curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
fetchedAddress , _ , err := apiClient .AddressesApi .Get (context ,"adr_fa85158b26c3eb7c" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
deletedAddress , _ , err := apiClient .AddressesApi .Delete (context , "adr_43769b47aed248c2" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Harry - Office" \
-d " name=Harry Zhang" \
-d " company=Lob" \
-d " [email protected] " \
-d " phone=5555555555" \
-d " address_line1=2261 Market Street" \
-d " address_line2=Ste 5668" \
-d " address_city=San Francisco" \
-d " address_state=CA" \
-d " address_zip=94114" \
-d " address_country=US" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var addressCreate = * lob .NewAddressEditable ()
addressCreate .SetDescription ("Harry - Office" )
addressCreate .SetName ("Harry Zhang" )
addressCreate .SetCompany ("Lob" )
addressCreate .SetEmail ("[email protected] " )
addressCreate .SetPhone ("5555555555" )
addressCreate .SetAddressLine1 ("2261 Market Street" )
addressCreate .SetAddressLine2 ("Ste 5668" )
addressCreate .SetAddressCity ("San Francisco" )
addressCreate .SetAddressState ("CA" )
addressCreate .SetAddressZip ("94114" )
addressCreate .SetAddressCountry ("US" )
createdaddress , _ , err := apiClient .AddressesApi .Create (context ).AddressEditable (addressCreate ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
AddressList = apiClient .AddressesApi .List (context ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
fetchedPostcard , _ , err := apiClient .PostcardsApi .Get (context ,"psc_5c002b86ce47537a" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
deletedPostcard , _ , err := apiClient .PostcardsApi .Delete (context , "psc_5c002b86ce47537a" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Demo Postcard job" \
-d " from=adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" \
--data-urlencode " front=<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 50;'>Front HTML for {{name}}</html>" \
--data-urlencode " back=<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 20;'>Back HTML for {{name}}</html>" \
-d " to[name]=Harry Zhang" \
-d " to[address_line1]=2261 Market Street" \
-d " to[address_line2]=Ste 5668" \
-d " to[address_city]=San Francisco" \
-d " to[address_state]=CA" \
-d " to[address_zip]=94114" \
-d " merge_variables[name]=Harry" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var to = * lob .NewAddressEditable ()
to .SetAddressLine1 ("2261 Market Street" )
to .SetAddressLine2 ("Ste 5668" )
to .SetAddressCity ("San Francisco" )
to .SetAddressState ("CA" )
to .SetAddressZip ("94114" )
to .SetAddressCountry (lob .COUNTRYEXTENDED_US )
to .SetDescription ("" )
to .SetName ("Harry Zhang" )
var postcardCreate = * lob .NewPostcardEditable ()
postcardCreate .SetDescription ("Demo Postcard job" )
postcardCreate .SetFrom ("adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" )
postcardCreate .SetFront ("<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 50;'>Front HTML for {{name}}</html>" )
postcardCreate .SetBack ("<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 20;'>Back HTML for {{name}}</html>" )
postcardCreate .SetTo (to )
createdpostcard , _ , err := apiClient .PostcardsApi .Create (context ).PostcardEditable (postcardCreate ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
PostcardList = apiClient .PostcardsApi .List (context ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
fetchedSelfMailer , _ , err := apiClient .SelfMailersApi .Get (context ,"sfm_8ffbe811dea49dcf" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
deletedSelfMailer , _ , err := apiClient .SelfMailersApi .Delete (context , "sfm_8ffbe811dea49dcf" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Demo Self Mailer job" \
-d " from=adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" \
--data-urlencode " inside=<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 50;'>Inside HTML for {{name}}</html>" \
--data-urlencode " outside=<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 20;'>Outside HTML for {{name}}</html>" \
-d " to[name]=Harry Zhang" \
-d " to[address_line1]=2261 Market Street" \
-d " to[address_line2]=Ste 5668" \
-d " to[address_city]=San Francisco" \
-d " to[address_state]=CA" \
-d " to[address_zip]=94114" \
-d " merge_variables[name]=Harry" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var to = * lob .NewAddressEditable ()
