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Digging Into the Traits for Async

Throughout the chapter, we’ve used the Future, Pin, Unpin, Stream, and StreamExt traits in various ways. So far, though, we’ve avoided digging too far into the details of how they work or how they fit together. Much of the time when writing Rust day to day, this is fine. Sometimes, though, you’ll hit situations where understanding a few more of these details matters. In this section, we’ll dig down enough further to help with those situations—while still leaving the really deep dive for other documentation!


Back in Futures and the Async Syntax, we noted that Future is a trait. Let’s start by taking a closer look at how it works. Here is how Rust defines a Future:

use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};

pub trait Future {
    type Output;

    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output>;

That trait definition includes a bunch of new types and also some syntax we haven’t seen before, so let’s walk through the definition piece by piece.

First, Future’s associated type Output says what the future resolves to. This is analogous to the Item associated type for the Iterator trait. Second, Future also has the poll method, which takes a special Pin reference for its self parameter and a mutable reference to a Context type, and returns a Poll<Self::Output>. We’ll talk a little more about Pin and Context later in the section. For now, let’s focus on what the method returns, the Poll type:

enum Poll<T> {

This Poll type is similar to an Option: it has one variant which has a value (Ready(T)), and one which does not (Pending). It means something quite different, though! The Pending variant indicates that the future still has work to do, so the caller will need to check again later. The Ready variant indicates that the Future has finished its work and the T value is available.

Note: With most futures, the caller should not call poll again after the future has returned Ready. Many futures will panic if polled again after becoming ready! Futures which are safe to poll again will say so explicitly in their documentation. This is similar to how Iterator::next behaves!

Under the hood, when you see code which uses await, Rust compiles that to code which calls poll. If you look back at Listing 17-4, where we printed out the page title for a single URL once it resolved, Rust compiles it into something kind of (although not exactly) like this:

match page_title(url).poll() {
    Ready(page_title) => match page_title {
        Some(title) => println!("The title for {url} was {title}"),
        None => println!("{url} had no title"),
    Pending => {
        // But what goes here?

What should we do when the Future is still Pending? We need some way to try again… and again, and again, until the future is finally ready. In other words, a loop:

let mut page_title_fut = page_title(url);
loop {
    match page_title_fut.poll() {
        Ready(value) => match page_title {
            Some(title) => println!("The title for {url} was {title}"),
            None => println!("{url} had no title"),
        Pending => {
            // continue

If Rust compiled it to exactly that code, though, every await would be blocking—exactly the opposite of what we were going for! Instead, Rust makes sure that the loop can hand off control to something which can pause work on this future and work on other futures and check this one again later. That “something” is an async runtime, and this scheduling and coordination work is one of the main jobs for a runtime.

Recall our description (in the Counting section) of waiting on rx.recv. The recv call returns a Future, and awaiting it polls it. In our initial discussion, we noted that a runtime will pause the future until it’s ready with either Some(message) or None when the channel closes. With our deeper understanding of Future in place, and specifically Future::poll, we can see how that works. The runtime knows the future isn’t ready when it returns Poll::Pending. Conversely, the runtime knows the future is ready and advances it when poll returns Poll::Ready(Some(message)) or Poll::Ready(None).

The exact details of how a runtime does that are more than we will cover in even this deep dive section. The key here is to see the basic mechanic of futures: a runtime polls each future it is responsible for, putting it back to sleep when it is not yet ready.

Pinning and the Pin and Unpin Traits

When we introduced the idea of pinning while working on Listing 17-16, we ran into a very gnarly error message. Here is the relevant part of it again:

error[E0277]: `{async block@src/ 10:33}` cannot be unpinned
  --> src/
48 |         trpl::join_all(futures).await;
   |                                 ^^^^^ the trait `Unpin` is not implemented for `{async block@src/ 10:33}`, which is required by `Box<{async block@src/ 10:33}>: Future`
   = note: consider using the `pin!` macro
           consider using `Box::pin` if you need to access the pinned value outside of the current scope
   = note: required for `Box<{async block@src/ 10:33}>` to implement `Future`
note: required by a bound in `futures_util::future::join_all::JoinAll`
  --> file:///home/.cargo/registry/src/
27 | pub struct JoinAll<F>
   |            ------- required by a bound in this struct
28 | where
29 |     F: Future,
   |        ^^^^^^ required by this bound in `JoinAll`

