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1481 lines (1276 loc) · 47.2 KB

File metadata and controls

1481 lines (1276 loc) · 47.2 KB


The format of this changelog is based on Keep a Changelog.

The Koto project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.15.0] Unreleased



  • Type hints have been added, enabling runtime type checks.
    • let is used for type-checked assignments, e.g. let x: String = 'abc'.
    • Other bindings (for values, function arguments, etc.) can be similarly annotated with a type hints.
    • Runtime checks can be optionally disabled via KotoSettings::enable_type_checks.
    • Thanks to @Tarbetu for the contributions.
  • Optional chaining via the ? operator has been added to simplify writing expressions that need to check for .null on intermediate values.
    • E.g. x = get_data()?.bar(), where get_data could return null.
  • export can be used with multi-assignment expressions.
    • E.g. expressions like export a, b, c = foo() are now allowed.
  • Maps now support [] indexing, returning the Nth entry as a tuple.
    • Entries can also be replaced by index by assigning a key/value tuple.
  • The @index_mut metakey has been added to define custom behaviour for index-assignment operations.
  • Objects that implement KotoObject::call can now be used in operations that expect functions.
    • KotoObject::is_callable has been added to support this, and needs to be implemented for the runtime to accept the object as a function.

Core Library

  • file.is_terminal has been added.
  • string.repeat has been added.
  • tuple.sort_copy now supports sorting with a key function, following the behaviour of list.sort.


  • Improved support for generic KotoObject types
    • The macros in koto_derive have been updated to support generics.
      • KotoField has been added to reduce boilerplate when using the derive macros.
  • KotoObject::index_mut has been added to allow objects to support mutable indexing operations.
  • TryFrom<KValue> has been implemented for some core and std types, including bool, string, and number types.



  • The >> pipe operator has been replaced with ->.
    • This aligns it with the -> function output type syntax, which avoids having two different special-case operators related to function output.
  • The type of a number is now always Number, rather than distinguishing between Int and Float.
  • Error messages have been improved when calling core library functions with incorrect arguments.
  • await and const have been reserved as keywords for future use.
  • @|| has been renamed to @call, and @[] has been renamed to @index.
  • : placement following keys in maps is now more flexible. (#368)


  • The line and column numbers referred to in spans are now zero-based.
  • Functions that previously took Option<PathBuf> now take Option<&Path>.
  • AstIndex and ConstantIndex are now newtypes that wrap u32.
  • Node::Lookup has been renamed to Node::Chain, and LookupNode is now ChainNode.
  • type_error has been renamed to unexpected_type.
    • type_error_with_slice has been replaced by unexpected_args and unexpected_args_after_instance.
  • From impls for KNumber now saturate integer values that are out of the target type's bounds, instead of wrapping.
  • KString will now inline short strings to reduce allocations.


  • The color module has been reworked to support working with alternative color spaces.
    • Oklab and Oklch color spaces have been added.
    • color.hex has been added to support initializing colors with hex triples.



  • The @tests metakey has been removed, with @test functions now exported directly in the module.
    • Before:
      @tests =
        @test foo: || assert something()
        @test bar: || assert something_else()
      @test foo = || assert something()
      @test bar = || assert something_else()
      • If you have a file with a lot of tests, you can replace @tests = with export to simplify the transition.
          @test foo: || assert something()
          @test bar: || assert something_else()


  • koto_parser::MapKey and IdOrString have been removed, map keys and import IDs are now represented as AST nodes.
  • Node::NamedCall has been removed, with all calls represented by expression chains.
  • KNumber::as_i64 has been removed in favour of i64::from.



  • Calling .next() on an exhausted generator no longer causes a panic.

[0.14.0] 2024.04.17



  • KMap::get has been introduced as simpler alternative to KMap::data().get().cloned().


  • Markdown docs have been added for the extra libs.
  • random.pick can now be used with objects and maps that implement @[]



  • The use of CallArgs has been simplified with the introduction of From implementations for single values, arrays, and slices.
    • CallArgs::None has been removed, instead you can pass in &[].
  • The run_function/run_instance_function methods in Koto and KotoVm have been renamed to call_function and call_instance_function.


  • regex.find_all now returns null when no matches are found.
  • regex.captures now doesn't add extra by-index entries for named capture groups. map.get_index can be used to explicitly retrieve groups by index.



  • The @not metakey has been removed.


  • Koto::run_exported_function has been removed. Functions can be accessed via Koto::exports().get() and then called with Koto::call_function().
  • Koto::run_with_args has been removed. For equivalent behaviour, Koto::set_args can be called before calling Koto::run.



  • Arguments in paren-free function calls no longer require whitespace after commas. e.g. f 1,2,3 would previously be rejected.

