From 1b7f11c18bb54df4d220fe08644231f2dadce8bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Yang Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 21:25:26 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/9] refactor(CategoryTheory/Sites): Allow non-fully-faithful dense subsites. --- .../CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean | 250 +++++++++++++----- Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Discrete.lean | 4 +- .../CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean | 130 ++++----- 3 files changed, 248 insertions(+), 136 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean index 34106116dc1a8a..ec63a38f860257 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.Sheaf import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.CoverLifting import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.CoverPreserving import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Adjunction.FullyFaithful +import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.LocallyFullyFaithful + /-! # Dense subsites @@ -123,15 +125,15 @@ theorem ext (ℱ : SheafOfTypes K) (X : D) {s t : ℱ.val.obj (op X)} variable {G} -theorem functorPullback_pushforward_covering [Full G] {X : C} +theorem functorPullback_pushforward_covering [G.IsLocallyFull K] {X : C} (T : K (G.obj X)) : (T.val.functorPullback G).functorPushforward G ∈ K (G.obj X) := by - refine K.superset_covering ?_ (K.bind_covering - fun Y f _ => G.is_cover_of_isCoverDense K Y) - rintro Y _ ⟨Z, _, f, hf, ⟨W, g, f', ⟨rfl⟩⟩, rfl⟩ - use W; use G.preimage (f' ≫ f); use g - constructor - · simpa using T.val.downward_closed hf f' - · simp + refine K.transitive T.2 _ fun Y iYX hiYX ↦ ?_ + apply K.transitive (G.is_cover_of_isCoverDense _ _) _ + rintro W _ ⟨Z, iWZ, iZY, rfl⟩ + rw [Sieve.pullback_comp]; apply K.pullback_stable; clear W iWZ + apply K.superset_covering ?_ (G.functorPushforward_hasLift_mem _ (iZY ≫ iYX)) + rintro W _ ⟨V, iVZ, iWV, ⟨iVX, e⟩, rfl⟩ + exact ⟨_, iVX, iWV, by simpa [e] using T.1.downward_closed hiYX ( iVZ ≫ iZY), by simp [e]⟩ /-- (Implementation). Given a hom between the pullbacks of two sheaves, we can whisker it with `coyoneda` to obtain a hom between the pullbacks of the sheaves of maps from `X`. @@ -154,12 +156,24 @@ theorem sheaf_eq_amalgamation (ℱ : Sheaf K A) {X : A} {U : D} {T : Sieve U} (h t = (ℱ.cond X T hT).amalgamate x hx := (ℱ.cond X T hT).isSeparatedFor x t _ h ((ℱ.cond X T hT).isAmalgamation hx) -variable [Full G] +variable [G.IsLocallyFull K] namespace Types variable {ℱ : Dᵒᵖ ⥤ Type v} {ℱ' : SheafOfTypes.{v} K} (α : G.op ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G.op ⋙ ℱ'.val) +theorem naturality_apply {X Y : C} (i : G.obj X ⟶ G.obj Y) (x) : + ℱ' i.op (α.app _ x) = α.app _ (ℱ.map i.op x) := by + have {X Y} (i : X ⟶ Y) (x) : + ℱ' ( i).op (α.app _ x) = α.app _ (ℱ.map ( i).op x) := by + exact congr_fun (α.naturality i.op).symm x + refine IsLocallyFull.ext G _ i fun V iVX iVY e ↦ ?_ + simp only [comp_obj, types_comp_apply, ← FunctorToTypes.map_comp_apply, ← op_comp, ← e, this] + +@[reassoc] +theorem naturality {X Y : C} (i : G.obj X ⟶ G.obj Y) : + α.app _ ≫ ℱ' i.op = ℱ.map i.op ≫ α.app _ := types_ext _ _ (naturality_apply α i) + /-- (Implementation). Given a section of `ℱ` on `X`, we can obtain a family of elements valued in `ℱ'` that is defined on a cover generated by the images of `G`. -/ @@ -180,20 +194,23 @@ noncomputable def pushforwardFamily {X} (x : ℱ.obj (op X)) : /-- (Implementation). The `pushforwardFamily` defined is compatible. -/ theorem pushforwardFamily_compatible {X} (x : ℱ.obj (op X)) : (pushforwardFamily α x).Compatible := by - intro Y₁ Y₂ Z g₁ g₂ f₁ f₂ h₁ h₂ e - apply IsCoverDense.ext G - intro Y f - simp only [pushforwardFamily, ← FunctorToTypes.map_comp_apply, ← op_comp] - change (ℱ.map _ ≫ α.app (op _) ≫ ℱ' _) _ = (ℱ.map _ ≫ α.app (op _) ≫ ℱ' _) _ - rw [← G.map_preimage (f ≫ g₁ ≫ _)] - rw [← G.map_preimage (f ≫ g₂ ≫ _)] - erw [← α.naturality (G.preimage _).op] - erw [← α.naturality (G.preimage _).op] - refine congr_fun ?_ x - simp only [Functor.comp_map, ← Category.assoc, Functor.op_map, Quiver.Hom.unop_op, - ← ℱ.map_comp, ← op_comp, G.map_preimage] - congr 3 - simp [e] + have {X Y} (i : X ⟶ Y) (x) : + ℱ' ( i).op (α.app _ x) = α.app _ (ℱ.map ( i).op x) := by + exact congr_fun (α.naturality i.op).symm x + suffices ∀ {Z W₁ W₂} (iWX₁ : G.obj W₁ ⟶ X) (iWX₂ : G.obj W₂ ⟶ X) (iZW₁ : Z ⟶ G.obj W₁) + (iZW₂ : Z ⟶ G.obj W₂), iZW₁ ≫ iWX₁ = iZW₂ ≫ iWX₂ → + ℱ' iZW₁.op (α.app _ (ℱ.map iWX₁.op x)) = ℱ' iZW₂.op (α.app _ (ℱ.map iWX₂.op x)) by + rintro Y₁ Y₂ Z iZY₁ iZY₂ f₁ f₂ h₁ h₂ e + simp only [pushforwardFamily, ← FunctorToTypes.map_comp_apply, ← op_comp] + generalize Nonempty.some h₁ = l₁ + generalize Nonempty.some h₂ = l₂ + obtain ⟨W₁, iYW₁, iWX₁, rfl⟩ := l₁ + obtain ⟨W₂, iYW₂, iWX₂, rfl⟩ := l₂ + exact this _ _ _ _ (by simpa only [Category.assoc] using e) + introv e + refine ext G _ _ fun V iVZ ↦ ?_ + simp only [← op_comp, ← FunctorToTypes.map_comp_apply, ← Functor.map_comp, naturality_apply, + Category.assoc, e] /-- (Implementation). The morphism `ℱ(X) ⟶ ℱ'(X)` given by gluing the `pushforwardFamily`. -/ noncomputable def appHom (X : D) : ℱ.obj (op X) ⟶ ℱ'.val.obj (op X) := fun x => @@ -203,20 +220,10 @@ noncomputable def appHom (X : D) : ℱ.obj (op X) ⟶ ℱ'.val.obj (op X) := fun @[simp] theorem pushforwardFamily_apply {X} (x : ℱ.obj (op X)) {Y : C} (f : G.obj Y ⟶ X) : pushforwardFamily α x f (Presieve.in_coverByImage G f) = α.app (op Y) (ℱ.map f.op x) := by - unfold pushforwardFamily - -- Porting note: congr_fun was more powerful in Lean 3; I had to explicitly supply - -- the type of the first input here even though it's obvious (there is a unique occurrence - -- of x on each side of the equality) - refine congr_fun (?_ : - (fun t => ℱ' ((Nonempty.some (_ : coverByImage G X f)).lift.op) - (α.app (op (Nonempty.some (_ : coverByImage G X f)).1) - (ℱ.map ((Nonempty.some (_ : coverByImage G X f)).map.op) t))) = - (fun t => α.app (op Y) (ℱ.map (f.op) t))) x - rw [← G.map_preimage (Nonempty.some _ : Presieve.CoverByImageStructure _ _).lift] - change ℱ.map _ ≫ α.app (op _) ≫ ℱ' _ = ℱ.map f.op ≫ α.app (op Y) - erw [← α.naturality (G.preimage _).op] - simp only [← Functor.map_comp, ← Category.assoc, Functor.comp_map, G.map_preimage, G.op_map, - Quiver.Hom.unop_op, ← op_comp, Presieve.CoverByImageStructure.fac] + simp only [pushforwardFamily_def, op_obj] + generalize Nonempty.some (Presieve.in_coverByImage G f) = l + obtain ⟨W, iYW, iWX, rfl⟩ := l + simp only [← op_comp, ← FunctorToTypes.map_comp_apply, naturality_apply] @[simp] theorem appHom_restrict {X : D} {Y : C} (f : op X ⟶ op (G.obj Y)) (x) : @@ -399,10 +406,9 @@ theorem sheafHom_restrict_eq (α : G.op ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G.op ⋙ ℱ'.val) : congr 1 simp only [Category.assoc] congr 1 - rw [← G.map_preimage] - symm - apply α.naturality (G.preimage - -- porting note; Lean 3 needed a random `inferInstance` for cleanup here; not necessary in lean 4 + have := naturality_apply (G := G) (ℱ := ℱ ⋙ coyoneda.obj (op <| (G.op ⋙ ℱ).obj X)) + (ℱ' := ⟨_, ℱ'.2 ((G.op ⋙ ℱ).obj X)⟩) (whiskerRight α (coyoneda.obj _)) (𝟙 _) + simpa using this variable (G) @@ -449,19 +455,20 @@ theorem iso_of_restrict_iso {ℱ ℱ' : Sheaf K A} (α : ℱ ⟶ ℱ') (i : IsIs variable (G K) /-- A fully faithful cover-dense functor preserves compatible families. -/ -lemma compatiblePreserving [Faithful G] : CompatiblePreserving K G := by +lemma compatiblePreserving [G.IsLocallyFaithful K] : CompatiblePreserving K G := by constructor intro ℱ Z T x hx Y₁ Y₂ X f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂ hg₁ hg₂ eq apply Functor.IsCoverDense.ext G intro W i - simp only [← FunctorToTypes.map_comp_apply, ← op_comp] - rw [← G.map_preimage (i ≫ f₁)] - rw [← G.map_preimage (i ≫ f₂)] - apply hx (G.preimage (i ≫ f₁)) ((G.preimage (i ≫ f₂))) hg₁ hg₂ - apply G.map_injective - simp [eq] - -lemma isContinuous [Faithful G] (Hp : CoverPreserving J K G) : G.IsContinuous J K := + refine IsLocallyFull.ext G _ (i ≫ f₁) fun V₁ iVW iV₁Y₁ e₁ ↦ ?_ + refine IsLocallyFull.ext G _ ( iVW ≫ i ≫ f₂) fun V₂ iV₂V₁ iV₂Y₂ e₂ ↦ ?_ + refine IsLocallyFaithful.ext G _ (iV₂V₁ ≫ iV₁Y₁ ≫ g₁) (iV₂Y₂ ≫ g₂) (by simp [e₁, e₂, eq]) ?_ + intro V₃ iV₃ e₄ + simp only [← op_comp, ← FunctorToTypes.map_comp_apply, ← e₁, ← e₂, ← Functor.map_comp] + apply hx + simpa using e₄ + +lemma isContinuous [G.IsLocallyFaithful K] (Hp : CoverPreserving J K G) : G.IsContinuous J K := isContinuous_of_coverPreserving (compatiblePreserving K G) Hp instance full_sheafPushforwardContinuous [G.IsContinuous J K] : @@ -482,33 +489,156 @@ end IsCoverDense /-- If `G : C ⥤ D` is cover dense and full, then the map `(P ⟶ Q) → (G.op ⋙ P ⟶ G.op ⋙ Q)` is bijective when `Q` is a sheaf`. -/ lemma whiskerLeft_obj_map_bijective_of_isCoverDense (G : C ⥤ D) - [G.IsCoverDense K] [G.Full] {A : Type*} [Category A] + [G.IsCoverDense K] [G.IsLocallyFull K] {A : Type*} [Category A] (P Q : Dᵒᵖ ⥤ A) (hQ : Presheaf.IsSheaf K Q) : Function.Bijective (((whiskeringLeft Cᵒᵖ Dᵒᵖ A).obj G.op).map : (P ⟶ Q) → _) := (IsCoverDense.restrictHomEquivHom (ℱ' := ⟨Q, hQ⟩)).symm.bijective +variable {A : Type*} [Category A] +variable (J : GrothendieckTopology C) (K : GrothendieckTopology D) (G : C ⥤ D) + +/-- The functor `G : C ⥤ D` exhibits `(C, J)` as a dense subsite of `(D, K)` +if `G` is cover-dense, locally fully-faithful, +and `S` is a cover of `C` if and only if the image of `S` in `D` is a cover. -/ +class IsDenseSubsite : Prop where + isCoverDense' : G.IsCoverDense K + isLocallyFull' : G.IsLocallyFull K + isLocallyFaithful' : G.IsLocallyFaithful K + functorPushforward_mem_iff : ∀ {X : C} {S : Sieve X}, S.functorPushforward G ∈ K _ ↔ S ∈ J _ + +namespace IsDenseSubsite + +variable [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] + +lemma isCoverDense : G.IsCoverDense K := isCoverDense' J +lemma isLocallyFull : G.IsLocallyFull K := isLocallyFull' J +lemma isLocallyFaithful : G.IsLocallyFaithful K := isLocallyFaithful' J + +lemma