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Tips to begin a new extension.

How to start building a new extension: +**1.** Create a manifest.json files, this should have the manifest_version, description, name, version. Use this link to guide you + Link: https://web.dev/articles/add-manifest +**2.** Now that the basics are setup you can add relevant JavaScript and CSS files to build the core of the project. + +**3.** Once finished with development go to chrome settings, more tools, extensions and turn on developer mode. Once done click load unpack to place extension in chrome store. + +

Helpful details for chrome API's used in projects in repo: + +**1.** action: This will allow you to control how the extension interacts when placed on the tool bar. + Include action keyword in manifest. setIcon() is used to set icon in the toolbar. + +**2.** audio: This will let your extension see what audio devices are connected to the device. + isActive boolean will let you see what devices are on. Display names are places in a string array. + +**3.** browsingData: Allows extension to modify user history on chrome. + Give browsingData permissions in the manifest file. Make sure to use a returned promise while process is happening in the background to account for delay. + +**4.** commands: Use this to link bindings with your keys to the extension. + Keys are seperated into alpha keys, numeric jets, standard key, and modifier keys. Places keys into a command declaration to create a command. + +**5.** documentScan: This can retrieve data from scanned images. + Items such as URL that are scanned are stored in a string array. Rest of data scanned is stored in RESULTS. Only 1 image can be scanned at a time. + +**6.** networkingAttributes: Gives network data that is collected from chrome. + Stores iv4, ipv6, and MAC address in strings. These can be retrieved using the getNewotkDetails method. + +**7.** fontSettings: Used to edit the fonts in tabs. + Using the getFont method with constraints of family type and script you can get the current font. setFont() sets the font with the same comstraints. fonts are organized by fontID. + +**8.** pageCapture: Saves a page as a MHTML file. + Add pageCapture permissions to the manifest file. saveAsMHTML() function calls the request. The capture is stored in a details objects with a unique id. + +**9.** printing: Allows for extensions to connect to a printing device and perform print jobs. + Functions include cancelJob, submitJob, getPrinters, and getPrinterInfo. Size of print job can be modified through max_height_microns, min_height_microns, and width_microns. + +**10.** search: Lets the extension use default browsing platform to search. + results from search are stored in queryInfo. To choose what tab to perform query you can use tabId or current tab using CURRENT_TAB.