[0.13.0] 2024.04.05



  • The + operator has been reintroduced for tuples, lists, and maps.
  • Raw strings are now supported. Any string prefixed with r will skip character escaping and string interpolation.
  • Formatting options have been added for interpolated strings.
  • import expressions can now use as for more ergonomic item renaming.
  • Assignments can now be used in while/until conditions.
  • Unpacked assignments with a single value on the RHS are now accepted, with remaining values being set to null.
    • e.g. a, b, c = 42 will assign 42 to a, and null to b and c.
  • The @size metakey (along with KObject::size) has been added to allow custom value types to work with argument unpacking and pattern matching.
    • The general rule is now that matching works with any value that declares a size and supports indexing.


  • The koto_derive crate has been introduced containing derive macros that make it easier to implement KotoObjects.
  • Koto::run_instance_function has been added.
  • Ptr/PtrMut now have an associated ref_count function.
  • KMap::clear has been added.
  • A maximum execution duration can now be defined in KotoVmSettings, with a timeout error being returned when the deadline is reached.

Core Library

  • Dynamic compilation and evaluation features (koto.load and have been added, thanks to @alisomay.
  • koto.size has been added (and added to the prelude), replacing the various type-specific .size() functions.
  • string.char_indices has been added to support the switch to byte-based indexing.


  • A regex module has been added, thanks to @jasal92.
  • iterator.once has been added.



  • String interpolation has been updated:
    • The $ prefix has been removed from interpolated expressions. e.g. '${1 + 1}' is now {1 + 1}
    • Id-only interpolation (without the {} braces) has been removed. e.g. '$foo is now {foo}
    • The \$ escape sequence has been replaced with \{.
  • Pattern matching and function argument unpacking now use parentheses for all container types.
    • Any uses of [] brackets to match against lists can be updated to use parentheses instead.
  • Indexing operations on strings now access bytes instead of grapheme clusters.
    • This is to avoid the non-linear performance cost of indexing by cluster.
    • To access clusters via indexing, string.char_indices can be called first to retrieve valid indices.

Core Library

  • io.print no longer implicitly treats its first argument as a format string. Interpolated strings should be used instead.
  • and Peekble.peek/peek_back now return IteratorOutput for output values, and null when the iterator is exhausted.
    • .get() needs to be called on the output to get the underlying value.
  • map.with_meta_map has been renamed to with_meta, and get_meta_map has been renamed to get_meta.
  • string.to_number changes:
    • 0x, 0o, and 0b prefixes are understood for parsing hex, octal, or binary numbers respectively.
    • An overload has been added that accepts a number base between 2 and 36.
    • If the string doesn't contain a number, null is now returned instead of an exception being thrown.


  • Vm has been renamed to KotoVm for the sake of clarity.
  • Value has been renamed to KValue for consistency with the other core runtime value types, and to avoid polluting the prelude with a generic name.
  • The VM-specific parts of KotoSettings are now defined via KotoVmSettings.
  • The KotoLookup trait has been replaced with KotoEntries.
  • Objects can be compared with null on the LHS without having to implement KotoObject::equal and/or not_equal.
  • KRange initialization has been revamped to support From for RangeBounds<i64>.


  • The Koto runtime is now thread-safe by default, with the previous single-threaded behaviour available via the rc feature.
    • The rc variant has slightly better performance at the cost of thread safety.


  • The REPL config.koto settings have all been moved into a repl sub-map.
    • e.g. export { edit_mode: 'vi' } is now export { repl: { edit_mode: 'vi' }}
  • The --import_tests/-T CLI option will now run tests in the main script along with any tests from imported modules.


Core Library

  • koto.deep_copy has been removed from the prelude.
  • string.format has been removed now that formatting options have been added to interpolated strings.
    • If dynamically generating format strings was useful, then this can still be achieved by evaluating a generated string with


  • ObjectEntryBuilder has been replaced with macros from koto_derive.
  • KMap::add_map and KMap::add_value have been removed, KMap::insert now accepts any value that implements Into<Value> and can be used instead.
  • koto::Error/Result have been replaced with re-exports from koto_runtime.



  • Chained compound assignment operators are now right-associative and all share the same precedence.

[0.12.0] 2023.10.18



  • Ellipses can now be used when unpacking nested function args.
    • e.g.
      f = |(a, b, others...)| a * b + others.sum()
      f (10, 100, 1, 2, 3)
      # 1006
  • Meta map improvements
    • Compound assignment operators (@+=, @*=, etc.) can now be implemented in meta maps and external values.
    • The function call operator (@||) can be implemented to values that behave like functions.
    • Values that implement @[] can now be used in unpacking assignment expressions.
    • @next and @next_back meta keys have been added to enable custom iterators.
  • export can now be used with maps as well as single-value assignments.
    • e.g.
      a, b, c = 1, 2, 3
      export { a, b, c, foo: 42 }


  • New color and geometry libs have been added, and are available by default in the CLI.
  • koto.hash has been added to allow value hashes to be accessed.
  • The copy/deep_copy functions have been merged into the koto module, and made available in the prelude.
  • range additions:
    • range.contains can now accept a range as an argument.
      • e.g.
        (10..30).contains 15..25
        # true
    • is_inclusive and intersection have been added.
  • iterator additions:
    • iterator.next_back
    • iterator.peekable
    • iterator.step
    • iterator.take has a new overload that takes a predicate.


