.. py:module:: nidcpower
.. py:class:: Session(self, resource_name, channels=None, reset=False, options={}) Creates and returns a new NI-DCPower session to the power supply or SMU specified in **resource name** to be used in all subsequent NI-DCPower method calls. With this method, you can optionally set the initial state of the following session properties: - :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.simulate` - :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.driver_setup` After calling this method, the session will be in the Uncommitted state. Refer to the `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ topic for details about specific software states. To place the device in a known start-up state when creating a new session, set **reset** to True. This action is equivalent to using the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.reset` method immediately after initializing the session. To open a session and leave the device in its existing configuration without passing through a transitional output state, set **reset** to False. Then configure the device as in the previous session, changing only the desired settings, and then call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.initiate` method. **Related Topics:** `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ :param resource_name: Specifies the **resourceName** assigned by Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), for example "PXI1Slot3" where "PXI1Slot3" is an instrument's **resourceName**. **resourceName** can also be a logical IVI name. :type resource_name: str :param channels: Specifies which output channel(s) to include in a new session. Specify multiple channels by using a channel list or a channel range. A channel list is a comma (,) separated sequence of channel names (for example, 0,2 specifies channels 0 and 2). A channel range is a lower bound channel followed by a hyphen (-) or colon (:) followed by an upper bound channel (for example, 0-2 specifies channels 0, 1, and 2). In the Running state, multiple output channel configurations are performed sequentially based on the order specified in this parameter. If you do not specify any channels, by default all channels on the device are included in the session. :type channels: str, list, range, tuple :param reset: Specifies whether to reset the device during the initialization procedure. :type reset: bool :param options: Specifies the initial value of certain properties for the session. The syntax for **options** is a dictionary of properties with an assigned value. For example: { 'simulate': False } You do not have to specify a value for all the properties. If you do not specify a value for a property, the default value is used. Advanced Example: { 'simulate': True, 'driver_setup': { 'Model': '<model number>', 'BoardType': '<type>' } } +-------------------------+---------+ | Property | Default | +=========================+=========+ | range_check | True | +-------------------------+---------+ | query_instrument_status | False | +-------------------------+---------+ | cache | True | +-------------------------+---------+ | simulate | False | +-------------------------+---------+ | record_value_coersions | False | +-------------------------+---------+ | driver_setup | {} | +-------------------------+---------+ :type options: dict
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: abort() Transitions the NI-DCPower session from the Running state to the Uncommitted state. If a sequence is running, it is stopped. Any configuration methods called after this method are not applied until the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.initiate` method is called. If power output is enabled when you call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.abort` method, the output channels remain in their current state and continue providing power. Use the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ConfigureOutputEnabled` method to disable power output on a per channel basis. Use the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.reset` method to disable output on all channels. Refer to the `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ topic in the *NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help* for information about the specific NI-DCPower software states. **Related Topics:** `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: clear_latched_output_cutoff_state(output_cutoff_reason) Clears the state of an output cutoff that was engaged. To clear the state for all output cutoff reasons, use :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.ALL`. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :param output_cutoff_reason: Specifies the reasons for which to clear the output cutoff state. +---------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.ALL` | Clears all output cutoff conditions | +---------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.VOLTAGE_OUTPUT_HIGH` | Clears cutoffs caused when the output exceeded the high cutoff limit for voltage output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.VOLTAGE_OUTPUT_LOW` | Clears cutoffs caused when the output fell below the low cutoff limit for voltage output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.CURRENT_MEASURE_HIGH` | Clears cutoffs caused when the measured current exceeded the high cutoff limit for current output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.CURRENT_MEASURE_LOW` | Clears cutoffs caused when the measured current fell below the low cutoff limit for current output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.VOLTAGE_CHANGE_HIGH` | Clears cutoffs caused when the voltage slew rate increased beyond the positive change cutoff for voltage output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.VOLTAGE_CHANGE_LOW` | Clears cutoffs caused when the voltage slew rate decreased beyond the negative change cutoff for voltage output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.CURRENT_CHANGE_HIGH` | Clears cutoffs caused when the current slew rate increased beyond the positive change cutoff for current output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.CURRENT_CHANGE_LOW` | Clears cutoffs caused when the voltage slew rate decreased beyond the negative change cutoff for current output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :type output_cutoff_reason: :py:data:`nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason`
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: close() Closes the session specified in **vi** and deallocates the resources that NI-DCPower reserves. If power output is enabled when you call this method, the output channels remain in their existing state and continue providing power. Use the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ConfigureOutputEnabled` method to disable power output on a per channel basis. Use the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.reset` method to disable power output on all channel(s). **Related Topics:** `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. note:: This method is not needed when using the session context manager
