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802 lines (540 loc) · 42.7 KB

File metadata and controls

802 lines (540 loc) · 42.7 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.



The following emojis are used to highlight certain changes:

  • 🛠 - BREAKING CHANGE. Action is required if you use this functionality.
  • ✨ - Noteworthy change to be aware of.









  • feat(bitswap/client): MinTimeout for DontHaveTimeoutConfig #865
  • httpnet: Transparent HTTP-block retrieval support over Trustless Gateways [#747]((#747):
    • Complements Bitswap as a block-retrieval mechanism, implementing bitswap/network.
    • Understands peers found in provider records with /.../http endpoints (trustless gateway).
    • Treats them as "Bitswap" peers, except instead of using Bitswap it makes HTTP/2 requests to discover (HEAD) and retrieve (GET) individual blocks (?format=raw).
    • A bitswap/network proxy implementation allows co-existance with standard bitswap/network/bsnet.
    • httpnet is not enabled by default. Upstream implementations may use it by modifying how they create the Bitswap network and initialize bitswap.


  • ipns: The DefaultRecordTTL changed from 1h to 5m #859
  • upgrade to go-libp2p v0.41.0
  • upgrade to go-libp2p-kad-dht [v0.30.2]( v0.30.2)
  • upgrade to go-datastore v0.8.2 - includes API updates and removes go-process
  • bitswap/client reduce lock scope of PeerManageer to help performance #860


  • Removed dependency on so that boxo only depends on one multi-error package, #867



  • bitswap/client: Add DontHaveTimeoutConfig type alias and func DontHaveTimeoutConfig() to expose config defined in internal package.


  • move ipld/unixfs from gogo protobuf #841
  • provider: Prevent multiple instances of reprovider.Reprovide() from running at the same time. #834
  • upgrade to go-libp2p v0.40.0
  • upgrade to go-libp2p-kad-dht [v0.29.0]( v0.29.0)
  • move bitswap and filestore away from gogo protobuf #839
  • updated Go in go.mod to 1.23 #848

Note: This release contains changes to protocol buffer library code. If you depend on deterministic CIDs then please double-check,, before upgrading, that this release does not generate different CIDs.






  • Fix memory leaks due to not cleaning up wantlists #829, #833
  • ipns: Improved interop with legacy clients by restoring support for []byte CID in Value field. Value() will convert it to a valid path.Path. Empty Value() will produce NoopPath (/ipfs/bafkqaaa) to avoid breaking existing code that expects a valid record to always produce a valid content path. #830
  • gateway/blocks-backend: Removed IPLD decoding in GetBlock funciton in gateway's BlocksBackend. Now it's querying the blockService directly instead of dagService. #845



  • provider: Added ReprovideInterval and LastRun stats to the Reprovider #815


  • bitswap/client: Remove unused tracking of CID for interested sessions. #821


  • bitswap/client: Fix runaway goroutine creation under high load. Under high load conditions, goroutines are created faster than they can complete and the more goroutines creates the slower them complete. This creates a positive feedback cycle that ends in OOM. The fix dynamically adjusts message send scheduling to avoid the runaway condition. #817
  • bitswap/client: Fix resource leak caused by recording the presence of blocks that no session cares about. #822



  • bitswap/client: Reverted attempt to send cancels with excluded peer due to additional issues with wantlist accounting #809



  • bitswap/client: Fixed fix sending cancels when excluding peer #805



  • gateway Support for custom DNSLink / DoH resolvers on localhost to simplify integration with non-ICANN DNS systems #645


  • gateway: The default DNSLink resolver for .eth TLD changed to #781
  • gateway: The default DNSLink resolver for .crypto TLD changed to #782
  • upgrade to go-libp2p-kad-dht v0.28.2
  • bitswap/client: reduce lock scope in messagequeue: lock only needed sections #787
  • upgrade to go-libp2p v0.38.2


  • gateway Fix redirect URLs for subdirectories with characters that need escaping. #779
  • ipns Fix ipns protobuf namespace conflicts by using full package name instead of the generic record.proto #794
  • unixfs Fix possible crash when modifying directory #798



  • bitswap/client: Improved timeout configuration for block requests
    • Exposed DontHaveTimeoutConfig to hold configuration values for dontHaveTimeoutMgr which controls how long to wait for requested block before emitting a synthetic DontHave response
    • Added DefaultDontHaveTimeoutConfig() to return a DontHaveTimeoutConfig populated with default values
    • Added optional WithDontHaveTimeoutConfig to allow passing a custom DontHaveTimeoutConfig
    • Setting SetSendDontHaves(false) works the same as before. Behind the scenes, it will disable dontHaveTimeoutMgr by passing a nil onDontHaveTimeout to newDontHaveTimeoutMgr.