to .SetAddressLine1 ("2261 Market Street" )
to .SetAddressLine2 ("Ste 5668" )
to .SetAddressCity ("San Francisco" )
to .SetAddressState ("CA" )
to .SetAddressZip ("94114" )
to .SetAddressCountry (lob .COUNTRYEXTENDED_US )
to .SetDescription ("" )
to .SetName ("Harry Zhang" )
var selfMailerCreate = * lob .NewSelfMailerEditable ()
selfMailerCreate .SetDescription ("Demo Self Mailer job" )
selfMailerCreate .SetFrom ("adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" )
selfMailerCreate .SetInside ("<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 50;'>Inside HTML for {{name}}</html>" )
selfMailerCreate .SetOutside ("<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 20;'>Outside HTML for {{name}}</html>" )
selfMailerCreate .SetTo (to )
createdselfMailer , _ , err := apiClient .SelfMailersApi .Create (context ).SelfMailerEditable (selfMailerCreate ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
SelfMailerList = apiClient .SelfMailersApi .List (context ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
fetchedLetter , _ , err := apiClient .LettersApi .Get (context ,"ltr_4868c3b754655f90" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
deletedLetter , _ , err := apiClient .LettersApi .Cancel (context , "ltr_4868c3b754655f90" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Demo Letter" \
-d " from=adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" \
--data-urlencode " file=<html style='padding-top: 3in; margin: .5in;'>HTML Letter for {{name}}</html>" \
-d " color=true" \
-d " to[name]=Harry Zhang" \
-d " to[address_line1]=2261 Market Street" \
-d " to[address_line2]=Ste 5668" \
-d " to[address_city]=San Francisco" \
-d " to[address_state]=CA" \
-d " to[address_zip]=94114" \
-d " merge_variables[name]=Harry" \
-d " cards[]=card_c51ae96f5cebf3e"
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var to = * lob .NewAddressEditable ()
to .SetAddressLine1 ("2261 Market Street" )
to .SetAddressLine2 ("Ste 5668" )
to .SetAddressCity ("San Francisco" )
to .SetAddressState ("CA" )
to .SetAddressZip ("94114" )
to .SetAddressCountry (lob .COUNTRYEXTENDED_US )
to .SetDescription ("" )
to .SetName ("Harry Zhang" )
var letterCreate = * lob .NewLetterEditable ()
letterCreate .SetDescription ("Demo Letter" )
letterCreate .SetFrom ("adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" )
letterCreate .SetFile ("<html style='padding-top: 3in; margin: .5in;'>HTML Letter for {{name}}</html>" )
letterCreate .SetColor ("true" )
letterCreate .SetTo (to )
createdletter , _ , err := apiClient .LettersApi .Create (context ).LetterEditable (letterCreate ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
LetterList = apiClient .LettersApi .List (context ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
fetchedCheck , _ , err := apiClient .ChecksApi .Get (context ,"chk_534f10783683daa0" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
deletedCheck , _ , err := apiClient .ChecksApi .Cancel (context , "chk_534f10783683daa0" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Demo Check" \
-d " bank_account=bank_8cad8df5354d33f" \
-d " amount=22.5" \
-d " memo=rent" \
--data-urlencode " logo=" \
--data-urlencode " check_bottom=<h1 style='padding-top:4in;'>Demo Check for {{name}}</h1>" \
-d " from=adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" \
-d " to[name]=Harry Zhang" \
-d " to[address_line1]=2261 Market Street" \
-d " to[address_line2]=Ste 5668" \
-d " to[address_city]=San Francisco" \
-d " to[address_state]=CA" \
-d " to[address_zip]=94114" \
-d " merge_variables[name]=Harry" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var to = * lob .NewAddressEditable ()
to .SetAddressLine1 ("2261 Market Street" )
to .SetAddressLine2 ("Ste 5668" )
to .SetAddressCity ("San Francisco" )
to .SetAddressState ("CA" )
to .SetAddressZip ("94114" )
to .SetAddressCountry (lob .COUNTRYEXTENDED_US )
to .SetDescription ("" )
to .SetName ("Harry Zhang" )
var checkCreate = * lob .NewCheckEditable ()
checkCreate .SetDescription ("Demo Check" )
checkCreate .SetBankAccount ("bank_8cad8df5354d33f" )
checkCreate .SetAmount (22.5 )
checkCreate .SetMemo ("rent" )
checkCreate .SetLogo ("" )
checkCreate .SetCheckBottom ("<h1 style='padding-top:4in;'>Demo Check for {{name}}</h1>" )
checkCreate .SetFrom ("adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" )