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: commit() Applies previously configured settings to the device. Calling this method moves the NI-DCPower session from the Uncommitted state into the Committed state. After calling this method, modifying any property reverts the NI-DCPower session to the Uncommitted state. Use the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.initiate` method to transition to the Running state. Refer to the `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ topic in the *NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help* for details about the specific NI-DCPower software states. **Related Topics:** `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: configure_aperture_time(aperture_time, units=nidcpower.ApertureTimeUnits.SECONDS) Configures the aperture time on the specified channel(s). The supported values depend on the **units**. Refer to the *Aperture Time* topic for your device in the *NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help* for more information. In general, devices support discrete **apertureTime** values, and if you configure **apertureTime** to some unsupported value, NI-DCPower coerces it up to the next supported value. Refer to the *Measurement Configuration and Timing* or *DC Noise Rejection* topic for your device in the *NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help* for more information about how to configure your measurements. **Related Topics:** `Aperture Time <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(aperture)>`__ .. note:: This method is not supported on all devices. Refer to `Supported Methods by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(nidcpowercref.chm',%20'supportedfunctions)>`__ for more information about supported devices. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :param aperture_time: Specifies the aperture time. Refer to the *Aperture Time* topic for your device in the *NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help* for more information. :type aperture_time: float :param units: Specifies the units for **apertureTime**. **Defined Values**: +-----------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.ApertureTimeUnits.SECONDS` | Specifies seconds. | +-----------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.ApertureTimeUnits.POWER_LINE_CYCLES` | Specifies Power Line Cycles. | +-----------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------+ :type units: :py:data:`nidcpower.ApertureTimeUnits`
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: create_advanced_sequence(sequence_name, property_names, set_as_active_sequence=True) Creates an empty advanced sequence. Call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.create_advanced_sequence_step` method to add steps to the active advanced sequence. You can create multiple advanced sequences in a session. **Support for this method** You must set the source mode to Sequence to use this method. Using the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.set_sequence` method with Advanced Sequence methods is unsupported. Use this method in the Uncommitted or Committed programming states. Refer to the `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ topic in the *NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help* for more information about NI-DCPower programming states. **Related Topics**: `Advanced Sequence Mode <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(advancedsequencemode)>`__ `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.create_advanced_sequence_step` .. note:: This method is not supported on all devices. Refer to `Supported Methods by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(nidcpowercref.chm',%20'supportedfunctions)>`__ for more information about supported devices. :param sequence_name: Specifies the name of the sequence to create. :type sequence_name: str :param property_names: Specifies the names of the properties you reconfigure per step in the advanced sequence. The following table lists which properties can be configured in an advanced sequence for each NI-DCPower device that supports advanced sequencing. A Yes indicates that the property can be configured in advanced sequencing. An No indicates that the property cannot be configured in advanced sequencing. +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | Property | PXIe-4135 | PXIe-4136 | PXIe-4137 | PXIe-4138 | PXIe-4139 | PXIe-4140/4142/4144 | PXIe-4141/4143/4145 | PXIe-4162/4163 | +=============================================================+===========+===========+===========+===========+===========+=====================+=====================+================+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.dc_noise_rejection` | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.aperture_time` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.measure_record_length` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.sense` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.ovp_enabled` | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.ovp_limit` | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_bias_delay` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_off_time` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_on_time` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.source_delay` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_compensation_frequency` | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_gain_bandwidth` | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_pole_zero_ratio` | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_compensation_frequency` | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_gain_bandwidth` | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_pole_zero_ratio` | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_level` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_level_range` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_high` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_low` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_range` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_high` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_low` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_range` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_level` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_level_range` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_enabled` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_resistance` | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_bias_current_level` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_bias_voltage_limit` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