- reveal.js on steroids! (類固醇) Get beautiful reveal.js presentations from Markdown files.
# Hello, World!
## Hello, reveal-md!
這裡用 Docker 示範:
$ alias reveal-md="docker run --rm -v \${PWD}:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest"
$ reveal-md /slides/hello.md --static /slides/_static
❏ node_modules/reveal.js/css → /slides/_static/css
❏ node_modules/reveal.js/js → /slides/_static/js
❏ node_modules/reveal.js/plugin → /slides/_static/plugin
❏ node_modules/reveal.js/lib → /slides/_static/lib
❏ node_modules/highlight.js/styles/zenburn.css → /slides/_static/css/highlight/zenburn.css
★ /slides/_static/hello.html
∞ /slides/_static/hello.html → /slides/_static/index.html
Wrote static site to /slides/_static
$ ls -l _static/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 8 jeremykao wheel 256 Feb 29 14:48 css
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jeremykao wheel 2309 Feb 29 14:48 hello.html
lrwxrwxrwx 1 jeremykao wheel 26 Feb 29 14:48 index.html -> /slides/_static/hello.html
drwxr-xr-x 3 jeremykao wheel 96 Feb 29 14:48 js
drwxr-xr-x 5 jeremykao wheel 160 Feb 29 14:48 lib
drwxr-xr-x 11 jeremykao wheel 352 Feb 29 14:48 plugin
$ open _static/hello.html
npm install -g reveal-md
This will export the provided Markdown file into a STAND-ALONE HTML website including scripts and stylesheets. The files are saved to the directory passed to the
parameter (default:./_static
):reveal-md slides.md --static _site
This should copy images along with the slides. Use --static-dirs to copy directories with other static assets to the target directory. Use a comma-separated list to copy multiple directories.
reveal-md slides.md --static --static-dirs=assets Providing a directory will result in a stand-alone overview page with links to the presentations (similar to a directory listing):
reveal-md dir/ --static Additional --absolute-url and --featured-slide parameters could be used to generate OpenGraph metadata enabling more attractive rendering for slide deck links when shared in some social sites.
reveal-md slides.md --static _site --absolute-url https://example.com --featured-slide 5
$ reveal-md --help
Usage: cli <slides.md> [options]
See https://github.com/webpro/reveal-md for more details.
-V, --version output the version number
--title <title> Title of the presentation
-s, --separator <separator> Slide separator [default: 3 dashes (---) surrounded by two blank lines]
-S, --vertical-separator <separator> Vertical slide separator [default: 4 dashes (----) surrounded by two blank lines]
-t, --theme <theme> Theme [default: black]
--highlight-theme <theme> Highlight theme [default: zenburn]
--css <files> CSS files to inject into the page
--scripts <files> Scripts to inject into the page
--assets-dir <dirname> Defines assets directory name [default: _assets]
--preprocessor <script> Markdown preprocessor script
--template <filename> Template file for reveal.js
--listing-template <filename> Template file for listing
--print [filename] Print to PDF file
--static [dir] Export static html to directory [_static]. Incompatible with --print.
--static-dirs <dirs> Extra directories to copy into static directory. Only used in conjunction with --static.
-w, --watch Watch for changes in markdown file and livereload presentation
--disable-auto-open Disable auto-opening your web browser
--host <host> Host [default: localhost]
--port <port> Port [default: 1948]
--featured-slide <num> Capture snapshot from this slide (numbering starts from 1) and use it as og:image for static build. Defaults to first slide. Only used with --static.
--absolute-url <url> Define url used for hosting static build. This is included in OpenGraph metadata. Only used with --static.
--print-size Paper size to use in exported PDF files
--puppeteer-launch-args <args> Customize how Puppeteer launches Chromium. The arguments are specified as a space separated list (for example --puppeteer-launch-args="--no-sandbox --disable-dev-shm-usage"). Needed for some CI setups.
--puppeteer-chromium-executable <path> Customize which Chromium executable puppeteer will launch. Allows to use a globally installed version of Chromium.
-h, --help output usage information
$ alias reveal-md="docker run --rm -v \${PWD}:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest"
You can use Docker to run this tool without needing Node.js installed on your machine. Run the public Docker image, providing your markdown slides as a volume. A few examples:
docker run --rm -p 1948:1948 -v <path-to-your-slides>:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest docker run --rm -p 1948:1948 -v <path-to-your-slides>:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest --help
The service is now running at http://localhost:1948.
reveal-md/Dockerfile at master · webpro/reveal-md
WORKDIR /app ... ENTRYPOINT [ "node", "bin/reveal-md.js" ] CMD [ "/slides" ]
但 CWD 卻在/app
的安排很特別,會造成幾個問題:$ docker run ... -v <path-to-your-slides>:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest slides.md --static _site
- 在
。 - Static website 產生在
,但掛進去的 volume 是在/slides
$ docker run ... -v <path-to-your-slides>:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest /slides/slides.md --static slides/_site
- 在