| 1 | +/- |
| 2 | +Copyright (c) 2024 Joël Riou. All rights reserved. |
| 3 | +Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. |
| 4 | +Authors: Joël Riou |
| 5 | +-/ |
| 6 | +import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.GradedObject.Monoidal |
| 7 | +import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Braided.Basic |
| 8 | +/-! |
| 9 | +# The braided and symmetric category structures on graded objects |
| 10 | +
| 11 | +In this file, we construct the braiding |
| 12 | +`GradedObject.Monoidal.braiding : tensorObj X Y ≅ tensorObj Y X` |
| 13 | +for two objects `X` and `Y` in `GradedObject I C`, when `I` is a commutative |
| 14 | +additive monoid (and suitable coproducts exist in a braided category `C`). |
| 15 | +
| 16 | +When `C` is a braided category and suitable assumptions are made, we obtain the braided category |
| 17 | +structure on `GradedObject I C` and show that it is symmetric if `C` is symmetric. |
| 18 | +
| 19 | +-/ |
| 20 | + |
| 21 | +namespace CategoryTheory |
| 22 | + |
| 23 | +open Category Limits |
| 24 | + |
| 25 | +variable {I : Type*} [AddCommMonoid I] {C : Type*} [Category C] [MonoidalCategory C] |
| 26 | + |
| 27 | +namespace GradedObject |
| 28 | + |
| 29 | +namespace Monoidal |
| 30 | + |
| 31 | +variable (X Y Z : GradedObject I C) |
| 32 | + |
| 33 | +section Braided |
| 34 | + |
| 35 | +variable [BraidedCategory C] |
| 36 | + |
| 37 | +/-- The braiding `tensorObj X Y ≅ tensorObj Y X` when `X` and `Y` are graded objects |
| 38 | +indexed by a commutative additive monoid. -/ |
| 39 | +noncomputable def braiding [HasTensor X Y] [HasTensor Y X] : tensorObj X Y ≅ tensorObj Y X where |
| 40 | + hom k := tensorObjDesc (fun i j hij => (β_ _ _).hom ≫ |
| 41 | + ιTensorObj Y X j i k (by simpa only [add_comm j i] using hij)) |
| 42 | + inv k := tensorObjDesc (fun i j hij => (β_ _ _).inv ≫ |
| 43 | + ιTensorObj X Y j i k (by simpa only [add_comm j i] using hij)) |
| 44 | + |
| 45 | +variable {Y Z} in |
| 46 | +lemma braiding_naturality_right [HasTensor X Y] [HasTensor Y X] [HasTensor X Z] [HasTensor Z X] |
| 47 | + (f : Y ⟶ Z) : |
| 48 | + whiskerLeft X f ≫ (braiding X Z).hom = (braiding X Y).hom ≫ whiskerRight f X := by |
| 49 | + dsimp [braiding] |
| 50 | + aesop_cat |
| 51 | + |
| 52 | +variable {X Y} in |
| 53 | +lemma braiding_naturality_left [HasTensor Y Z] [HasTensor Z Y] [HasTensor X Z] [HasTensor Z X] |
| 54 | + (f : X ⟶ Y) : |
| 55 | + whiskerRight f Z ≫ (braiding Y Z).hom = (braiding X Z).hom ≫ whiskerLeft Z f := by |
| 56 | + dsimp [braiding] |
| 57 | + aesop_cat |
| 58 | + |
| 59 | +lemma hexagon_forward [HasTensor X Y] [HasTensor Y X] [HasTensor Y Z] |
| 60 | + [HasTensor Z X] [HasTensor X Z] |
| 61 | + [HasTensor (tensorObj X Y) Z] [HasTensor X (tensorObj Y Z)] |
| 62 | + [HasTensor (tensorObj Y Z) X] [HasTensor Y (tensorObj Z X)] |
| 63 | + [HasTensor (tensorObj Y X) Z] [HasTensor Y (tensorObj X Z)] |
| 64 | + [HasGoodTensor₁₂Tensor X Y Z] [HasGoodTensorTensor₂₃ X Y Z] |
| 65 | + [HasGoodTensor₁₂Tensor Y Z X] [HasGoodTensorTensor₂₃ Y Z X] |
| 66 | + [HasGoodTensor₁₂Tensor Y X Z] [HasGoodTensorTensor₂₃ Y X Z] : |
| 67 | + (associator X Y Z).hom ≫ (braiding X (tensorObj Y Z)).hom ≫ (associator Y Z X).hom = |
| 68 | + whiskerRight (braiding X Y).hom Z ≫ (associator Y X Z).hom ≫ |
