- bhilburn/powerlevel9k: The most awesome Powerline theme for ZSH around! #ril
- Powerlevel9k is a theme for ZSH which uses Powerline Fonts. It can be used with vanilla ZSH or ZSH frameworks such as Oh-My-Zsh, Prezto, Antigen, and many others. 是 Zsh theme,只是用了 Powerline 的字型,單純的 Zsh 可以用,也可以搭配 Zsh framework 使用。
- There are a number of Powerline ZSH themes available, now. The developers of this theme focus on four primary goals: 1. Give users a great out-of-the-box configuration with no additional configuration required. 2. Make customization easy for users who do want to tweak their prompt. 開箱即用,但又方便客製。
- There are two installation steps to go from a vanilla terminal to a PL9k terminal. 意外出現 PL9k 的說法。
- Get PowerLevel9k — The Most Cool Linux Shell EVER! – alex285 – Medium (2018-04-06) #ril
- bhilburn/powerlevel9k: The most awesome Powerline theme for ZSH around! #ril
- Provide useful SEGMENTS that you can enable to make your PROMPT even more effective and helpful. We have PROMPT SEGMENTS for everything from unit test coverage to your AWS instance. 看似 prompt 裡 segment 組成
Show Off Your Config · bhilburn/powerlevel9k Wiki Theme 還有自己的 configuration,變化出很不一樣的效果 #ril
- Tony Lambiris' Configuration 字型很可愛,採 ShureTechMono Nerd Font Regular (pt. 13)
Installation - bhilburn/powerlevel9k: The most awesome Powerline theme for ZSH around! #ril
- There are two installation steps to go from a vanilla terminal to a PL9k terminal. Once you are done, you can optionally customize your prompt. 安裝 Zsh theme 跟 Powerline fonts 後就可以用,但有很多 segment customization options 可以調整。
Step 1: Install Powerlevel9k - Install Instructions · bhilburn/powerlevel9k Wiki 透過 Oh My Zsh 安裝看似最容易
Option 2: Install for Oh-My-ZSH -- clone this repository into your OMZ
directory. You then need to select this theme in your~/.zshrc
:$ git clone https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel9k $ cat ~/.zshrc ... ZSH_THEME="powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k"
Step 2: Install a Powerline Font - Install Instructions · bhilburn/powerlevel9k Wiki 除了 Powerline Fonts 也支援其他字型,其中又以 Nerd-Fonts 規模最大? #ril