Adapters are used to allow paging of specific types of items. The following are supported out of the box:
A single Adapter
can be used to construct any of the
adapters from within a single class.
$pager->paginate(Adapter::_array(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']));
Strategies define the way items are split to pages. By default the "equally paged" strategy is used.
use KG\Pager\Pager;
use KG\Pager\Strategy\EquallyPaged;
use KG\Pager\Strategy\LastPageMerged;
$pagerA = new Pager(new EquallyPaged());
$pagerB = new Pager(new LastPageMerged(0.3333));
The following strategies exist:
- split items equally between the pages;LastPageMerged
- split items equally between the pages, but merge the last two pages if there are too few items left dangling on the last page;
Callbacks are used to modify paged items. They're added to page objects and are applied whenever the items are fetched for the first time. The only requirement is that the callback must return exactly as many items as were passed to it.
Each callback constructs a new Page
object so you can keep multiple pages
use KG\Pager\Pager;
use KG\Pager\Adapter\ArrayAdapter;
$pager = new Pager();
$page = $pager
->paginate(new ArrayAdapter(array(1, 2)))
->callback(function (array $items) {
foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
$items[$key] = $item * 2;
return $items;
$page->getItems(); // [2, 4]
Sometimes it might be necessary to keep using the paging system yet fetch all items from all of the pages.
use KG\Pager\Pager;
use KG\Pager\Adapter\ArrayAdapter;
$perPage = 2;
$pager = new Pager();
$page = $pager->paginate(new ArrayAdapter(range(0, 3)), $perPage);
$page->getItems(); // [0, 1]
$page->getItemsOfAllPages(); // [0, 1, 2, 3]
On bigger result sets it might be prohibitively expensive to count the total number of items. The pager won't use adapter's count method by sticking to the following methods:
- Page::getNext()
- Page::getPrevious()
- Page::isFirst()
- Page::isLast()
- Page::isOutOfBounds()
- Page::getItems()
- Page::getNumber()
- Page::callback()
This guarantee only applies when using built-in strategies and adapters.
The symfony/http-foundation package is required for this feature. The pager can be wrapped by a special decorator, which gets the current page automatically from the given request.
use KG\Pager\Pager;
use KG\Pager\RequestDecorator;
// Given & assuming there's a Symfony Request object
// in the RequestStack object.
$pager = new RequestDecorator(new Pager(), $requestStack);
$page = $pager->paginate($adapter);
$page->getNumber() // 3
Bounds checking is disabled by default. This can be checked manually any time
by calling Page::isOutOfBounds()
. However, this requires knowing the total
count of items.
The pager can be wrapped in a BoundsCheckDecorator
to throw exceptions for out of bounds pages.
use KG\Pager\BoundsCheckDecorator;
use KG\Pager\Exception\OutOfBoundsException;
use KG\Pager\Pager;
$pager = new BoundsCheckDecorator(new Pager(), 'custom_key');
try {
$pager->paginate($adapter, null, -5);
} catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) {
// Location:
header(sprintf('Location:', $e->getRedirectKey(), 1));
The package comes with a bundle to seamlessly integrate with your Symfony projects.
After installing the package, simply enable it in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new KG\Pager\Bundle\KGPagerBundle(),
That's it! no extra configuration necessary. You can make sure the bundle's up and running by executing
app/console container:debug | grep kg_pager
If everything's working, it should print out the pager service.
By default a single pager is defined. Access it through the kg_pager
service id.
The current page is inferred from the page
query parameter.
use KG\Pager\Adapter;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
class AcmeDemoController extends Controller
public function listPagedAction()
$qb = $this
// 25 items per page is used by default.
$itemsPerPage = 10;
$page = $this->get('kg_pager')->paginate(Adapter::dql($qb), $itemsPerPage);
return $this->render('App:Product:listPaged.html.twig', array(
'page' => $page
Of course the pager can also be injected to any service.
use KG\Pager\Adapter;
use KG\Pager\PagerInterface;
class ExampleService
private $pager;
public function __construct(PagerInterface $pager)
$this->pager = $pager;
public function doSomethingPaged()
$list = array('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
return $this->pager->paginate(Adapter::_array($list), 2);
<service id="example_service" class="Acme\ExampleService">
<argument type="service" id="kg_pager" />
You may want to optinally configure the bundle to define several pagers, each with their own settings.
default: foo # now `kg_pager` returns a pager named `foo`
per_page: 20 # how many items to have on a single page
key: custom_page # the key used to infer the current page i.e. ``
merge: 10 # if less than 10 items are left on the last page, merge it with the previous page
redirect: false # whether to redirect the user, if they requested an out of bounds page
bar: ~ # pager with default settings
The pagers are registered in the service container as kg_pager.pager.%name%
with the default pager aliased to kg_pager
You may optionally want to have the default pager be automatically injected to your entity repositories. For this do the following:
Have a custom repository class implement [
][Doctrine/PagerAwareInterface.php]; -
Set the class as the default repository class and add a custom factory service in doctrine configuration:
// app/config/config.yml doctrine: orm: default_repository_class: 'Repository\Implementing\PagerAwareInterface' repository_factory: 'kg_pager.pager_aware_repository_factory'
The bundle adds a new Twig function paged
. You can use this to paginate
items in your Twig templates.
{% set items = [1, 2, 3, 4] %}
{% set perPage = 2 %}
{% set currentPage = 2 %}
{% set pageA = paged(items) %}
{% set pageB = paged(items, perPage, currentPage) %}
{# Both `pageA` and `pageB` are instances of `PageInterface` #}