coverPreserving [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] : CoverPreserving J K G := + ⟨functorPushforward_mem_iff.mpr⟩ + +instance (priority := 900) [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] : G.IsContinuous J K := + letI := IsDenseSubsite.isCoverDense J K G + letI := IsDenseSubsite.isLocallyFull J K G + letI := IsDenseSubsite.isLocallyFaithful J K G + IsCoverDense.isContinuous J K G (IsDenseSubsite.coverPreserving J K G) + +instance (priority := 900) [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] : G.IsCocontinuous J K where + cover_lift hS := + letI := IsDenseSubsite.isCoverDense J K G + letI := IsDenseSubsite.isLocallyFull J K G + + (IsCoverDense.functorPullback_pushforward_covering ⟨_, hS⟩) + +instance full_sheafPushforwardContinuous [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] : + Full (G.sheafPushforwardContinuous A J K) := + letI := IsDenseSubsite.isCoverDense J K G + letI := IsDenseSubsite.isLocallyFull J K G + inferInstance + +instance faithful_sheafPushforwardContinuous [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] : + Faithful (G.sheafPushforwardContinuous A J K) := + letI := IsDenseSubsite.isCoverDense J K G + letI := IsDenseSubsite.isLocallyFull J K G + inferInstance + +lemma hasLift_mem [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] {U V} (f : G.obj U ⟶ G.obj V) : + Sieve.hasLift G f ∈ J _ := + letI := IsDenseSubsite.isLocallyFull J K G + (G.functorPushforward_hasLift_mem K f) + +lemma equalizer_mem [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] {U V} (f₁ f₂ : U ⟶ V) (e : f₁ = f₂) : + Sieve.equalizer f₁ f₂ ∈ J _ := + letI := IsDenseSubsite.isLocallyFaithful J K G + (G.functorPushforward_equalizer_mem K f₁ f₂ e) + +end IsDenseSubsite + end Functor end CategoryTheory namespace CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense -open CategoryTheory +open CategoryTheory Opposite universe w' variable {C D : Type*} [Category C] [Category D] -variable (G : C ⥤ D) [Full G] [Faithful G] +variable (G : C ⥤ D) variable (J : GrothendieckTopology C) (K : GrothendieckTopology D) variable {A : Type w} [Category.{w'} A] [∀ X, Limits.HasLimitsOfShape (StructuredArrow X G.op) A] -variable [G.IsCoverDense K] [G.IsContinuous J K] [G.IsCocontinuous J K] +variable [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] + +lemma isIso_ranCounit_app_of_isDenseSubsite (Y : Sheaf J A) (U X) : + IsIso (( (( Y.val).app (op U))).app (op X)) := by + rw [isIso_iff_bijective] + constructor + · intro f₁ f₂ e + apply (isPointwiseRightKanExtensionRanCounit G.op Y.1 (.op (G.obj U))).hom_ext + rintro ⟨⟨⟨⟩⟩, ⟨W⟩, g⟩ + obtain ⟨g, rfl⟩ : ∃ g' : G.obj W ⟶ G.obj U, g = g'.op := ⟨g.unop, rfl⟩ + simp only [id_obj, comp_obj, StructuredArrow.proj_obj, RightExtension.coneAt_pt, + RightExtension.mk_left, RightExtension.coneAt_π_app, const_obj_obj, op_obj, + whiskeringLeft_obj_obj, RightExtension.mk_hom] + apply (Y.2 X _ (IsDenseSubsite.hasLift_mem J K G g)).isSeparatedFor.ext + rintro V iVW ⟨iVU, e'⟩ + have := congr($e ≫ iVU.op) + simp only [comp_obj, yoneda_map_app, Category.assoc, coyoneda_obj_obj, comp_map, + coyoneda_obj_map, ← NatTrans.naturality, op_obj, op_map, Quiver.Hom.unop_op, ← map_comp_assoc, + ← op_comp, ← e'] at this ⊢ + erw [← NatTrans.naturality] at this + exact this + · intro f + have (X Y Z) (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : G.obj Y ⟶ G.obj Z) (hf : Sieve.hasLift G g f) : Exists _ := hf + choose l hl using this + let c : Limits.Cone (StructuredArrow.proj (op (G.obj U)) G.op ⋙ Y.val) := by + refine ⟨X, ⟨fun g ↦ ?_, ?_⟩⟩ + · refine Y.2.amalgamate ⟨_, IsDenseSubsite.hasLift_mem J K G g.hom.unop⟩ + (fun I ↦ f ≫ (l _ _ _ _ _ I.hf).op) fun I₁ I₂ r ↦ ?_ + apply (Y.2 X _ (IsDenseSubsite.equalizer_mem J K G (r.g₁ ≫ l _ _ _ _ _ I₁.hf) + (r.g₂ ≫ l _ _ _ _ _ I₂.hf) ?_)).isSeparatedFor.ext fun V iUV (hiUV : _ = _) ↦ ?_ + · simp only [const_obj_obj, op_obj, map_comp, hl] + simp only [← map_comp_assoc, r.w] + · simp [← map_comp, ← op_comp, hiUV] + · rintro ⟨⟨⟨⟩⟩, ⟨W₁⟩, g₁⟩ ⟨⟨⟨⟩⟩, ⟨W₂⟩, g₂⟩ ⟨⟨⟨⟨⟩⟩⟩, i, hi⟩ + dsimp at g₁ g₂ i hi + obtain rfl : g₂ = g₁ ≫ ( i.unop).op := by simpa only [Category.id_comp] using hi + obtain ⟨g, rfl⟩ : ∃ g' : G.obj W₁ ⟶ G.obj U, g₁ = g'.op := ⟨g₁.unop, rfl⟩ + obtain ⟨i, rfl⟩ : ∃ i' : W₂ ⟶ W₁, i = i'.op := ⟨i.unop, rfl⟩ + simp only [const_obj_obj, id_obj, comp_obj, StructuredArrow.proj_obj, const_obj_map, op_obj, + unop_comp, Quiver.Hom.unop_op, Category.id_comp, comp_map, StructuredArrow.proj_map] + apply Y.2.hom_ext ⟨_, IsDenseSubsite.hasLift_mem J K G ( i ≫ g)⟩ + intro I + simp only [Presheaf.IsSheaf.amalgamate_map, Category.assoc, ← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp] + let I' : GrothendieckTopology.Cover.Arrow ⟨_, IsDenseSubsite.hasLift_mem J K G g⟩ := + ⟨_, I.f ≫ i, ⟨l _ _ _ _ _ I.hf, by simp [hl]⟩⟩ + refine Eq.trans ?_ (Y.2.amalgamate_map _ _ _ I').symm + apply (Y.2 X _ (IsDenseSubsite.equalizer_mem J K G (l _ _ _ _ _ I.hf) + (l _ _ _ _ _ I'.hf) (by simp [hl]))).isSeparatedFor.ext fun V iUV (hiUV : _ = _) ↦ ?_ + simp [← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp, hiUV] + refine ⟨(isPointwiseRightKanExtensionRanCounit G.op Y.1 (.op (G.obj U))).lift c, ?_⟩ + · have := (isPointwiseRightKanExtensionRanCounit G.op Y.1 (.op (G.obj U))).fac c (.mk (𝟙 _)) + simp only [id_obj, comp_obj, StructuredArrow.proj_obj, StructuredArrow.mk_right, + RightExtension.coneAt_pt, RightExtension.mk_left, RightExtension.coneAt_π_app, + const_obj_obj, op_obj, StructuredArrow.mk_hom_eq_self, map_id, whiskeringLeft_obj_obj, + RightExtension.mk_hom, Category.id_comp, StructuredArrow.mk_left, unop_id] at this + simp only [id_obj, yoneda_map_app, this] + apply Y.2.hom_ext ⟨_, IsDenseSubsite.hasLift_mem J K G (𝟙 (G.obj U))⟩ _ _ fun I ↦ ?_ + apply (Y.2 X _ (IsDenseSubsite.equalizer_mem J K G (l _ _ _ _ _ I.hf) + I.f (by simp [hl]))).isSeparatedFor.ext fun V iUV (hiUV : _ = _) ↦ ?_ + simp [← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp, hiUV] instance (Y : Sheaf J A) : IsIso ((G.sheafAdjunctionCocontinuous A J K) Y) := by - haveI : IsIso ((sheafToPresheaf J A).map - ((G.sheafAdjunctionCocontinuous A J K) Y)) := by - dsimp - rw [sheafAdjunctionCocontinuous_counit_app_val] - infer_instance - apply ReflectsIsomorphisms.reflects (sheafToPresheaf J A) + apply (config := { allowSynthFailures := true }) + ReflectsIsomorphisms.reflects (sheafToPresheaf J A) + apply (config := { allowSynthFailures := true }) NatIso.isIso_of_isIso_app + intro ⟨U⟩ + apply (config := { allowSynthFailures := true }) ReflectsIsomorphisms.reflects yoneda + apply (config := { allowSynthFailures := true }) NatIso.isIso_of_isIso_app + intro ⟨X⟩ + simp only [comp_obj, sheafToPresheaf_obj, sheafPushforwardContinuous_obj_val_obj, yoneda_obj_obj, + id_obj, sheafToPresheaf_map, sheafAdjunctionCocontinuous_counit_app_val, ranAdjunction_counit] + exact isIso_ranCounit_app_of_isDenseSubsite G J K Y U X variable (A) diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Discrete.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Discrete.lean index 978e0410f3691b..01def9d01d1c3b 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Discrete.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Discrete.lean @@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ lemma isDiscrete_iff_isIso_counit_app {L : A ⥤ Sheaf J A} (adj : L ⊣ (sheafS section Equivalence variable {D : Type*} [Category D] (K : GrothendieckTopology D) [HasWeakSheafify K A] -variable (G : C ⥤ D) [G.Full] [G.Faithful] +variable (G : C ⥤ D) [∀ (X : Dᵒᵖ), HasLimitsOfShape (StructuredArrow X G.op) A] - [G.IsCoverDense K] [G.IsContinuous J K] [G.IsCocontinuous J K] (ht' : IsTerminal (G.obj t)) + [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] (ht' : IsTerminal (G.obj t)) variable [(constantSheaf J A).Faithful] [(constantSheaf J A).Full] diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean index 3d71abeb6d788b..e84f80c62209ef 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean @@ -29,37 +29,35 @@ Given a fully faithful cover-dense functor `G : C ⥤ (D, K)` between small site -/ - namespace CategoryTheory universe v u -open Limits Opposite Presieve - -section +open Limits Opposite Presieve CategoryTheory -variable {C : Type*} [Category C] {D : Type*} [Category D] {G : C ⥤ D} -variable {J : GrothendieckTopology C} {K : GrothendieckTopology D} +variable {C : Type*} [Category C] {D : Type*} [Category D] (G : C ⥤ D) +variable {J : GrothendieckTopology C} (K : GrothendieckTopology D) variable (A : Type v) [Category.{u} A] +namespace Functor + -- variables (A) [full G] [faithful G] /-- We say that a functor `C ⥤ D` into a site is "locally dense" if for each covering sieve `T` in `D`, `T ∩ mor(C)` generates a covering sieve in `D`. -/ -def LocallyCoverDense (K : GrothendieckTopology D) (G : C ⥤ D) : Prop := - ∀ ⦃X : C⦄ (T : K (G.obj X)), (T.val.functorPullback G).functorPushforward G ∈ K (G.obj X) - -namespace LocallyCoverDense +class LocallyCoverDense : Prop where + functorPushforward_functorPullback_mem : + ∀ ⦃X : C⦄ (T : K (G.obj X)), (T.val.functorPullback G).functorPushforward G ∈ K (G.obj X) -variable [G.Full] [G.Faithful] (Hld : LocallyCoverDense K G) +variable [G.LocallyCoverDense K] [G.IsLocallyFull K] [G.IsLocallyFaithful K] -theorem pushforward_cover_iff_cover_pullback {X : C} (S : Sieve X) : +theorem pushforward_cover_iff_cover_pullback [G.Full] [G.Faithful] {X : C} (S : Sieve X) : K _ (S.functorPushforward G) ↔ ∃ T : K (G.obj X), T.val.functorPullback G = S := by constructor · intro hS exact ⟨⟨_, hS⟩, (Sieve.fullyFaithfulFunctorGaloisCoinsertion G X).u_l_eq S⟩ · rintro ⟨T, rfl⟩ - exact Hld T + exact LocallyCoverDense.functorPushforward_functorPullback_mem T /-- If a functor `G : C ⥤ (D, K)` is fully faithful and locally dense, then the set `{ T ∩ mor(C) | T ∈ K }` is a grothendieck topology of `C`. @@ -71,15 +69,23 @@ def inducedTopology : GrothendieckTopology C where change K _ _ rw [Sieve.functorPushforward_top] exact K.top_mem _ - pullback_stable' X Y S f hS := by - have : S.pullback f = ((S.functorPushforward G).pullback ( f)).functorPullback G := by - conv_lhs => rw [← (Sieve.fullyFaithfulFunctorGaloisCoinsertion G X).u_l_eq S] - ext - change (S.functorPushforward G) _ ↔ (S.functorPushforward G) _ - rw [G.map_comp] - rw [this] - change K _ _ - apply Hld ⟨_, K.pullback_stable ( f) hS⟩ + pullback_stable' X Y S iYX hS := by + apply K.transitive (LocallyCoverDense.functorPushforward_functorPullback_mem + ⟨_, K.pullback_stable ( iYX) hS⟩) + rintro Z _ ⟨U, iUY, iZU, ⟨W, iWX, iUW, hiWX, e₁⟩, rfl⟩ + rw [Sieve.pullback_comp] + apply K.pullback_stable + clear iZU Z + apply K.transitive (G.functorPushforward_hasLift_mem _ iUW) + rintro Z _ ⟨U₁, iU₁U, iZU₁, ⟨iU₁W, e₂⟩, rfl⟩ + rw [Sieve.pullback_comp] + apply K.pullback_stable + clear iZU₁ Z + apply K.superset_covering ?