Besides those environment variables associated with configurable options, the following environment variables can also be used to influence functionality:
Kubernetes only. This value indicates the default service account name to use for
kernel namespaces when the Enterprise Gateway needs to create the kernel's namespace
and KERNEL_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME has not been provided.
EG_DOCKER_NETWORK=enterprise-gateway or bridge
Docker only. Used by the docker deployment and launch scripts, this indicates the
name of the docker network docker network to use. The start scripts default this
value to 'enterprise-gateway' because they create the network. The docker kernel
launcher ( defaults this value to 'bridge' only in cases where it
wasn't previously set by the deployment script.
Indicates whether tunneling (via ssh) of the kernel and communication ports
is enabled (True) or not (False).
EG_KERNEL_CLUSTER_ROLE=kernel-controller or cluster-admin
Kubernetes only. The role to use when binding with the kernel service account.
The eg-clusterrole.yaml file creates the cluster role 'kernel-controller'
and conveys that name via EG_KERNEL_CLUSTER_ROLE. Should the deployment script
not set this valuem, Enterprise Gateway will then use 'cluster-admin'. It is
recommended this value be set to something other than 'cluster-admin'.
The time (in seconds) Enterprise Gateway will wait for a kernel's startup
completion status before deeming the startup a failure, at which time a second
startup attempt will take place. If a second timeout occurs, Enterprise
Gateway will report a failure to the client.
The time (in seconds) Enterprise Gateway will wait for kernel info response
before deeming the request a failure.
A comma separated list (e.g. "secret,pwd,auth") of sensitive environment
variables. Any environment variables that contain any of the words from this
list will have their values as EG_REDACTION_MASK whenever logged.
The redaction mask used if EG_SENSITIVE_ENV_KEYS is set. Sensitive environment
variables will be logged as this redaction mask instead.
The directory used during remote kernel launches of DistributedProcessProxy
kernels. Files in this directory will be of the form kernel-<kernel_id>.log.
**Experimental** Enables kernel session persistence. Currently, this is purely
experiemental and writes kernel session information to a local file. Should
Enterprise Gateway terminate with running kernels, a subsequent restart of
Enterprise Gateway will attempt to reconnect to the persisted kernels. See
also EG_KERNEL_SESSION_LOCATION and --KernelSessionManager.enable_persistence.
**Experimental** The location in which the kernel session information is persisted.
By default, this is located in the configured JupyterDataDir. See also
The number of attempts made to locate an available port within the specified
port range. Only applies when --EnterpriseGatewayApp.port_range
(or EG_PORT_RANGE) has been specified or is in use for the given kernel.
The minimum port range size permitted when --EnterpriseGatewayApp.port_range
(or EG_PORT_RANGE) is specified or is in use for the given kernel. Port ranges
reflecting smaller sizes will result in a failure to launch the corresponding
kernel (since port-range can be specified within individual kernel specifications).
Containers only. If True, kernel creation requests that specify KERNEL_WORKING_DIR
will set the kernel container's working directory to that value. See also
EG_NAMESPACE=enterprise-gateway or default
Kubernetes only. Used during Kubernetes deployment, this indicates the name of
the namespace in which the Enterprise Gateway service is deployed. The
namespace is created prior to deployment, and is set into the EG_NAMESPACE env via
deployment.yaml script. This value is then used within Enterprise Gateway to coordinate
kernel configurations. Should this value not be set during deployment, Enterprise
Gateway will default its value to namespace 'default'.
Containers only. A comma-separated list of group ids (GID) whose values are not
allowed to be referenced by KERNEL_GID. This defaults to the root group id (0).
Attempts to launch a kernel where KERNEL_GID's value is in this list will result
in an exception indicating error 403 (Forbidden). See also EG_PROHIBITED_UIDS.
A comma-separated list of local IPv4 addresses (or regular expressions) that
should not be used when determining the response address used to convey connection
information back to Enterprise Gateway from a remote kernel. In some cases, other
network interfaces (e.g., docker with 172.17.0.*) can interfere - leading to
connection failures during kernel startup.
Example: EG_PROHIBITED_LOCAL_IPS=172.17.0.*, will eliminate the use of
all addresses in 172.17.0 as well as
Containers only. A comma-separated list of user ids (UID) whose values are not
allowed to be referenced by KERNEL_UID. This defaults to the root user id (0).
Attempts to launch a kernel where KERNEL_UID's value is in this list will result
in an exception indicating error 403 (Forbidden). See also EG_PROHIBITED_GIDS.
Experimental. The IP address to use to formulate the response address (with
`EG_RESPONSE_PORT`). By default, the server's IP is used. However, we may find
it necessary to use a different IP in cases where the target kernels are external
to the Enterprise Gateway server (for example). It's value may also need to be
set in cases where the computed (default) is not correct for the current topology.
The single response port used to receive connection information
from launched kernels.
The number of retries to attempt when the original response port
(EG_RESPONSE_PORT) is found to be in-use. This value should be
set to 0 (zero) if no port retries are desired.
Kubernetes only. This value indicates whether (True) or not (False) all kernel pods
should reside in the same namespace as Enterprise Gateway. This is not a recommended
The port number used for ssh operations for installations choosing to
configure the ssh server on a port other than the default 22.
The password to use to ssh to remote hosts
The username to use when connecting to remote hosts (default to `getpass.getuser()`
when not set).
Use gss instead of EG_REMOTE_USER and EG_REMOTE_PWD to connect to remote host via SSH.
Case insensitive. 'True' to enable, 'False', '' or unset to disable.
Any other value will error.
The path to a .pem or any other custom truststore used as a CA bundle in
The size of the ZMQ thread pool used to handle I/O operations. Applies only to shared
contexts which are enabled by default but can be specified via
`RemoteMappingKernelManager.shared_context = True`.
Specifies the maximum number of sockets to allow on the ZMQ context. Applies only to
shared contexts which are enabled by default but can be specified via
`RemoteMappingKernelManager.shared_context = True`.