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458 lines (311 loc) · 16.3 KB

File metadata and controls

458 lines (311 loc) · 16.3 KB


MiniSearch follows semantic versioning.


  • [fix] Correctly specify that MiniSearch targets ES9 (ES2018), not ES6 (ES2015), due to the use of Unicode character class escapes in the tokenizer RegExp. Note: the README explains how to achieve ES2015 compatibility.


  • [fix] Fix ability to pass the default filter search option in the constructor alongside other search options


  • Add boostTerm search option to apply a custom boosting factor to specific terms in the query


  • [fix] Fix regression on tokenizer producing blank terms when multiple contiguous spaces or punctuation characters are present in the input, introduced in v7.0.0.


  • [fix] Fix type definitions directory in package.json (by @brenoepics
  • [fix] Remove redundant versions of distribution files and simplify build


This is a major release, but the only real breaking change is that it targets ES6 (ES2015) and later. This means that it will not work in legacy browsers, most notably Internet Explorer 11 and earlier (by now well below 1% global usage according to Among other benefits, this reduces the package size (from 8.8KB to 5.8KB minified and gzipped).

  • [breaking change] Target ES6 (ES2015) and later, dropping support for Internet Explorer 11 and earlier.
  • [breaking change] Better TypeScript type of combineWith search option values, catching invalid operators at compile time. Note that this is a breaking change only if one was using unlikely weird casing for the combineWith option. For example, AND, and, And are all still valid, but aNd won't compile anymore.
  • More informative error when specifying an invalid value for combineWith in JavaScript (in TypeScript this would be a compile time error)
  • Use the Unicode flag to simplify the tokenizer regular expression
  • Add loadJSONAsync method, to load a serialized index asynchronously

v6.3.0 - 2023-11-22

  • Add queryTerms array to the search results. This is useful to determine which query terms were matched by each search result.

v6.2.0 - 2023-10-26

  • Add the possibility to search for the special value MiniSearch.wildcard to match all documents, but still apply search options like filtering and document boosting

v6.1.0 - 2023-05-15

  • Add getStoredFields method to retrieve the stored fields for a document given its ID.

  • Pass stored fields to the boostDocument callback function, making it easier to perform dynamic document boosting.

v6.0.1 - 2023-02-01

  • [fix] The boost search option now does not interfere with the fields search option: if fields is specified, boosting a field that is not included in fields has no effect, and will not include such boosted field in the search.
  • [fix] When using search with a QuerySpec, the combineWith option is now properly taking its default from the SearchOptions given as the second argument.

v6.0.0 - 2022-12-01

This is a major release. The most notable change is the addition of discard, discardAll, and replace. These method make it more convenient and performant to remove or replace documents.

This release is almost completely backwards compatible with v5, apart from one breaking change in the behavior of add when the document ID already exists.


  • [breaking change] add, addAll, and addAllAsync now throw an error on duplicate document IDs. When necessary, it is now possible to check for the existence of a document with a certain ID with the new method has.
  • Add discard method to remove documents by ID. This is a convenient alternative to remove that takes only the ID of the documents to remove, as opposed to the whole document. The visible effect is the same as remove. The difference is that remove immediately mutates the index, while discard marks the current document version as discarded, so it is immedately ignored by searches, but delays modifying the index until a certain number of documents are discarded. At that point, a vacuuming is triggered, cleaning up the index from obsolete references and allowing memory to be released.
  • Add discardAll and replace methods, built on top of discard
  • Add vacuuming of references to discarded documents from the index. Vacuuming is performed automatically by default when the number of discarded documents reaches a threshold (controlled by the new autoVacuum constructor option), or can be triggered manually by calling the vacuum method. The new dirtCount and dirtFactor properties give the current value of the parameters used to decide whether to trigger an automatic vacuuming.
  • Add termCount property, giving the number of distinct terms present in the index
  • Allow customizing the parameters of the BM25+ scoring algorithm via the bm25 search option.
  • Improve TypeScript type of some methods by marking the given array argument as readonly, signaling that it won't be mutated, and allowing passing readonly arrays.
  • Make it possible to overload the loadJS static method in subclasses


  • The processTerm option can now also expand a single term into several terms by returning an array of strings.
  • Add logger option to pass a custom logger function.