When we read this error message carefully, it not only tells us that we need to pin the values, but also tells us why pinning is required. The trpl::join_all function returns a struct called JoinAll. That struct is generic over a type F, which is constrained to implement the Future trait. Directly awaiting a future with await pins the future implicitly. That’s why we don’t need to use pin! everywhere we want to await futures.

However, we’re not directly awaiting a future here. Instead, we construct a new future, JoinAll, by passing a collection of futures to the join_all function. The signature for join_all requires that the type of the items in the collection all implement the Future trait, and Box<T> only implements Future if the T that it wraps is a future which implements the Unpin trait.

That’s a lot! But we can understand it, if we dive a little further into how the Future type actually works, in particular around pinning.

Let’s look again at the definition of Future:

use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};

pub trait Future {
    type Output;

    // Required method
    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output>;

The cx parameter and its Context type is the key to how a runtime actually knows when to check any given future, while still being lazy. The details of how that works are beyond the scope of this chapter, though: you generally only need to worry about it when writing a custom Future implementation.

Instead, we’ll focus on the type for self. This is the first time we’ve seen a method where self has a type annotation. A type annotation for self is similar to type annotations for other function parameters, with two key differences. First, when we specify the type of self in this way, we’re telling Rust what type self must be to call this method. Second, a type annotation on self can’t be just any type. It’s only allowed to be the type on which the method is implemented, a reference or smart pointer to that type, or a Pin wrapping a reference to that type. We’ll see more on this syntax in Chapter 18. For now, it’s enough to know that if we want to poll a future (to check whether it is Pending or Ready(Output)), we need a mutable reference to the type, which is wrapped in a Pin.

Pin is a wrapper type. In some ways, it’s similar to the Box, Rc, and other smart pointer types we saw in Chapter 15, which also wrap other types. Unlike those, however, Pin only works with pointer types such as references (& and &mut) and smart pointers (Box, Rc, and so on). To be precise, Pin works with types which implement the Deref or DerefMut traits, which we covered in Chapter 15. You can think of this restriction as equivalent to only working with pointers, though, because implementing Deref or DerefMut means your type behaves similarly to a pointer type. Pin is also not a pointer itself, and it doesn’t have any behavior of its own the way Rc and Arc do with ref counting. It’s purely a tool the compiler can use to uphold the relevant guarantees, by wrapping pointers in the type.

Recalling that await is implemented in terms of calls to poll, this starts to explain the error message we saw above—but that was in terms of Unpin, not Pin. So what exactly are Pin and Unpin, how do they relate, and why does Future need self to be in a Pin type to call poll?

In Our First Async Program, we described how a series of await points in a future get compiled into a state machine—and noted how the compiler helps make sure that state machine follows all of Rust’s normal rules around safety, including borrowing and ownership. To make that work, Rust looks at what data is needed between each await point and the next await point or the end of the async block. It then creates a corresponding variant in the state machine it creates. Each variant gets the access it needs to the data that will be used in that section of the source code, whether by taking ownership of that data or by getting a mutable or immutable reference to it.

So far so good: if we get anything wrong about the ownership or references in a given async block, the borrow checker will tell us. When we want to move around the future that corresponds to that block—like moving it into a Vec to pass to join_all, the way we did back in the “Working With Any Number of Futures” section—things get trickier.

When we move a future—whether by pushing into a data structure to use as an iterator with join_all, or returning them from a function—that actually means moving the state machine Rust creates for us. And unlike most other types in Rust, the futures Rust creates for async blocks can end up with references to themselves in the fields of any given variant, as in Figure 17-4 (a simplified illustration to help you get a feel for the idea, rather than digging into what are often fairly complicated details).