_bias_voltage_limit_high` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_bias_voltage_limit_low` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_current_level` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_current_level_range` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_voltage_limit` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_voltage_limit_high` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_voltage_limit_low` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_voltage_limit_range` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_bias_current_limit` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_bias_current_limit_high` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_bias_current_limit_low` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_bias_voltage_level` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_current_limit` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_current_limit_high` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_current_limit_low` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_current_limit_range` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_voltage_level` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_voltage_level_range` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ | :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.transient_response` | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +-------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+---------------------+----------------+ :type property_names: list of str :param set_as_active_sequence: Specifies that this current sequence is active. :type set_as_active_sequence: bool
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: create_advanced_sequence_step(set_as_active_step=True) Creates a new advanced sequence step in the advanced sequence specified by the Active advanced sequence. When you create an advanced sequence step, each property you passed to the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.create_advanced_sequence` method is reset to its default value for that step unless otherwise specified. **Support for this Method** You must set the source mode to Sequence to use this method. Using the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.set_sequence` method with Advanced Sequence methods is unsupported. **Related Topics**: `Advanced Sequence Mode <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(advancedsequencemode)>`__ `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.create_advanced_sequence` .. note:: This method is not supported on all devices. Refer to `Supported Methods by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(nidcpowercref.chm',%20'supportedfunctions)>`__ for more information about supported devices. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :param set_as_active_step: Specifies that this current step in the active sequence is active. :type set_as_active_step: bool
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: delete_advanced_sequence(sequence_name) Deletes a previously created advanced sequence and all the advanced sequence steps in the advanced sequence. **Support for this Method** You must set the source mode to Sequence to use this method. Using the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.set_sequence` method with Advanced Sequence methods is unsupported. **Related Topics**: `Advanced Sequence Mode <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(advancedsequencemode)>`__ `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ .. note:: This method is not supported on all devices. Refer to `Supported Methods by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(nidcpowercref.chm',%20'supportedfunctions)>`__ for more information about supported devices. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :param sequence_name: specifies the name of the sequence to delete. :type sequence_name: str
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: disable() This method performs the same actions as the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.reset` method, except that this method also immediately sets the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_enabled` property to False. This method opens the output relay on devices that have an output relay.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: export_attribute_configuration_buffer() Exports the property configuration of the session to the specified configuration buffer. You can export and import session property configurations only between devices with identical model numbers and the same number of configured channels. This method verifies that the properties you have configured for the session are valid. If the configuration is invalid, NI‑DCPower returns an error. **Support for this Method** Calling this method in `Sequence Source Mode <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(sequencing)>`__ is unsupported. **Channel Mapping Behavior for Multichannel Sessions** When importing and exporting session property configurations between NI‑DCPower sessions that were initialized with different channels, the configurations of the exporting channels are mapped to the importing channels in the order you specify in the **channelName** input to the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.__init__` method. For example, if your entry for **channelName** is 0,1 for the exporting session and 1,2 for the importing session: - The configuration exported from channel 0 is imported into channel 1. - The configuration exported from channel 1 is imported into channel 2. **Related Topics:** `Using Properties and Properties <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(using_properties_and_attributes)>`__ `Setting Properties and Properties Before Reading Them <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(setting_before_reading_attributes)>`__ .. note:: This method will return an error if the total number of channels initialized for the exporting session is not equal to the total number of channels initialized for the importing session. :rtype: bytes :return: Specifies the byte array buffer to be populated with the exported property configuration.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: export_attribute_configuration_file(file_path) Exports the property configuration of the session to the specified file. You can export and import session property configurations only between devices with identical model numbers and the same number of configured channels. This method verifies that the properties you have configured for the session are valid. If the configuration is invalid, NI‑DCPower returns an error. **Support for this Method** Calling this method in `Sequence Source Mode <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(sequencing)>`__ is unsupported. **Channel Mapping Behavior for Multichannel Sessions** When importing and exporting session property configurations between NI‑DCPower sessions that were initialized with different channels, the configurations of the exporting channels are mapped to the importing channels in the order you specify in the **channelName** input to the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.