| 69 | + whiskerLeft Y (braiding X Z).hom := by |
| 70 | + ext k i₁ i₂ i₃ h |
| 71 | + dsimp [braiding] |
| 72 | + conv_lhs => rw [ιTensorObj₃'_associator_hom_assoc, ιTensorObj₃_eq X Y Z i₁ i₂ i₃ k h _ rfl, |
| 73 | + assoc, ι_tensorObjDesc_assoc, assoc, ← MonoidalCategory.id_tensorHom, |
| 74 | + BraidedCategory.braiding_naturality_assoc, |
| 75 | + BraidedCategory.braiding_tensor_right, assoc, assoc, assoc, assoc, Iso.hom_inv_id_assoc, |
| 76 | + MonoidalCategory.tensorHom_id, |
| 77 | + ← ιTensorObj₃'_eq_assoc Y Z X i₂ i₃ i₁ k (by rw [add_comm _ i₁, ← add_assoc, h]) _ rfl, |
| 78 | + ιTensorObj₃'_associator_hom, Iso.inv_hom_id_assoc] |
| 79 | + conv_rhs => rw [ιTensorObj₃'_eq X Y Z i₁ i₂ i₃ k h _ rfl, assoc, ι_tensorHom_assoc, |
| 80 | + ← MonoidalCategory.tensorHom_id, |
| 81 | + ← MonoidalCategory.tensor_comp_assoc, id_comp, ι_tensorObjDesc, |
| 82 | + categoryOfGradedObjects_id, MonoidalCategory.comp_tensor_id, assoc, |
| 83 | + MonoidalCategory.tensorHom_id, MonoidalCategory.tensorHom_id, |
| 84 | + ← ιTensorObj₃'_eq_assoc Y X Z i₂ i₁ i₃ k |
| 85 | + (by rw [add_comm i₂ i₁, h]) (i₁ + i₂) (add_comm i₂ i₁), |
| 86 | + ιTensorObj₃'_associator_hom_assoc, |
| 87 | + ιTensorObj₃_eq Y X Z i₂ i₁ i₃ k (by rw [add_comm i₂ i₁, h]) _ rfl, assoc, |
| 88 | + ι_tensorHom, categoryOfGradedObjects_id, ← MonoidalCategory.tensorHom_id, |
| 89 | + ← MonoidalCategory.id_tensorHom, |
| 90 | + ← MonoidalCategory.id_tensor_comp_assoc, |
| 91 | + ι_tensorObjDesc, MonoidalCategory.id_tensor_comp, assoc, |
| 92 | + ← MonoidalCategory.id_tensor_comp_assoc, MonoidalCategory.tensorHom_id, |
| 93 | + MonoidalCategory.id_tensorHom, MonoidalCategory.whiskerLeft_comp, assoc, |
| 94 | + ← ιTensorObj₃_eq Y Z X i₂ i₃ i₁ k (by rw [add_comm _ i₁, ← add_assoc, h]) |
| 95 | + (i₁ + i₃) (add_comm _ _ )] |
| 96 | + |
| 97 | +lemma hexagon_reverse [HasTensor X Y] [HasTensor Y Z] [HasTensor Z X] |
| 98 | + [HasTensor Z Y] [HasTensor X Z] |
| 99 | + [HasTensor (tensorObj X Y) Z] [HasTensor X (tensorObj Y Z)] |
| 100 | + [HasTensor Z (tensorObj X Y)] [HasTensor (tensorObj Z X) Y] |
| 101 | + [HasTensor X (tensorObj Z Y)] [HasTensor (tensorObj X Z) Y] |
| 102 | + [HasGoodTensor₁₂Tensor X Y Z] [HasGoodTensorTensor₂₃ X Y Z] |
| 103 | + [HasGoodTensor₁₂Tensor Z X Y] [HasGoodTensorTensor₂₃ Z X Y] |
| 104 | + [HasGoodTensor₁₂Tensor X Z Y] [HasGoodTensorTensor₂₃ X Z Y]: |
| 105 | + (associator X Y Z).inv ≫ (braiding (tensorObj X Y) Z).hom ≫ (associator Z X Y).inv = |
| 106 | + whiskerLeft X (braiding Y Z).hom ≫ (associator X Z Y).inv ≫ |
| 107 | + whiskerRight (braiding X Z).hom Y := by |
| 108 | + ext k i₁ i₂ i₃ h |
| 109 | + dsimp [braiding] |
| 110 | + conv_lhs => rw [ιTensorObj₃_associator_inv_assoc, ιTensorObj₃'_eq X Y Z i₁ i₂ i₃ k h _ rfl, assoc, |
| 111 | + ι_tensorObjDesc_assoc, assoc, ← MonoidalCategory.tensorHom_id, |
| 112 | + BraidedCategory.braiding_naturality_assoc, |
| 113 | + BraidedCategory.braiding_tensor_left, assoc, assoc, assoc, assoc, Iso.inv_hom_id_assoc, |
| 114 | + MonoidalCategory.id_tensorHom, |
| 115 | + ← ιTensorObj₃_eq_assoc Z X Y i₃ i₁ i₂ k (by rw [add_assoc, add_comm i₃, h]) _ rfl, |
| 116 | + ιTensorObj₃_associator_inv, Iso.hom_inv_id_assoc] |
| 117 | + conv_rhs => rw [ιTensorObj₃_eq X Y Z i₁ i₂ i₃ k h _ rfl, assoc, ι_tensorHom_assoc, |