Concurrent work flow

Figure 17-4: A self-referential data type.

By default, though, any object which has a reference to itself is unsafe to move, because references always point to the actual memory address of the thing they refer to. If you move the data structure itself, those internal references will be left pointing to the old location. However, that memory location is now invalid. For one thing, its value will not be updated when you make changes to the data structure. For another—and more importantly!—the computer is now free to reuse that memory for other things! You could end up reading completely unrelated data later.

Concurrent work flow

Figure 17-5: The unsafe result of moving a self-referential data type.

In principle, the Rust compiler could try to update every reference to an object every time it gets moved. That would potentially be a lot of performance overhead, especially given there can be a whole web of references that need updating. On the other hand, if we could make sure the data structure in question doesn’t move in memory, we don’t have to update any references. This is exactly what Rust’s borrow checker requires: you can’t move an item which has any active references to it using safe code.

Pin builds on that to give us the exact guarantee we need. When we pin a value by wrapping a pointer to that value in Pin, it can no longer move. Thus, if you have Pin<Box<SomeType>>, you actually pin the SomeType value, not the Box pointer. Figure 17-6 illustrates this:

Concurrent work flow

Figure 17-6: Pinning a `Box` which points to a self-referential future type.

In fact, the Box pointer can still move around freely. Remember: we care about making sure the data ultimately being referenced stays in its place. If a pointer moves around, but the data it points to is in the same place, as in Figure 17-7, there’s no potential problem. (How you would do this with a Pin wrapping a Box is more than we’ll get into in this particular discussion, but it would make for a good exercise! If you look at the docs for the types as well as the std::pin module, you might be able to work out how you would do that.) The key is that the self-referential type itself cannot move, because it is still pinned.

Concurrent work flow

Figure 17-7: Moving a `Box` which points to a self-referential future type.

However, most types are perfectly safe to move around, even if they happen to be behind a Pin pointer. We only need to think about pinning when items have internal references. Primitive values such as numbers and booleans don’t have any internal references, so they’re obviously safe. Neither do most types you normally work with in Rust. A Vec, for example, doesn’t have any internal references it needs to keep up to date this way, so you can move it around without worrying. If you have a Pin<Vec<String>>, you’d have to do everything via the safe but restrictive APIs provided by Pin, even though a Vec<String> is always safe to move if there are no other references to it. We need a way to tell the compiler that it’s actually just fine to move items around in cases such as these. For that, we have Unpin.

Unpin is a marker trait, similar to the Send and Sync traits we saw in Chapter 16. Recall that marker traits have no functionality of their own. They exist only to tell the compiler that it’s safe to use the type which implements a given trait in a particular context. Unpin informs the compiler that a given type does not need to uphold any particular guarantees about whether the value in question can be moved.

Just as with Send and Sync, the compiler implements Unpin automatically for all types where it can prove it is safe. The special case, again similar to Send and Sync, is the case where Unpin is not implemented for a type. The notation for this is impl !Unpin for SomeType, where SomeType is the name of a type which does need to uphold those guarantees to be safe whenever a pointer to that type is used in a Pin.

In other words, there are two things to keep in mind about the relationship between Pin and Unpin. First, Unpin is the “normal” case, and !Unpin is the special case. Second, whether a type implements Unpin or !Unpin only matters when using a pinned pointer to that type like Pin<&mut SomeType>.

To make that concrete, think about a String: it has a length and the Unicode characters which make it up. We can wrap a String in Pin, as seen in Figure 17-8. However, String automatically implements Unpin, the same as most other types in Rust.

Concurrent work flow

Figure 17-8: Pinning a String, with a dotted line indicating that the String implements the `Unpin` trait, so it is not pinned.

As a result, we can do things which would be illegal if String implemented !Unpin instead, such as replace one string with another at the exact same location in memory as in Figure 17-9. This doesn’t violate the Pin contract, because String has no internal references that make it unsafe to move around! That is precisely why it implements Unpin rather than !Unpin.

Concurrent work flow

Figure 17-9: Replacing the String with an entirely different String in memory.