checkCreate .SetTo (to )
createdcheck , _ , err := apiClient .ChecksApi .Create (context ).CheckEditable (checkCreate ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
CheckList = apiClient .ChecksApi .List (context ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
fetchedBankAccount , _ , err := apiClient .BankAccountsApi .Get (context ,"bank_8cad8df5354d33f" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
deletedBankAccount , _ , err := apiClient .BankAccountsApi .Delete (context , "bank_3e64d9904356b20" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
BankAccountList = apiClient .BankAccountsApi .List (context ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " amounts[]=25" \
-d " amounts[]=63" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var bankAccountWritable = * lob .NewBankAccountWritable ("322271627" , "123456789" , lob .BANKTYPEENUM_INDIVIDUAL , "Sinead Connor" )
createdBankAccount , _ , _ := apiClient .BankAccountsApi .Create (context ).BankAccountWritable (bankAccountWritable ).Execute ()
verifyAmounts := []int32 {11 , 35 }
verify := * lob .NewBankAccountVerify (verifyAmounts )
verifiedAccount , _ , err := apiClient .BankAccountsApi .Verify (context , createdBankAccount .Id ).BankAccountVerify (verify ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Test Bank Account" \
-d " routing_number=322271627" \
-d " account_number=123456789" \
-d " signatory=John Doe" \
-d " account_type=company" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var bankAccountCreate = * lob .NewBankAccountWritable ()
bankAccountCreate .SetDescription ("Test Bank Account" )
bankAccountCreate .SetRoutingNumber ("322271627" )
bankAccountCreate .SetAccountNumber ("123456789" )
bankAccountCreate .SetSignatory ("John Doe" )
bankAccountCreate .SetAccountType ("company" )
createdbankAccount , _ , err := apiClient .BankAccountsApi .Create (context ).BankAccountWritable (bankAccountCreate ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
fetchedTemplate , _ , err := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Get (context ,"tmpl_c94e83ca2cd5121" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
deletedTemplate , _ , err := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Delete (context , "tmpl_df934eeda694203" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
TemplateList = apiClient .TemplatesApi .List (context ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Updated description" \
-d " published_version=vrsn_362184d96d9b0c9"
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var templateWritable = * lob .NewTemplateWritable ("<html>Updated HTML for Template 1/html>" )
createdTemplate , _ , _ := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Create (context ).TemplateWritable (templateWritable ).Execute ()
templateWritable .SetDescription ("Template updated" )
resp , _ , err := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Update (context , createdTemplate .Id ).TemplateWritable (templateWritable ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Test Template" \
--data-urlencode " html=<html>HTML for {{name}}</html>" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var templateCreate = * lob .NewTemplateWritable ()
templateCreate .SetDescription ("Test Template" )
templateCreate .SetHtml ("<html>HTML for {{name}}</html>" )
createdtemplate , _ , err := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Create (context ).TemplateWritable (templateCreate ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
fetchedTemplateVersion , _ , err := apiClient .TemplateVersionsApi .Get (context ,"tmpl_c94e83ca2cd5121" , "vrsn_534e339882d2282" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Updated description"
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var templateWritable = * lob .NewTemplateWritable ("<html>Updated HTML for Template 1/html>" )
var templateVersionWritable = * lob .NewTemplateVersionWritable ("<html>Updated HTML for Template 1/html>" )
createdTemplate , _ , _ := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Create (context ).TemplateWritable (templateWritable ).Execute ()
createdTemplateVersion , _ , err := apiClient .TemplateVersionsApi .Create (context , createdTemplate .Id ).TemplateVersionWritable (templateVersionWritable ).Execute ()