__init__` method. For example, if your entry for **channelName** is 0,1 for the exporting session and 1,2 for the importing session: - The configuration exported from channel 0 is imported into channel 1. - The configuration exported from channel 1 is imported into channel 2. **Related Topics:** `Using Properties and Properties <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(using_properties_and_attributes)>`__ `Setting Properties and Properties Before Reading Them <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(setting_before_reading_attributes)>`__ .. note:: This method will return an error if the total number of channels initialized for the exporting session is not equal to the total number of channels initialized for the importing session. :param file_path: Specifies the absolute path to the file to contain the exported property configuration. If you specify an empty or relative path, this method returns an error. **Default file extension:** .nidcpowerconfig :type file_path: str
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: fetch_multiple(count, timeout=hightime.timedelta(seconds=1.0)) Returns a list of named tuples (Measurement) that were previously taken and are stored in the NI-DCPower buffer. This method should not be used when the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.measure_when` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.MeasureWhen.ON_DEMAND`. You must first call :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.initiate` before calling this method. Fields in Measurement: - **voltage** (float) - **current** (float) - **in_compliance** (bool) .. note:: This method is not supported on all devices. Refer to `Supported Methods by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(nidcpowercref.chm, supportedfunctions)>`__ for more information about supported devices. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :param count: Specifies the number of measurements to fetch. :type count: int :param timeout: Specifies the maximum time allowed for this method to complete. If the method does not complete within this time interval, NI-DCPower returns an error. .. note:: When setting the timeout interval, ensure you take into account any triggers so that the timeout interval is long enough for your application. :type timeout: hightime.timedelta, datetime.timedelta, or float in seconds :rtype: list of Measurement :return: List of named tuples with fields: - **voltage** (float) - **current** (float) - **in_compliance** (bool)
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: get_channel_name(index) Retrieves the output **channelName** that corresponds to the requested **index**. Use the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.channel_count` property to determine the upper bound of valid values for **index**. :param index: Specifies which output channel name to return. The index values begin at 1. :type index: int :rtype: str :return: Returns the output channel name that corresponds to **index**.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: get_channel_names(indices) Returns a list of channel names for given channel indices. :param indices: Index list for the channels in the session. Valid values are from zero to the total number of channels in the session minus one. The index string can be one of the following formats: - A comma-separated list—for example, "0,2,3,1" - A range using a hyphen—for example, "0-3" - A range using a colon—for example, "0:3 " You can combine comma-separated lists and ranges that use a hyphen or colon. Both out-of-order and repeated indices are supported ("2,3,0," "1,2,2,3"). White space characters, including spaces, tabs, feeds, and carriage returns, are allowed between characters. Ranges can be incrementing or decrementing. :type indices: basic sequence types or str or int :rtype: list of str :return: The channel name(s) at the specified indices.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: get_ext_cal_last_date_and_time() Returns the date and time of the last successful calibration. :rtype: hightime.datetime :return: Indicates date and time of the last calibration.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: get_ext_cal_last_temp() Returns the onboard **temperature** of the device, in degrees Celsius, during the last successful external calibration. :rtype: float :return: Returns the onboard **temperature** of the device, in degrees Celsius, during the last successful external calibration.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: get_ext_cal_recommended_interval() Returns the recommended maximum interval, in **months**, between external calibrations. :rtype: hightime.timedelta :return: Specifies the recommended maximum interval, in **months**, between external calibrations.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: get_self_cal_last_date_and_time() Returns the date and time of the oldest successful self-calibration from among the channels in the session. .. note:: This method is not supported on all devices. :rtype: hightime.datetime :return: Returns the date and time the device was last calibrated.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: get_self_cal_last_temp() Returns the onboard temperature of the device, in degrees Celsius, during the oldest successful self-calibration from among the channels in the session. For example, if you have a session using channels 1 and 2, and you perform a self-calibration on channel 1 with a device temperature of 25 degrees Celsius at 2:00, and a self-calibration was performed on channel 2 at 27 degrees Celsius at 3:00 on the same day, this method returns 25 for the **temperature** parameter. .. note:: This method is not supported on all devices. Refer to `Supported Methods by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(nidcpowercref.chm',%20'supportedfunctions)>`__ for more information about supported devices. :rtype: float :return: Returns the onboard **temperature** of the device, in degrees Celsius, during the oldest successful calibration.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: import_attribute_configuration_buffer(configuration) Imports a property configuration to the session from the specified configuration buffer. You can export and import session property configurations only between devices with identical model numbers and the same number of configured channels. **Support for this Method** Calling this method in `Sequence Source Mode <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(sequencing)>`__ is unsupported. **Channel Mapping Behavior for Multichannel Sessions** When importing and exporting session property configurations between NI‑DCPower sessions that were initialized with different channels, the configurations of the exporting channels are mapped to the importing channels in the order you specify in the **channelName** input to the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.