Now we know enough to understand the errors reported for that join_all call from back in Listing 17-17. We originally tried to move the futures produced by async blocks into a Vec<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()>>>, but as we’ve seen, those futures may have internal references, so they don’t implement Unpin. They need to be pinned, and then we can pass the Pin type into the Vec, confident that the underlying data in the futures will not be moved.

Pin and Unpin are mostly important for building lower-level libraries, or when you’re building a runtime itself, rather than for day to day Rust code. When you see these traits in error messages, though, now you’ll have a better idea of how to fix the code!

Note: This combination of Pin and Unpin allows a whole class of complex types to be safe in Rust which are otherwise difficult to implement because they’re self-referential. Types which require Pin show up most commonly in async Rust today, but you might—very rarely!—see it in other contexts, too.

The specifics of how Pin and Unpin work, and the rules they’re required to uphold, are covered extensively in the API documentation for std::pin, so if you’d like to understand them more deeply, that’s a great place to start.

If you want to understand how things work “under the hood” in even more detail, the official Asynchronous Programming in Rust book has you covered:

The Stream Trait

Now that we have a deeper grasp on the Future, Pin, and Unpin traits, we can turn our attention to the Stream trait. As described in the section introducing streams, streams are similar to asynchronous iterators. Unlike Iterator and Future, there is no definition of a Stream trait in the standard library as of the time of writing, but there is a very common definition from the futures crate used throughout the ecosystem.

Let’s review the definitions of the Iterator and Future traits, so we can build up to how a Stream trait that merges them together might look. From Iterator, we have the idea of a sequence: its next method provides an Option<Self::Item>. From Future, we have the idea of readiness over time: its poll method provides a Poll<Self::Output>. To represent a sequence of items which become ready over time, we define a Stream trait which puts those features together:

use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};

trait Stream {
    type Item;

    fn poll_next(
        self: Pin<&mut Self>,
        cx: &mut Context<'_>
    ) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>>;

The Stream trait defines an associated type Item for the type of the items produced by the stream. This is similar to Iterator: there may be zero to many of these, and unlike Future, where there is always a single Output (even if it’s the unit type ()).

Stream also defines a method to get those items. We call it poll_next, to make it clear that it polls in the same way Future::poll does and produces a sequence of items in the same way Iterator::next does. Its return type combines Poll with Option. The outer type is Poll, because it has to be checked for readiness, just as a future does. The inner type is Option, because it needs to signal whether there are more messages, just as an iterator does.

Something very similar to this will likely end up standardized as part of Rust’s standard library. In the meantime, it’s part of the toolkit of most runtimes, so you can rely on it, and everything we cover below should generally apply!

In the example we saw in the section on streaming, though, we didn’t use poll_next or Stream, but instead used next and StreamExt. We could work directly in terms of the poll_next API by hand-writing our own Stream state machines, of course, just as we could work with futures directly via their poll method. Using await is much nicer, though, so the StreamExt trait supplies the next method so we can do just that.

{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch17-async-await/no-listing-stream-ext/src/}}

Note: The actual definition we used earlier in the chapter looks slightly different than this, because it supports versions of Rust which did not yet support using async functions in traits. As a result, it looks like this:

fn next(&mut self) -> Next<'_, Self> where Self: Unpin;

That Next type is a struct which implements Future and gives a way to name the lifetime of the reference to self with Next<'_, Self>, so that await can work with this method!

The StreamExt trait is also the home of all the interesting methods available to use with streams. StreamExt is automatically implemented for every type which implements Stream, but these traits are defined separately so that the community can iterate on the foundational trait distinctly from the convenience APIs.

In the version of StreamExt used in the trpl crate, the trait not only defines the next method, it also supplies an implementation of next, which correctly handles the details of calling Stream::poll_next. This means that even when you need to write your own streaming data type, you only have to implement Stream, and then anyone who uses your data type can use StreamExt and its methods with it automatically.

That’s all we’re going to cover for the lower-level details on these traits. To wrap up, let’s consider how futures (including streams), tasks, and threads all fit together!