createdTemplateVersion .SetDescription ("New Template Version" )
resp , _ , err := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Update (context , createdTemplate .Id , createdTemplateVersion .Id ).TemplateVersionWritable (templateVersionWritable ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
deletedTemplateVersion , _ , err := apiClient .TemplateVersionsApi .Delete (context , "tmpl_4aa14648113e45b" , "vrsn_534e339882d2282" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Updated description"
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var templateWritable = * lob .NewTemplateWritable ("<html>Updated HTML for Template 1/html>" )
var templateVersionWritable = * lob .NewTemplateVersionWritable ("<html>Updated HTML for Template 1/html>" )
createdTemplate , _ , _ := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Create (context ).TemplateWritable (templateWritable ).Execute ()
createdTemplateVersion , _ , err := apiClient .TemplateVersionsApi .Create (context , createdTemplate .Id ).TemplateVersionWritable (templateVersionWritable ).Execute ()
createdTemplateVersion .SetDescription ("New Template Version" )
resp , _ , err := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Update (context , createdTemplate .Id , createdTemplateVersion .Id ).TemplateVersionWritable (templateVersionWritable ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
TemplateVersionList = apiClient .TemplateVersionsApi .List (context , "tmpl_4aa14648113e45b" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Updated description"
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var templateWritable = * lob .NewTemplateWritable ("<html>Updated HTML for Template 1/html>" )
var templateVersionWritable = * lob .NewTemplateVersionWritable ("<html>Updated HTML for Template 1/html>" )
createdTemplate , _ , _ := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Create (context ).TemplateWritable (templateWritable ).Execute ()
createdTemplateVersion , _ , err := apiClient .TemplateVersionsApi .Create (context , createdTemplate .Id ).TemplateVersionWritable (templateVersionWritable ).Execute ()
createdTemplateVersion .SetDescription ("New Template Version" )
resp , _ , err := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Update (context , createdTemplate .Id , createdTemplateVersion .Id ).TemplateVersionWritable (templateVersionWritable ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Updated description"
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var templateWritable = * lob .NewTemplateWritable ("<html>Updated HTML for Template 1/html>" )
var templateVersionWritable = * lob .NewTemplateVersionWritable ("<html>Updated HTML for Template 1/html>" )
createdTemplate , _ , _ := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Create (context ).TemplateWritable (templateWritable ).Execute ()
createdTemplateVersion , _ , err := apiClient .TemplateVersionsApi .Create (context , createdTemplate .Id ).TemplateVersionWritable (templateVersionWritable ).Execute ()
createdTemplateVersion .SetDescription ("New Template Version" )
resp , _ , err := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Update (context , createdTemplate .Id , createdTemplateVersion .Id ).TemplateVersionWritable (templateVersionWritable ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Second Version" \
--data-urlencode " html=<html>Second HTML for {{name}}</html>" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var templateVersionCreate = * lob .NewTemplateVersionWritable ()
templateVersionCreate .SetDescription ("Second Version" )
templateVersionCreate .SetHtml ("<html>Second HTML for {{name}}</html>" )
createdtemplateVersion , _ , err := apiClient .TemplateVersionsApi .Create (context , "tmpl_4aa14648113e45b" ).TemplateVersionWritable (templateVersionCreate ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Updated description"
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var templateWritable = * lob .NewTemplateWritable ("<html>Updated HTML for Template 1/html>" )
var templateVersionWritable = * lob .NewTemplateVersionWritable ("<html>Updated HTML for Template 1/html>" )
createdTemplate , _ , _ := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Create (context ).TemplateWritable (templateWritable ).Execute ()
createdTemplateVersion , _ , err := apiClient .TemplateVersionsApi .Create (context , createdTemplate .Id ).TemplateVersionWritable (templateVersionWritable ).Execute ()
