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🔧 How to Install

Rubén G edited this page Oct 12, 2023 · 67 revisions

🚀 Installer via CLI

[Ubuntu/CentOS] Interactive CLI installer, supports Docker or without Docker.

curl -Lo && sudo bash

Advanced Installation

🐳 Docker

# Create a volume
docker volume create uptime-kuma

# Start the container
docker run -d --restart=always -p 3001:3001 -v uptime-kuma:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1

Browse to http://localhost:3001 after started.

Change Port and Volume

docker run -d --restart=always -p <YOUR_PORT>:3001 -v <YOUR_DIR OR VOLUME>:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1

⚠️ Please use a local volume only. Other types such as NFS are not supported.

Docker Tags Description

Tag(s) Description
latest, 1, 1.* latest stable - debian
debian, 1-debian, 1.*-debian latest stable - debian
❌alpine, 1-alpine, 1.*-alpine (❌Deprecated due to DNS issues) latest stable - alpine
nightly* development build, unstable

🐳 Docker Compose Example

💪🏻 Without Docker (Recommended for x86/x64 only)

It should supports Linux/Windows/MacOS.

Required Tools:

# Update your npm to the latest version
npm install npm -g

# Clone the repository
# If you don't want to install Uptime Kuma into your homefolder but instead into a more permanent location, follow the "Create app directory in /opt" steps under **Useful Commands** and then continue here.
git clone
cd uptime-kuma
npm run setup

# Option 1. Try it
node server/server.js

# (Recommended)
# Option 2. Run in background using PM2
# Install PM2 if you don't have: npm install pm2 -g
pm2 start server/server.js --name uptime-kuma

Browse to http://localhost:3001 after started.

# Listen to different port or hostname
pm2 start server/server.js --name uptime-kuma -- --port=80 --host=

Useful Commands

pm2 start uptime-kuma
pm2 stop uptime-kuma
pm2 restart uptime-kuma

# Run at startup
pm2 startup

# Create app directory in /opt for home-independent app storage
cd /opt
sudo mkdir uptime-kuma
sudo chown -R {username}:{username} uptime-kuma # Replace {username} with the username you are currently running the commands with

🪟 Windows Portable


  • Arch: x64
  • .NET 4.8 Runtime
  • Internet for initialization (Download Node.js runtime and Uptime Kuma source code)


(Optional) One more step for Reverse Proxy

This is optional for someone who want to use a reverse proxy.

Unlikely other web apps, Uptime Kuma is based on WebSocket. You need two more headers "Upgrade" and "Connection" in order to reverse proxy WebSocket.

Please read wiki for more info:


Unofficial & Experimental

⚠ ⚠ ⚠ Warning: Generally, I only test Docker and Node.js. All installation methods here may be broken in the future release. I don't maintain them. Use at your own risk.

☸️ OpenShift 4 and Kubernetes Helm 3 Chart (Unofficial)

Note: This Chart relies on a repackaged OCI Container Image, which lets uptime-kuma run as non-root user.
The entire repackage process is automated via GitHub Actions and renovate-bot keeps everything up to date. (feel free to audit it yourself)

The Containerfile used to rebundle uptime-kuma: rootless Containerfile

Ansible (Unofficial)

Home Assistant add-on (Unofficial)

Open this add-on in your Home Assistant instance.

Also check out the corresponding custom integration: (WIP).

Install on Synology NAS (Unofficial)

Unofficial tutorial by Marius Bogdan Lixandru:

One-Click Hosting on PikaPods

Run with one click on Free for about 3 months with welcome credit.


Termux (Unofficial/Experiment)

Do you have an old Android phone? You could install Uptime Kuma on it!

Install on Azure Container Instance with TLS endpoint

Unofficial tutorial by Stefan:

Install on Azure AppService Container

Unofficial tutorial by Leandro:

Install on Azure AppService with persistent storage

Unofficial bicep deployment script by Yannick Zwijsen:

SQLite S3 persistent storage with

Deploy on Railway

Run uptime-kuma with S3 persistent sqlite database:

Install on Zeabur

Run with one click on Zeabur.

Deploy on Zeabur