Implemented Enhancements:
- Remove unused flags from command prompt for storing contract #647
- Ran
make format
#649 - Add golangci lint check to circleci jobs \620
- Updated error log statements in initGenesis for easier debugging: #643
v0.20.0 (2021-10-08)
Fixed bugs:
- Add capabilities to begin block #626
Api Breaking:
- Update to wasmvm 1.0.0-soon2 #624
Implemented Enhancements:
- Upgrade Cosmos-sdk v0.42.10 #627 (alpe)
- Add transaction index implemented as counter #601
- Fix inconsistent return of
? #616 - Query pinned wasm codes #596
- Doc IBC Events #593
- Allow contract Info query from the contract #584
- Revisit reply gas costs for submessages. #450
- Benchmarks for gas pricing #634
- Treat all contracts as pinned for gas costs in reply #630
- Bump from 1.8.1 to 1.9.0 #615
v0.19.0 (2021-09-15)
Fixed bugs:
Api Breaking:
- Bump Go version to 1.16 #612
Implemented Enhancements:
- Ensure query isolation #611
- Optimize BalanceQuery #609
- Bump wasmvm to v0.16.1 #605
- Bump from 1.23.0 to 1.25.0 #603
- Add decorator options #598
- Bump from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 #592
v0.18.0 (2021-08-16)
Api Breaking:
- Events documented and refactored #448, #589, #587
- Add organisation to grpc gateway path #578
- Move Proto version from
for all cosmwasm.wasm.* types #563 - Renamed InitMsg and MigrateMsg fields to Msg. This applies to protobuf Msg and Proposals, as well as REST and CLI #563
- Removed source and builder fields from StoreCode and CodeInfo. They were rarely used. #564
- Changed contract address derivation function. If you hardcoded the first contract addresses anywhere (in scripts?), please update them. #565
Implemented Enhancements:
- Cosmos SDK 0.42.9, wasmvm 0.16.0 #582
- Better ibc contract interface #570 (ethanfrey)
- Reject invalid events/attributes returned from contracts #560
- IBC Query methods from Wasm contracts only return OPEN channels #568
- Extendable gas costs #525
- Limit init/migrate/execute payload message size #203
- Add cli alias #496
- Remove max gas limit #529 (alpe)
- Add #303
v0.17.0 (2021-05-26)
- Remove json type cast for contract msgs #520 (alpe)
- Bump from 0.42.4 to 0.42.5 #519 (dependabot-preview[bot])
v0.16.0 (2021-04-30)
- Upgrade to wasmvm v0.14.0-rc1 #508 (alpe)
- Use the cache metrics from WasmVM #500
- Update #494 (ethanfrey)
- Extend ContractInfo for custom data #492 (alpe)
- Reply response on submessages can overwrite "caller" result #495
- Update to sdk 0.42.4 #485
- Add extension points to the CLI #477 (alpe)
- Simplify staking reward query #399
- Update #398
- Add IBCQuery support #434
- Follow proto dir best practice (in cosmos eco) #342
- Remove internal package #464 (alpe)
- Introduce new interfaces for extendability #471 (alpe)
- Handle non default IBC transfer port in message encoder #396
- Collect Contract Metrics #387
- Add Submessages for IBC callbacks #449
- Handle wasmvm Burn message #489 (alpe)
- Add telemetry #463 (alpe)
- Handle non default transfer port id #462 (alpe)
- Allow subsecond block times #453 (ethanfrey)
- Submsg and replies #441 (ethanfrey)
- Ibc query support #439 (ethanfrey)
- Pin/Unpin contract in cache #436 (alpe)
- Stargate msg and query #435 (ethanfrey)
- Sudo entry point #433 (ethanfrey)
- Add custom message handler option #402 (alpe)
- Expose contract pinning #401
- Add support for Stargate CosmosMsg/QueryRequest #388
- Add #385
- Added randomized simulation parameters generation #389 (bragaz)
- Implement IBC contract support #394 (alpe)
Api breaking:
Fixed bugs:
- Correct order for migrated contracts #323
- Keeper Send Coins does not perform expected validation #414
v0.15.1 (2021-02-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support custom MessageHandler in wasm #327
Fixed bugs:
- Fix Parameter change via proposal #392
v0.15.0 (2021-01-27)
- Upgrade to cosmos-sdk v0.41.0 #390
v0.14.1 (2021-01-20)
- Upgrade to cosmos-sdk v0.40.1 final + Tendermint 0.34.3 #380
v0.14.0 (2021-01-11)
- Upgrade to cosmos-sdk v0.40.0 final #354
- Refactor to GRPC message server #366
- Make it easy to initialize contracts in genesis file with new CLI commands#326
- Upgrade to WasmVM v0.13.0 #358
- Upgrade to cosmos-sdk v0.40.0-rc6 #354
- Upgrade to cosmos-sdk v0.40.0-rc5 #344
- Add Dependabot to keep dependencies secure and up-to-date #336
Fixed bugs:
- Dependabot can't resolve your Go dependency files #339
- Errors in
#335 - Invalid homeDir for export command #334
v0.13.0 (2020-12-04)
Fixed bugs:
- REST handler wrong
source #324
Closed issues:
- Change proto package to match <organisation>.<module>.<version> #329
- Out of gas causes panic when external contract store query executed #321
- Check codecov report #298
- cosmwasm.GoAPI will not work on sdk.ValAddress #264
- Stargate: Add pagination support for queries #242
Merged pull requests:
- Rename protobuf package #330 (alpe)
- Use base request data for sender #325 (alpe)
- Handle panics in query contract smart #322 (alpe)
v0.12.1 (2020-11-23)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Exclude generate proto code files in coverage #320 (alpe)
- Upgrade wasmvm to 0.12.0 #319 (webmaster128)
- Fix chain id setup in contrib/local/ #318 (orkunkl)
- Add pagination to grpc queries #317 (alpe)
v0.12.0 (2020-11-17)
Closed issues:
- Merge wasmd and wasmcli into a single binary #308
- Change bech32 prefix for wasmd #313
- Upgrade go-cowasmwasm to wasmvm 0.12 #309
- Use string type for AccAddresses in proto #306
- Upgrade to cosmos/sdk v0.40.0-rc2 #296
- Generate protobuf outputs in a container #295
- Instantiate contract process ordering #292
- Make Wasm maxSize a configuration option #289
- Return error if wasm to big #287
Merged pull requests:
- Set bech32 prefix #316 (alpe)
- Replace sdk.AccAddress with bech32 string #314 (alpe)
- Integrate wasmcli into wasmd #312 (alpe)
- Upgrade wasmvm aka go-cosmwasm #311 (alpe)
- Upgrade to Stargate RC3 #305 (alpe)
- Containerized Protobuf generation #304 (alpe)
- Reject wasm code exceeding limit #302 (alpe)
- Support self calling contract on instantiation #300 (alpe)
- Upgrade to Stargate RC2 #299 (alpe)