createdTemplateVersion .SetDescription ("New Template Version" )
resp , _ , err := apiClient .TemplatesApi .Update (context , createdTemplate .Id , createdTemplateVersion .Id ).TemplateVersionWritable (templateVersionWritable ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
fetchedBillingGroup , _ , err := apiClient .BillingGroupsApi .Get (context ,"bg_4bb02b527a72667d0" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=demo replacement" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var bgEditable = * lob .NewBillingGroupEditable ("Test Billing group" )
createdBillingGroup , _ , _ := apiClient .BillingGroupsApi .Create (context ).BillingGroupEditable (suite .bgEditable ).Execute ()
bgEditable .SetDescription ("BG updated" )
resp , _ , err := suite .apiClient .BillingGroupsApi .Update (context , createdBillingGroup .Id ).BillingGroupEditable (suite .bgEditable ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Usage group used for the Marketing Department's resource sends" \
-d " name=Marketing Department" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var bgCreate = * lob .NewBillingGroupEditable ()
bgCreate .SetDescription ("Usage group used for the Marketing Department's resource sends" )
bgCreate .SetName ("Marketing Department" )
createdbg , _ , err := apiClient .BillingGroupsApi .Create (context ).BillingGroupEditable (bgCreate ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=demo replacement" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var bgEditable = * lob .NewBillingGroupEditable ("Test Billing group" )
createdBillingGroup , _ , _ := apiClient .BillingGroupsApi .Create (context ).BillingGroupEditable (suite .bgEditable ).Execute ()
bgEditable .SetDescription ("BG updated" )
resp , _ , err := suite .apiClient .BillingGroupsApi .Update (context , createdBillingGroup .Id ).BillingGroupEditable (suite .bgEditable ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
BillingGroupList = apiClient .BillingGroupsApi .List (context ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=demo replacement" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var bgEditable = * lob .NewBillingGroupEditable ("Test Billing group" )
createdBillingGroup , _ , _ := apiClient .BillingGroupsApi .Create (context ).BillingGroupEditable (suite .bgEditable ).Execute ()
bgEditable .SetDescription ("BG updated" )
resp , _ , err := suite .apiClient .BillingGroupsApi .Update (context , createdBillingGroup .Id ).BillingGroupEditable (suite .bgEditable ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
fetchedCard , _ , err := apiClient .CardsApi .Get (context ,"card_7a6d73c5c8457fc" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X POST \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Awesome card" \
-d " auto_reorder=true"
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
cardEditable = * lob .NewCardEditable ("" )
createdCard , _ , _ := apiClient .CardsApi .Create (context ).CardEditable (suite .cardEditable ).Execute ()
var updatedCard = * lob .NewCardUpdatable ()
updatedCard .SetDescription ("Card was updated" )
resp , _ , err := suite .apiClient .CardsApi .Update (context , createdCard .Id ).CardUpdatable (updatedCard ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
deletedCard , _ , err := apiClient .CardsApi .Delete (context , "card_6afffd19045076c" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X POST \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Awesome card" \
-d " auto_reorder=true"
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
cardEditable = * lob .NewCardEditable ("" )
createdCard , _ , _ := apiClient .CardsApi .Create (context ).CardEditable (suite .cardEditable ).Execute ()
var updatedCard = * lob .NewCardUpdatable ()
updatedCard .SetDescription ("Card was updated" )
resp , _ , err := suite .apiClient .CardsApi .Update (context , createdCard .Id ).CardUpdatable (updatedCard ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " front=" \
-d " back=" \
-d " size=2.125x3.375" \
-d " description=Test Card" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var cardCreate = * lob .NewCardEditable ()
cardCreate .SetFront ("" )
cardCreate .SetBack ("" )
cardCreate .SetSize ("2.125x3.375" )
cardCreate .SetDescription ("Test Card" )