  • 🛠 blockstore and blockservice's WriteThrough() option now takes an "enabled" parameter: WriteThrough(enabled bool).
  • Replaced unmaintained mock time implementation uses in tests: from => to
  • bitswap/client: if a libp2p connection has a context, use context.AfterFunc to cleanup the connection.
  • upgrade to go-libp2p-kad-dht v0.28.1
  • upgrade to go-libp2p v0.38.1
  • blockstore/blockservice: change option to WriteThrough(enabled bool) #749
  • mfs: improve mfs republisher #754


  • mfs: directory cache is now cleared on Flush(), liberating the memory used by the otherwise ever-growing cache. References to directories and sub-directories should be renewed after flushing.
  • bitswap/client: Fix leak due to cid queue never getting cleaned up #756
  • bitswap: Drop stream references on Close/Reset 760



  • routing/http/server: added built-in Prometheus instrumentation to http delegated /routing/v1/ endpoints, with custom buckets for response size and duration to match real world data observed at the instance. #718 #724
  • routing/http/server: added configurable routing timeout (DefaultRoutingTimeout being 30s) to prevent indefinite hangs during content/peer routing. Set custom duration via WithRoutingTimeout. #720
  • routing/http/server: exposes Prometheus metrics on prometheus.DefaultRegisterer and a custom one can be provided via WithPrometheusRegistry #722
  • gateway: NewCacheBlockStore and NewCarBackend will use prometheus.DefaultRegisterer when a custom one is not specified via WithPrometheusRegistry #722
  • filestore: added opt-in WithMMapReader option to FileManager to enable memory-mapped file reads #665
  • bitswap/routing ProviderQueryManager does not require calling Startup separate from New. #741
  • bitswap/routing ProviderQueryManager does not use lifecycle context.


  • bitswap, routing, exchange (#641):
    • ✨ Bitswap is no longer in charge of providing blocks to the network: providing functionality is now handled by a exchange/providing.Exchange, meant to be used with provider.System so that all provides follow the same rules (multiple parts of the code where handling provides) before.

    • 🛠 bitswap/client/internal/providerquerymanager has been moved to routing/providerquerymanager where it belongs. In order to keep compatibility, Bitswap now receives a routing.ContentDiscovery parameter which implements FindProvidersAsync(...) and uses it to create a providerquerymanager with the default settings as before. Custom settings can be used by using a custom providerquerymanager to manually wrap a ContentDiscovery object and pass that in as ContentDiscovery on initialization while setting bitswap.WithDefaultProviderQueryManager(false) (to avoid re-wrapping it again).

    • The renovated providedQueryManager will trigger lookups until it manages to connect to MaxProviders. Before it would lookup at most MaxInProcessRequests*MaxProviders and connection failures may have limited the actual number of providers found.

    • 🛠 We have aligned our routing-related interfaces with the libp2p routing ones, including in the reprovider.System.

    • In order to obtain exactly the same behavior as before (i.e. particularly ensuring that new blocks are still provided), what was done like:

      	bswapnet := network.NewFromIpfsHost(host, contentRouter)
      	bswap := bitswap.New(p.ctx, bswapnet, blockstore)
      	bserv = blockservice.New(blockstore, bswap)
    • becomes:

      	// Create network: no contentRouter anymore
      	bswapnet := network.NewFromIpfsHost(host)
      	// Create Bitswap: a new "discovery" parameter, usually the "contentRouter"
      	// which does both discovery and providing.
      	bswap := bitswap.New(p.ctx, bswapnet, discovery, blockstore)
      	// A provider system that handles concurrent provides etc. "contentProvider"
      	// is usually the "contentRouter" which does both discovery and providing.
      	// "contentProvider" could be used directly without wrapping, but it is recommended
      	// to do so to provide more efficiently.
      	provider := provider.New(datastore, provider.Online(contentProvider)
      	// A wrapped providing exchange using the previous exchange and the provider.
      	exch := providing.New(bswap, provider)
      	// Finally the blockservice
      	bserv := blockservice.New(blockstore, exch)
    • The above is only necessary if content routing is needed. Otherwise:

      	// Create network: no contentRouter anymore
      	bswapnet := network.NewFromIpfsHost(host)
      	// Create Bitswap: a new "discovery" parameter set to nil (disable content discovery)
      	bswap := bitswap.New(p.ctx, bswapnet, nil, blockstore)
      	// Finally the blockservice
      	bserv := blockservice.New(blockstore, exch)
  • routing/http/client: creating delegated routing client with New now defaults to querying delegated routing server with DefaultProtocolFilter (IPIP-484) #689
  • bitswap/client: Wait at lease one broadcast interval before resending wants to a peer. Check for peers to rebroadcast to more often than one broadcast interval.
  • No longer using to avoid requiring in dependents. #710
  • pinning/remote/client: Refactor remote pinning Ls to take results channel instead of returning one. The previous Ls behavior is implemented by the GoLs function, which creates the channels, starts the goroutine that calls Ls, and returns the channels to the caller #738
  • updated to go-libp2p to v0.37.2


  • Do not erroneously update the state of sent wants when a send a peer disconnected and the send did not happen. #452



  • go.mod updates


  • bitswap/client no longer logs "Received provider X for cid Y not requested to ERROR level, moved to DEBUG #771




  • bitswap/client: fix panic if current live count is greater than broadcast limit #702



  • routing/http/client: creating delegated routing client with New now defaults to querying delegated routing server with DefaultProtocolFilter (IPIP-484) #689
  • updated go-libp2p to v0.36.5
  • updated dependencies #693
  • update go-libp2p-kad-dht to v0.27.0


  • routing/http/client: optional address and protocol filter parameters from IPIP-484 use human-readable , instead of %2C. #688
  • bitswap/client Cleanup live wants when wants are canceled. This prevents live wants from continuing to get rebroadcasted even after the wants are canceled. #690
  • Fix problem adding invalid CID to exhausted wants list resulting in possible performance issue. #692



  • boxo/bitswap/server:
    • A new WithWantHaveReplaceSize(n) option can be used with bitswap.New to fine-tune cost-vs-performance. It sets the maximum size of a block in bytes up to which the bitswap server will replace a WantHave with a WantBlock response. Setting this to 0 disables this WantHave replacement and means that block sizes are not read when processing WantHave requests. #672
  • routing/http:
    • added support for address and protocol filtering to the delegated routing server (IPIP-484) #671 #678
    • added support for address and protocol filtering to the delegated routing client (IPIP-484) #678. To add filtering to the client, use the WithFilterAddrs and WithFilterProtocols options when creating the client.Client-side filtering for servers that don't support filtering is enabled by default. To disable it, use the disableLocalFiltering option when creating the client.




  • unixfs/hamt: Log error instead of panic if both link and shard are nil #393
  • pinner/dspinner: do not hang when listing keys and the out channel is no longer read #727




  • files, ipld/unixfs, mfs and tar now support optional UnixFS 1.5 mode and modification time metadata #653
  • gateway deserialized responses will have Last-Modified set to value from optional UnixFS 1.5 modification time field (if present in DAG) and a matching If-Modified-Since will return 304 Not Modified (UnixFS 1.5 files only) #659


  • updated Go in go.mod to 1.22 #661
  • updated go-libp2p to v0.36.3
  • chunker refactored to reduce overall memory use by reducing heap fragmentation #649
  • bitswap/server minor performance improvements in concurrent operations #666
  • removed dependency on go-ipfs-blocksutil #656



