Releases: ietf-tools/ietf-guides
Django 2.2 and template changes to reflect IETF 108
This release moves the codebase to Django 2.2 and updates the template for email sent when a match is made to match IETF108's conditions.
With the upgrade to Django 2.2, sqlite3 based testing fails. Tests run on mysql (which matches production) succeed. See issue #25.
Update match template signature line, limit remote attendance responses to Yes or No
Update match template signature line, limit remote attendance responses to Yes or No
Handle remote participants
Collect whether participants will be remote and whether guides are willing to guide remote participants.
Be more forgiving with date formats
Allow dashes as well as slashes while interpreting input dates
Cancelling matches before email is sent
Add the ability to cancel a match from the match email view
Addresses containerization and Python port issues
Addresses containerization and Python port issues
IETF 105 specific template changes
Changes to email templates for IETF 105.
Operational Improvements
Reworked startup to use an already built mod_wsgi-express generated config.
Moved mod_wsgi-express generated config out to the host filesystem.
Added several packages to assist with operations.
Added a script to regenerate the mod_wsgi-express configuration in a comparison directory.
Conversion to Python 3
v0.9.1 Merge branch 'master' of