createdcard , _ , err := apiClient .CardsApi .Create (context ).CardEditable (cardCreate ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X POST \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Awesome card" \
-d " auto_reorder=true"
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
cardEditable = * lob .NewCardEditable ("" )
createdCard , _ , _ := apiClient .CardsApi .Create (context ).CardEditable (suite .cardEditable ).Execute ()
var updatedCard = * lob .NewCardUpdatable ()
updatedCard .SetDescription ("Card was updated" )
resp , _ , err := suite .apiClient .CardsApi .Update (context , createdCard .Id ).CardUpdatable (updatedCard ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
CardList = apiClient .CardsApi .List (context ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X POST \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Awesome card" \
-d " auto_reorder=true"
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
cardEditable = * lob .NewCardEditable ("" )
createdCard , _ , _ := apiClient .CardsApi .Create (context ).CardEditable (suite .cardEditable ).Execute ()
var updatedCard = * lob .NewCardUpdatable ()
updatedCard .SetDescription ("Card was updated" )
resp , _ , err := suite .apiClient .CardsApi .Update (context , createdCard .Id ).CardUpdatable (updatedCard ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl -X POST \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Awesome card" \
-d " auto_reorder=true"
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
cardEditable = * lob .NewCardEditable ("" )
createdCard , _ , _ := apiClient .CardsApi .Create (context ).CardEditable (suite .cardEditable ).Execute ()
var updatedCard = * lob .NewCardUpdatable ()
updatedCard .SetDescription ("Card was updated" )
resp , _ , err := suite .apiClient .CardsApi .Update (context , createdCard .Id ).CardUpdatable (updatedCard ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
fetchedCardOrderList , _ , err := apiClient .CardOrdersApi .Get (context , "card_6afffd19045076c" ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " quantity=10000" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (suite .ctx , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var cardOrderCreate = * lob .NewCardOrderEditable ()
cardOrderCreate .SetQuantity ("10000" )
createdcardOrder , _ , err := apiClient .CardOrdersApi .Create (context , "card_6afffd19045076c" ).CardOrderEditable (cardOrderCreate ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " zip_code=94107"
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (context , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var zipEditable = * lob .NewZipEditable ()
zipEditable .SetZipCode ("94107" )
resp , _ , err := apiClient .ZipLookupsApi .Lookup (context ).ZipEditable (zipEditable ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
Reverse Geocode Lookups Api
curl \
-d " latitude=37.777456" \
-d " longitude=-122.393039" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (context , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var location = * lob .NewLocationWithDefaults ()
location .SetLatitude (37.777456 )
location .SetLongitude (122.393039 )
resp , _ , err := apiClient .ReverseGeocodeLookupsApi .Lookup (context ).Location (location ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-d " address_prefix=185 B" \
-d " city=San Francisco" \
-d " state=CA" \
-d " zip_code=94017" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (context , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
var usAutocomplationsWritable = * lob .NewUsAutocompletionsWritable ("340 Wat" )
resp , _ , err := suite .apiClient .UsAutocompletionsApi .Autocomplete (suite .ctx ).UsAutocompletionsWritable (suite .usAutocomplationsWritable ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err
curl \
-d " address_prefix=340 Wat" \
-d " city=Summerside" \
-d " state=Prince Edward Island" \
-d " zip_code=C1N 1C4" \
-d " country=CA" \
var context = context .Background ()
context = context .WithValue (context , lob .ContextBasicAuth , lob.BasicAuth {UserName : os .Getenv ("<YOUR_API_KEY>" )})
var apiClient = * lob .NewAPIClient (configuration )
resp , _ , err := suite .apiClient .IntlAutocompletionsApi .Autocomplete (context ).IntlAutocompletionsWritable (suite .intlAutocomplationsWritable ).Execute ()
if err != nil {
return err