This is a major release. The main change is an improved scoring algorithm based on BM25+. The new algorithm will cause the scoring and sorting of search results to be different than in previous versions (generally better), and need less aggressive boosting.

  • [breaking change] Use the BM25+ algorithm to score search results, improving their quality over the previous implementation. Note that, if you were using field boosting, you might need to re-adjust the boosting amounts, since their effect is now different.

  • [breaking change] auto suggestions now default to combineWith: 'AND' instead of 'OR', requiring all the query terms to match. The old defaults can be replicated by passing a new autoSuggestOptions option to the constructor, with value { autoSuggestOptions: { combineWith: 'OR' } }.

  • Possibility to set the default auto suggest options in the constructor.

  • Remove redundant fields in the index data. This also changes the serialization format, but serialized indexes created with v4.x.y are still deserialized correctly.

  • Define exports entry points in package.json, to require MiniSearch as a commonjs package or import it as a ES module.


  • [fix] Fix regression causing stored fields not being saved in some situations.


  • [fix] Fix match data on mixed prefix and fuzzy search


  • [fix] Fix an issue with scoring, causing a result matching both fuzzy and prefix search to be scored higher than an exact match.

  • [breaking change] SearchableMap method fuzzyGet now returns a Map instead of an object. This is a breaking change only if you directly use SearchableMap, not if you use MiniSearch, and is considered part of version 4.


  • [breaking change] The serialization format was changed, to abstract away the internal implementation details of the index data structure. This allows for present and future optimizations without breaking backward compatibility again. Moreover, the new format is simpler, facilitating the job of tools that create a serialized MiniSearch index in other languages.

  • [performance] Large performance improvements on indexing (at least 4 time faster in the official benchmark) and search, due to changes to the internal data structures and the code.

  • [peformance] The fuzzy search algorithm has been updated to work like outlined in this blog post by Steve Hanov, improving its performance by several times, especially on large maximum edit distances.

  • [fix] The weights search option did not have an effect due to a bug. Now it works as documented. Note that, due to this, the relative scoring of fuzzy vs. prefix search matches might change compared to previous versions. This change also brings a further performance improvement of both fuzzy and prefix search.

Migration notes:

If you have an index serialized with a previous version of MiniSearch, you will need to re-create it when you upgrade to MiniSearch v4.

Also note that loading a pre-serialized index is slower in v4 than in previous versions, but there are much larger performance gains on indexing and search speed. If you serialized an index on the server-side, it is worth checking if it is now fast enough for your use case to index on the client side: it would save you from having to re-serialize the index every time something changes.


Many thanks to rolftimmermans for contributing the fixes and outstanding performance improvements that are part of this release.


  • Add maxFuzzy search option, to limit the maximum edit distance for fuzzy search when using fractional fuzziness


  • Add AND_NOT combinator to subtract results of a subquery from another (for example to find documents that match one term and not another)


  • Add possibility for advanced combination of subqueries as query expression trees


  • [fix] Keep radix tree property (no node with a single child) after removal of an entry


  • [fix] Adjust data about field lengths upon document removal


  • [fix] addAllAsync now allows events to be processed between chunks, avoid blocking the UI (by @grimmen)


  • [fix] Fix type signature of removeAll to allow calling it with no arguments. Also, throw a more informative error if called with a falsey value. Thanks to


This major version ports the source code to TypeScript. That made it possible to improve types and documentation, making sure that both are in sync with the actual code. It is mostly backward compatible: JavaScript users should experience no breaking change, while TypeScript users might have toadapt some types.