_ (G.functorPushforward_equalizer_mem _ + (iU₁U ≫ iUY ≫ iYX) (iU₁W ≫ iWX) (by simp [e₁, e₂])) + rintro Z _ ⟨U₂, iU₂U₁, iZU₂, e₃ : _ = _, rfl⟩ + refine ⟨_, iU₂U₁ ≫ iU₁U ≫ iUY, iZU₂, ?_, by simp⟩ + simpa [e₃] using S.downward_closed hiWX (iU₂U₁ ≫ iU₁W) transitive' X S hS S' H' := by apply K.transitive hS rintro Y _ ⟨Z, g, i, hg, rfl⟩ @@ -91,74 +97,50 @@ def inducedTopology : GrothendieckTopology C where simp /-- `G` is cover-lifting wrt the induced topology. -/ -theorem inducedTopology_isCocontinuous : G.IsCocontinuous Hld.inducedTopology K := - ⟨@fun _ S hS => Hld ⟨S, hS⟩⟩ +instance inducedTopology_isCocontinuous : G.IsCocontinuous (G.inducedTopology K) K := + ⟨@fun _ S hS => LocallyCoverDense.functorPushforward_functorPullback_mem ⟨S, hS⟩⟩ /-- `G` is cover-preserving wrt the induced topology. -/ -theorem inducedTopology_coverPreserving : CoverPreserving Hld.inducedTopology K G := +theorem inducedTopology_coverPreserving : CoverPreserving (G.inducedTopology K) K G := ⟨@fun _ _ hS => hS⟩ -end LocallyCoverDense - -variable (G K) +instance (priority := 900) locallyCoverDense_of_isCoverDense [G.IsCoverDense K] : + G.LocallyCoverDense K where + functorPushforward_functorPullback_mem _ _ := + IsCoverDense.functorPullback_pushforward_covering _ -theorem Functor.locallyCoverDense_of_isCoverDense [Full G] [G.IsCoverDense K] : - LocallyCoverDense K G := by - intro X T - refine K.superset_covering ?_ (K.bind_covering - fun Y f _ => G.is_cover_of_isCoverDense _ Y) - rintro Y _ ⟨Z, _, f, hf, ⟨W, g, f', rfl : _ = _⟩, rfl⟩ - use W; use G.preimage (f' ≫ f); use g - constructor - · simpa using T.val.downward_closed hf f' - · simp +instance (priority := 900) [G.IsCoverDense K] : G.IsDenseSubsite (G.inducedTopology K) K where + isCoverDense' := inferInstance + isLocallyFull' := inferInstance + isLocallyFaithful' := inferInstance + functorPushforward_mem_iff := Iff.rfl -/-- Given a fully faithful cover-dense functor `G : C ⥤ (D, K)`, we may induce a topology on `C`. --/ -abbrev Functor.inducedTopologyOfIsCoverDense [Full G] [Faithful G] [G.IsCoverDense K] : - GrothendieckTopology C := - (G.locallyCoverDense_of_isCoverDense K).inducedTopology +@[deprecated (since := "2024-07-23")] +alias inducedTopologyOfIsCoverDense := inducedTopology variable (J) -theorem over_forget_locallyCoverDense (X : C) : LocallyCoverDense J (Over.forget X) := by - intro Y T - convert - ext Z f - constructor - · rintro ⟨_, _, g', hg, rfl⟩ - exact T.val.downward_closed hg g' - · intro hf - exact ⟨ (f ≫ Y.hom), Over.homMk f, 𝟙 _, hf, (Category.id_comp _).symm⟩ - -end - -section SmallSite - -variable {C : Type v} [SmallCategory C] {D : Type v} [SmallCategory D] {G : C ⥤ D} -variable {J : GrothendieckTopology C} {K : GrothendieckTopology D} -variable (A : Type u) [Category.{v} A] - -instance [G.Full] [G.Faithful] [G.IsCoverDense K] : - Functor.IsContinuous G (G.inducedTopologyOfIsCoverDense K) K := by - apply Functor.IsCoverDense.isContinuous - exact (G.locallyCoverDense_of_isCoverDense K).inducedTopology_coverPreserving - -instance [G.Full] [G.Faithful] [G.IsCoverDense K] : - Functor.IsCocontinuous G (G.inducedTopologyOfIsCoverDense K) K := - (G.locallyCoverDense_of_isCoverDense K).inducedTopology_isCocontinuous +instance over_forget_locallyCoverDense (X : C) : (Over.forget X).LocallyCoverDense J where + functorPushforward_functorPullback_mem Y T := by + convert + ext Z f + constructor + · rintro ⟨_, _, g', hg, rfl⟩ + exact T.val.downward_closed hg g' + · intro hf + exact ⟨ (f ≫ Y.hom), Over.homMk f, 𝟙 _, hf, (Category.id_comp _).symm⟩ /-- Cover-dense functors induces an equivalence of categories of sheaves. This is known as the comparison lemma. It requires that the sites are small and the value category is complete. -/ -noncomputable def Functor.sheafInducedTopologyEquivOfIsCoverDense [Full G] [Faithful G] - [G.IsCoverDense K] [HasLimits A] : - Sheaf (G.inducedTopologyOfIsCoverDense K) A ≌ Sheaf K A := +noncomputable def sheafInducedTopologyEquivOfIsCoverDense + [G.IsCoverDense K] [∀ (X : Dᵒᵖ), HasLimitsOfShape (StructuredArrow X G.op) A] : + Sheaf (G.inducedTopology K) A ≌ Sheaf K A := Functor.IsCoverDense.sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting G - (G.inducedTopologyOfIsCoverDense K) K A + (G.inducedTopology K) K A -end SmallSite +end Functor end CategoryTheory From 9156c316ef21bb9e81a6c8d6a081dfba70572711 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Yang Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 22:37:22 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 2/9] fix --- Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Equivalence.lean | 123 ++++++++++-------- .../Sites/LocallyFullyFaithful.lean | 122 +++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/LocallyFullyFaithful.lean diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Equivalence.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Equivalence.lean index 5808937e197f42..f5842af8d091ca 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Equivalence.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Equivalence.lean @@ -46,53 +46,48 @@ variable {C : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁} C] (J : GrothendieckTopology C) variable {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₂} D] (K : GrothendieckTopology D) (e : C ≌ D) (G : D ⥤ C) variable (A : Type u₃) [Category.{v₃} A] -namespace Equivalence - -theorem locallyCoverDense : LocallyCoverDense J e.inverse := by - intro X T - convert T.prop - ext Z f +variable {J} in +lemma pullback_mem_iff_of_isIso {X Y : C} {i : X ⟶ Y} [IsIso i] {S : Sieve Y} : + S.pullback i ∈ J _ ↔ S ∈ J _ := by + refine ⟨fun H ↦ ?_, J.pullback_stable i⟩ + convert J.pullback_stable (inv i) H + rw [← Sieve.pullback_comp, IsIso.inv_hom_id, Sieve.pullback_id] + +@[simp] +lemma Sieve.comp_mem_iff {X Y Z : C} (i : X ⟶ Y) (f : Y ⟶ Z) [IsIso i] (S : Sieve Z) : + S (i ≫ f) ↔ S f := by + refine ⟨fun H ↦ ?_, fun H ↦ S.downward_closed H _⟩ + convert S.downward_closed H (inv i) + simp + +lemma Sieve.functorPushforward_functor {X} (S : Sieve X) : + S.functorPushforward e.functor = (S.pullback ( X)).functorPullback e.inverse := by + ext Y iYX constructor - · rintro ⟨_, _, g', hg, rfl⟩ - exact T.val.downward_closed hg g' - · intro hf - refine ⟨e.functor.obj Z, (Adjunction.homEquiv e.toAdjunction _ _).symm f, Z, ?_, ?_⟩ - · simp only [Adjunction.homEquiv_counit, Functor.id_obj, Equivalence.toAdjunction_counit, - Sieve.functorPullback_apply, Presieve.functorPullback_mem, Functor.map_comp, - Equivalence.inv_fun_map, Functor.comp_obj, Category.assoc, Equivalence.unit_inverse_comp, - Category.comp_id] - exact T.val.downward_closed hf _ - · simp - -theorem coverPreserving : CoverPreserving J (e.locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology e.functor where - cover_preserve {U S} h := by - change _ ∈ J.sieves (e.inverse.obj (e.functor.obj U)) - convert J.pullback_stable ( U) h - ext Z f - rw [← Sieve.functorPushforward_comp] - simp only [Sieve.functorPushforward_apply, Presieve.functorPushforward, exists_and_left, id_obj, - comp_obj, Sieve.pullback_apply] - constructor - · rintro ⟨W, g, hg, x, rfl⟩ - rw [Category.assoc] - apply S.downward_closed - simpa using S.downward_closed hg _ - · intro hf - exact ⟨_, Z ≫ f ≫ U, S.downward_closed hf _, - Z ≫ _, by simp⟩ - -instance : IsCoverDense e.functor (e.locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology where - is_cover U := by - change _ ∈ J.sieves _ - convert J.top_mem (e.inverse.obj U) - ext Y f - simp only [Sieve.functorPushforward_apply, Presieve.functorPushforward, exists_and_left, - Sieve.top_apply, iff_true] - exact ⟨e.functor.obj Y, (Adjunction.homEquiv e.toAdjunction _ _).symm f, - Presieve.in_coverByImage _ _, _, by simp⟩ + · rintro ⟨Z, iZX, iYZ, hiZX, rfl⟩ + simpa using S.downward_closed hiZX ( iYZ ≫ Z) + · intro H + exact ⟨_, iYX ≫ X, Y, by simpa using H, by simp⟩ + +@[simp] +lemma Sieve.mem_functorPushforward_functor {X Y} {S : Sieve X} {f : Y ⟶ e.functor.obj X} : + S.functorPushforward e.functor f ↔ S ( f ≫ X) := + congr($(S.functorPushforward_functor e).arrows f) -instance : IsCoverDense e.inverse J where +lemma Sieve.functorPushforward_inverse {X} (S : Sieve X) : + S.functorPushforward e.inverse = (S.pullback ( X)).functorPullback e.functor := + Sieve.functorPushforward_functor e.symm S + +@[simp] +lemma Sieve.mem_functorPushforward_inverse {X Y} {S : Sieve X} {f : Y ⟶ e.inverse.obj X} : + S.functorPushforward e.inverse f ↔ S ( f ≫ X) := + congr($(S.functorPushforward_inverse e).arrows f) + +namespace Equivalence + +instance (priority := 900) [G.IsEquivalence] : IsCoverDense G J where is_cover U := by + let e := (asEquivalence G).symm convert J.top_mem U ext Y f simp only [Sieve.functorPushforward_apply, Presieve.functorPushforward, exists_and_left, @@ -102,16 +97,30 @@ instance : IsCoverDense e.inverse J where replace := Sieve.downward_closed _ this ( Y) simpa [g] using this +theorem locallyCoverDense : e.inverse.LocallyCoverDense J := inferInstance + +instance : e.functor.IsDenseSubsite J (e.inverse.inducedTopology J) := by + have : J = e.functor.inducedTopology (e.inverse.inducedTopology J) := by + ext X S + show _ ↔ _ ∈ J.sieves _ + erw [← pullback_mem_iff_of_isIso (i := X)] + congr!; ext Y f; simp + nth_rw 1 [this] + infer_instance + +theorem coverPreserving : CoverPreserving J (e.inverse.inducedTopology J) e.functor := + IsDenseSubsite.coverPreserving _ _ _ + /-- A class saying that the equivalence `e` transports the Grothendieck topology `J` to `K`. -/ class TransportsGrothendieckTopology : Prop where /-- `K` is equal to the induced topology. -/ - eq_inducedTopology : K = (e.locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology + eq_inducedTopology : K = e.inverse.inducedTopology J -instance : e.TransportsGrothendieckTopology J (e.locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology := ⟨rfl⟩ +instance : e.TransportsGrothendieckTopology J (e.inverse.inducedTopology J) := ⟨rfl⟩ variable [e.TransportsGrothendieckTopology J K] -theorem eq_inducedTopology_of_transports : K = (e.locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology := +theorem eq_inducedTopology_of_transports : K = e.inverse.inducedTopology J := TransportsGrothendieckTopology.eq_inducedTopology instance : IsContinuous e.functor J K := by @@ -120,7 +129,7 @@ instance : IsContinuous e.functor J K := by instance : IsContinuous e.inverse K J := by rw [eq_inducedTopology_of_transports J K e] - exact IsCoverDense.isContinuous _ _ _ (e.locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology_coverPreserving + infer_instance /-- The functor in the equivalence of sheaf categories. -/ @[simps!] @@ -215,13 +224,13 @@ end Equivalence variable [EssentiallySmall.{w} C] variable (B : Type*) [Category B] (F : A ⥤ B) -variable [HasSheafify ((equivSmallModel C).locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology A] -variable [((equivSmallModel C).locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology.HasSheafCompose F] +variable [HasSheafify ((equivSmallModel C).inverse.inducedTopology J) A] +variable [((equivSmallModel C).inverse.inducedTopology J).HasSheafCompose F] /-- Transport to a small model and sheafify there. -/ noncomputable def smallSheafify : (Cᵒᵖ ⥤ A) ⥤ Sheaf J A := (equivSmallModel C).transportAndSheafify J - ((equivSmallModel C).locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology A + ((equivSmallModel C).inverse.inducedTopology J) A /-- Transporting to a small model and sheafifying there is left adjoint to the underlying presheaf @@ -232,22 +241,22 @@ def smallSheafificationAdjunction : smallSheafify J A ⊣ sheafToPresheaf J A := (equivSmallModel C).transportSheafificationAdjunction J _ A noncomputable instance hasSheafifyEssentiallySmallSite : HasSheafify J A := - (equivSmallModel C).hasSheafify J ((equivSmallModel C).locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology A + (equivSmallModel C).hasSheafify J ((equivSmallModel C).inverse.inducedTopology J) A instance hasSheafComposeEssentiallySmallSite : HasSheafCompose J F := - (equivSmallModel C).hasSheafCompose J ((equivSmallModel C).locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology F + (equivSmallModel C).hasSheafCompose J ((equivSmallModel C).inverse.inducedTopology J) F instance hasLimitsEssentiallySmallSite - [HasLimits <| Sheaf ((equivSmallModel C).locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology A] : + [HasLimits <| Sheaf ((equivSmallModel C).inverse.inducedTopology J) A] : HasLimitsOfSize.{max v₃ w, max v₃ w} <| Sheaf J A := Adjunction.has_limits_of_equivalence ((equivSmallModel C).sheafCongr J - ((equivSmallModel C).locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology A).functor + ((equivSmallModel C).inverse.inducedTopology J) A).functor instance hasColimitsEssentiallySmallSite - [HasColimits <| Sheaf ((equivSmallModel C).locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology A] : + [HasColimits <| Sheaf ((equivSmallModel C).inverse.inducedTopology J) A] : HasColimitsOfSize.{max v₃ w, max v₃ w} <| Sheaf J A := Adjunction.has_colimits_of_equivalence ((equivSmallModel C).sheafCongr J - ((equivSmallModel C).locallyCoverDense J).inducedTopology A).functor + ((equivSmallModel C).inverse.inducedTopology J) A).functor namespace GrothendieckTopology diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/LocallyFullyFaithful.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/LocallyFullyFaithful.lean new file mode 100644 index 00000000000000..fc04a809840ad5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/LocallyFullyFaithful.lean @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +/- +Copyright (c) 2021 Andrew Yang. All rights reserved. +Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. +Authors: Andrew Yang +-/ +import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.SheafOfTypes + +/-! +# Dense subsites + +We define `IsCoverDense` functors into sites as functors such that there exists a covering sieve +that factors through images of the functor for each object in `D`. + +## Main results + +- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.Types.presheafHom`: If `G : C ⥤ (D, K)` is + and cover-dense, then given any presheaf `ℱ` and sheaf `ℱ'` on `D`, + and a morphism `α : G ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G ⋙ ℱ'`, we may glue them together to obtain + a morphism of presheaves `ℱ ⟶ ℱ'`. +- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.sheafIso`: If `ℱ` above is a sheaf and `α` is an iso, + then the result is also an iso. +- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.iso_of_restrict_iso`: If `G : C ⥤ (D, K)` is + and cover-dense, then given any sheaves `ℱ, ℱ'` on `D`, and a morphism `α : ℱ ⟶ ℱ'`, + then `α` is an iso if `G ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G ⋙ ℱ'` is iso. +- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting`: + If `G : (C, J) ⥤ (D, K)` is faithful, cover-lifting, cover-preserving, and cover-dense, + then it will induce an equivalence of categories of sheaves valued in a complete category. + +## References + +* [Elephant]: *Sketches of an Elephant*, ℱ. T. Johnstone: C2.2. +* +* + +-/ + + +universe w v u + +namespace CategoryTheory + +variable {C : Type*} [Category C] {D : Type*} [Category D] {E : Type*} [Category E] (G : C ⥤ D) +variable (J : GrothendieckTopology C) (K : GrothendieckTopology D) +variable {L : GrothendieckTopology E} + +/-- +For a functor `G : C ⥤ D`, and an morphism `f : G.obj U ⟶ G.obj V`, +`Sieve.hasLift G f` is the sieve of `U` +consisting of those arrows whose composition with `f` has a lift in `G`. +-/ +def Sieve.hasLift {U V : C} (f : G.obj U ⟶ G.obj V) : Sieve U where + arrows Y i := ∃ l, l = i ≫ f + downward_closed := by + rintro Y₁ Y₂ i₁ ⟨l, hl⟩ i₂ + exact ⟨i₂ ≫ l, by simp [hl]⟩ + +@[simp] +lemma Sieve.hasLift_map {U V : C} (f : U ⟶ V) : hasLift G ( f) = ⊤ := by + ext W g; simpa using ⟨g ≫ f, by simp⟩ + +/-- +For two arrows `f₁ f₂ : U ⟶ V`, the arrows `i` such that `i ≫ f₁ = i ≫ f₂` forms a sieve. +-/ +@[simps] +def Sieve.equalizer {U V : C} (f₁ f₂ : U ⟶ V) : Sieve U where + arrows Y i := i ≫ f₁ = i ≫ f₂ + downward_closed := by aesop + +@[simp] +lemma Sieve.equalizer_self {U V : C} (f : U ⟶ V) : equalizer f f = ⊤ := by ext; simp + +open Presieve Opposite + +namespace Functor + +class IsLocallyFull : Prop where + functorPushforward_hasLift_mem : ∀ {U V} (f : G.obj U ⟶ G.obj V), + (Sieve.hasLift G f).functorPushforward G ∈ K _ + +class IsLocallyFaithful : Prop where + functorPushforward_equalizer_mem : ∀ {U V : C} (f₁ f₂ : U ⟶ V), f₁ = f₂ → + (Sieve.equalizer f₁ f₂).functorPushforward G ∈ K _ + +lemma functorPushforward_hasLift_mem [G.IsLocallyFull K] {U V} (f : G.obj U ⟶ G.obj V) : + (Sieve.hasLift G f).functorPushforward G ∈ K _ := + Functor.IsLocallyFull.functorPushforward_hasLift_mem _ + +lemma functorPushforward_equalizer_mem + [G.IsLocallyFaithful K] {U V} (f₁ f₂ : U ⟶ V) (e : f₁ = f₂) : + (Sieve.equalizer f₁ f₂).functorPushforward G ∈ K _ := + Functor.IsLocallyFaithful.functorPushforward_equalizer_mem _ _ e + +variable {K} +variable {A : Type*} [Category A] (G : C ⥤ D) + +theorem IsLocallyFull.ext [G.IsLocallyFull K] + (ℱ : SheafOfTypes K) {X Y : C} (i : G.obj X ⟶ G.obj Y) + {s t : ℱ.val.obj (op (G.obj X))} + (h : ∀ ⦃Z : C⦄ (j : Z ⟶ X) (f : Z ⟶ Y), f = j ≫ i → + ℱ ( j).op s = ℱ ( j).op t) : s = t := by + apply (ℱ.cond _ (G.functorPushforward_hasLift_mem K i)).isSeparatedFor.ext + rintro Z _ ⟨W, iWX, iZW, ⟨iWY, e⟩, rfl⟩ + simp [h iWX iWY e] + +theorem IsLocallyFaithful.ext [G.IsLocallyFaithful K] (ℱ : SheafOfTypes K) + {X Y : C} (i₁ i₂ : X ⟶ Y) (e : i₁ = i₂) + {s t : ℱ.val.obj (op (G.obj X))} + (h : ∀ ⦃Z : C⦄ (j : Z ⟶ X), j ≫ i₁ = j ≫ i₂ → + ℱ ( j).op s = ℱ ( j).op t) : s = t := by + apply (ℱ.cond _ (G.functorPushforward_equalizer_mem K i₁ i₂ e)).isSeparatedFor.ext + rintro Z _ ⟨W, iWX, iZW, hiWX, rfl⟩ + simp [h iWX hiWX] + +instance (priority := 900) IsLocallyFull.of_full [G.Full] : G.IsLocallyFull K where + functorPushforward_hasLift_mem f := by + rw [← G.map_preimage f] + simp only [Sieve.hasLift_map, Sieve.functorPushforward_top, GrothendieckTopology.top_mem] + +instance (priority := 900) IsLocallyFaithful.of_faithful [G.Faithful] : G.IsLocallyFaithful K where + functorPushforward_equalizer_mem f₁ f₂ e := by obtain rfl := G.map_injective e; simp + +end CategoryTheory.Functor From 01b6aeff63e2bb4b29c69bc0a3b2aafe28208550 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Yang Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 22:37:35 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 3/9] fix --- Mathlib.lean | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Mathlib.lean b/Mathlib.lean index 2cffde07c87f8e..bf426181477309 100644 --- a/Mathlib.lean +++ b/Mathlib.lean @@ -1768,6 +1768,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.LeftExact import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.Limits import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.Localization import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.LocallyBijective +import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.LocallyFullyFaithful import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.LocallyInjective import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.LocallySurjective import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.NonabelianCohomology.H1 From 0edf2de7775890ea1af541424fb78e12f13aadf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Yang Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 22:49:04 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 4/9] fix --- .../Sites/Coherent/SheafComparison.lean | 44 +++++++------------ .../CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean | 6 +-- .../CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean | 3 -- 3 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Coherent/SheafComparison.