  • go-libp2p dependency updated to v0.36 (release notes)
  • bitswap/server minor memory use and performance improvements #634
  • bitswap unify logger names to use uniform format bitswap/path/pkgname #637
  • gateway now always returns meaningful cache-control headers for generated HTML listings of UnixFS directories #643
  • util generate random test data using ipfs/go-test instead of internal util code #638
  • bitswap/server PeerLedger.Wants now returns bool (interface change from Wants(p peer.ID, e wl.Entry) to Wants(p peer.ID, e wl.Entry) bool) #629


  • boxo/gateway now correctly returns 404 Status Not Found instead of 500 when the requested content cannot be found due to offline exchange, gateway running in no-fetch (non-recursive) mode, or a similar restriction that only serves a specific set of CIDs. #630
  • bitswap/client fix memory leak in BlockPresenceManager due to unlimited map growth. #636
  • bitswap/network fixed race condition when a timeout occurred before hole punching completed while establishing a first-time stream to a peer behind a NAT #651
  • bitswap: wantlist overflow handling now cancels existing entries to make room for newer entries. This fix prevents the wantlist from filling up with CIDs that the server does not have. #629
  • 🛠 bitswap & bitswap/server no longer provide to content routers, instead you can use the provider package because it uses a datastore queue and batches calls to ProvideMany.




  • 🛠 routing/none removed ConstructNilRouting, if you need this functionality you can use the Null Router from go-libp2p-routing-helpers.


  • routing/http: the FindPeer now returns routing.ErrNotFound when no addresses are found
  • routing/http: the FindProvidersAsync no longer causes a goroutine buildup



  • gateway has new backend possibilities:
    • NewRemoteBlocksBackend allows you to create a gateway backend that uses one or multiple other gateways as backend. These gateways must support RAW block requests (application/vnd.ipld.raw), as well as IPNS Record requests (application/vnd.ipfs.ipns-record). With this, we also introduced NewCacheBlockStore, NewRemoteBlockstore and NewRemoteValueStore.
    • NewRemoteCarBackend allows you to create a gateway backend that uses one or multiple Trustless Gateways as backend. These gateways must support CAR requests (application/, as well as the extensions describe in IPIP-402. With this, we also introduced NewCarBackend, NewRemoteCarFetcher and NewRetryCarFetcher.
  • gateway now sets the Content-Location header for requests with non-default content format, as a result of content negotiation. This allows generic and misconfigured HTTP caches to store Deserialized, CAR and Block responses separately, under distinct cache keys.
  • gateway now supports car-dups, car-order and car-version as query parameters in addition to the application/ parameters sent via Accept header. The parameters in the Accept header have always priority, but including them in URL simplifies HTTP caching and allows use in Content-Location header on CAR responses to maximize interoperability with wide array of HTTP caches.
  • bitswap/server now allows to override the default peer ledger with WithPeerLedger.


  • routing/http/server now returns 404 Status Not Found when no records can be found.
  • routing/http/server now supports legacy RSA PeerIDs encoded as Base58 Multihash



  • routing/http/server now adds Cache-Control HTTP header to GET requests: 15 seconds for empty responses, or 5 minutes for responses with providers.
  • routing/http/server the /ipns endpoint is more friendly to users opening URL in web browsers: returns Content-Disposition header and defaults to application/vnd.ipfs.ipns-record response when Accept is missing.
  • provider:
    • Exports a NewPrioritizedProvider, which can be used to prioritize certain providers while ignoring duplicates.
    • 🛠️ NewPinnedProvider now prioritizes root blocks, even if onlyRoots is set to false.


  • go version changed to 1.21


  • 🛠️routing/http/server: delegated peer routing endpoint now supports both Peer ID string notations from libp2p specs.
  • bitswap: add missing client WithBlockReceivedNotifier and WithoutDuplicatedBlockStats options to the exchange.



  • blockservice now has ContextWithSession and EmbedSessionInContext functions, which allows to embed a session in a context. Future calls to BlockGetter.GetBlock, BlockGetter.GetBlocks and NewSession will use the session in the context.
  • blockservice.NewWritethrough deprecated function has been removed, instead you can do blockservice.New(..., ..., WriteThrough()) like previously.
  • gateway: a new header configuration middleware has been added to replace the existing header configuration, which can be used more generically.
  • namesys now has a WithMaxCacheTTL option, which allows you to define a maximum TTL that will be used for caching IPNS entries.