  • The KotoObject trait has been introduced to simplify creating custom object types, replacing ExternalValue.
  • Preludes are now available in the koto and koto_runtime crates.
  • Ptr<T> and PtrMut<T> wrappers have been introduced as the core memory types for the runtime, replacing uses of Rc<T> and Rc<RefCell<T>>.


  • Added support for disabling colored output with the NO_COLOR environment variable.
  • The REPL has been reimplemented with rustyline
    • History is now maintained between sessions.
    • Emacs / VI key bindings have been added.
  • A config.koto file can be written to maintain REPL settings.



  • The minimum supported Rust version is now the latest stable version.


  • self is now provided implicitly in functions and doesn't need to be declared as an argument.
  • Multi-assignment now unpacks values via iteration rather than by indexing.
    • e.g.
      a, b, c = (1..10).each |n| n * 10
      # 10, 20, 30
    • Iteration is also used when unpacking for loop arguments.
      • e.g.
      for a, b, c in (1..10).windows 3
        debug a, b, c
        # 1, 2, 3
        # 2, 3, 4
        # ...
  • Ranges now preserve whether or not they're inclusive.
  • Files now implement @display, showing their paths.
  • Tuples now share data when sub-tuples are made via indexing or unpacking, avoiding unnecessary copies.
  • Import nested items directly is no longer allowed
    • e.g. import now needs to be written as from foo import bar.


  • The various .copy/.deep_copy module functions have been merged into koto.copy/koto.deep_copy, which have also been added to the prelude.
  • iterator.chunks, .cycle, and .windows now cache initial iterator output rather than relying on copying the adapted iterator.


  • Value no longer implements fmt::Display, instead value_to_string can be called on Koto or the Vm to get a string.
  • Value::ExternalValue has been replaced by Value::Object.
  • External functions have been simplified, with a CallContext provided that provides access to the VM and its arguments.
    • Functions that need access to the self instance can access it via CallContext::instance.
  • The core Koto runtime types have been renamed for consistency, and now use a K prefix to help disambiguate them in context (e.g. KIterator vs. Iterator).
  • KTuple::data has been removed, with a Deref impl to &[Value] taking its place.
  • Type strings and strings returned by KotoFile implementations are now expected to be KStrings.
  • unexpected_type_error_with_slice has been renamed to type_error_with_slice, and has had the prefix argument removed.
  • DataMap::get_with_string has been replaced with a simplified ValueKey implementation that allows for efficient &str accesses without the intermediate steps.
  • Implementing KotoFile has been made easier, with the Display + Debug constraint replaced with a required id() function.
  • KotoError and KotoResult are now koto::Error and koto::Result.
  • Koto::run_function_by_name is now Koto::run_exported_function.


Packed number removal

  • The Num2 and Num4 types have been removed.
    • Some of the use cases for these types are covered by the new color and geometry libs.
    • See #201 for removal rationale.

Core Library

  • list.with_size has been removed in favour of using iterator.to_list.
    • e.g.
      # Instead of:
      list.with_size 5, 'x'
      # You can use:
      iterator.repeat('x', 5).to_list()
  • string.slice has been removed in favour of [] indexing.
    • e.g.
      # Instead of:
      "hello".slice 2, 4
      # You can use:


  • Ignored values (i.e. _ or values with a _ prefix) will now trigger a compilation error when they're accessed.
    • e.g.
      _x = 42
      debug _x
      #     ^^ This will now cause a compilation error

[0.11.0] 2022.07.14



  • The null keyword has been introduced, which is a more explicit way of declaring a non-value than ().
    • A consequence of this addition is that formatted JSON is now accepted as valid Koto.
      • e.g.
        data = {
          "empty": null,
          "nested": {
            "number": 123,
            "string": "hello"
        # 123
  • Koto values now coerce to Bool in boolean contexts, with false and null evaluating to false, with all other values evaluating to true.
    • e.g.
      x = null
      y = x or 42
      # 42
  • Maps can now implement @iterator, which allows you to define custom iteration behaviour.
    • e.g.
      foo = |n|
        n: n
        @iterator: |self| 1..=self.n
      # (1, 2, 3)
  • Num2 and Num4 values can now be iterated over in a for loop.
  • Empty tuples can be declared by including a trailing comma in parentheses, e.g. (,).
  • Wildcard arguments (declared with _) can now optionally have names following the underscore.
    • e.g.
      # Before
      x, _, z = 1, 2, 3
      # After
      x, _unused, z = 1, 2, 3
  • Loop improvements
    • The result of loop expressions (for, while, until, and loop) can now be assigned to a value, with the default result being the final expression in the loop body.
      • If no loop iterations are performed then the result is null.
    • The break keyword can now take an expression, which will be returned as the result of the loop.
      • e.g.
        y = for x in 0..=10
          if x == 5
            break x * x 
        # 25