  • Port source to TypeScript, adding type safety
  • Improved types and documentation (now generated with TypeDoc)
  • [breaking change, fix] TypeScript SearchOptions type is not generic anymore
  • [breaking change] SearchableMap is not a static field of MiniSearch anymore: it can instead be imported separately as minisearch/SearchableMap


  • [fix] Improve TypeScript types: default generic document type is any, not object


  • No change from 2.6.0


  • Better TypeScript typings using generics, letting the user (optionally) specify the document type.


  • [fix] Fix document removal when using a custom extractField function (thanks @ahri for reporting and reproducting)


  • Make idField extraction customizeable and consistent with other fields, using extractField


  • [fix] Fix issue with the term constructor (reported by @scambier)

  • [fix] Fix issues when a field is named like a default property of JavaScript objects


  • Convert field value to string before tokenization and indexing. This makes a custom field extractor unnecessary for basic cases like integers or simple arrays.


  • Version v2.3.1 mistakenly did not contain the commit adding removeAll, this patch release fixes it.


  • Add removeAll method, to remove many documents, or all documents, at once.


  • Avoid destructuring variables named with an underscore prefix. This plays nicer to some common minifier and builder configurations.

  • Performance improvement in getDefault (by stalniy)

  • Fix the linter setup, to ensure code style consistency


  • Add "sideEffects": false to package.json to allow bundlers to perform tree shaking


  • [fix] Fix documentation of SearchableMap.prototype.atPrefix (by @graphman65)
  • Switch to Rollup for bundling (by stalniy), reducing size of build and providing ES6 and ES5 module versions too.


  • [fix] Fix document removal in presence of custom per field tokenizer, field extractor, or term processor (thanks @CaptainChaos)




  • [fix] Fix TypeScript definitions adding filter and storeFields options (by @emilianox)


  • [feature] Add support for stored fields

  • [feature] Add filtering of search results and auto suggestions



  • Add TypeScript definitions for ease of use in TypeScript projects


  • [fix] tokenizer behavior with newline characters (by @samuelmeuli)


  • Fix small imprecision in documentation


  • Add addAllAsync method, adding many documents asynchronously and in chunks to avoid blocking the main thread


  • Throw a more descriptive error when loadJSON is called without options


This release introduces better defaults. It is considered a major release, as the default options are slightly different, but the API is not changed.

  • Breaking change: default tokenizer splits by Unicode space or punctuation (before it was splitting by space, punctuation, or symbol). The difference is that currency symbols and other non-punctuation symbols will not be discarded: "it's 100€" is now tokenized as ["it", "s", "100€"] instead of ["it", "s", "100"].

  • Breaking change: default term processing does not discard 1-character words.

  • Breaking change: auto suggestions by default perform prefix search only on the last term in the query. So "super cond" will suggest "super conductivity", but not "superposition condition".


  • Better and more compact regular expression in the default tokenizer, separating on Unicode spaces, punctuation, and symbols


  • Support for non-latin scripts


  • Improve fuzzy search performance (common cases are now ~4x faster, as shown by the benchmark)


  • Add possibility to configure a custom field extraction function by setting the extractField option (to support cases like nested fields, non-string fields, getter methods, field pre-processing, etc.)


  • Add getDefault static method to get the default value of configuration options


  • Do not minify library when published as NPM package. Run yarn build-minified (or npm run build-minified) to produce a minified build with source maps.
  • Bugfix: as per specification, processTerm is called with only one argument upon search (see #5)


  • Add possibility to configure separate index-time and search-time tokenization and term processing functions
  • The processTerm function can now reject a term by returning a falsy value
  • Upon indexing, the tokenize and processTerm functions receive the field name as the second argument. This makes it possible to process or tokenize each field differently.


  • Reduce bundle size by optimizing babel preset env options


Production-ready release.


  • Space-optimized index
  • Exact match, prefix match, fuzzy search
  • Auto suggestions
  • Add/remove documents at any time