  • 🛠 boxo/gateway: when making a trustless CAR request with the "entity-bytes" parameter, using a negative index greater than the underlying entity length could trigger reading more data than intended
  • 🛠 boxo/gateway: the header configuration Config.Headers and AddAccessControlHeaders has been replaced by the new middleware provided by NewHeaders.
  • 🛠 routing/http/client: the default HTTP client is no longer a global singleton. Therefore, using WithUserAgent won't modify the user agent of existing routing clients. This will also prevent potential race conditions. In addition, incompatible options will now return errors instead of silently failing.



  • 🛠 pinning/pinner: you can now give a custom name when pinning a CID. To reflect this, the Pinner has been adjusted. Note that calling Pin for the same CID with a different name will replace its current name by the newly given name.


  • 🛠 tracing jaeger exporter has been removed due to it's deprecation and removal from upstream, you should use otlp exporter instead. See the docs for an example.



  • 🛠 boxo/namesys: now fails when multiple valid DNSLink entries are found for the same domain. This used to cause undefined behavior before. Now, we return an error, according to the specification.


  • 🛠 boxo/gateway: removed support for undocumented legacy ipfs-404.html. Use _redirects instead.
  • 🛠 boxo/namesys: removed support for legacy DNSLink entries at the root of the domain. Use _dnslink. TXT record instead.
  • 🛠 boxo/coreapi, an intrinsic part of Kubo, has been removed and moved to kubo/core/coreiface.


  • boxo/gateway
    • a panic (which is recovered) could sporadically be triggered inside a CAR request, if the right conditions were met.
    • no longer emits http: superfluous response.WriteHeader warnings when an error happens.





  • boxo/gateway:
    • A new WithResolver(...) option can be used with NewBlocksBackend(...) allowing the user to pass their custom Resolver implementation.
    • The gateway now sets a Cache-Control header for requests under the /ipns/ namespace if the TTL for the corresponding IPNS Records or DNSLink entities is known.
  • boxo/bitswap/client:
    • A new WithoutDuplicatedBlockStats() option can be used with bitswap.New and bsclient.New. This disable accounting for duplicated blocks, which requires a blockstore.Has() lookup for every received block and thus, can impact performance.
  • ✨ Migrated repositories into Boxo


  • boxo/gateway
    • 🛠 The IPFSBackend interface was updated to make the responses of the Head method more explicit. It now returns a HeadResponse instead of a files.Node.
  • boxo/routing/http/client.Client is now exported. This means you can now pass it around functions, or add it to a struct if you want.
  • 🛠 The path package has been massively refactored. With this refactor, we have condensed the different path-related and/or Kubo-specific packages under a single generic one. Therefore, there are many breaking changes. Please consult the documentation for more details on how to use the new package.
    • Note: content paths created with boxo/path are automatically normalized:
      • Replace multiple slashes with a single slash.
      • Eliminate each . path name element (the current directory).
      • Eliminate each inner .. path name element (the parent directory) along with the non-.. element that precedes it.
      • Eliminate .. elements that begin a rooted path: that is, replace "/.." by "/" at the beginning of a path.
  • 🛠 The signature of CoreAPI.ResolvePath in coreiface has changed to now return the remainder segments as a second return value, matching the signature of resolver.ResolveToLastNode.
  • 🛠 routing/http/client.FindPeers now returns iter.ResultIter[types.PeerRecord] instead of iter.ResultIter[types.Record]. The specification indicates that records for this method will always be Peer Records.
  • 🛠 The namesys package has been refactored. The following are the largest modifications:
    • The options in coreiface/options/namesys have been moved to namesys and their names have been made more consistent.
    • Many of the exported structs and functions have been renamed in order to be consistent with the remaining packages.
    • namesys.Resolver.Resolve now returns a TTL, in addition to the resolved path. If the TTL is unknown, 0 is returned. IPNSResolver is able to resolve a TTL, while DNSResolver is not.
    • namesys/resolver.ResolveIPNS has been moved to namesys.ResolveIPNS and now returns a TTL in addition to the resolved path.
  • boxo/ipns record defaults follow recommendations from IPNS Record Specification:
    • DefaultRecordTTL is now set to 1h
    • DefaultRecordLifetime follows the increased expiration window of Amino DHT (go-libp2p-kad-dht#793) and is set to 48h
  • 🛠 The gateway's IPFSBackend.ResolveMutable is now expected to return a TTL in addition to the resolved path. If the TTL is unknown, 0 should be returned.