Core Library

  • New additions:
    • iterator
      • chunks, find, flatten, generate, repeat, reversed, to_num2, to_num4, windows
    • list
      • extend, resize_with
    • map
      • extend, get_meta_map, with_meta_map
    • number
      • acosh, asinh, atanh, atan2, lerp
      • pi_2, pi_4
    • num2
      • lerp, make_num2, with
      • x, y
      • angle
    • num4
      • lerp, make_num4, with
      • r, g, b, a, x, y, z, w
    • os
      • time
        • Provides information about the current date and time.
      • start_timer
        • Provides a timer that can be used for measuring the duration between moments in time.
    • string
      • from_bytes, replace
  • The following items are now imported by default into the top level of the prelude:
    • io.print, koto.type, num2.make_num2, num4.make_num4, test.assert, test.assert_eq, test.assert_ne, test.assert_near
  • iterator.consume now accepts an optional function that will be called for each iterator output value.
    • e.g.
      (1, 2, 3).consume |n| print n
      # 1
      # 2
      # 3
  • test.assert_near's margin of error is now optional, defaulting to a very small value.


  • The minumum supported rust version (MSRV) is now 1.58.1.
  • A 'module imported' callback has been added to KotoSettings to aid in keeping track of a script's module dependencies.
  • Koto::clear_module_cache() has been added to allow for reloading scripts when one of the script's dependencies has changed.



  • Assigning to a module's meta map has been reworked
    • The export keyword is no longer needed to assign to a meta key, as meta keys can never be assigned locally.
      • e.g.
        # Before
        export @tests =
        # After
        @tests =
    • main functions are now defined using the @main meta key.
      • This is so that modules don't have to pollute their public exported API to take advantage of having a main function.
      • e.g.
        # Before
        export main = ||
        # After
        @main = ||
  • Map equality comparisons now don't rely on maps having keys in the same order.
    • e.g.
      x = {foo: 42, bar: 99}
      y = {bar: 99, foo: 42}
      # Before
      assert x != y
      # After
      assert x == y
  • Functions that access a value that was exported prior to the function being created, will capture the value rather than access it from exports.
    • e.g.
      export x = 123
      f = || x
      # Re-exporting x doesn't affect the value of x captured when f was created
      export x = 99
      # 123
  • Arms in match and switch expressions that have indented blocks as their bodies need to use then.
    • This reverts a change made in 0.9.0, in practice it's less distracting to have then required in all arms.
  • Parsing of multi-line braced expressions is now more flexible.
    • e.g.
      # The following style of list declaration was previously disallowed
      x = [ 1
          , 2
          , 3
  • Curly braces are now required when declaring a Map with inline syntax.
    • This reverts a change made in 0.9 which created too many ambiguous parsing situations in practice.

Core Library

  • The num2 and num4 keywords have been removed in favour of the new make_num2, make_num4, iterator.to_num2, and iterator.to_num4 functions.
  • The value provided to list.resize is now optional, with null being inserted when growing the list.
  • list.get, tuple.get, and map.get_index will now return null when a negative number is used as the index, rather than throwing an error.
  • List operations that modify the list but previously returned null, now return the modified list.
    • e.g.
      x = [1, 2, 3]
      # Before
      x.push 4
      # Null
      # After
      x.push 4
      # [1, 2, 3, 4]
  • range.contains now supports descending ranges.
  • io.print will now print a series of values as a Tuple, assuming the first value isn't a string.

Random Library

  • The default generator functions can now be used directly. Previously they had to be used as instance functions.
    • e.g.
      # Before
      if random.bool() then do_x()
      # After
      rng_bool = import random.bool
      if rng_bool() then do_x()
  • The number2 and number4 functions have been renamed to num2 and num4.
  • The number of rounds used by the generator (ChaCha) has been reduced from 20 to 8.
  • The random module is provided as a ValueMap rather than a Value, meaning that its now added to the prelude via add_map like other modules.


  • Koto now uses the Rust 2021 edition.
  • Value::Empty has been renamed to Null.
  • ExternalIterator has been renamed to KotoIterator.
  • ValueIterator::make_external has been renamed to ValueIterator::new.
  • Koto::set_script_path and set_args now return Results.
  • ValueMap's meta map is now optional, and use of the meta() getter will need to be adapted. Helpers (get_meta_value, contains_meta_key, insert_meta) have been introduced for convenience.
  • The 'modulo' operator is now referred to more accurately as the 'remainder' operator.


  • The num2 and num4 keywords have been removed, see above.
  • Support for setting Num2/Num4 elements by index (added in 0.9.0) has been removed. These value types should be treated as immutable; the with functions can be used to create new values with modified elements.
  • list.sort_copy has been removed in favour of .copy().sort().
    • e.g.
      x = [3, 2, 1]
      y = x.copy().sort()
      # [1, 2, 3]
      # [3, 2, 1]
  • Support for nested multiline comments has been removed.
    • This makes it easier to toggle code blocks, e.g.
      # Adding a '#' to the start or end of the line above toggles the code below
      print 'hello'
  • The + operator is no longer implemented for Lists and Maps, list.extend and map.extend can be used as an alternative.