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Coherent/SheafComparison.lean index bccb645c7cdd21..ce2536aa401c81 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Coherent/SheafComparison.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Coherent/SheafComparison.lean @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ instance : F.IsCoverDense (coherentTopology _) := by theorem exists_effectiveEpiFamily_iff_mem_induced (X : C) (S : Sieve X) : (∃ (α : Type) (_ : Finite α) (Y : α → C) (π : (a : α) → (Y a ⟶ X)), EffectiveEpiFamily Y π ∧ (∀ a : α, (S.arrows) (π a)) ) ↔ - (S ∈ F.inducedTopologyOfIsCoverDense (coherentTopology _) X) := by + (S ∈ F.inducedTopology (coherentTopology _) X) := by refine ⟨fun ⟨α, _, Y, π, ⟨H₁, H₂⟩⟩ ↦ ?_, fun hS ↦ ?_⟩ · apply (mem_sieves_iff_hasEffectiveEpiFamily (Sieve.functorPushforward _ S)).mpr refine ⟨α, inferInstance, fun i => F.obj (Y i), @@ -77,25 +77,19 @@ theorem exists_effectiveEpiFamily_iff_mem_induced (X : C) (S : Sieve X) : lemma eq_induced : haveI := F.reflects_precoherent coherentTopology C = - F.inducedTopologyOfIsCoverDense (coherentTopology _) := by + F.inducedTopology (coherentTopology _) := by ext X S have := F.reflects_precoherent rw [← exists_effectiveEpiFamily_iff_mem_induced F X] rw [← coherentTopology.mem_sieves_iff_hasEffectiveEpiFamily S] -lemma coverPreserving : haveI := F.reflects_precoherent - CoverPreserving (coherentTopology _) (coherentTopology _) F := by - rw [eq_induced F] - apply LocallyCoverDense.inducedTopology_coverPreserving - -instance coverLifting : haveI := F.reflects_precoherent - F.IsCocontinuous (coherentTopology _) (coherentTopology _) := by - rw [eq_induced F] - apply LocallyCoverDense.inducedTopology_isCocontinuous +instance : haveI := F.reflects_precoherent; + F.IsDenseSubsite (coherentTopology C) (coherentTopology D) where + functorPushforward_mem_iff := by simp_rw [eq_induced F]; rfl -instance isContinuous : haveI := F.reflects_precoherent - F.IsContinuous (coherentTopology _) (coherentTopology _) := - Functor.IsCoverDense.isContinuous _ _ _ (coverPreserving F) +lemma coverPreserving : haveI := F.reflects_precoherent + CoverPreserving (coherentTopology _) (coherentTopology _) F := + IsDenseSubsite.coverPreserving _ _ _ section SheafEquiv @@ -161,7 +155,7 @@ instance : F.IsCoverDense (regularTopology _) := by theorem exists_effectiveEpi_iff_mem_induced (X : C) (S : Sieve X) : (∃ (Y : C) (π : Y ⟶ X), EffectiveEpi π ∧ S.arrows π) ↔ - (S ∈ F.inducedTopologyOfIsCoverDense (regularTopology _) X) := by + (S ∈ F.inducedTopology (regularTopology _) X) := by refine ⟨fun ⟨Y, π, ⟨H₁, H₂⟩⟩ ↦ ?_, fun hS ↦ ?_⟩ · apply (mem_sieves_iff_hasEffectiveEpi (Sieve.functorPushforward _ S)).mpr refine ⟨F.obj Y, π, ⟨?_, Sieve.image_mem_functorPushforward F S H₂⟩⟩ @@ -179,25 +173,19 @@ theorem exists_effectiveEpi_iff_mem_induced (X : C) (S : Sieve X) : lemma eq_induced : haveI := F.reflects_preregular regularTopology C = - F.inducedTopologyOfIsCoverDense (regularTopology _) := by + F.inducedTopology (regularTopology _) := by ext X S have := F.reflects_preregular rw [← exists_effectiveEpi_iff_mem_induced F X] rw [← mem_sieves_iff_hasEffectiveEpi S] +instance : haveI := F.reflects_preregular; + F.IsDenseSubsite (regularTopology C) (regularTopology D) where + functorPushforward_mem_iff := by simp_rw [eq_induced F]; rfl + lemma coverPreserving : haveI := F.reflects_preregular - CoverPreserving (regularTopology _) (regularTopology _) F := by - rw [eq_induced F] - apply LocallyCoverDense.inducedTopology_coverPreserving - -instance coverLifting : haveI := F.reflects_preregular - F.IsCocontinuous (regularTopology _) (regularTopology _) := by - rw [eq_induced F] - apply LocallyCoverDense.inducedTopology_isCocontinuous - -instance isContinuous : haveI := F.reflects_preregular - F.IsContinuous (regularTopology _) (regularTopology _) := - Functor.IsCoverDense.isContinuous _ _ _ (coverPreserving F) + CoverPreserving (regularTopology _) (regularTopology _) F := + IsDenseSubsite.coverPreserving _ _ _ section SheafEquiv diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean index ec63a38f860257..43e672507df5e6 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean @@ -501,9 +501,9 @@ variable (J : GrothendieckTopology C) (K : GrothendieckTopology D) (G : C ⥤ D) if `G` is cover-dense, locally fully-faithful, and `S` is a cover of `C` if and only if the image of `S` in `D` is a cover. -/ class IsDenseSubsite : Prop where - isCoverDense' : G.IsCoverDense K - isLocallyFull' : G.IsLocallyFull K - isLocallyFaithful' : G.IsLocallyFaithful K + isCoverDense' : G.IsCoverDense K := by infer_instance + isLocallyFull' : G.IsLocallyFull K := by infer_instance + isLocallyFaithful' : G.IsLocallyFaithful K := by infer_instance functorPushforward_mem_iff : ∀ {X : C} {S : Sieve X}, S.functorPushforward G ∈ K _ ↔ S ∈ J _ namespace IsDenseSubsite diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean index e84f80c62209ef..29d12c52be323c 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean @@ -110,9 +110,6 @@ instance (priority := 900) locallyCoverDense_of_isCoverDense [G.IsCoverDense K] IsCoverDense.functorPullback_pushforward_covering _ instance (priority := 900) [G.IsCoverDense K] : G.IsDenseSubsite (G.inducedTopology K) K where - isCoverDense' := inferInstance - isLocallyFull' := inferInstance - isLocallyFaithful' := inferInstance functorPushforward_mem_iff := Iff.rfl @[deprecated (since := "2024-07-23")] From 11a43fc022ec81dd568bc8c11a54dec10c78a5f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Yang Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 23:36:41 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 5/9] fix --- .../Sites/Coherent/SheafComparison.lean | 6 +- .../CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean | 96 +++++++++++-------- Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Discrete.lean | 14 +-- .../CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean | 2 +- .../Sites/LocallyFullyFaithful.lean | 42 ++++---- 5 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Coherent/SheafComparison.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Coherent/SheafComparison.lean index ce2536aa401c81..330fcdfb5f49f4 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Coherent/SheafComparison.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Coherent/SheafComparison.lean @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ noncomputable def equivalence (A : Type u₃) [Category.{v₃} A] [∀ X, HasLimitsOfShape (StructuredArrow X F.op) A] : haveI := F.reflects_precoherent Sheaf (coherentTopology C) A ≌ Sheaf (coherentTopology D) A := - Functor.IsCoverDense.sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting F _ _ _ + Functor.IsDenseSubsite.sheafEquiv F _ _ _ end SheafEquiv @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ def equivalence' (A : Type u₃) [Category.{v₃} A] [∀ X, HasLimitsOfShape (StructuredArrow X F.op) A] : haveI := F.reflects_precoherent Sheaf (coherentTopology C) A ≌ Sheaf (coherentTopology D) A := - Functor.IsCoverDense.sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting F _ _ _ + Functor.IsDenseSubsite.sheafEquiv F _ _ _ end RegularExtensive @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ noncomputable def equivalence (A : Type u₃) [Category.{v₃} A] [∀ X, HasLimitsOfShape (StructuredArrow X F.op) A] : haveI := F.reflects_preregular Sheaf (regularTopology C) A ≌ Sheaf (regularTopology D) A := - Functor.IsCoverDense.sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting F _ _ _ + Functor.IsDenseSubsite.sheafEquiv F _ _ _ end SheafEquiv diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean index 43e672507df5e6..f76d163581ba6a 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean @@ -15,25 +15,23 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.LocallyFullyFaithful We define `IsCoverDense` functors into sites as functors such that there exists a covering sieve that factors through images of the functor for each object in `D`. -We will primarily consider cover-dense functors that are also full, since this notion is in general -not well-behaved otherwise. Note that indeed has a -weaker notion of cover-dense that loosens this requirement, but it would not have all the properties -we would need, and some sheafification would be needed for here and there. - ## Main results -- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.Types.presheafHom`: If `G : C ⥤ (D, K)` is full +- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.Types.presheafHom`: If `G : C ⥤ (D, K)` is locally-full and cover-dense, then given any presheaf `ℱ` and sheaf `ℱ'` on `D`, and a morphism `α : G ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G ⋙ ℱ'`, we may glue them together to obtain a morphism of presheaves `ℱ ⟶ ℱ'`. - `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.sheafIso`: If `ℱ` above is a sheaf and `α` is an iso, then the result is also an iso. -- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.iso_of_restrict_iso`: If `G : C ⥤ (D, K)` is full +- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.iso_of_restrict_iso`: If `G : C ⥤ (D, K)` is locally-full and cover-dense, then given any sheaves `ℱ, ℱ'` on `D`, and a morphism `α : ℱ ⟶ ℱ'`, then `α` is an iso if `G ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G ⋙ ℱ'` is iso. -- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting`: - If `G : (C, J) ⥤ (D, K)` is fully-faithful, cover-lifting, cover-preserving, and cover-dense, - then it will induce an equivalence of categories of sheaves valued in a complete category. +- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsDenseSubsite`: + The functor `G : C ⥤ D` exhibits `(C, J)` as a dense subsite of `(D, K)` if `G` is cover-dense, + locally fully-faithful, and `S` is a cover of `C` iff the image of `S` in `D` is a cover. +- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsDenseSubsite.sheafEquiv`: + If `G : C ⥤ D` exhibits `(C, J)` as a dense subsite of `(D, K)`, + it induces an equivalence of category of sheaves valued in a category with suitable limits. ## References @@ -194,9 +192,6 @@ noncomputable def pushforwardFamily {X} (x : ℱ.obj (op X)) : /-- (Implementation). The `pushforwardFamily` defined is compatible. -/ theorem pushforwardFamily_compatible {X} (x : ℱ.obj (op X)) : (pushforwardFamily α x).Compatible := by - have {X Y} (i : X ⟶ Y) (x) : - ℱ' ( i).op (α.app _ x) = α.app _ (ℱ.map ( i).op x) := by - exact congr_fun (α.naturality i.op).symm x suffices ∀ {Z W₁ W₂} (iWX₁ : G.obj W₁ ⟶ X) (iWX₂ : G.obj W₂ ⟶ X) (iZW₁ : Z ⟶ G.obj W₁) (iZW₂ : Z ⟶ G.obj W₂), iZW₁ ≫ iWX₁ = iZW₂ ≫ iWX₂ → ℱ' iZW₁.op (α.app _ (ℱ.map iWX₁.op x)) = ℱ' iZW₂.op (α.app _ (ℱ.map iWX₂.op x)) by @@ -257,8 +252,10 @@ noncomputable def appIso {ℱ ℱ' : SheafOfTypes.{v} K} (i : G.op ⋙ ℱ.val intro Y f simp -/-- Given a natural transformation `G ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G ⋙ ℱ'` between presheaves of types, where `G` is -full and cover-dense, and `ℱ'` is a sheaf, we may obtain a natural transformation between sheaves. +/-- +Given a natural transformation `G ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G ⋙ ℱ'` between presheaves of types, +where `G` is locally-full and cover-dense, and `ℱ'` is a sheaf, +we may obtain a natural transformation between sheaves. -/ @[simps] noncomputable def presheafHom (α : G.op ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G.op ⋙ ℱ'.val) : ℱ ⟶ ℱ'.val where @@ -270,16 +267,20 @@ noncomputable def presheafHom (α : G.op ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G.op ⋙ ℱ'.val) : ℱ simp only [appHom_restrict, types_comp_apply, ← FunctorToTypes.map_comp_apply] -- Porting note: Lean 3 proof continued with a rewrite but we're done here -/-- Given a natural isomorphism `G ⋙ ℱ ≅ G ⋙ ℱ'` between presheaves of types, where `G` is full -and cover-dense, and `ℱ, ℱ'` are sheaves, we may obtain a natural isomorphism between presheaves. +/-- +Given a natural isomorphism `G ⋙ ℱ ≅ G ⋙ ℱ'` between presheaves of types, +where `G` is locally-full and cover-dense, and `ℱ, ℱ'` are sheaves, +we may obtain a natural isomorphism between presheaves. -/ @[simps!] noncomputable def presheafIso {ℱ ℱ' : SheafOfTypes.{v} K} (i : G.op ⋙ ℱ.val ≅ G.op ⋙ ℱ'.val) : ℱ.val ≅ ℱ'.val := NatIso.ofComponents (fun X => appIso i (unop X)) @(presheafHom i.hom).naturality -/-- Given a natural isomorphism `G ⋙ ℱ ≅ G ⋙ ℱ'` between presheaves of types, where `G` is full -and cover-dense, and `ℱ, ℱ'` are sheaves, we may obtain a natural isomorphism between sheaves. +/-- +Given a natural isomorphism `G ⋙ ℱ ≅ G ⋙ ℱ'` between presheaves of types, +where `G` is locally-full and cover-dense, and `ℱ, ℱ'` are sheaves, +we may obtain a natural isomorphism between sheaves. -/ @[simps] noncomputable def sheafIso {ℱ ℱ' : SheafOfTypes.{v} K} (i : G.op ⋙ ℱ.val ≅ G.op ⋙ ℱ'.val) : @@ -338,17 +339,19 @@ noncomputable def sheafYonedaHom (α : G.op ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G.op ⋙ ℱ'.val) : ext X x exact congr_fun (((sheafCoyonedaHom α).app X).naturality i) x -/-- Given a natural transformation `G ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G ⋙ ℱ'` between presheaves of arbitrary category, -where `G` is full and cover-dense, and `ℱ'` is a sheaf, we may obtain a natural transformation -between presheaves. +/-- +Given a natural transformation `G ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G ⋙ ℱ'` between presheaves of arbitrary category, +where `G` is locally-full and cover-dense, and `ℱ'` is a sheaf, we may obtain a natural +transformation between presheaves. -/ noncomputable def sheafHom (α : G.op ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G.op ⋙ ℱ'.val) : ℱ ⟶ ℱ'.val := let α' := sheafYonedaHom α { app := fun X => yoneda.preimage (α'.app X) naturality := fun X Y f => yoneda.map_injective (by simpa using α'.naturality f) } -/-- Given a natural isomorphism `G ⋙ ℱ ≅ G ⋙ ℱ'` between presheaves of arbitrary category, -where `G` is full and cover-dense, and `ℱ', ℱ` are sheaves, +/-- +Given a natural isomorphism `G ⋙ ℱ ≅ G ⋙ ℱ'` between presheaves of arbitrary category, +where `G` is locally-full and cover-dense, and `ℱ', ℱ` are sheaves, we may obtain a natural isomorphism between presheaves. -/ @[simps!] @@ -370,8 +373,9 @@ noncomputable def presheafIso {ℱ ℱ' : Sheaf K A} (i : G.op ⋙ ℱ.val ≅ G haveI : IsIso (sheafHom i.hom) := by apply NatIso.isIso_of_isIso_app apply asIso (sheafHom i.hom) -/-- Given a natural isomorphism `G ⋙ ℱ ≅ G ⋙ ℱ'` between presheaves of arbitrary category, -where `G` is full and cover-dense, and `ℱ', ℱ` are sheaves, +/-- +Given a natural isomorphism `G ⋙ ℱ ≅ G ⋙ ℱ'` between presheaves of arbitrary category, +where `G` is locally-full and cover-dense, and `ℱ', ℱ` are sheaves, we may obtain a natural isomorphism between presheaves. -/ @[simps] @@ -385,8 +389,7 @@ noncomputable def sheafIso {ℱ ℱ' : Sheaf K A} (i : G.op ⋙ ℱ.val ≅ G.op ext1 apply (presheafIso i).inv_hom_id -/-- The constructed `sheafHom α` is equal to `α` when restricted onto `C`. --/ +/-- The constructed `sheafHom α` is equal to `α` when restricted onto `C`. -/ theorem sheafHom_restrict_eq (α : G.op ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G.op ⋙ ℱ'.val) : whiskerLeft G.op (sheafHom α) = α := by ext X @@ -412,7 +415,8 @@ theorem sheafHom_restrict_eq (α : G.op ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G.op ⋙ ℱ'.val) : variable (G) -/-- If the pullback map is obtained via whiskering, +/-- +If the pullback map is obtained via whiskering, then the result `sheaf_hom (whisker_left G.op α)` is equal to `α`. -/ theorem sheafHom_eq (α : ℱ ⟶ ℱ'.val) : sheafHom (whiskerLeft G.op α) = α := by @@ -434,7 +438,8 @@ theorem sheafHom_eq (α : ℱ ⟶ ℱ'.val) : sheafHom (whiskerLeft G.op α) = variable {G} -/-- A full and cover-dense functor `G` induces an equivalence between morphisms into a sheaf and +/-- +A locally-full and cover-dense functor `G` induces an equivalence between morphisms into a sheaf and morphisms over the restrictions via `G`. -/ noncomputable def restrictHomEquivHom : (G.op ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G.op ⋙ ℱ'.val) ≃ (ℱ ⟶ ℱ'.val) where @@ -443,8 +448,8 @@ noncomputable def restrictHomEquivHom : (G.op ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G.op ⋙ ℱ'.val) ≃ left_inv := sheafHom_restrict_eq right_inv := sheafHom_eq _ -/-- Given a full and cover-dense functor `G` and a natural transformation of sheaves `α : ℱ ⟶ ℱ'`, -if the pullback of `α` along `G` is iso, then `α` is also iso. +/-- Given a locally-full and cover-dense functor `G` and a natural transformation of sheaves +`α : ℱ ⟶ ℱ'`, if the pullback of `α` along `G` is iso, then `α` is also iso. -/ theorem iso_of_restrict_iso {ℱ ℱ' : Sheaf K A} (α : ℱ ⟶ ℱ') (i : IsIso (whiskerLeft G.op α.val)) : IsIso α := by @@ -454,7 +459,7 @@ theorem iso_of_restrict_iso {ℱ ℱ' : Sheaf K A} (α : ℱ ⟶ ℱ') (i : IsIs variable (G K) -/-- A fully faithful cover-dense functor preserves compatible families. -/ +/-- A locally-fully-faithful and cover-dense functor preserves compatible families. -/ lemma compatiblePreserving [G.IsLocallyFaithful K] : CompatiblePreserving K G := by constructor intro ℱ Z T x hx Y₁ Y₂ X f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂ hg₁ hg₂ eq @@ -558,7 +563,7 @@ end Functor end CategoryTheory -namespace CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense +namespace CategoryTheory.Functor.IsDenseSubsite open CategoryTheory Opposite @@ -642,21 +647,30 @@ instance (Y : Sheaf J A) : IsIso ((G.sheafAdjunctionCocontinuous A J K).counit.a variable (A) -/-- Given a functor between small sites that is cover-dense, cover-preserving, and cover-lifting, -it induces an equivalence of category of sheaves valued in a complete category. +/-- +If `G : C ⥤ D` exhibits `(C, J)` as a dense subsite of `(D, K)`, +it induces an equivalence of category of sheaves valued in a category with suitable limits. -/ @[simps! functor inverse] -noncomputable def sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting : Sheaf J A ≌ Sheaf K A := +noncomputable def sheafEquiv : Sheaf J A ≌ Sheaf K A := (G.sheafAdjunctionCocontinuous A J K).toEquivalence.symm variable [HasWeakSheafify J A] [HasWeakSheafify K A] /-- The natural isomorphism exhibiting the compatibility of -`sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting` with sheafification. -/ +`IsDenseSubsite.sheafEquiv` with sheafification. -/ noncomputable -abbrev sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLiftingSheafificationCompatibility : +abbrev sheafEquivSheafificationCompatibility : (whiskeringLeft _ _ A).obj G.op ⋙ presheafToSheaf _ _ ≅ - presheafToSheaf _ _ ⋙ (sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting G J K A).inverse := by + presheafToSheaf _ _ ⋙ (sheafEquiv G J K A).inverse := by apply Functor.pushforwardContinuousSheafificationCompatibility -end CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense +end IsDenseSubsite + +@[deprecated (since := "2024-07-23")] +alias IsCoverDense.sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting := IsDenseSubsite.sheafEquiv +@[deprecated (since := "2024-07-23")] +alias IsCoverDense.sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLiftingSheafificationCompatibility := + IsDenseSubsite.sheafEquivSheafificationCompatibility + +end CategoryTheory.Functor diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Discrete.