__init__` method. For example, if your entry for **channelName** is 0,1 for the exporting session and 1,2 for the importing session: - The configuration exported from channel 0 is imported into channel 1. - The configuration exported from channel 1 is imported into channel 2. **Related Topics:** `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ `Using Properties and Properties <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(using_properties_and_attributes)>`__ `Setting Properties and Properties Before Reading Them <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(setting_before_reading_attributes)>`__ .. note:: This method will return an error if the total number of channels initialized for the exporting session is not equal to the total number of channels initialized for the importing session. :param configuration: Specifies the byte array buffer that contains the property configuration to import. :type configuration: bytes
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: import_attribute_configuration_file(file_path) Imports a property configuration to the session from the specified file. You can export and import session property configurations only between devices with identical model numbers and the same number of configured channels. **Support for this Method** Calling this method in `Sequence Source Mode <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(sequencing)>`__ is unsupported. **Channel Mapping Behavior for Multichannel Sessions** When importing and exporting session property configurations between NI‑DCPower sessions that were initialized with different channels, the configurations of the exporting channels are mapped to the importing channels in the order you specify in the **channelName** input to the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.__init__` method. For example, if your entry for **channelName** is 0,1 for the exporting session and 1,2 for the importing session: - The configuration exported from channel 0 is imported into channel 1. - The configuration exported from channel 1 is imported into channel 2. **Related Topics:** `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ `Using Properties and Properties <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(using_properties_and_attributes)>`__ `Setting Properties and Properties Before Reading Them <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(setting_before_reading_attributes)>`__ .. note:: This method will return an error if the total number of channels initialized for the exporting session is not equal to the total number of channels initialized for the importing session. :param file_path: Specifies the absolute path to the file containing the property configuration to import. If you specify an empty or relative path, this method returns an error. **Default File Extension:** .nidcpowerconfig :type file_path: str
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: initiate() Starts generation or acquisition, causing the NI-DCPower session to leave the Uncommitted state or Committed state and enter the Running state. To return to the Uncommitted state call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.abort` method. Refer to the `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ topic in the *NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help* for information about the specific NI-DCPower software states. **Related Topics:** `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ .. note:: This method will return a Python context manager that will initiate on entering and abort on exit. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session
.. py:method:: lock() Obtains a multithread lock on the device session. Before doing so, the software waits until all other execution threads release their locks on the device session. Other threads may have obtained a lock on this session for the following reasons: - The application called the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.lock` method. - A call to NI-DCPower locked the session. - After a call to the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.lock` method returns successfully, no other threads can access the device session until you call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.unlock` method or exit out of the with block when using lock context manager. - Use the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.lock` method and the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.unlock` method around a sequence of calls to instrument driver methods if you require that the device retain its settings through the end of the sequence. You can safely make nested calls to the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.lock` method within the same thread. To completely unlock the session, you must balance each call to the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.lock` method with a call to the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.unlock` method. One method for ensuring there are the same number of unlock method calls as there is lock calls is to use lock as a context manager .. code:: python with nidcpower.Session('dev1') as session: with session.lock(): # Calls to session within a single lock context The first `with` block ensures the session is closed regardless of any exceptions raised The second `with` block ensures that unlock is called regardless of any exceptions raised :rtype: context manager :return: When used in a `with` statement, :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.lock` acts as a context manager and unlock will be called when the `with` block is exited
