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Build Loaders
Build loaders are the means by which sbt resolves, builds, and transforms build definitions. Each aspect of loading may be customized for special applications. Customizations are specified by overriding the buildLoaders methods of your build definition's Build object. These customizations apply to external projects loaded by the build, but not the (already loaded) Build in which they are defined. Also documented on this page is how to manipulate inter-project dependencies from a setting.
The first type of customization introduces a new resolver. A resolver provides support for taking a build URI and retrieving it to a local directory on the filesystem. For example, the built-in resolver can checkout a build using git based on a git URI, use a build in an existing local directory, or download and extract a build packaged in a jar file. A resolver has type:
ResolveInfo => Option[() => File]
The resolver should return None if it cannot handle the URI or Some containing a function that will retrieve the build. The ResolveInfo provides a staging directory that can be used or the resolver can determine its own target directory. Whichever is used, it should be returned by the loading function. A resolver is registered by passing it to BuildLoader.resolve and overriding Build.buildLoaders with the result:
object Demo extends Build {
override def buildLoader =
BuildLoader.resolve(demoResolver) ::
def demoResolver: BuildLoader.ResolveInfo => Option[() => File] = ...
Relevant API documentation for custom resolvers:
import sbt._
import Keys._
object Demo extends Build
// Define a project that depends on an external project with a custom URI
lazy val root = Project("root", file(".")).dependsOn(
// Register the custom resolver
override def buildLoaders =
BuildLoader.resolve(demoResolver) ::
// Define the custom resolver, which handles the 'demo' scheme.
// The resolver's job is to produce a directory containing the project to load.
// A subdirectory of info.staging can be used to create new local
// directories, such as when doing 'git clone ...'
def demoResolver(info: BuildLoader.ResolveInfo): Option[() => File] =
if(info.uri.getScheme != "demo")
// Use a subdirectory of the staging directory for the new local build.
// The subdirectory name is derived from a hash of the URI,
// and so identical URIs will resolve to the same directory (as desired).
val base = RetrieveUnit.temporary(info.staging, info.uri)
// Return a closure that will do the actual resolution when requested.
Some(() => resolveDemo(base, info.uri.getSchemeSpecificPart))
// Construct a sample project on the fly with the name specified in the URI.
def resolveDemo(base: File, ssp: String): File =
// Only create the project if it hasn't already been created.
IO.write(base / "build.sbt", template.format(ssp))
def template = """
name := "%s"
version := "1.0"
Once a project is resolved, it needs to be built and then presented to sbt as an instance of sbt.BuildUnit
A custom builder has type:
BuildInfo => Option[() => BuildUnit]
A builder returns None if it does not want to handle the build identified by the BuildInfo
Otherwise, it provides a function that will load the build when evaluated.
Register a builder by passing it to BuildLoader.build and overriding Build.buildLoaders with the result:
object Demo extends Build {
override def buildLoader =
BuildLoader.build(demoBuilder) ::
def demoBuilder: BuildLoader.BuildInfo => Option[() => BuildUnit] = ...
Relevant API documentation for custom builders:
This example demonstrates the structure of how a custom builder could read configuration from a pom.xml instead of the standard .sbt files and project/ directory.
... imports ...
object Demo extends Build
lazy val root = Project("root", file(".")) dependsOn( file("basic-pom-project") )
override def buildLoaders =
build(demoBuilder) ::
def demoBuilder: BuildInfo => Option[() => BuildUnit] = info =>
Some(() => pomBuild(info))
def pomBuild(info: BuildInfo): BuildUnit =
val pom = pomFile(info)
val model = readPom(pom)
val n = StringUtilities.normalize(model.getName)
val base = Option(model.getProjectDirectory) getOrElse info.base
val root = Project(n, base) settings( pomSettings(model) : _*)
val build = new Build { override def projects = Seq(root) }
val loader = this.getClass.getClassLoader
val definitions = new LoadedDefinitions(info.base, Nil, loader, build :: Nil, Nil)
val plugins = new LoadedPlugins(info.base / "project", Nil, loader, Nil, Nil)
new BuildUnit(info.uri, info.base, definitions, plugins)
def readPom(file: File): Model = ...
def pomSettings(m: Model): Seq[Setting[_]] = ...
def pomFile(info: BuildInfo): File = info.base / "pom.xml"
Once a project has been loaded into an sbt.BuildUnit
, it is transformed by all registered transformers.
A custom transformer has type:
TransformInfo => BuildUnit
A transformer is registered by passing it to BuildLoader.transform and overriding Build.buildLoaders with the result:
object Demo extends Build {
override def buildLoader =
BuildLoader.transform(demoTransformer) ::
def demoBuilder: BuildLoader.TransformInfo => BuildUnit = ...
Relevant API documentation for custom transformers:
The buildDependencies
setting, in the Global scope, defines the aggregation and classpath dependencies between projects.
By default, this information comes from the dependencies defined by Project
instances by the aggregate
and dependsOn
Because buildDependencies
is a setting and is used everywhere dependencies need to be known (once all projects are loaded), plugins and build definitions can transform it to manipulate inter-project dependencies at setting evaluation time.
The only requirement is that no new projects are introduced because all projects are loaded before settings get evaluated.
That is, all Projects must have been declared directly in a Build or referenced as the argument to Project.aggregate
or Project.dependsOn
The type of the buildDependencies
setting is BuildDependencies.
provides mappings from a project to its aggregate or classpath dependencies.
For classpath dependencies, a dependency has type ClasspathDep[ProjectRef]
, which combines a ProjectRef
with a configuration (see ClasspathDep and ProjectRef).
For aggregate dependencies, the type of a dependency is just ProjectRef
The API for BuildDependencies
is not extensive, covering only a little more than the minimum required, and related APIs have more of an internal, unpolished feel.
Most manipulations consist of modifying the relevant map (classpath or aggregate) manually and creating a new BuildDependencies
As an example, the following replaces a reference to a specific build URI with a new URI. This could be used to translate all references to a certain git repository to a different one or to a different mechanism, like a local directory.
buildDependencies in Global ~= { deps =>
val oldURI = uri("...") // the URI to replace
val newURI = uri("...") // the URI replacing oldURI
def substitute(dep: ClasspathDep[ProjectRef]): ClasspathDep[ProjectRef] =
if(dep.project.build == oldURI)
ResolvedClasspathDependency(ProjectRef(newURI, dep.project.project), dep.configuration)
val newcp =
for( (proj, deps) <- deps.cp) yield
(proj, deps map substitute)
new BuildDependencies(cp, deps.aggregate)
It is not limited to such basic translations, however.
The configuration a dependency is defined in may be modified and dependencies may be added or removed.
Modifying buildDependencies
can be combined with modifying libraryDependencies
to convert binary dependencies to and from source dependencies, for example.