| 118 | + ← MonoidalCategory.id_tensorHom, |
| 119 | + ← MonoidalCategory.tensor_comp_assoc, id_comp, ι_tensorObjDesc, |
| 120 | + categoryOfGradedObjects_id, MonoidalCategory.id_tensor_comp, assoc, |
| 121 | + MonoidalCategory.id_tensorHom, MonoidalCategory.id_tensorHom, |
| 122 | + ← ιTensorObj₃_eq_assoc X Z Y i₁ i₃ i₂ k |
| 123 | + (by rw [add_assoc, add_comm i₃, ← add_assoc, h]) (i₂ + i₃) (add_comm _ _), |
| 124 | + ιTensorObj₃_associator_inv_assoc, |
| 125 | + ιTensorObj₃'_eq X Z Y i₁ i₃ i₂ k (by rw [add_assoc, add_comm i₃, ← add_assoc, h]) _ rfl, |
| 126 | + assoc, ι_tensorHom, categoryOfGradedObjects_id, ← MonoidalCategory.tensorHom_id, |
| 127 | + ← MonoidalCategory.comp_tensor_id_assoc, |
| 128 | + ι_tensorObjDesc, MonoidalCategory.comp_tensor_id, assoc, |
| 129 | + MonoidalCategory.tensorHom_id, MonoidalCategory.tensorHom_id, |
| 130 | + ← ιTensorObj₃'_eq Z X Y i₃ i₁ i₂ k (by rw [add_assoc, add_comm i₃, h]) |
| 131 | + (i₁ + i₃) (add_comm _ _)] |
| 132 | + |
| 133 | +end Braided |
| 134 | + |
| 135 | +@[reassoc (attr := simp)] |
| 136 | +lemma symmetry [SymmetricCategory C] [HasTensor X Y] [HasTensor Y X] : |
| 137 | + (braiding X Y).hom ≫ (braiding Y X).hom = 𝟙 _ := by |
| 138 | + dsimp [braiding] |
| 139 | + aesop_cat |
| 140 | + |
| 141 | +end Monoidal |
| 142 | + |
| 143 | +section Instances |
| 144 | + |
| 145 | +variable |
| 146 | + [∀ (X₁ X₂ : GradedObject I C), HasTensor X₁ X₂] |
| 147 | + [∀ (X₁ X₂ X₃ : GradedObject I C), HasGoodTensor₁₂Tensor X₁ X₂ X₃] |
| 148 | + [∀ (X₁ X₂ X₃ : GradedObject I C), HasGoodTensorTensor₂₃ X₁ X₂ X₃] |
| 149 | + [DecidableEq I] [HasInitial C] |
| 150 | + [∀ X₁, PreservesColimit (Functor.empty.{0} C) |
| 151 | + ((MonoidalCategory.curriedTensor C).obj X₁)] |
| 152 | + [∀ X₂, PreservesColimit (Functor.empty.{0} C) |
| 153 | + ((MonoidalCategory.curriedTensor C).flip.obj X₂)] |
| 154 | + [∀ (X₁ X₂ X₃ X₄ : GradedObject I C), HasTensor₄ObjExt X₁ X₂ X₃ X₄] |
| 155 | + |
| 156 | +noncomputable instance braidedCategory [BraidedCategory C] : |
| 157 | + BraidedCategory (GradedObject I C) where |
| 158 | + braiding X Y := Monoidal.braiding X Y |
| 159 | + braiding_naturality_left _ _:= Monoidal.braiding_naturality_left _ _ |
| 160 | + braiding_naturality_right _ _ _ _ := Monoidal.braiding_naturality_right _ _ |
| 161 | + hexagon_forward _ _ _ := Monoidal.hexagon_forward _ _ _ |
| 162 | + hexagon_reverse _ _ _ := Monoidal.hexagon_reverse _ _ _ |
| 163 | + |
| 164 | +noncomputable instance symmetricCategory [SymmetricCategory C] : |
| 165 | + SymmetricCategory (GradedObject I C) where |
| 166 | + symmetry _ _ := Monoidal.symmetry _ _ |
| 167 | + |
| 168 | +/-! |
| 169 | +The braided/symmetric monoidal category structure on `GradedObject ℕ C` can |
| 170 | +be inferred from the assumptions `[HasFiniteCoproducts C]`, |
| 171 | +`[∀ (X : C), PreservesFiniteCoproducts ((curriedTensor C).obj X)]` and |
| 172 | +`[∀ (X : C), PreservesFiniteCoproducts ((curriedTensor C).flip.obj X)]`. |
| 173 | +This requires importing `Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Preserves.Finite`. |
| 174 | +-/ |
| 175 | + |
| 176 | +end Instances |
| 177 | + |
| 178 | +end GradedObject |
| 179 | + |
| 180 | +end CategoryTheory |
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