Here are some questions I asked myself and resources which I read when I was trying to understand and learn graph database, hope can help you also:
What's graph database.
What's cayley.
How cayley actually store data.
What's N-Triples.
What's N-Quads.
What's RDF.
What's blank node.
How cayley deal with 'an object field', like the below 'mobilePhone':
realName: 'XXX_L3', mobilePhone: { isVerified: false, alpha3CountryCode: '+65', mobilePhoneNoWithCountryCallingCode: '+6586720011' } </user/shortid/23TplPdS> <mobilePhone> _:l8 "companyA" . _:l8 <isVerified> "false" "companyA" . _:l8 <alpha3CountryCode> "+65" "companyA" . _:l8 <mobilePhoneNoWithCountryCallingCode> "+6586720011" "companyA" .
How to design your data schema for cayley.
Resource list