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: measure(measurement_type) Returns the measured value of either the voltage or current on the specified output channel. Each call to this method blocks other method calls until the hardware returns the **measurement**. To measure multiple output channels, use the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.measure_multiple` method. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :param measurement_type: Specifies whether a voltage or current value is measured. **Defined Values**: +------------------------------------------------+------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.MeasurementTypes.VOLTAGE` | The device measures voltage. | +------------------------------------------------+------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.MeasurementTypes.CURRENT` | The device measures current. | +------------------------------------------------+------------------------------+ :type measurement_type: :py:data:`nidcpower.MeasurementTypes` :rtype: float :return: Returns the value of the measurement, either in volts for voltage or amps for current.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: measure_multiple() Returns a list of named tuples (Measurement) containing the measured voltage and current values on the specified output channel(s). Each call to this method blocks other method calls until the measurements are returned from the device. The order of the measurements returned in the array corresponds to the order on the specified output channel(s). Fields in Measurement: - **voltage** (float) - **current** (float) - **in_compliance** (bool) - Always None .. note:: This method is not supported on all devices. Refer to `Supported Methods by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(nidcpowercref.chm, supportedfunctions)>`__ for more information about supported devices. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :rtype: list of Measurement :return: List of named tuples with fields: - **voltage** (float) - **current** (float) - **in_compliance** (bool) - Always None
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: query_in_compliance() Queries the specified output device to determine if it is operating at the `compliance <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(compliance)>`__ limit. The compliance limit is the current limit when the output method is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_VOLTAGE`. If the output is operating at the compliance limit, the output reaches the current limit before the desired voltage level. Refer to the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ConfigureOutputFunction` method and the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ConfigureCurrentLimit` method for more information about output method and current limit, respectively. The compliance limit is the voltage limit when the output method is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_CURRENT`. If the output is operating at the compliance limit, the output reaches the voltage limit before the desired current level. Refer to the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ConfigureOutputFunction` method and the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ConfigureVoltageLimit` method for more information about output method and voltage limit, respectively. **Related Topics:** `Compliance <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(compliance)>`__ .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :rtype: bool :return: Returns whether the device output channel is in compliance.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: query_latched_output_cutoff_state(output_cutoff_reason) Discovers if an output cutoff limit was exceeded for the specified reason. When an output cutoff is engaged, the output of the channel(s) is disconnected. If a limit was exceeded, the state is latched until you clear it with the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.clear_latched_output_cutoff_state` method or the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.reset` method. outputCutoffReason specifies the conditions for which an output is disconnected. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :param output_cutoff_reason: Specifies which output cutoff conditions to query. +---------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.ALL` | Any output cutoff condition was met | +---------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.VOLTAGE_OUTPUT_HIGH` | The output exceeded the high cutoff limit for voltage output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.VOLTAGE_OUTPUT_LOW` | The output fell below the low cutoff limit for voltage output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.CURRENT_MEASURE_HIGH` | The measured current exceeded the high cutoff limit for current output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.CURRENT_MEASURE_LOW` | The measured current fell below the low cutoff limit for current output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.VOLTAGE_CHANGE_HIGH` | The voltage slew rate increased beyond the positive change cutoff for voltage output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.VOLTAGE_CHANGE_LOW` | The voltage slew rate decreased beyond the negative change cutoff for voltage output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.CURRENT_CHANGE_HIGH` | The current slew rate increased beyond the positive change cutoff for current output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.CURRENT_CHANGE_LOW` | The current slew rate decreased beyond the negative change cutoff for current output | +---------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :type output_cutoff_reason: :py:data:`nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason` :rtype: bool :return: Specifies whether an output cutoff has engaged. +-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | True | An output cutoff has engaged for the conditions in **output cutoff reason**. | +-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | False | No output cutoff has engaged. | +-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: query_max_current_limit(voltage_level) Queries the maximum current limit on an output channel if the output channel is set to the specified **voltageLevel**. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :param voltage_level: Specifies the voltage level to use when calculating the **maxCurrentLimit**. :type voltage_level: float :rtype: float :return: Returns the maximum current limit that can be set with the specified **voltageLevel**.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: query_max_voltage_level(current_limit) Queries the maximum voltage level on an output channel if the output channel is set to the specified **currentLimit**. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :param current_limit: Specifies the current limit to use when calculating the **maxVoltageLevel**. :type current_limit: float :rtype: float :return: Returns the maximum voltage level that can be set on an output channel with the specified **currentLimit**.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: query_min_current_limit(voltage_level) Queries the minimum current limit on an output channel if the output channel is set to the specified **voltageLevel**. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :param voltage_level: Specifies the voltage level to use when calculating the **minCurrentLimit**. :type voltage_level: float :rtype: float :return: Returns the minimum current limit that can be set on an output channel with the specified **voltageLevel**.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: query_output_state(output_state) Queries the specified output channel to determine if the output channel is currently in the state specified by **outputState**. **Related Topics:** `Compliance <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(compliance)>`__ .