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Discrete.lean index 01def9d01d1c3b..2b59807d4ad46d 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Discrete.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Discrete.lean @@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ variable (G : C ⥤ D) variable [(constantSheaf J A).Faithful] [(constantSheaf J A).Full] -open Functor.IsCoverDense +open Functor.IsDenseSubsite noncomputable example : let e : Sheaf J A ≌ Sheaf K A := - sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting G J K A + sheafEquiv G J K A e.inverse ⋙ (sheafSections J A).obj (op t) ≅ (sheafSections K A).obj (op (G.obj t)) := Iso.refl _ @@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ property of a sheaf of being a discrete object is invariant under equivalence of -/ noncomputable def equivCommuteConstant : let e : Sheaf J A ≌ Sheaf K A := - sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting G J K A + sheafEquiv G J K A constantSheaf J A ⋙ e.functor ≅ constantSheaf K A := let e : Sheaf J A ≌ Sheaf K A := - sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting G J K A + sheafEquiv G J K A (Adjunction.leftAdjointUniq ((constantSheafAdj J A ht).comp e.toAdjunction) (constantSheafAdj K A ht')) @@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ property of a sheaf of being a discrete object is invariant under equivalence of -/ noncomputable def equivCommuteConstant' : let e : Sheaf J A ≌ Sheaf K A := - sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting G J K A + sheafEquiv G J K A constantSheaf J A ≅ constantSheaf K A ⋙ e.inverse := let e : Sheaf J A ≌ Sheaf K A := - sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting G J K A + sheafEquiv G J K A isoWhiskerLeft (constantSheaf J A) e.unitIso ≪≫ isoWhiskerRight (equivCommuteConstant J A ht K G ht') e.inverse @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ categories. -/ lemma isDiscrete_iff_of_equivalence (F : Sheaf K A) : let e : Sheaf J A ≌ Sheaf K A := - sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting G J K A + sheafEquiv G J K A haveI : (constantSheaf K A).Faithful := Functor.Faithful.of_iso (equivCommuteConstant J A ht K G ht') haveI : (constantSheaf K A).Full := diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean index 29d12c52be323c..0e3ea9401d2421 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ is complete. noncomputable def sheafInducedTopologyEquivOfIsCoverDense [G.IsCoverDense K] [∀ (X : Dᵒᵖ), HasLimitsOfShape (StructuredArrow X G.op) A] : Sheaf (G.inducedTopology K) A ≌ Sheaf K A := - Functor.IsCoverDense.sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting G + Functor.IsDenseSubsite.sheafEquiv G (G.inducedTopology K) K A end Functor diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/LocallyFullyFaithful.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/LocallyFullyFaithful.lean index fc04a809840ad5..d6967c6eae447e 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/LocallyFullyFaithful.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/LocallyFullyFaithful.lean @@ -1,40 +1,30 @@ /- -Copyright (c) 2021 Andrew Yang. All rights reserved. +Copyright (c) 2024 Andrew Yang. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Andrew Yang -/ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sites.SheafOfTypes /-! -# Dense subsites - -We define `IsCoverDense` functors into sites as functors such that there exists a covering sieve -that factors through images of the functor for each object in `D`. +# Locally fully faithful functors into sites ## Main results -- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.Types.presheafHom`: If `G : C ⥤ (D, K)` is - and cover-dense, then given any presheaf `ℱ` and sheaf `ℱ'` on `D`, - and a morphism `α : G ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G ⋙ ℱ'`, we may glue them together to obtain - a morphism of presheaves `ℱ ⟶ ℱ'`. -- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.sheafIso`: If `ℱ` above is a sheaf and `α` is an iso, - then the result is also an iso. -- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.iso_of_restrict_iso`: If `G : C ⥤ (D, K)` is - and cover-dense, then given any sheaves `ℱ, ℱ'` on `D`, and a morphism `α : ℱ ⟶ ℱ'`, - then `α` is an iso if `G ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G ⋙ ℱ'` is iso. -- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.sheafEquivOfCoverPreservingCoverLifting`: - If `G : (C, J) ⥤ (D, K)` is faithful, cover-lifting, cover-preserving, and cover-dense, - then it will induce an equivalence of categories of sheaves valued in a complete category. +- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsLocallyFull`: + A functor `G : C ⥤ D` is locally full wrt a topology on `D` if for every `f : G.obj U ⟶ G.obj V`, + the set of ` fᵢ : G.obj Wᵢ ⟶ G.obj U` such that ` fᵢ ≫ f` is + in the image of `G` is a coverage of the topology on `D`. +- `CategoryTheory.Functor.IsLocallyFaithful`: + A functor `G : C ⥤ D` is locally faithful wrt a topology on `D` if for every `f₁ f₂ : U ⟶ V` whose + image in `D` are equal, the set of ` gᵢ : G.obj Wᵢ ⟶ G.obj U` such that `gᵢ ≫ f₁ = gᵢ ≫ f₂` + is a coverage of the topology on `D`. ## References -* [Elephant]: *Sketches of an Elephant*, ℱ. T. Johnstone: C2.2. -* -* +* -/ - universe w v u namespace CategoryTheory @@ -73,10 +63,20 @@ open Presieve Opposite namespace Functor +/-- +A functor `G : C ⥤ D` is locally full wrt a topology on `D` if for every `f : G.obj U ⟶ G.obj V`, +the set of ` fᵢ : G.obj Wᵢ ⟶ G.obj U` such that ` fᵢ ≫ f` is +in the image of `G` is a coverage of the topology on `D`. +-/ class IsLocallyFull : Prop where functorPushforward_hasLift_mem : ∀ {U V} (f : G.obj U ⟶ G.obj V), (Sieve.hasLift G f).functorPushforward G ∈ K _ +/-- +A functor `G : C ⥤ D` is locally faithful wrt a topology on `D` if for every `f₁ f₂ : U ⟶ V` whose +image in `D` are equal, the set of ` gᵢ : G.obj Wᵢ ⟶ G.obj U` such that `gᵢ ≫ f₁ = gᵢ ≫ f₂` +is a coverage of the topology on `D`. +-/ class IsLocallyFaithful : Prop where functorPushforward_equalizer_mem : ∀ {U V : C} (f₁ f₂ : U ⟶ V), f₁ = f₂ → (Sieve.equalizer f₁ f₂).functorPushforward G ∈ K _ From 3a1950830b34b09583cd0db2557d0b5e528a7055 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Yang Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 23:42:50 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 6/9] fix --- Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Equivalence.lean | 39 +------------------ .../CategoryTheory/Sites/Grothendieck.lean | 8 ++++ Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Sieves.lean | 32 ++++++++++++++- 3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Equivalence.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Equivalence.lean index f5842af8d091ca..07fb08b597fdfa 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Equivalence.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Equivalence.lean @@ -46,43 +46,6 @@ variable {C : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁} C] (J : GrothendieckTopology C) variable {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₂} D] (K : GrothendieckTopology D) (e : C ≌ D) (G : D ⥤ C) variable (A : Type u₃) [Category.{v₃} A] -variable {J} in -lemma pullback_mem_iff_of_isIso {X Y : C} {i : X ⟶ Y} [IsIso i] {S : Sieve Y} : - S.pullback i ∈ J _ ↔ S ∈ J _ := by - refine ⟨fun H ↦ ?_, J.pullback_stable i⟩ - convert J.pullback_stable (inv i) H - rw [← Sieve.pullback_comp, IsIso.inv_hom_id, Sieve.pullback_id] - -@[simp] -lemma Sieve.comp_mem_iff {X Y Z : C} (i : X ⟶ Y) (f : Y ⟶ Z) [IsIso i] (S : Sieve Z) : - S (i ≫ f) ↔ S f := by - refine ⟨fun H ↦ ?_, fun H ↦ S.downward_closed H _⟩ - convert S.downward_closed H (inv i) - simp - -lemma Sieve.functorPushforward_functor {X} (S : Sieve X) : - S.functorPushforward e.functor = (S.pullback ( X)).functorPullback e.inverse := by - ext Y iYX - constructor - · rintro ⟨Z, iZX, iYZ, hiZX, rfl⟩ - simpa using S.downward_closed hiZX ( iYZ ≫ Z) - · intro H - exact ⟨_, iYX ≫ X, Y, by simpa using H, by simp⟩ - -@[simp] -lemma Sieve.mem_functorPushforward_functor {X Y} {S : Sieve X} {f : Y ⟶ e.functor.obj X} : - S.functorPushforward e.functor f ↔ S ( f ≫ X) := - congr($(S.functorPushforward_functor e).arrows f) - -lemma Sieve.functorPushforward_inverse {X} (S : Sieve X) : - S.functorPushforward e.inverse = (S.pullback ( X)).functorPullback e.functor := - Sieve.functorPushforward_functor e.symm S - -@[simp] -lemma Sieve.mem_functorPushforward_inverse {X Y} {S : Sieve X} {f : Y ⟶ e.inverse.obj X} : - S.functorPushforward e.inverse f ↔ S ( f ≫ X) := - congr($(S.functorPushforward_inverse e).arrows f) - namespace Equivalence instance (priority := 900) [G.IsEquivalence] : IsCoverDense G J where @@ -103,7 +66,7 @@ instance : e.functor.IsDenseSubsite J (e.inverse.inducedTopology J) := by have : J = e.functor.inducedTopology (e.inverse.inducedTopology J) := by ext X S show _ ↔ _ ∈ J.sieves _ - erw [← pullback_mem_iff_of_isIso (i := X)] + erw [← GrothendieckTopology.pullback_mem_iff_of_isIso (i := X)] congr!; ext Y f; simp nth_rw 1 [this] infer_instance diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Grothendieck.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Grothendieck.lean index c0a9e3738620d1..f7773b4fc0fb2a 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Grothendieck.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Grothendieck.lean @@ -121,6 +121,14 @@ theorem top_mem (X : C) : ⊤ ∈ J X := theorem pullback_stable (f : Y ⟶ X) (hS : S ∈ J X) : S.pullback f ∈ J Y := J.pullback_stable' f hS +variable {J} in +@[simp] +lemma pullback_mem_iff_of_isIso {i : X ⟶ Y} [IsIso i] {S : Sieve Y} : + S.pullback i ∈ J _ ↔ S ∈ J _ := by + refine ⟨fun H ↦ ?