- joekamprad
- manuel
- fernandomaroto (initial developer)
..and our beloved community
This ISO is based on hugely modified Arch-ISO to provide Installation Environment for EndeavourOS.
More info at EndeavourOS-GitHub-Development
- https://endeavouros.com
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Our journey wouldn't be made possible without the generosity of our Open Collective community!
- EndeavourOS-ISO source (Live environment with XFCE4-Desktop)
- EndeavourOS-calamares (installer framework)
Systemd-boot for UEFI systems:
Bios-boot (syslinux) for legacy systems:
You need to use an installed EndeavourOS system or any archbased system with EndeavourOS repository enabled.
As the installer packages and needed dependencies will get installed from EndeavourOS repository.
general information: https://endeavouros-team.github.io/EndeavourOS-Development/
sudo pacman -S archiso mkinitcpio-archiso git squashfs-tools --needed
git clone https://github.com/endeavouros-team/EndeavourOS-ISO.git
cd "EndeavourOS-ISO"
sudo ./mkarchiso -v "."
or with log
sudo ./mkarchiso -v "." 2>&1 | tee "eosiso_$(date -u +'%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M').log"
To install locally builded packages on ISO put the packages inside directory:
Packages will get installed and directory will be cleaned up after that.