From 5cd3a4ab3fa13c9f1be524f90694ff9d517228bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Henrik=20B=C3=B6ving?= Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 13:41:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] feat: upstream utilities around `Array`, `Bool` and `Prod` from LeanSAT --- src/Init/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- src/Init/Data/Bool.lean | 18 ++++++++++++ src/Init/Data/Prod.lean | 9 ++++++ 3 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Init/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean b/src/Init/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean index 0fea06d740f7..ccd264ba2477 100644 --- a/src/Init/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean +++ b/src/Init/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean @@ -336,6 +336,11 @@ theorem not_mem_nil (a : α) : ¬ a ∈ #[] := nofun /-- # get lemmas -/ +theorem lt_of_getElem {x : α} {a : Array α} {idx : Nat} {hidx : idx < a.size} + (_h : a[idx]'hidx = x) : + idx < a.size := by + exact hidx + theorem getElem?_mem {l : Array α} {i : Fin l.size} : l[i] ∈ l := by erw [Array.mem_def, getElem_eq_data_getElem] apply List.get_mem @@ -505,6 +510,31 @@ theorem size_eq_length_data (as : Array α) : as.size = := rfl simp only [mkEmpty_eq, size_push] at * omega +theorem getElem_range {n : Nat} {x : Nat} (h : x < n) : (Array.range n)[x]'(by simp [h]) = x := by + induction n + . contradiction + . next n ih => + rcases Nat.lt_or_eq_of_le <| Nat.le_of_lt_succ h with x_lt_n | x_eq_n + . specialize ih x_lt_n + simp only [Array.range, Nat.fold, flip, Array.get_push] + simp only [Array.range, flip] at ih + split + . exact ih + . next x_ge_n => + exfalso + have h_size_range : (Array.range n).size = n := Array.size_range + simp only [Array.mkEmpty_eq, Array.range, flip] at h_size_range + simp only [Array.mkEmpty_eq, h_size_range] at x_ge_n + exact x_ge_n x_lt_n + . simp only [Array.range, Nat.fold, flip, Array.get_push] + split + . next x_lt_n => + exfalso + have h_size_range : (Array.range n).size = n := Array.size_range + simp only [Array.range, Array.mkEmpty_eq] at h_size_range + simp only [x_eq_n, Array.mkEmpty_eq, h_size_range, Nat.lt_irrefl] at x_lt_n + . rw [x_eq_n] + set_option linter.deprecated false in @[simp] theorem reverse_data (a : Array α) : = := by let rec go (as : Array α) (i j hj) @@ -707,13 +737,26 @@ theorem mapIdx_spec (as : Array α) (f : Fin as.size → α → β) unfold modify modifyM split <;> simp -theorem get_modify {arr : Array α} {x i} (h : i < arr.size) : - (arr.modify x f).get ⟨i, by simp [h]⟩ = - if x = i then f (arr.get ⟨i, h⟩) else arr.get ⟨i, h⟩ := by +theorem getElem_modify {arr : Array α} {x i} (h : i < arr.size) : + (arr.modify x f)[i]'(by simp [h]) = + if x = i then f (arr[i]'h) else arr[i]'h := by simp [modify, modifyM,]; split · simp [get_set _ _ _ h]; split <;> simp [*] · rw [if_neg (mt (by rintro rfl; exact h) ‹_›)] +theorem getElem_modify_self {a : Array α} {i : Nat} (i_in_bounds : i < a.size) (f : α → α) : + (a.modify i f)[i]'(by simp[i_in_bounds]) = f a[i] := by + rw [getElem_modify] + simp only [↓reduceIte] + assumption + +theorem getElem_modify_of_ne {a : Array α} {i : Nat} {j : Nat} (j_size : j < a.size) + (f : α → α) (h : i ≠ j) : + (a.modify i f)[j]'(by rw [Array.size_modify]; exact j_size) = a[j] := by + rw [getElem_modify] + simp only [h, ↓reduceIte] + assumption + /-! ### filter -/ @[simp] theorem filter_data (p : α → Bool) (l : Array α) : diff --git a/src/Init/Data/Bool.lean b/src/Init/Data/Bool.lean index a2e8bb4b9f6c..f3de8ba4ad53 100644 --- a/src/Init/Data/Bool.lean +++ b/src/Init/Data/Bool.lean @@ -438,6 +438,24 @@ Added for confluence between `if_true_left` and `ite_false_same` on -/ @[simp] theorem eq_true_imp_eq_false : ∀(b:Bool), (b = true → b = false) ↔ (b = false) := by decide +/-! ### forall -/ + +theorem forall_bool' {p : Bool → Prop} (b : Bool) : (∀ x, p x) ↔ p b ∧ p !b := + ⟨fun h ↦ ⟨h _, h _⟩, fun ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ x ↦ by cases b <;> cases x <;> assumption⟩ + +@[simp] +theorem forall_bool {p : Bool → Prop} : (∀ b, p b) ↔ p false ∧ p true := + forall_bool' false + +/-! ### exists -/ + +theorem exists_bool' {p : Bool → Prop} (b : Bool) : (∃ x, p x) ↔ p b ∨ p !b := + ⟨fun ⟨x, hx⟩ ↦ by cases x <;> cases b <;> first | exact .inl ‹_› | exact .inr ‹_›, + fun h ↦ by cases h <;> exact ⟨_, ‹_›⟩⟩ + +@[simp] +theorem exists_bool {p : Bool → Prop} : (∃ b, p b) ↔ p false ∨ p true := + exists_bool' false /-! ### cond -/ diff --git a/src/Init/Data/Prod.lean b/src/Init/Data/Prod.lean index fd1b3814cf80..0882bde8dfdd 100644 --- a/src/Init/Data/Prod.lean +++ b/src/Init/Data/Prod.lean @@ -5,9 +5,18 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura -/ prelude import Init.SimpLemmas +import Init.NotationExtra instance [BEq α] [BEq β] [LawfulBEq α] [LawfulBEq β] : LawfulBEq (α × β) where eq_of_beq {a b} (h : a.1 == b.1 && a.2 == b.2) := by cases a; cases b refine congr (congrArg _ (eq_of_beq ?_)) (eq_of_beq ?_) <;> simp_all rfl {a} := by cases a; simp [BEq.beq, LawfulBEq.rfl] + +@[simp] +protected theorem Prod.forall {p : α × β → Prop} : (∀ x, p x) ↔ ∀ a b, p (a, b) := + ⟨fun h a b ↦ h (a, b), fun h ⟨a, b⟩ ↦ h a b⟩ + +@[simp] +protected theorem Prod.exists {p : α × β → Prop} : (∃ x, p x) ↔ ∃ a b, p (a, b) := + ⟨fun ⟨⟨a, b⟩, h⟩ ↦ ⟨a, b, h⟩, fun ⟨a, b, h⟩ ↦ ⟨⟨a, b⟩, h⟩⟩ From 27c32adec4b36b71d26b6d9bc3eadf91eddd19d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kim Morrison Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 22:20:36 +1000 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] suggestions / golfs --- src/Init/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean | 64 +++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Init/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean b/src/Init/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean index ccd264ba2477..490fce71d658 100644 --- a/src/Init/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean +++ b/src/Init/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ prelude import Init.Data.Nat.MinMax import Init.Data.Nat.Lemmas import Init.Data.List.Monadic +import Init.Data.List.Nat.Range import Init.Data.Fin.Basic import Init.Data.Array.Mem import Init.TacticsExtra @@ -336,10 +337,9 @@ theorem not_mem_nil (a : α) : ¬ a ∈ #[] := nofun /-- # get lemmas -/ -theorem lt_of_getElem {x : α} {a : Array α} {idx : Nat} {hidx : idx < a.size} - (_h : a[idx]'hidx = x) : - idx < a.size := by - exact hidx +theorem lt_of_getElem {x : α} {a : Array α} {idx : Nat} {hidx : idx < a.size} (_ : a[idx] = x) : + idx < a.size := + hidx theorem getElem?