The Spatial_Audio_Framework (SAF) requires any library (or combination of libraries) which supports the CBLAS and LAPACK standards
Currently, SAF supports Intel MKL, OpenBLAS, Apple Accelerate, and ATLAS. You may select which option you wish to use by adding one of the following pre-processor definitions:
SAF_USE_INTEL_MKL_LP64 # great option, but only for x86 architectures (using the LP64 config [int32])
SAF_USE_INTEL_MKL_ILP64 # great option, but only for x86 architectures (using the ILP64 config [int64])
SAF_USE_OPEN_BLAS_AND_LAPACKE # good option, works on everything
SAF_USE_APPLE_ACCELERATE # good option (x86 and ARM), faster than OpenBLAS, but MacOSX only & slower than MKL
SAF_USE_ATLAS # bad option (x86 and ARM), many LAPACK functions are missing
SAF_USE... # please get in touch if you use something else! :-)
Intel MKL is perhaps the fastest library for x86 platforms. It also includes an optimised FFT implementation and a number of additional vectorised utility functions which SAF is also able to make use of.
Intel MKL can be downloaded (royalty-free) from here.
Unfortunately, while you can indeed link directly to the Intel MKL static/shared libraries... these files are rather large. Therefore, you may prefer to use the MKL builder to build a custom MKL library, which contains only the routines that SAF actually needs.
Instructions regarding how to build a custom MKL library for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux users, can be found below.
Run the following bash script (sudo privileges required):
cd scripts
sudo ./ [threaded|sequential] [lp64|ilp64] [path/to/mkl/tools/builder]
Add the following header search path to your project:
[/opt|~]/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest/include/ # The new oneapi path
[/opt|~]/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mkl/include # Old path for Linux users
[/opt|~]/intel/compilers_and_libraries/mac/mkl/include # Old path for MacOSX users
Then add the following linker flag to your project:
-L/usr/local/lib -lsaf_mkl_custom_lp64 # if you built the lp64 (32-bit integer) version
-L/usr/local/lib -lsaf_mkl_custom_ilp64 # if you built the ilp64 (64-bit integer) version
Finally, add the appropriate global definition:
SAF_USE_INTEL_MKL_LP64 # if you are linking with the lp64 (32-bit integer) version
SAF_USE_INTEL_MKL_ILP64 # if you are linking with the ilp64 (64-bit integer) version
Run the following batch script using x64 Developer Command Prompt for VS.exe (open as administrator):
cd scripts
Add the following header search path to your project:
C:/Program Files (x86)/IntelSWTools/compilers_and_libraries/windows/mkl/include
Add the following library search path to your project:
Link your project against the following library:
saf_mkl_custom_lp64.lib # if you built the lp64 (32-bit integer) version
saf_mkl_custom_ilp64.lib # if you built the ilp64 (64-bit integer) version
Finally, add the appropriate global definition:
SAF_USE_INTEL_MKL_LP64 # if you are linking with the lp64 (32-bit integer) version
SAF_USE_INTEL_MKL_ILP64 # if you are linking with the ilp64 (64-bit integer) version
This custom MKL library (lp64) is also installed alongside the SPARTA VST plug-in suite. Athough, it will be noted that this may not be the most up-to-date version of the library.
You may of course also elect to not build this custom library and link directly, e.g. with:
This will select the interface and threading at runtime, based on environment variables. You can check the options for your system with intel's link-line-advisor. The options can be passed directly to CMake, e.g. with
-DSAF_PERFORMANCE_LIB=SAF_USE_INTEL_MKL_ILP64 -DINTEL_MKL_HEADER_PATH="/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest/include" -DINTEL_MKL_LIB="/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest/lib/libmkl_intel_ilp64.dylib;/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest/lib/libmkl_sequential.dylib;/opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest/lib/libmkl_core.dylib"
Intel MKL also ships with recent Anaconda distributions. The easiest way to install with conda is:
conda install mkl mkl-include
Please refer to the documentation to find out where conda installs packages on your platform.
The framework also supports OpenBLAS. However, unlike Intel MKL and Apple Accelerate, the OpenBLAS library does not offer an optimised DFT/FFT, and some vector-vector operations; such as element-wise multiplications and additions. Therefore, consider pairing OpenBLAS with SAF_ENABLE_SIMD (enabling SSE3 and AVX2) and SAF_USE_INTEL_IPP or SAF_USE_FFTW, in which case, the performance of SAF will become roughly on par with e.g. Apple Accelerate; but not quite as fast as Intel MKL.
For Debian/Ubuntu based Linux distributions the required libraries may be installed via:
sudo apt-get install liblapack3 liblapack-dev libopenblas-base libopenblas-dev liblapacke-dev
While Apple Accelerate is the more recommended option for MacOSX users, OpenBLAS may be installed and used with the following:
brew install openblas
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openblas/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openblas/include"
Windows users can follow the instuctions found here.
Lastly, you may also instead build the required libraries yourself via CMake. For example:
git clone
# install a fortran compiler if you haven't already (for lapack support)
sudo apt-get install gfortran
# build static libs
mkdir build
cd build
Only for MacOSX users. Simply link against the Accelerate framework and you're good to go.
Note that Accelerate also includes an optimised DFT/FFT implementation and a number of additional vectorised utility functions which SAF is also able to make use of.
Using ATLAS is not recommended, since some LAPACK functions are missing. However, if you don't mind losing some SAF functionality, then this may still be a good choice for your particular project.