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Commit 9e65a99

Browse files
fix: type error in the code used in the benchmark
The code comes from the LSP logfile, rather than the file on disk.
1 parent 2cc98f3 commit 9e65a99

File tree

1 file changed

lines changed

1 file changed

lines changed
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
Content-Length: 992
Content-Length: 996

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"textDocument/didOpen","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///home/mhuisi/Lean/lean4/tests/bench/identifier_completion.lean","languageId":"lean4","version":952,"text":"prelude\nimport Lean.AddDecl\n\nopen Lean\n\nset_option debug.skipKernelTC true\n\ndef buildSyntheticEnv : Lean.CoreM Unit := do\n for i in [0:100000] do\n let name := s!\"{i}\".toName\n addDecl <| Declaration.opaqueDecl {\n name := name\n levelParams := []\n type := .const `Nat []\n value := .const ` []\n isUnsafe := false\n all := [name]\n }\n addDocString name \"A synthetic doc-string\"\n\n#eval buildSyntheticEnv\n\n-- This will be quite a bit slower than the equivalent in a file that imports all of these decls,\n-- since we can pre-compute information about those imports.\n-- It still serves as a useful benchmark, though.\n#eval\n"},"dependencyBuildMode":"never"}}
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"textDocument/didOpen","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///home/mhuisi/Lean/lean4/tests/bench/identifier_completion.lean","languageId":"lean4","version":952,"text":"prelude\nimport Lean.AddDecl\n\nopen Lean\n\nset_option debug.skipKernelTC true\n\ndef buildSyntheticEnv : Lean.CoreM Unit := do\n for i in [0:100000] do\n let name := s!\"{i}\".toName\n addDecl <| Declaration.opaqueDecl {\n name := name\n levelParams := []\n type := .const `Nat []\n value := .const ` []\n isUnsafe := false\n all := [name]\n }\n addDocStringCore name \"A synthetic doc-string\"\n\n#eval buildSyntheticEnv\n\n-- This will be quite a bit slower than the equivalent in a file that imports all of these decls,\n-- since we can pre-compute information about those imports.\n-- It still serves as a useful benchmark, though.\n#eval\n"},"dependencyBuildMode":"never"}}

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