- API changes:
- The
directory is now moved undercore
to avoid having aCMakeLists.txt
at the top level (for ROS2/colcon)
- The
- Deprecated features:
- wstool support has been dropped, replaced by vcs (see files in
- wstool support has been dropped, replaced by vcs (see files in
- New features:
- CRTK based client and example of Python script (
) ros
subdirectory can now be compiled for ROS1/catkin or ROS2/colcon!
- CRTK based client and example of Python script (
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed CMake to use latest cisst CMake macros, install targets properly defined
- API changes:
- Using CRTK naming convention (i.e. forces are reported using
- Using CRTK naming convention (i.e. forces are reported using
- Deprecated features:
- None
- New features:
- Better ROS bridge using cisst ROS CRTK class
- Use Qt widgets from cisst as much as possible
- rosinstall file to get dependencies using
- Support cisstMultiTask manager configuration files to use with other middleware (e.g. OpenIGTLink)
- Bug fixes:
- None
- API changes:
- None
- Deprecated features:
- None
- New features:
- Get velocity and effort for gripper state
- Updated Qt widgets for cartesian position and wrench
- Added ROS topics for buttons
- ROS bridge should now exit on ctrl-c
- Bug fixes:
- None
- API changes:
- None
- Deprecated features:
- None
- New features:
- Initial release
- cisst/SAW wrapper for Force Dimension SDK to support Noving Falcon and Force Dimension haptic devices
- Comes with a Qt widget to display current status and buttons to lock/unlock arm
- Simple ROS bridge to publish current state of device, subscribers to control device can be added if needed, do not hesitate to contact the developer if you need ROS subscribers
- Bug fixes:
- None