recorded as a line coverage.
- Implementing handle functions which are called to get information at runtime. Implementinf share memory of per process( in struct task_struc). Implementing proc interface, fops/mmap/ioctl... Kernel implement local in 'kernel/kcov.c'.
- Using the proc/ interface in every userspace prog. Enable KCOV by ioctl and read information from mmap region. The syzkaller's implement is in 'executor/'.
KCOV_COMPARISON collect comparision operands of a branch. If you build kernel with this flag on, __sanitizer_cov_trace_cmp* will be insert to kernel before a comparison. And __sanitizer_cov_trace_cmp* will encode operands to two 64-bit args. Syzkalls use these information to do mutation with hint.
void write_call_output(thread_t* th, bool finished)
if (flag_collect_comps) {
// Collect only the comparisons
uint32 ncomps = th->cov.size;
kcov_comparison_t* start = (kcov_comparison_t*)(th-> + sizeof(uint64));
kcov_comparison_t* end = start + ncomps;
uint32 comps_size = 0;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < ncomps; ++i) {
if (start[i].ignore())
void kcov_comparison_t::write()
/* write_output will send a 32-bit arg to fuzz */
write_output((uint32)(arg1 & 0xFFFFFFFF));
write_output((uint32)(arg1 >> 32));
write_output((uint32)(arg2 & 0xFFFFFFFF));
write_output((uint32)(arg2 >> 32));
These code finish collecting comparison information from kernel kcov interface. Then, fuzzer will handle the information, and do a correspond mutation of the prog. In the fuzzer side, you can found readcomps() read the comparison information from executor output. And executeHintSeed() will be called by smashInput().
func (p *Prog) MutateWithHints(callIndex int, comps CompMap, exec func(p *Prog)) {
p = p.Clone()
c := p.Calls[callIndex]
execValidate := func() {
ForeachArg(c, func(arg Arg, _ *ArgCtx) {
generateHints(comps, arg, execValidate)
generateHints() will generate input base on comparison operands.
The commit dbd627e introduce a great feature: "resource centric". Resource centric is a little similar to "stack-based" program generating while syzkaller generate/remove/insert syscalls linearly before that.
In syzkaller, if a variable created by one or more syscalls and used by the subsequent syscalls, it is what syzkaller calls "resource". Syzkaller used to hard-code the rule between resource and syscalls. And generate resource for syscalls follow the rule.
But resources can be different after used by subsequent syscalls. For example:
sk0 = socket();
sk1 = socket();
For sendmsg, sk1 may be more useful than sk0. Before "resource centric", prog1 can be generated by syzkaller by:
- Generate prog with connect/sendmsg
- Resource sk is used by connect/sendmsg, follow the rule, sk = socket() will be inserted before the connect/sendmsg
- Mutate insert syscalls randomly. If a connect/sendmsg is inserted appropriately, prog1 will be generated.
Now, after introduce "resource centric", if a prog* was collected in the corpus, it can be used by the subsequent syscall as a special resource. Prog1 may be generated in this way:
- generate prog with sendmsg
- Resource sk* is used by sendmsg, search and pick out sk* reosurce( a prog with subsequence sk=socket()-->*)from corpus randomly. If resource with subsequence "sk=socket()-->connect(sk)" was picked out as sendmsg's resource. prog1 can be generate.
It can be represented as pseudocode:
// res_from_prog: picking out an useful resoure from prog,
// it's actually what the "resource centric" done.
// prog2 is the desired prog, And prog0,prog1 is in the corpus
socket(domain, type, proto); // prog0 in corpus
connect(res_from_prog(prog0), addr, addrlen) // prog1 in corpus
sendmsg(res_from_prog(prog1), msghdr, send_flag) // prog2
This is only a sample, prog1 can be a series of syscalls who use the resoure from prog0. In other word, prog1 also can be generated linearly. Than prog1 will be used by sendmsg as a resource, iteratively prog2 can be used as a resource by other syscall also. It's a little similar to stack-based program generating. Here is the syzkaller's implement
// Finds a compatible resource with the type `t` and the calls that initialize that resource.
func resourceCentric(t *ResourceType, s *state, r *randGen) (resource *ResultArg, calls []*Call) {
/* search the prog who has a resource with type 't' */
var p *Prog
for idx := range r.Perm(len(s.corpus)) {
/* pick out prog from corpus */
p = s.corpus[idx].Clone()
/* search the every arg in prog */
resources := getCompatibleResources(p, t.TypeName, r)
if len(resources) > 0 {
resource = resources[r.Intn(len(resources))]
// No compatible resource was found.
if resource == nil { ... }
// Set that stores the resources that appear in the same calls with the selected resource.
// Remove unrelated calls from the program.
return resource, p.Calls
func getCompatibleResources(p *Prog, resourceType string, r *randGen) (resources []*ResultArg) {
/* walk all syscalls in a prog */
for _, c := range p.Calls {
/* walk every arg in a syscall */
ForeachArg(c, func(arg Arg, _ *ArgCtx) {
// Collect only initialized resources (the ones that are already used in other calls).
a, ok := arg.(*ResultArg)
if !ok || len(a.uses) == 0 || a.typ.Dir() != DirOut {
if !, a.typ.Name()) {
resources = append(resources, a)
return resources