kafka-connect-jdbc-flatten is a Kafka Connector for loading data to and from any JDBC-compatible database with a flatten feature that can be activated with config parameter "flatten": "true". Map and array structures are with this feature dereferenced and written to their own target tables.
The connector extends the Confluent jdbc sink connector: https://github.com/confluentinc/kafka-connect-jdbc
The following lists configuration options of the connector that are in addition to the configuration parameters listed at https://www.confluent.io/hub/confluentinc/kafka-connect-jdbc.
default false
Whether to automatically flatten arrays or maps and write their values to seperate
destination tables based on array/map value schema.
default false
Whether to store topic, partition, offset, timestamp and timestamp type in each of the target tables when flatten is enabled.
This can be handy to join data from several target tables that belong to the same record.
default kafkatopic, kafkapartition, "kafkaoffset, kafkatimestamp, kafkatimestamp_type
List of comma-separated kafka metadata field names. If empty,
the defaults: kafkatopic, kafkapartition, kafkaoffset,
kafkatimestamp, kafkatimestamp_type will be used. Note that flatten.coordinates must be set to true
to propagate the record metadata to the sink.
default _
Symbol used to concatenate flattened record fields and table names when flatten is enabled.
By default "_" will be used.
Whether to rename fields when flattening is enabled with enlisted mapping pairs <original name>:<new name>.
The original name of the fields are to be referenced by: suffix of root schema name (if absent the word root is used),
followed by the subpath of fieldnames.
All of these are to be seperated by dot ('.').
Whether to rename tables with enlisted mapping pairs <original name>:<new name>.
Original table names are specified as topic name, followed by the
suffix of the root schema name (if absent the word root is used),
followed by the subpath of the field paths
within the hierarchical value structure.
All of these are to be seperated by the configured flatten.delimiter (default '_').
default false
Whether to automatically apply uppercase to column names and table names when flatten is enabled.
When set to false, lowercase will be applied.
List of comma-separated container paths. If empty, all containers and subcontainers are
utilized, otherwise used to filter to the desired containers within the hierarchical value structure.
The containers are to be referenced by: suffix of root schema name (if absent the word root is used),
followed by the subpath of fieldnames that lead to the container that is to be whitelisted.
All of these are to be seperated by dot ('.')."
default 100
Size of instruction cache needed for flattening Connect schema into subschemas. Cache maintains a mapping between
Connect Schema and instructions to flatten these to subschemas and substructures.
default none
With mode flatten, field(s) from the record key and record value can be specified in:
- flatten.pk_propagate_value_fields: Fields from the record value that match are to be propagated down to each target table
and shall be constrained as (composed) primary key.
- pk.fields:
Fields from the record key that match are to be propagate down to each target table and shall be constrained as
(composed) primary key.
Fields from the record value that match are NOT to be propagate down to each target table but shall be constrained as
(composed) primary key in the specific target table.
When pk.mode is set to "flatten", all fields from the key struct and value struct that match will be used.
Fields from the record key that match are to be propagate down to each target table and shall be constrained as
(composed) primary key in all target tables.
Fields from the record value that match are NOT to be propagate down to each target table but shall be constrained as
(composed) primary key in the specific target table."
The fields are to be referenced by: suffix of root schema name (if absent the word root is used),
followed by the subpath of fieldnames.
All of these are to be seperated by dot ('.').
In case the key schema is not a structure but a primitive it is referenced as:
suffix of root schema name (if absent the word root is used) + "." + "key"
When pk.mode is set to "flatten", this configuration is used as a ist of comma-separated primary key field paths.
Listed fields will propagate down to any flattened subcontainers lower in the hierarchy path as primary key.
Fields behind arrays are referenced by repeating the field name of the field that contains the array.
The fields are to be referenced by: suffix of root schema name (if absent the word root is used),
followed by the subpath of fieldnames.
All of these are to be seperated by dot ('.').
default false
Whether to treat null record values as deletes.
Requires flatten as pk.mode and a unique field from the record key to be configured in pk.fields.
default insert
With insert.mode = insert, flattened records get inserted to their respective target tables. The existing table
rows are not changed.
With insert.mode = upsert, flattened records result in a two-step operation. First a delete statement for relevant
target table is executed to remove any content related to the specific record key primary key that is configured.
This requires a unique field from the record key to be configured in pk.fields.
In the second step, the new flattened records get inserted to their respective target table.
Because the connector operates with batched preparedstatements, if it detects multiple flattened records with the
same key but different coordinates (offset, partition) it executes a flush before continueing with the remainder of
the batch.
insert.mode = update is not supported byt this connector when flattening is enabled.
This project is licensed under the Confluent Community License.