_mem {l : Array α} {i : Fin l.size} : l[i] ∈ l := by erw [Array.mem_def, getElem_eq_data_getElem] @@ -510,30 +510,12 @@ theorem size_eq_length_data (as : Array α) : as.size = := rfl simp only [mkEmpty_eq, size_push] at * omega -theorem getElem_range {n : Nat} {x : Nat} (h : x < n) : (Array.range n)[x]'(by simp [h]) = x := by - induction n - . contradiction - . next n ih => - rcases Nat.lt_or_eq_of_le <| Nat.le_of_lt_succ h with x_lt_n | x_eq_n - . specialize ih x_lt_n - simp only [Array.range, Nat.fold, flip, Array.get_push] - simp only [Array.range, flip] at ih - split - . exact ih - . next x_ge_n => - exfalso - have h_size_range : (Array.range n).size = n := Array.size_range - simp only [Array.mkEmpty_eq, Array.range, flip] at h_size_range - simp only [Array.mkEmpty_eq, h_size_range] at x_ge_n - exact x_ge_n x_lt_n - . simp only [Array.range, Nat.fold, flip, Array.get_push] - split - . next x_lt_n => - exfalso - have h_size_range : (Array.range n).size = n := Array.size_range - simp only [Array.range, Array.mkEmpty_eq] at h_size_range - simp only [x_eq_n, Array.mkEmpty_eq, h_size_range, Nat.lt_irrefl] at x_lt_n - . rw [x_eq_n] +@[simp] theorem data_range (n : Nat) : (range n).data = List.range n := by + induction n <;> simp_all [range, Nat.fold, flip, List.range_succ] + +@[simp] +theorem getElem_range {n : Nat} {x : Nat} (h : x < (Array.range n).size) : (Array.range n)[x] = x := by + simp [getElem_eq_data_getElem] set_option linter.deprecated false in @[simp] theorem reverse_data (a : Array α) : = := by @@ -737,25 +719,21 @@ theorem mapIdx_spec (as : Array α) (f : Fin as.size → α → β) unfold modify modifyM split <;> simp -theorem getElem_modify {arr : Array α} {x i} (h : i < arr.size) : - (arr.modify x f)[i]'(by simp [h]) = - if x = i then f (arr[i]'h) else arr[i]'h := by - simp [modify, modifyM,]; split - · simp [get_set _ _ _ h]; split <;> simp [*] +theorem getElem_modify {as : Array α} {x i} (h : i < as.size) : + (as.modify x f)[i]'(by simp [h]) = if x = i then f as[i] else as[i] := by + simp only [modify, modifyM, get_eq_getElem,, Id.pure_eq] + split + · simp only [Id.bind_eq, get_set _ _ _ h]; split <;> simp [*] · rw [if_neg (mt (by rintro rfl; exact h) ‹_›)] -theorem getElem_modify_self {a : Array α} {i : Nat} (i_in_bounds : i < a.size) (f : α → α) : - (a.modify i f)[i]'(by simp[i_in_bounds]) = f a[i] := by - rw [getElem_modify] - simp only [↓reduceIte] - assumption +theorem getElem_modify_self {as : Array α} {i : Nat} (h : i < as.size) (f : α → α) : + (as.modify i f)[i]'(by simp [h]) = f as[i] := by + simp [getElem_modify h] -theorem getElem_modify_of_ne {a : Array α} {i : Nat} {j : Nat} (j_size : j < a.size) +theorem getElem_modify_of_ne {as : Array α} {i : Nat} (hj : j < as.size) (f : α → α) (h : i ≠ j) : - (a.modify i f)[j]'(by rw [Array.size_modify]; exact j_size) = a[j] := by - rw [getElem_modify] - simp only [h, ↓reduceIte] - assumption + (as.modify i f)[j]'(by rwa [size_modify]) = as[j] := by + simp [getElem_modify hj, h] /-! ### filter -/