  • Error traces have been made more reliable, with the correct positions being displayed more consistently in calling functions.
  • io.print now correctly prints values that are printed without a format string and that override @display.
  • Fixed a panic that could occur when skipping past the end of an iterator and then calling a 'to X' function.
  • Fixed unexpected shaky behaviour when compiling expressions that assign to the same name more than once in the expression, e.g. x = x = 1.
  • Import expressions now work with previously-imported maps.
    • e.g.
      import bar.baz # <-- Previously this would cause a runtime error
      debug baz
  • Accessing an ID without side effects would previously be optimized away, which led to the confusing situation where a missing ID could be accessed in a script without triggering an error.
  • Running an integer remainder operation with a divisor of zero (e.g. 1 % 0) no longer causes a panic and instead returns NaN.
  • Added missing support for escaping $ in strings.

[0.10.0] 2021.12.02


  • iterator.cycle has been added to the core library.
    • e.g.
      (1, 2, 3).cycle().take(10).to_list()
      # [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1]
  • A pipe operator (>>) has been added to help with making long function call chains more readable.
    • e.g.
      x = then_that and_this 99, do_this 123
      # can now be written as:
      x = do_this 123 >> and_this 99 >> then_that
      # or with indentation:
      x = do_this 123
        >> and_this 99
        >> then_that
  • Maps can now override the behaviour of the not operator using the @not meta key.
  • random.pick now supports picking values from Tuples and Maps.


  • Linebreaks are now more flexible.
    • Linebreaks are allowed before assignment operators.
      • e.g.
          = 123 + 456
        # ^~~ Previously the indented `=` here would be disallowed.
    • Indentation can increase in arithmetic expressions.
      • e.g.
        x = 123
            + 456
              * 789
              # ^~~ Previously this indentation would have been disallowed.
            + 321
  • Individual .iter() functions on containers have been replaced with iterator.iter().
    • Existing scripts will continue to work without issue, unless they explicitly call or import one of the iter() functions from a module. iterator.iter() should be used instead.
  • Internals
    • The Koto runtime is now single-threaded.
      • Reference counted value types are now wrapped in Rc<...> instead of Arc<...>.
      • External value meta maps that are instantiated using lazy_static may now use thread_local! instead.
    • The AST struct returned by the parser now includes its associated constant pool as a member.
    • Koto functions are now called from the outside with a CallArgs argument, which provides more information to the runtime about how the function should be called.
      • CallArgs::AsTuple will pass the arguments into the function as a tuple, using a non-allocating temporary tuple when possible (i.e. when the function immediately unpacks the tuple's values).


  • Inline control flow expressions no longer incorrectly produce temporary results when the bodies are implicit tuples.
    • e.g.
      x = if foo then 1, 2, 3 else 4, 5, 6
      assert_eq x[0], 1 # Previously this would result in an error
  • Functions passed as arguments can now be broken onto a new line.
    • e.g.
        |x| x * x
      # ^~~~ Previously this would have returned a parsing error


  • The thread core library module has been removed.
  • os.cpu_count and os.physical_cpu_count have been removed.

[0.9.1] 2021.11.01


  • Fixed a couple of REPL bugs, assigning from a negated value or while using multi-assignment didn't work correctly.

