Maybe switch to atkinson hyperlegible, then can use atkinson mono for code snippets.
- put coding projects on main home page, like this
Edit main photo for each project
- Gif/video navigating site or interesting photo
- Improve alt text, add alt text field to json.
- Carousel within each image, like the three dot thing and swipe between them - probably this rather than the gif things -edit description and photo for pluto/octopus. Match description on CV.
Improve project readmes (and blogposts accordingly)
- Include some process images ie research, early sketches, prototypes, feedback collection etc.
Under the image for each project, have icons for the technologies used.
## Design page
- Maybe have a blog post for each design project to see more:
- Add blog posts
- See ideas in drafts folder and Todoist.
- Add post for Take back water and Pluto.
- Add images to existing blog posts.
- Use dribble, and other inspiration site to copy a design fairly closely
- A defined style guide would help. Colour scheme - add a secondary colour
- Inspiration sites to copy good design:
- good way of showing projects
- tailwind components
- text
- good design portfolio
- Good post on improving personal portfolio - do same when do yours [Video][ Francesco Longo on LinkedIn: Exciting Updates: Revamping My Portfolio from Scratch! 🚀 As a developer,…]
- Guestbook like on this site: