diff --git a/src/Init/Data/BitVec/Basic.lean b/src/Init/Data/BitVec/Basic.lean index 44c883f746ff..ef48cc1d7cd2 100644 --- a/src/Init/Data/BitVec/Basic.lean +++ b/src/Init/Data/BitVec/Basic.lean @@ -669,4 +669,11 @@ def ofBoolListLE : (bs : List Bool) → BitVec bs.length | [] => 0#0 | b :: bs => concat (ofBoolListLE bs) b +/- ### reverse -/ + +/-- Reverse the bits in a bitvector. -/ +def reverse : {w : Nat} → BitVec w → BitVec w + | 0, x => x + | w + 1, x => concat (reverse (x.truncate w)) (x.msb) + end BitVec diff --git a/src/Init/Data/BitVec/Lemmas.lean b/src/Init/Data/BitVec/Lemmas.lean index 7387c02591e7..c3c023d2ac6d 100644 --- a/src/Init/Data/BitVec/Lemmas.lean +++ b/src/Init/Data/BitVec/Lemmas.lean @@ -2063,6 +2063,32 @@ theorem eq_msb_cons_setWidth (x : BitVec (w+1)) : x = (cons x.msb (x.setWidth w) ext i simp [cons] + +theorem cons_append (x : BitVec w₁) (y : BitVec w₂) (a : Bool) : + (cons a x) ++ y = (cons a (x ++ y)).cast (by omega) := by + apply eq_of_toNat_eq + simp only [toNat_append, toNat_cons, toNat_cast] + rw [Nat.shiftLeft_add, Nat.shiftLeft_or_distrib, Nat.or_assoc] + +theorem cons_append_append (x : BitVec w₁) (y : BitVec w₂) (z : BitVec w₃) (a : Bool) : + (cons a x) ++ y ++ z = (cons a (x ++ y ++ z)).cast (by omega) := by + ext i h + simp only [cons, getLsbD_append, getLsbD_cast, getLsbD_ofBool, cast_cast] + by_cases h₀ : i < w₁ + w₂ + w₃ + · simp only [h₀, ↓reduceIte] + by_cases h₁ : i < w₃ + · simp [h₁] + · simp only [h₁, ↓reduceIte] + by_cases h₂ : i - w₃ < w₂ + · simp [h₂] + · simp [h₂] + omega + · simp only [show ¬i - w₃ - w₂ < w₁ by omega, ↓reduceIte, show i - w₃ - w₂ - w₁ = 0 by omega, + decide_true, Bool.true_and, h₀, show i - (w₁ + w₂ + w₃) = 0 by omega] + by_cases h₂ : i < w₃ + · simp [h₂]; omega + · simp [h₂]; omega + /-! ### concat -/ @[simp] theorem toNat_concat (x : BitVec w) (b : Bool) : @@ -3383,11 +3409,11 @@ theorem and_one_eq_setWidth_ofBool_getLsbD {x : BitVec w} : ext (_ | i) h <;> simp [Bool.and_comm] @[simp] -theorem replicate_zero_eq {x : BitVec w} : x.replicate 0 = 0#0 := by +theorem replicate_zero {x : BitVec w} : x.replicate 0 = 0#0 := by simp [replicate] @[simp] -theorem replicate_succ_eq {x : BitVec w} : +theorem replicate_succ {x : BitVec w} : x.replicate (n + 1) = (x ++ replicate n x).cast (by rw [Nat.mul_succ]; omega) := by simp [replicate] @@ -3399,7 +3425,7 @@ theorem getLsbD_replicate {n w : Nat} (x : BitVec w) : induction n generalizing x case zero => simp case succ n ih => - simp only [replicate_succ_eq, getLsbD_cast, getLsbD_append] + simp only [replicate_succ, getLsbD_cast, getLsbD_append] by_cases hi : i < w * (n + 1) · simp only [hi, decide_true, Bool.true_and] by_cases hi' : i < w * n @@ -3416,6 +3442,33 @@ theorem getElem_replicate {n w : Nat} (x : BitVec w) (h : i < w * n) : simp only [← getLsbD_eq_getElem, getLsbD_replicate] by_cases h' : w = 0 <;> simp [h'] <;> omega +theorem append_assoc {x₁ : BitVec w₁} {x₂ : BitVec w₂} {x₃ : BitVec w₃} : + (x₁ ++ x₂) ++ x₃ = (x₁ ++ (x₂ ++ x₃)).cast (by omega) := by + induction w₁ generalizing x₂ x₃ + case zero => simp + case succ n ih => + specialize @ih (setWidth n x₁) + rw [← cons_msb_setWidth x₁, cons_append_append, ih, cons_append] + ext j h + simp [getLsbD_cons, show n + w₂ + w₃ = n + (w₂ + w₃) by omega] + +theorem replicate_append_self {x : BitVec w} : + x ++ x.replicate n = (x.replicate n ++ x).cast (by omega) := by + induction n with + | zero => simp + | succ n ih => + rw [replicate_succ] + conv => lhs; rw [ih] + simp only [cast_cast, cast_eq] + rw [← cast_append_left] + · rw [append_assoc]; congr + · rw [Nat.add_comm, Nat.mul_add, Nat.mul_one]; omega + +theorem replicate_succ' {x : BitVec w} : + x.replicate (n + 1) = + (replicate n x ++ x).cast (by rw [Nat.mul_succ]) := by + simp [replicate_append_self] + /-! ### intMin -/ /-- The bitvector of width `w` that has the smallest value when interpreted as an integer. -/ @@ -3701,6 +3754,57 @@ theorem toInt_abs_eq_natAbs_of_ne_intMin {x : BitVec w} (hx : x ≠ intMin w) : x.abs.toInt = x.toInt.natAbs := by simp [toInt_abs_eq_natAbs, hx] +/-! ### Reverse -/ + +theorem getLsbD_reverse {i : Nat} {x : BitVec w} : + (x.reverse).getLsbD i = x.getMsbD i := by + induction w generalizing i + case zero => simp + case succ n ih => + simp only [reverse, truncate_eq_setWidth, getLsbD_concat] + rcases i with rfl | i + · rfl + · simp only [Nat.add_one_ne_zero, ↓reduceIte, Nat.add_one_sub_one, ih] + rw [getMsbD_setWidth] + simp only [show n - (n + 1) = 0 by omega, Nat.zero_le, decide_true, Bool.true_and] + congr; omega + +theorem getMsbD_reverse {i : Nat} {x : BitVec w} : + (x.reverse).getMsbD i = x.getLsbD i := by + simp only [getMsbD_eq_getLsbD, getLsbD_reverse] + by_cases hi : i < w + · simp only [hi, decide_true, show w - 1 - i < w by omega, Bool.true_and] + congr; omega + · simp [hi, show i ≥ w by omega] + +theorem msb_reverse {x : BitVec w} : + (x.reverse).msb = x.getLsbD 0 := + by rw [BitVec.msb, getMsbD_reverse] + +theorem reverse_append {x : BitVec w} {y : BitVec v} : + (x ++ y).reverse = (y.reverse ++ x.reverse).cast (by omega) := by + ext i h + simp only [getLsbD_append, getLsbD_reverse] + by_cases hi : i < v + · by_cases hw : w ≤ i + · simp [getMsbD_append, getLsbD_cast, getLsbD_append, getLsbD_reverse, hw] + · simp [getMsbD_append, getLsbD_cast, getLsbD_append, getLsbD_reverse, hw, show i < w by omega] + · by_cases hw : w ≤ i + · simp [getMsbD_append, getLsbD_cast, getLsbD_append, hw, show ¬ i < w by omega, getLsbD_reverse] + · simp [getMsbD_append, getLsbD_cast, getLsbD_append, hw, show i < w by omega, getLsbD_reverse] + +@[simp] +theorem reverse_cast {w v : Nat} (h : w = v) (x : BitVec w) : + (x.cast h).reverse = x.reverse.cast h := by + subst h; simp + +theorem reverse_replicate {n : Nat} {x : BitVec w} : + (x.replicate n).reverse = (x.reverse).replicate n := by + induction n with + | zero => rfl + | succ n ih => + conv => lhs; simp only [replicate_succ'] + simp [reverse_append, ih] /-! ### Decidable quantifiers -/ @@ -3916,4 +4020,10 @@ abbrev shiftLeft_zero_eq := @shiftLeft_zero @[deprecated ushiftRight_zero (since := "2024-10-27")] abbrev ushiftRight_zero_eq := @ushiftRight_zero +@[deprecated replicate_zero (since := "2025-01-08")] +abbrev replicate_zero_eq := @replicate_zero + +@[deprecated replicate_succ (since := "2025-01-08")] +abbrev replicate_succ_eq := @replicate_succ + end BitVec