[0.9.0] 2021.10.25


  • Koto is now supported on Windows.
  • String improvements
    • Support for string interpolation has been added.
      • e.g.
        x = 42
        "The answer is $x"
        # The answer is 42
        "$x divided by 3 is ${x / 3}."
        # 42 divided by 3 is 14.
    • Indexing a string with a range starting from 'one past the end' is now supported.
      • e.g. "x"[1..] is allowed, and produces an empty string.
  • Iterator improvements
    • iterator.min, iterator.max, and iterator.min_max now all have overloads that accept a key function.
    • Added iterator.copy.
    • deep_copy operations will now make copies of contained iterators (instead of the resulting iterators having shared iterator positions).
  • Num2 / Num4 improvements.
    • Elements can now be assigned via indexing.
      • e.g.
        x = num4 1, 2, 3, 4
        x[2..] = 99
        assert_eq x, (num4 1, 2, 99, 99)
    • Num2 and Num4 are now iterable.
      • e.g.
        x = num4 5, 6, 7, 8
        assert_eq x.keep(|n| n > 6).count(), 2
    • Following a parenthesized num2/num4 expression with a lookup is now supported.
      • e.g.
        num2(1, 2).sum()
        #         ^-- Previously this would result in an 'unexpected token' error.
  • Core library additions:
    • io.extend_path
    • list.get, tuple.get, map.get, and map.get_index now accept an optional default value that should be returned when an entry isn't found.
    • num2.iter / num4.iter
    • num2.iter / num4.iter
    • num2.length / num4.length
    • num2.max / num4.max
    • num2.min / num4.min
    • num2.normalize / num4.normalize
    • num2.product / num4.product
  • import improvements
    • Strings can now be used in import expressions, which allows for more flexible module naming, and for dynamically importing items.
      • e.g.
        # Dynamically choosing a module path
        from "${module_path()}/my_module" import foo, bar
        # Loading a module with a name that isn't allowed as an identifier
        my_module = import "123"
  • Added an optional library for working with YAML data.
  • Throw and debug expressions can now be used more freely, in particular as expressions in match and switch arms.
    • e.g.
      match foo()
        0 then true
        1 then false
        x then debug x # debug would previously require an indented block here.
  • Indented function calls are now allowed on lookups.
    • e.g. The following expression was previously disallowed:
        1 + 1,
      # ^~~~ An 'unexpected token' error would previously be generated here
  • CLI
    • An import_tests flag has been added that causes a module's tests to be run when it's first imported.
  • Internals
    • From implementations are extended to cover integer and floating point number types for Value. Also additional From implementations for u16 and i16 are added for both Value and ValueNumber.
      • e.g.
        let mut number: Value = 42_u16.into();
        number = -42_i16.into();
    • The Koto struct now has a Koto::exports() getter that allows access to a script's exported values.
    • A run_import_tests setting has been added to the runtime which will cause a module's tests to be run when it's imported.


  • Functions can now be called with missing arguments, with any missing arguments set to Empty.
    • e.g.
      foo = |a, b|
        a = if a == () then 100 else a
        b = if b == () then 42 else b
        a + b
      foo()    # 142
      foo 1    # 43
      foo 1, 2 # 3
  • Curly braces are now optional when defining maps using inline syntax.
    • e.g.
      # The following map definition:
      x = {foo: 42, bar: -1}
      # ...can also now be written as:
      x = foo: 42, bar: -1
    • Curly braces are still useful when creating empty maps, or when using the 'valueless map entry' feature, e.g.
      # Empty map
      x = {}
      # Valueless map entry
      foo = 42
      x = {foo, bar: -1}
      assert_eq, 42
  • $ symbols in string literals now need to be escaped due to the addition of string interpolation.
  • then is no longer allowed in match and switch expression arms that have indented bodies. then is only to be used for inline arms, similar to inline if expressions.
  • Internals
    • Compilation errors from the top-level Koto struct are now returned as a variant of KotoError.
    • External iterators must now implement the ExternalIterator trait.


  • Range expansion when making a list is no longer supported due to a reworking of list / tuple building. Iterators and .to_list() can be used as an alternative.
    • e.g.
      # Instead of:
      x = [1..=5] # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
      # Use .to_list():
      x = (1..=5).to_list() # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • The child_vm mechanism has been removed.
    • External functions that make use of it should be able to switch to reusing the vm passed into the external function.


  • Strings that end with an escaped backslash are now parsed correctly.

[0.8.1] 2021.08.18


  • Fixed a regression introduced in v0.7.0 that prevented Maps from using a quoted string for the first entry's key while using block syntax.

[0.8.0] 2021.08.17


  • CLI improvements
    • The REPL now contains a help system that provides reference documentation for the core library.
    • An --eval option has been added to allow for direct evaluation of an expression.
  • New features for Strings.
    • Strings now support indexing operations.
      • e.g.
        assert_eq "héllö"[1..3], "él"
        assert_eq "👋🥳😆"[1], "🥳"
    • Single-quotes can now be used to create strings, which can be useful when a string contains double quotes that would otherwise need to be escaped.
    • Modifiers can be used in formatting strings.
      • Borrowing from Rust's syntax, minimum and maximum widths can be specified for formatted values.
        • e.g.
          assert_eq ('{:6.2}'.format 1 / 3), '  0.33'
          assert_eq ('{:-^8}'.format "ab"), '---ab---'
    • \x and \u escape codes are now supported.
      • Borrowing Rust's syntax again, \x is followed by 2 hexadecimal digits representing an ASCII character in the range \x00 to \x7f.
      • \u is followed by up to 6 hexadecimal digits surrounded by {} braces, representing a unicode character.
      • e.g.
        assert_eq '\x4f\x5f\x6f', 'O_o'
        assert_eq '\u{1f98b}', '🦋'
    • string.bytes has been added to provide access to a string's underlying byte sequence.
    • string.split can now take a function as its matching argument.
  • New features for Iterators.
    • iterator.intersperse intersperses adjacent values in the iterator's output with copies of a provided value.
      • e.g.
        assert_eq ("a", "b", "c").intersperse("-").to_string(), "a-b-c"
    • iterator.last returns the last value returned by the iterator.
    • iterator.to_string produces a string from the iterator's output.
      • e.g.
        assert_eq (1..=5).to_string(), "12345"
        assert_eq ("x", "y". "z").to_string(), "xyz"
  • I/O improvements.
    • Added io.stdin, io.stdout, and io.stderr.
    • New features for File:
      • File.flush
      • File.read_line
    • Reading and writing to files is now buffered.
  • Meta maps can now have user-defined entries defined, using the @meta tag.
    • e.g.
      make_foo = |x, y|
        x: x
        y: y
        @meta get_x_plus_y: |self| self.x + self.y
      foo = make_foo 1, 2
      assert_eq foo.get_x_plus_y(), 3
      assert_eq foo.keys().to_tuple(), ("x", "y")


