- Welcome to Hedera — let’s build the future
- Getting Started
- Tutorials
- Smart Contracts
- How to Verify a Smart Contract on HashScan
- Deploy a Smart Contract Using Remix
- Deploy a Smart Contract Using Hardhat and Hedera JSON-RPC Relay
- Deploy Your First Smart Contract
- Deploy a Contract Using the Hedera Token Service
- Send and Receive HBAR Using Solidity Smart Contracts
- Deploy By Leveraging Ethereum Developer Tools On Hedera
- Deploy a Subgraph Using The Graph and Hedera JSON-RPC Relay
- Deploy Smart Contracts on Hedera Using Truffle
- The Power of Native Hedera Tokens as ERC-20 Tokens: A step-by-step guide
- Hedera Smart Contracts Workshop
- Foundry
- Consensus
- Tokens
- Create and Transfer Your First NFT
- Create and Transfer Your First Fungible Token
- Create and Transfer an NFT using a Solidity Contract
- Structure Your Token Metadata Using JSON Schema V2
- Hedera Token Service - Part 1: How to Mint NFTs
- Hedera Token Service - Part 2: KYC, Update, and Scheduled Transactions
- Hedera Token Service - Part 3: How to Pause, Freeze, Wipe, and Delete NFTs
- Create Your First Frictionless Airdrop Campaign
- Local Node
- More Tutorials
- Create and Fund Your Hedera Testnet Account
- How to Create a Personal Access Token (API Key) on the Hedera Portal
- How to Auto-Create Hedera Accounts with HBAR and Token Transfers
- How to Configure a Mirror Node and Query Data
- How to Generate a Random Number on Hedera
- Get Started with the Hedera Consensus Service Fabric Plugin
- Schedule Your First Transaction
- How to Connect to Hedera Networks Over RPC
- JavaScript Testing
- Create a Hedera DApp Integrated with WalletConnect
- How to Connect MetaMask to Hedera
- Demo Applications
- Starter Projects
- Building on Hedera (course)
- Smart Contracts
- Networks
- Core Concepts
- Accounts
- Keys and Signatures
- Schedule Transaction
- Smart Contracts
- Understanding Hedera's EVM Differences and Compatibility
- Creating Smart Contracts
- Compiling Smart Contracts
- System Smart Contracts
- Gas and Fees
- JSON-RPC Relay
- Deploying Smart Contracts
- Smart Contract Addresses
- Verifying Smart Contracts
- Smart Contract Traceability
- Tokens Managed by Smart Contracts
- Smart Contract Rent
- Smart Contract Security
- EVM Archive Node Queries
- Tokens
- Staking
- Hashgraph Consensus Algorithm
- Transactions and Queries
- State and History
- Mirror Nodes
- Open Source Solutions and Integrations
- SDKs & APIs
- SDKs
- Build Your Hedera Client
- Set Up Your Local Network
- Network Address Book
- Keys
- Specialized Types
- Pseudorandom Number Generator
- Transactions
- Schedule Transaction
- Queries
- General Network Response Messages
- Accounts and HBAR
- Consensus Service
- Token Service
- Token ID
- Token types
- Create a token
- Custom token fees
- Update a token
- Update token custom fees
- Update NFT metadata
- Transfer tokens
- Airdrop a token
- Claim a token
- Cancel a token
- Reject a token
- Delete a token
- Mint a token
- Burn a token
- Freeze an account
- Unfreeze an account
- Enable KYC account flag
- Disable KYC account flag
- Associate tokens to an account
- Dissociate tokens from an account
- Pause a token
- Unpause a token
- Wipe a token
- Atomic swaps
- Get account token balance
- Get token info
- Get NFT info
- Network Response Messages
- File Service
- Smart Contract Service
- Signature Provider
- Mirror Node REST API
- Hedera Consensus Service gRPC API
- Hedera APIs
- Basic Types
- AccountAmount
- AccountID
- ContractID
- CryptoAllowance
- CurrentAndNextFeeSchedule
- FeeComponents
- FeeData
- FeeSchedule
- FileID
- Fraction
- HederaFunctionality
- Key
- KeyList
- NftAllowance
- NftTransfer
- NodeAddress
- NodeAddressBook
- RealmID
- ScheduleID
- SemanticVersion
- ServicesConfigurationList
- ServiceEndpoint
- Setting
- ShardID
- Signature
- SignatureList
- SignatureMap
- SignaturePair
- SubType
- TransferList
- TransactionID
- ThresholdKey
- ThresholdSignature
- TokenAllowance
- TokenBalance
- TokenBalances
- TokenFreezeStatus
- TokenPauseStatus
- TokenID
- TokenKycStatus
- TokenRelationship
- TokenTransferList
- TokenType
- TokenSupplyType
- TopicID
- TransactionFeeSchedule
- Cryptocurrency Accounts
- Consensus Service
- Schedule Service
- Token Service
- TokenService
- CustomFees
- TokenCreate
- TokenUpdate
- TokenFeeScheduleUpdate
- TokenDelete
- TokenMint
- TokenBurn
- TokenFreezeAccount
- TokenUnfreezeAccount
- TokenGrantKyc
- TokenRevokeKyc
- TokenAssociate
- TokenDissociate
- TokenWipeAccount
- TokenPause
- TokenUnpause
- TokenGetInfo
- TokenGetNftInfo
- TokenGetNftInfos
- TokenGetAccountNftInfo
- File Service
- Smart Contracts
- Miscellaneous
- Duration
- ExchangeRate
- Freeze
- FreezeType
- GetByKey
- GetBySolidityID
- NetworkGetVersionInfo
- NetworkService
- Query
- QueryHeader
- Response
- ResponseCode
- ResponseHeader
- SystemDelete
- SystemUndelete
- TimeStamp
- Transaction
- TransactionBody
- TransactionContents
- TransactionGetFastRecord
- TransactionGetReceipt
- TransactionGetRecord
- TransactionReceipt
- TransactionRecord
- TransactionResponse
- UncheckedSubmit
- Basic Types
- Deprecated
- SDKs (V1)
- Build your Hedera client
- Set-up Your Local Network
- Network address book
- Keys
- Hbars
- Specialized Types
- Pseudorandom Number Generator
- Transactions
- Scheduled Transaction
- Queries
- General Network Response Messages
- Accounts and hbar
- Consensus Service
- Token Service
- Token ID
- Token types
- Create a token
- Custom token fees
- Update a token
- Update token custom fees
- Transfer tokens
- Delete a token
- Mint a token
- Burn a token
- Freeze an account
- Unfreeze an account
- Enable KYC account flag
- Disable KYC account flag
- Associate tokens to an account
- Dissociate tokens from an account
- Pause a token
- Unpause a token
- Wipe a token
- Atomic swaps
- Get account token balance
- Get token info
- Get NFT info
- Network Response Messages
- File Service
- SDKs (V1)
- SDKs
- Support & Community