To “new” or not to “new”… (2008-09-30) http://misko.hevery.com/2008/09/30/to-new-or-not-to-new/ 區分 injectable 跟 newable,遵守 injectable 不透過 constructor 要求 newable,或是 newable 不透過 constructor 要求 injectable,就可以讓程式好測試
When to inject: the distinction between newables and injectables - Invisible to the eye (2009-07-29) http://www.giorgiosironi.com/2009/07/when-to-inject-distinction-between.html 有看過
會自己送信的嗎? 就算透過 factory 成功將MailService
注入,還是會有一些問題,其中 serialization/deserialization 的觀點尤其特別;因為 entity 因為 stateful 所以是 newable,而 service 因為 stateless 所以是 injectable,掌握 "service 可以相依 entity,但反過來不行" 的原則,從$mail = new Mail($this._service, $title, $text); $mail->send();
演變成$mail = new Mail($title, $text); $this->_service->send($mail);
Never write the same code twice: Dependency Injection - Invisible to the eye (2009-07-28) http://www.giorgiosironi.com/2009/07/never-write-same-code-twice-dependency.html #ril
Domain-Driven Design and Spring http://static.olivergierke.de/lectures/ddd-and-spring/#ddd.spring 提到 entity 跟 value object 都是 newable。
Breaking the Law of Demeter is Like Looking for a Needle in the Haystack (2008-07-18) http://misko.hevery.com/2008/07/18/breaking-the-law-of-demeter-is-like-looking-for-a-needle-in-the-haystack/ 注入 A,再從 A 取得 B 是不好的 #ril
Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern https://www.martinfowler.com/articles/injection.html DI 的 Class Diagram #ril
Dependency Injection Myth: Reference Passing (2008-10-21) http://misko.hevery.com/2008/10/21/dependency-injection-myth-reference-passing/ 只要求自己會用到的 dependency,若是要求 A 再拿到 B,應該要直接要求 B;但 injectable factory 是個例外嗎?? #ril
Application Wiring on Auto-Pilot (2008-09-24) http://misko.hevery.com/2008/09/24/application-wiring-on-auto-pilot/ #ril
Dagger ‡ A fast dependency injector for Android and Java. https://google.github.io/dagger/android.html 提到 "a class shouldn’t know anything about how it isinjected" 的原則?? #ril
Dependency injection - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_injection #ril
Understanding Dependencies http://tutorials.jenkov.com/ood/understanding-dependencies.html #ril
Circular Dependency in constructors and Dependency Injection http://misko.hevery.com/2008/08/01/circular-dependency-in-constructors-and-dependency-injection/ #ril
- Dependency Injection (DI) vs. Inversion of Control (IOC) - CodeProject https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/592372/Dependency-Injection-DI-vs-Inversion-of-Control-IO 提到 DI 是 IoC 的子集 (subtype) #ril
- Constructor Injection vs. Setter Injection (2009-02-19) http://misko.hevery.com/2009/02/19/constructor-injection-vs-setter-injection/ 一開始可能會覺得 setter injection 比較好,尤其測試期間可以透過 setter 換成 test doubles。但 constructor injection 可以要求 initialization 的順序 (做為別人的 collaborator,自己要先完成 initialization)、可以避免 circular dependencies、可以將 collaborator field 設為
幫助理解它在 (object) lifetime 都不會變。反過來說,這就是 setter injection 的問題;setter injection 容易忘記呼叫 setter,什麼時候 wiring 才算完成也不清楚 (最後一個 setter call?) - Repeat After Me: Setter Injection is a Symptom of Design Problems - DZone Java (2012-06-15) https://dzone.com/articles/repeat-after-me-setter 如果發現 constructor injection 用起來不順手,通常反應了 design 上的問題;若真的遇到無法使用 constructor injection 的情境 (不是 design problem),可以把 setter injection 當做是個 workaround。
- java - Why use constructor over setter injection in CDI? - Stack Overflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19381846/ #ril
- 總覺得 current user 與 database 裡的那個 user entity 是不同的?? 在 Android 上似乎不用規劃出一個 request scope,因為只有一個 user。
- To “new” or not to “new”… http://misko.hevery.com/2008/09/30/to-new-or-not-to-new/ 提到 newable (也就是 value object) 不適合由 injection framework 提供,但 user 算是 value object 嗎?? 或更精確地說是 "current user"
- Dependency injection with Dagger 2 - Custom scopes – froger_mcs dev blog – Coding with love http://frogermcs.github.io/dependency-injection-with-dagger-2-custom-scopes/ 提到
instance 而不用透過 intent 傳遞,需要用到 user data 的人也可以直接從 constructor 要求User
。 - User object 似乎是個很特別的應用,像是個 configuration??
- Java dependency injection: Injecting domain objects instead of infrastructure components (2014-11-10) http://www.mscharhag.com/java/dependency-injection-domain-objects 利用 scope 將
domain object 直接注入;這和 Law of Demeter 多少有點關係 #ril - The Future of Dependency Injection with Dagger 2 - YouTube (2016-01-04) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plK0zyRLIP8 13:00
的例子很有趣,因為需要一個 user name,所以要有一個明確的 constructor,這是把 (external) state 注入 graph 的方式。30:50 也提到定位在@User
scope 的TwitterComponent
,可以在使用者登出時整個丟棄 (GC),待下一個使用者登入時建立另一個TwitterComponent
。 - Dependency injection with Dagger 2 - Custom scopes – froger_mcs dev blog – Coding with love (2015-07-01) http://frogermcs.github.io/dependency-injection-with-dagger-2-custom-scopes/ 在 application scope (
) 與 activity scope (@ActivityScope
) 中間增加一層 user scope (@UserScope
),方便直接從 constructor 注入User
- Java dependency injection: Injecting domain objects instead of infrastructure components (2014-11-10) http://www.mscharhag.com/java/dependency-injection-domain-objects 利用 scope 將
- To “new” or not to “new”… (2008-09-30) http://misko.hevery.com/2008/09/30/to-new-or-not-to-new/ 提到 injectable 不透過 constructor 要求 newable,因為 DI framework 不知道要怎麼注入 (這跟好不好測無關);但為什麼不是想辦法提供?? 因為這樣的需求確實存在
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37516736/ (2016-05-30) 討論到 "injectable factory" 及 "assisted injection"
- AssistedInject · google/guice Wiki https://github.com/google/guice/wiki/AssistedInject #ril
- Design for Testability and “Domain-Driven Design” http://misko.hevery.com/2009/03/16/design-for-testability-and-domain-driven-design/ 很明顯你不能說
,這是分辨 newable 與 injectable 的好方法,雖然injector.getInstance(HibernateSession.class).get(CreditCard.class, 123)
這麼說也行,但中間透過 factory 又不算是 "fully injectable"。