  • Items from the prelude now don't have to be imported for them to available in a script.
    • The core library is made available in the prelude by default, so core modules can be accessed in scripts without them being imported first.
      • e.g. number.pi is now a valid script, whereas previously import number would be required for number to be available.
  • Tests are now defined using the meta map.
    • e.g. instead of test_check_it_works: ..., you now write @test check_it_works: ....
    • Similarly, pre_test: and post_test are now defined as @pre_test and @post_test.
    • To define a tests map, export the map as @tests rather than tests.
    • e.g.
      export @tests =
          @pre_test: |self|
              self.test_data = 1, 2, 3
          @post_test: |self|
              self.test_data = ()
          @test data_size: |self|
              assert_eq self.test_data.size(), 3
  • External value types are now simpler to implement, with a dedicated ExternalValue value type that consists a blob of ExternalData plus a MetaMap where implementation functions can be defined.
    • An external value's meta map can be shared between external value instances, with lazy_static used for lazy initialization.
  • Changes to the koto module:
    • koto.args is now a Tuple instead of a List.
    • koto.current_dir has been moved to io.current_dir.
    • koto.script_dir and koto.script_path are now empty by default.
  • Ranges that have operations starting on an intended following line can now be written without parentheses.
    • e.g.
      0..10 # Previously this would have to be written as (1..10)
        .keep |x| x % 2 == 0
      # (0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
  • Omitting the value after a key in a map declaration is now only allowed when using inline syntax.
  • string.print has been moved to io.print.
    • print was previously in string to allow for import-free printing, but now that core modules in the prelude io.print "hello" can be expressed without imports.
    • io.print will now accept any value without a formatting string.
  • The custom logging interface has been replaced by the KotoFile trait, with stdin, stdout, and stderr available to be overridden.


  • ExternalDataId has been removed as a Value type, see the note on ExternalValue above.

[0.7.0] 2021.03.27


  • Direct access to the module's export map is now allowed via koto.exports().
  • Logging behaviour via print and debug logging can now be customized.
  • Koto can now be compiled to wasm.
  • Operator overloading for maps is now supported.
    • e.g.
      foo = |x|
        x: x
        @+: |self, other| foo self.x + other.x
      assert_eq (foo(10) + foo(20)), foo(30)
  • Binary, octal, and hex notation for number literals is now supported.
    • e.g.
      assert_eq 0b1000, 8
      assert_eq 0o1000, 512
      assert_eq 0x1000, 4096
  • Bitwise operations are now available for integers.
    • number.and
    • number.flip_bits
    • number.or
    • number.shift_left
    • number.shift_right
    • number.xor
  • throw can now be used for throwing errors.
    • Strings can be used as an error message: throw "Was für ein Fehler!"
    • Maps that implement @display can also be thrown:
        data: foo
        @display: |self| "Che errore! - {}".format


  • Captured values in functions are now immutable.
    • e.g.
      x = 100
      f = |n|
        x = x + n # Assigning to x here now only affects the local copy of x
      debug f 42  # 142
      debug x     # 100 - The value of x in this scope is unchanged
    • Captured values can now be thought of as 'hidden arguments' for a function rather than 'hidden mutable state', which simplifies things quite a bit.
    • If mutable state is required then you can use a list or map, e.g.
      state = {x: 100}
      f = |n|
        state.x = state.x + n # The function has a local copy of the state,
                              # which shares its data with the outer scope's copy.
      debug f 42    # 142
      debug state.x # 142
  • Runtime errors now provide a full backtrace.
  • Keywords can now be used as identifiers in lookups, e.g. foo.and() was previously disallowed.
  • Maps are now printed in the REPL with keys only.

[0.6.0] 2021.01.21


  • Core Ops
    • range.expanded
    • range.union


  • Function calls without parentheses now require commas to separate arguments.
    • e.g. f a b c now needs to be written as f a, b, c.
    • Care needs to be taken when adapting programs to this change.
      • e.g. f a, b c was parsed as two separate expressions (i.e. (f a), (b c)), and it's now parsed as f(a, (b c)).
  • match when used without a value to match against has been renamed to switch.
  • Error messages in core ops that call functors have been made a bit clearer.
  • Core ops that accept function arguments can now take external functions.
    • e.g.
      x = [[1, 2, 3], [1], [1, 2]]
      x.sort list.size
      assert_eq x [[1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]]
  • The Koto struct now returns a concrete error type instead of a String.
  • It's no longer necessary to call helper functions to get formatted source extracts for errors.
  • Whitespace is no longer required after operators, e.g. 1+1==2 would previously trigger a parsing error.