_, J.pullback_stable i⟩ + convert J.pullback_stable (inv i) H + rw [← Sieve.pullback_comp, IsIso.inv_hom_id, Sieve.pullback_id] + theorem transitive (hS : S ∈ J X) (R : Sieve X) (h : ∀ ⦃Y⦄ ⦃f : Y ⟶ X⦄, S f → R.pullback f ∈ J Y) : R ∈ J X := J.transitive' hS R h diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Sieves.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Sieves.lean index 57796493d5443f..44dfbb4a1026f2 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Sieves.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/Sieves.lean @@ -416,6 +416,13 @@ theorem generate_of_singleton_isSplitEpi (f : Y ⟶ X) [IsSplitEpi f] : theorem generate_top : generate (⊤ : Presieve X) = ⊤ := generate_of_contains_isSplitEpi (𝟙 _) ⟨⟩ +@[simp] +lemma comp_mem_iff (i : X ⟶ Y) (f : Y ⟶ Z) [IsIso i] (S : Sieve Z) : + S (i ≫ f) ↔ S f := by + refine ⟨fun H ↦ ?_, fun H ↦ S.downward_closed H _⟩ + convert S.downward_closed H (inv i) + simp + /-- The sieve of `X` generated by family of morphisms `Y i ⟶ X`. -/ abbrev ofArrows {I : Type*} {X : C} (Y : I → C) (f : ∀ i, Y i ⟶ X) : Sieve X := @@ -707,7 +714,7 @@ def essSurjFullFunctorGaloisInsertion [F.EssSurj] [F.Full] (X : C) : apply (functor_galoisConnection F X).toGaloisInsertion intro S Y f hf refine ⟨_, F.preimage ((F.objObjPreimageIso Y).hom ≫ f), (F.objObjPreimageIso Y).inv, ?_⟩ - simpa using S.downward_closed hf _ + simpa using hf /-- When `F` is fully faithful, the galois connection is a galois coinsertion. -/ def fullyFaithfulFunctorGaloisCoinsertion [F.Full] [F.Faithful] (X : C) : @@ -719,6 +726,29 @@ def fullyFaithfulFunctorGaloisCoinsertion [F.Full] [F.Faithful] (X : C) : rw [F.map_injective h₂] exact S.downward_closed h₁ _ +lemma functorPushforward_functor (S : Sieve X) (e : C ≌ D) : + S.functorPushforward e.functor = (S.pullback ( X)).functorPullback e.inverse := by + ext Y iYX + constructor + · rintro ⟨Z, iZX, iYZ, hiZX, rfl⟩ + simpa using S.downward_closed hiZX ( iYZ ≫ Z) + · intro H + exact ⟨_, iYX ≫ X, Y, by simpa using H, by simp⟩ + +@[simp] +lemma mem_functorPushforward_functor {Y : D} {S : Sieve X} {e : C ≌ D} {f : Y ⟶ e.functor.obj X} : + S.functorPushforward e.functor f ↔ S ( f ≫ X) := + congr($(S.functorPushforward_functor e).arrows f) + +lemma functorPushforward_inverse {X : D} (S : Sieve X) (e : C ≌ D) : + S.functorPushforward e.inverse = (S.pullback ( X)).functorPullback e.functor := + Sieve.functorPushforward_functor S e.symm + +@[simp] +lemma mem_functorPushforward_inverse {X : D} {S : Sieve X} {e : C ≌ D} {f : Y ⟶ e.inverse.obj X} : + S.functorPushforward e.inverse f ↔ S ( f ≫ X) := + congr($(S.functorPushforward_inverse e).arrows f) + end Functor /-- A sieve induces a presheaf. -/ From d66e92b4bb7afd42abb8d483197a068e5aceeb1a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Yang Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:58:01 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 7/9] fix --- Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean | 4 ++-- Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean | 2 +- 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean index f76d163581ba6a..9b7a61284b13e1 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ theorem functorPullback_pushforward_covering [G.IsLocallyFull K] {X : C} apply K.transitive (G.is_cover_of_isCoverDense _ _) _ rintro W _ ⟨Z, iWZ, iZY, rfl⟩ rw [Sieve.pullback_comp]; apply K.pullback_stable; clear W iWZ - apply K.superset_covering ?_ (G.functorPushforward_hasLift_mem _ (iZY ≫ iYX)) + apply K.superset_covering ?_ (G.functorPushforward_imageSieve_mem _ (iZY ≫ iYX)) rintro W _ ⟨V, iVZ, iWV, ⟨iVX, e⟩, rfl⟩ exact ⟨_, iVX, iWV, by simpa [e] using T.1.downward_closed hiYX ( iVZ ≫ iZY), by simp [e]⟩ @@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ instance faithful_sheafPushforwardContinuous [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] : lemma hasLift_mem [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] {U V} (f : G.obj U ⟶ G.obj V) : Sieve.hasLift G f ∈ J _ := letI := IsDenseSubsite.isLocallyFull J K G - (G.functorPushforward_hasLift_mem K f) + (G.functorPushforward_imageSieve_mem K f) lemma equalizer_mem [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] {U V} (f₁ f₂ : U ⟶ V) (e : f₁ = f₂) : Sieve.equalizer f₁ f₂ ∈ J _ := diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean index 0e3ea9401d2421..48981facbaeb7c 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/InducedTopology.lean @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def inducedTopology : GrothendieckTopology C where rw [Sieve.pullback_comp] apply K.pullback_stable clear iZU Z - apply K.transitive (G.functorPushforward_hasLift_mem _ iUW) + apply K.transitive (G.functorPushforward_imageSieve_mem _ iUW) rintro Z _ ⟨U₁, iU₁U, iZU₁, ⟨iU₁W, e₂⟩, rfl⟩ rw [Sieve.pullback_comp] apply K.pullback_stable From eb6cc0e0fe6f8e0c548a3be44ea10d6ca90cdade Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Yang Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:59:17 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 8/9] more fix --- Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean index 9b7a61284b13e1..f328a81b4de281 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean @@ -547,8 +547,8 @@ instance faithful_sheafPushforwardContinuous [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] : letI := IsDenseSubsite.isLocallyFull J K G inferInstance -lemma hasLift_mem [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] {U V} (f : G.obj U ⟶ G.obj V) : - Sieve.hasLift G f ∈ J _ := +lemma imageSieve_mem [G.IsDenseSubsite J K] {U V} (f : G.obj U ⟶ G.obj V) : + G.imageSieve f ∈ J _ := letI := IsDenseSubsite.isLocallyFull J K G (G.functorPushforward_imageSieve_mem K f) @@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ lemma isIso_ranCounit_app_of_isDenseSubsite (Y : Sheaf J A) (U X) : simp only [id_obj, comp_obj, StructuredArrow.proj_obj, RightExtension.coneAt_pt, RightExtension.mk_left, RightExtension.coneAt_π_app, const_obj_obj, op_obj, whiskeringLeft_obj_obj, RightExtension.mk_hom] - apply (Y.2 X _ (IsDenseSubsite.hasLift_mem J K G g)).isSeparatedFor.ext + apply (Y.2 X _ (IsDenseSubsite.imageSieve_mem J K G g)).isSeparatedFor.ext rintro V iVW ⟨iVU, e'⟩ have := congr($e ≫ iVU.op) simp only [comp_obj, yoneda_map_app, Category.assoc, coyoneda_obj_obj, comp_map, @@ -594,11 +594,11 @@ lemma isIso_ranCounit_app_of_isDenseSubsite (Y : Sheaf J A) (U X) : erw [← NatTrans.naturality] at this exact this · intro f - have (X Y Z) (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : G.obj Y ⟶ G.obj Z) (hf : Sieve.hasLift G g f) : Exists _ := hf + have (X Y Z) (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : G.obj Y ⟶ G.obj Z) (hf : G.imageSieve g f) : Exists _ := hf choose l hl using this let c : Limits.Cone (StructuredArrow.proj (op (G.obj U)) G.op ⋙ Y.val) := by refine ⟨X, ⟨fun g ↦ ?_, ?_⟩⟩ - · refine Y.2.amalgamate ⟨_, IsDenseSubsite.hasLift_mem J K G g.hom.unop⟩ + · refine Y.2.amalgamate ⟨_, IsDenseSubsite.imageSieve_mem J K G g.hom.unop⟩ (fun I ↦ f ≫ (l _ _ _ _ _ I.hf).op) fun I₁ I₂ r ↦ ?_ apply (Y.2 X _ (IsDenseSubsite.equalizer_mem J K G (r.g₁ ≫ l _ _ _ _ _ I₁.hf) (r.g₂ ≫ l _ _ _ _ _ I₂.hf) ?_)).isSeparatedFor.ext fun V iUV (hiUV : _ = _) ↦ ?_ @@ -612,10 +612,10 @@ lemma isIso_ranCounit_app_of_isDenseSubsite (Y : Sheaf J A) (U X) : obtain ⟨i, rfl⟩ : ∃ i' : W₂ ⟶ W₁, i = i'.op := ⟨i.unop, rfl⟩ simp only [const_obj_obj, id_obj, comp_obj, StructuredArrow.proj_obj, const_obj_map, op_obj, unop_comp, Quiver.Hom.unop_op, Category.id_comp, comp_map, StructuredArrow.proj_map] - apply Y.2.hom_ext ⟨_, IsDenseSubsite.hasLift_mem J K G ( i ≫ g)⟩ + apply Y.2.hom_ext ⟨_, IsDenseSubsite.imageSieve_mem J K G ( i ≫ g)⟩ intro I simp only [Presheaf.IsSheaf.amalgamate_map, Category.assoc, ← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp] - let I' : GrothendieckTopology.Cover.Arrow ⟨_, IsDenseSubsite.hasLift_mem J K G g⟩ := + let I' : GrothendieckTopology.Cover.Arrow ⟨_, IsDenseSubsite.imageSieve_mem J K G g⟩ := ⟨_, I.f ≫ i, ⟨l _ _ _ _ _ I.hf, by simp [hl]⟩⟩ refine Eq.trans ?_ (Y.2.amalgamate_map _ _ _ I').symm apply (Y.2 X _ (IsDenseSubsite.equalizer_mem J K G (l _ _ _ _ _ I.hf) @@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ lemma isIso_ranCounit_app_of_isDenseSubsite (Y : Sheaf J A) (U X) : const_obj_obj, op_obj, StructuredArrow.mk_hom_eq_self, map_id, whiskeringLeft_obj_obj, RightExtension.mk_hom, Category.id_comp, StructuredArrow.mk_left, unop_id] at this simp only [id_obj, yoneda_map_app, this] - apply Y.2.hom_ext ⟨_, IsDenseSubsite.hasLift_mem J K G (𝟙 (G.obj U))⟩ _ _ fun I ↦ ?_ + apply Y.2.hom_ext ⟨_, IsDenseSubsite.imageSieve_mem J K G (𝟙 (G.obj U))⟩ _ _ fun I ↦ ?_ apply (Y.2 X _ (IsDenseSubsite.equalizer_mem J K G (l _ _ _ _ _ I.hf) I.f (by simp [hl]))).isSeparatedFor.ext fun V iUV (hiUV : _ = _) ↦ ?_ simp [← Functor.map_comp, ← op_comp, hiUV] From c5093fe32d946c426abbf9f07d7293c29a1f459c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Yang Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 04:13:19 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 9/9] address comments --- Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean index f328a81b4de281..70492f07dde804 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/DenseSubsite.lean @@ -635,11 +635,11 @@ lemma isIso_ranCounit_app_of_isDenseSubsite (Y : Sheaf J A) (U X) : instance (Y : Sheaf J A) : IsIso ((G.sheafAdjunctionCocontinuous A J K) Y) := by apply (config := { allowSynthFailures := true }) - ReflectsIsomorphisms.reflects (sheafToPresheaf J A) - apply (config := { allowSynthFailures := true }) NatIso.isIso_of_isIso_app + ReflectsIsomorphisms.reflects (sheafToPresheaf J A) + rw [NatTrans.isIso_iff_isIso_app] intro ⟨U⟩ apply (config := { allowSynthFailures := true }) ReflectsIsomorphisms.reflects yoneda - apply (config := { allowSynthFailures := true }) NatIso.isIso_of_isIso_app + rw [NatTrans.isIso_iff_isIso_app] intro ⟨X⟩ simp only [comp_obj, sheafToPresheaf_obj, sheafPushforwardContinuous_obj_val_obj, yoneda_obj_obj, id_obj, sheafToPresheaf_map, sheafAdjunctionCocontinuous_counit_app_val, ranAdjunction_counit]