Releases: japa/core
Releases · japa/core
Make uncaught exceptions fail the tests suite
- feat: make uncaught exceptions to fail the test suite 45f93d4
Remove runner hooks
Runner hooks does not solve any use cases and hence they have been removed. The test runner using the core can have its own hooks that are executed even before loading the test files
Mark test as failed when regression test does not fail
Add dispose callbacks support on Test class
- feat: add support dispose callbacks on test 58fd5f0
Simplified reporters and refiner API
Clear timeout when test is wrapped inside a timeout
Export type for runner summary
- feat: add type for RunnerSummary d0eabd0
Round off tests and runner duration time
- refactor: round off tests time duration d57c046
Tests runner now returns the tests summary
- feat: add getSummary method to runner 17c8821
Add tracker class to generate tests summary
- feat: add tracker class to generate tests summary ec2ee00