  • Error messages produced in the functor passed to iterator.fold were reported as coming from iterator.each.
  • Error messages associated with accessed IDs now have the correct spans.
    • e.g.
      x = (1..10).fold 42
      • Previously the error (wrong arguments for .fold) would be connected with the range rather than the function call.

[0.5.0] 2020.12.17


  • Core Ops
    • iterator.chain
    • iterator.product
    • iterator.sum
    • list.clear
    • list.swap
    • map.clear
    • map.get_index
    • map.sort
    • number.is_nan
    • number.to_float
    • number.to_int
    • os.cpu_count
    • os.physical_cpu_count
    • string.ends_with
    • string.starts_with
    • tuple.first
    • tuple.last
    • tuple.sort_copy
  • Core Constants
    • number.e
    • number.infinity
    • number.nan
    • number.negative_infinity
  • match improvements
    • else can be now used as the fallback arm in a match expression.
    • The value to match against is now optional, and when it's omitted then so are match patterns.
      • e.g.
        n = 0
          n == 0 then "zero"
          n == 1 then "one"
          else "???"
      • Note (20.12.2020): After v0.5.0 this form of expression was renamed to switch.
    • The results of list/map accesses or function calls can be used as match patterns.
      • e.g.
        match x
          f y then "x == f y"
 then "x =="
          z[10] then "x == z[10]"
    • match arms that have indented bodies can now optionally use then, which can look clearer when the match pattern is short.
      • e.g.
        match x
          0 then # <-- `then` was previously disallowed here
          1 then
  • Tuples may now be added to lists with the + and += operators.
    • e.g.
      x = [1, 2] + (3, 4)
      assert_eq x [1, 2, 3, 4]


  • thread.join now returns the result of the thread's function.
  • Numbers now can either be integers or floats.
    • The integer representation is i64.
    • Arithmetic involving only integers will produce an integer result, otherwise the result will be floating point.
  • The RWLock implementation used in Koto is now the one from parking_lot.
    • Performance improvements of up to 13% were seen in testing.
  • Accessing the runtime's prelude is now performed via Koto::prelude() rather than via Koto::context_mut(), which has been removed.
    • The prelude was the only reason to expose the context, so it's cleaner to make this explicit.
    • Behind this change is a small performance improvement whereby core operations have one RWLock fewer to get past.
  • list.sort and map.sort can now take an optional function to customize the sorting behaviour.
  • The ordering of entries is now preserved when calling map.remove.


  • else and else if blocks with unexpected indentation will now trigger a parser error.
  • Multi-assignment of values where the values are used in the expressions now works as expected.
    • e.g.
      a, b = 1, 2
      a, b = b, a
      # Previously this would result in b being re-assigned to itself
      assert_eq b 1
  • Generator functions can now capture non-local values.
  • 1.exp() is now parsed correctly as a number followed by a call to exp(), rather than 1.e followed by xp().
  • string.split now works correctly when used with multi-character patterns.

[0.4.0] 2020.12.10


  • Core Ops
    • iterator.min_max
    • list.copy
    • list.deep_copy
    • map.copy
    • map.deep_copy
    • map.update
    • tuple.deep_copy
  • Strings are now iterable by default
  • Tuples or lists in function arguments can be unpacked automatically.
    • e.g. f = |a, (b, [c, d])| a + b + c + d
  • Num2 and num4 values can now be used in unpacking expressions.
    • e.g.
      x = num2 1 2
      a, b = x
      assert_eq b 2


  • iterator.consume and iterator.count now propagate errors correctly.
  • Wildcard function args that weren't in last position would cause arguments to be assigned to the wrong IDs.


  • The copy expression has been removed in favour of copy / deep_copy operations on container types.

[0.3.0] - 2020.12.06


  • Core Ops
    • iterator.all
    • iterator.any
    • iterator.max
    • iterator.min
    • iterator.position
    • iterator.skip
    • string.size
  • Strings can now be used with the ordered comparison operators.


  • Map blocks can now be used in return and yield expressions.
  • iterator.each and iterator.keep now collect iterator pairs into tuples.
  • Space-separated function calls are allowed in function args when the arg is on a new line.
  • Unparenthesized expressions can now be used for range boundaries.
    • e.g. (1 + 1)..(2 + 2) can now be written as 1 + 1..2 + 2.



  • iterator.fold, list.retain, and list.transform could cause runtime errors or stack overflows when being called after other functions.

[0.2.0] - 2020.12.02


  • iterator.count
  • string.chars
  • tuple.contains


  • koto.script_dir is now canonicalized and includes a trailing slash.
  • koto.script_path is now canonicalized.


  • Multiline strings broke following spans.

[0.1.0] - 2020.12.01

  • Initial release