  • 🛠 util.MultiErr has been removed. Please use Go's native support for wrapping errors, or errors.Join instead.





  • An option DisableHTMLErrors has been added to gateway.Config. When this option is true, pretty HTML error pages for web browsers are disabled. Instead, a text/plain page with the raw error message as the body is returned.







  • ✨ The routing/http implements Delegated Peer Routing introduced in IPIP-417.


  • 🛠 The routing/http package received the following modifications:
    • Client GetIPNSRecord and PutIPNSRecord have been renamed to GetIPNS and PutIPNS, respectively. Similarly, the required function names in the server ContentRouter have also been updated.
    • ReadBitswapProviderRecord has been renamed to BitswapRecord and marked as deprecated. From now on, please use the protocol-agnostic PeerRecord for most use cases. The new Peer Schema has been introduced in IPIP-417.


  • 🛠 The routing/http package experienced following removals:
    • Server and client no longer support the experimental Provide method. ProvideBitswap is still usable, but marked as deprecated. A protocol-agnostic provide mechanism is being worked on in IPIP-378.
    • Server no longer exports FindProvidersPath and ProvidePath.


  • The normalization of DNSLink identifiers in gateway has been corrected in the edge case where the value passed to the path component of the URL is already normalized.




  • The routing/http client and server now support Delegated IPNS at /routing/v1 as per IPIP-379.
  • 🛠 The verifycid package has been updated with the new Allowlist interface as part of reducing globals efforts.
  • The blockservice and provider packages has been updated to accommodate for changes in verifycid.




  • HTTP Gateway API: Not having a block will result in a 5xx error rather than 404
  • HTTP Gateway API: CAR requests will return 200s and a CAR file proving a requested path does not exist rather than returning an error
  • 🛠 MultiFileReader has been updated with a new header with the encoded file name instead of the plain filename, due to a regression found in net/textproto. This only affects files with binary characters in their name. By keeping the old header, we maximize backwards compatibility.
    New Client Old Client
    New Server 🟡*
    Old Server
    *Old clients can only send Unicode file paths to the server.




  • ✨ The gateway now supports the optional order and dups CAR parameters from IPIP-412.
    • The BlocksBackend only implements order=dfs (Depth-First Search) ordering, which was already the default behavior.
    • If a request specifies no dups, response with dups=n is returned, which was already the default behavior.
    • If a request explicitly specifies a CAR order other than dfs, it will result in an error.
    • The only change to the default behavior on CAR responses is that we follow IPIP-412 and make order=dfs;dups=n explicit in the returned Content-Type HTTP header.
  • ✨ While the call signature remains the same, the blocks that Bitswap returns can now be cast to traceability.Block, which will additionally tell you where the Block came from and how long it took to fetch. This helps consumers of Bitswap collect better metrics on Bitswap behavior.


  • 🛠 The ipns package has been refactored.
    • You should no longer use the direct Protobuf version of the IPNS Record. Instead, we have a shiny new ipns.Record type that wraps all the required functionality to work the best as possible with IPNS v2 Records. Please check the documentation for more information, and follow ipfs/specs#376 for related IPIP.
    • There is no change to IPNS Records produced by boxo/ipns, it still produces both V1 and V2 signatures by default, it is still backward-compatible.


  • 🛠 ipld/car has been removed. Please use ipld/go-car instead. More information regarding this decision can be found in issue 218.


  • Removed mentions of unused ARC algorithm (#336)
  • Handle _redirects file when If-None-Match header is present (#412)


[0.10.3] - 2023-08-08





  • Handle _redirects file when If-None-Match header is present (#412)


[0.10.2] - 2023-06-29


  • Gateway: include CORS on subdomain redirects.
  • Gateway: ensure 'X-Ipfs-Root' header is valid.

[0.10.1] - 2023-06-19








  • Allow CAR requests with a path when DeserializedResponses is false.



[0.10.0] - 2023-06-09


  • ✨ The gateway now supports partial CAR exports via query parameters from IPIP-402.


  • 🛠 A few trivial breaking changes have been done to the gateway:
    • The signature of IPFSBackend.GetCAR has been adapted to support IPIP-402 CAR Parameters.
    • A few variables have been renamed for consistency:
      • WithHostname -> NewHostnameHandler
      • Specification -> PublicGateway
      • NewErrorResponse -> NewErrorStatusCode
      • NewErrorResponseForCode -> NewErrorStatusCodeFromStatus
      • BlocksGateway -> BlocksBackend
      • BlocksGatewayOption -> BlocksBackendOption
      • NewBlocksGateway -> NewBlocksBackend
    • Some functions that are not supposed to be outside of the package were removed: ServeContent.







[0.9.0] - 2023-06-08


  • gateway The gateway were updated to provide better features for users and gateway implementers:
    • New human-friendly error messages.
    • Updated, higher-definition icons in directory listings.
    • Customizable menu items next to "About IPFS" and "Install IPFS".
    • Valid DAG-CBOR and DAG-JSON blocks now provide a preview, where links can be followed.
  • ipns add ValidateWithPeerID and UnmarshalIpnsEntry helpers. (
  • 🛠 coreiface/tests add *testing.T argument to the swarm provider. (


  • 🛠 boxo/pinner some listing methods have been changed to now return a <-chan StreamedCid. This allows the consumption of pins while the pinner is listing them, which for large pinset can take a long time. ( The concerned methods are:
    • DirectKeys
    • RecursiveKeys
    • InternalKeys
  • 🛠 provider/batched.New has been moved to provider.New and arguments has been changed. (
    • A routing system is now passed with the provider.Online option, by default the system run in offline mode (push stuff onto the queue).
    • When using provider.Online calling the .Run method is not required anymore, the background worker is implicitly started in the background by provider.New.
    • You do not have to pass a queue anymore, you pass a datastore.Datastore exclusively.
  • 🛠 provider.NewOfflineProvider has been renamed to provider.NewNoopProvider to show more clearly that is does nothing. (
  • 🛠 provider.Provider and provider.Reprovider has been merged under one provider.System. (
  • 🛠 routing/http responses now return a streaming iter.ResultIter generic interface. (
  • 🛠 coreiface add options and AllowOffline option to RoutingAPI.Put. (
  • 🛠 gateway now has deserialized responses turned off by default. This can be configured via DeserializedResponses. (#252)





[0.8.1] - 2023-04-25


  • gateway trace context header support (#256)


  • gateway widen duration histograms and cleanup (#265)






  • gateway panic on path without enough components (#272)



[0.8.0] - 2023-04-05


  • ✨ Migrated repositories into Boxo (#220)
    • => ./coreiface
    • => ./pinning/remote/client
    • => ./path
    • => ./namesys
    • => ./mfs
    • => ./provider
    • => ./pinning/pinner
    • => ./keystore
    • => ./filestore
    • => ./ipns
    • => ./blockservice
    • => ./chunker
    • => ./fetcher
    • => ./blockstore
    • => ./filestore/posinfo
    • => ./util
    • => ./datastore/dshelp
    • => ./verifcid
    • => ./exchange/offline
    • => ./routing
    • => ./exchange
    • => ./ipld/unixfs
    • => ./ipld/merkledag
    • => ./ipld/car
  • ✨ Added a migration tool to aid in migrating from the migrated repositories to Boxo, see the documentation here: (#226)
    • Added a check to ensure the migration tool is only run in a Git repository (with an optional override flag)
  • ✨ Added tracing and metrics to the refactored gateway for its IPFS backend


  • Removed a mention of "bitswap" in blockservice debug logs
  • Changed the Bitswap message package from "bitswap.message.pb" to "bitswap.message.v1.pb" to avoid protobuf panics due to duplicate registration with go-bitswap (#212)
  • ✨ Remove a busyloop in blockservice getBlocks by removing batching when caching (#232)






  • Ensure dag-cbor/json codecs are registered in the gateway handler (#223)
  • ✨ Refactor the Gateway API to operate on higher level semantics (#176)
  • Fixed a panic in the gateway handler when returning errors (#255)