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :param output_state: Specifies the output state of the output channel that is being queried. **Defined Values**: +--------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputStates.VOLTAGE` | The device maintains a constant voltage by adjusting the current. | +--------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputStates.CURRENT` | The device maintains a constant current by adjusting the voltage. | +--------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ :type output_state: :py:data:`nidcpower.OutputStates` :rtype: bool :return: Returns whether the device output channel is in the specified output state.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: read_current_temperature() Returns the current onboard **temperature**, in degrees Celsius, of the device. :rtype: float :return: Returns the onboard **temperature**, in degrees Celsius, of the device.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: reset() Resets the device to a known state. This method disables power generation, resets session properties to their default values, commits the session properties, and leaves the session in the Uncommitted state. Refer to the `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ topic for more information about NI-DCPower software states. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: reset_device() Resets the device to a known state. The method disables power generation, resets session properties to their default values, clears errors such as overtemperature and unexpected loss of auxiliary power, commits the session properties, and leaves the session in the Uncommitted state. This method also performs a hard reset on the device and driver software. This method has the same functionality as using reset in Measurement & Automation Explorer. Refer to the `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ topic for more information about NI-DCPower software states. This will also open the output relay on devices that have an output relay.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: reset_with_defaults() Resets the device to a known state. This method disables power generation, resets session properties to their default values, commits the session properties, and leaves the session in the `Running <javascript:LaunchHelp('NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/programmingStates.html#running')>`__ state. In addition to exhibiting the behavior of the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.reset` method, this method can assign user-defined default values for configurable properties from the IVI configuration.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: self_cal() Performs a self-calibration upon the specified channel(s). This method disables the output, performs several internal calculations, and updates calibration values. The updated calibration values are written to the device hardware if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.self_calibration_persistence` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.SelfCalibrationPersistence.WRITE_TO_EEPROM`. Refer to the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.self_calibration_persistence` property topic for more information about the settings for this property. When calling :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.self_cal` with the PXIe-4162/4163, specify all channels of your PXIe-4162/4163 with the channelName input. You cannot self-calibrate a subset of PXIe-4162/4163 channels. Refer to the `Self-Calibration <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(selfcal)>`__ topic for more information about this method. **Related Topics:** `Self-Calibration <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(selfcal)>`__ .. note:: This method is not supported on all devices. Refer to `Supported Methods by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(nidcpowercref.chm',%20'supportedfunctions)>`__ for more information about supported devices. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: self_test() Performs the device self-test routine and returns the test result(s). Calling this method implicitly calls the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.reset` method. When calling :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.self_test` with the PXIe-4162/4163, specify all channels of your PXIe-4162/4163 with the channels input of :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.__init__`. You cannot self test a subset of PXIe-4162/4163 channels. Raises `SelfTestError` on self test failure. Properties on exception object: - code - failure code from driver - message - status message from driver +----------------+-------------------+ | Self-Test Code | Description | +================+===================+ | 0 | Self test passed. | +----------------+-------------------+ | 1 | Self test failed. | +----------------+-------------------+
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: send_software_edge_trigger(trigger) Asserts the specified trigger. This method can override an external edge trigger. **Related Topics:** `Triggers <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(trigger)>`__ .. note:: This method is not supported on all devices. Refer to `Supported Methods by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(nidcpowercref.chm',%20'supportedfunctions)>`__ for more information about supported devices. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :param trigger: Specifies which trigger to assert. **Defined Values:** +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.NIDCPOWER_VAL_START_TRIGGER` | Asserts the Start trigger. | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.NIDCPOWER_VAL_SOURCE_TRIGGER` | Asserts the Source trigger. | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.NIDCPOWER_VAL_MEASURE_TRIGGER` | Asserts the Measure trigger. | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.NIDCPOWER_VAL_SEQUENCE_ADVANCE_TRIGGER` | Asserts the Sequence Advance trigger. | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.NIDCPOWER_VAL_PULSE_TRIGGER` | Asserts the Pulse trigger. | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.NIDCPOWER_VAL_SHUTDOWN_TRIGGER` | Asserts the Shutdown trigger. | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ .. note:: One or more of the referenced values are not in the Python API for this driver. Enums that only define values, or represent True/False, have been removed. :type trigger: :py:data:`nidcpower.SendSoftwareEdgeTriggerType`
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: set_sequence(values, source_delays) Configures a series of voltage or current outputs and corresponding source delays. The source mode must be set to `Sequence <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(sequencing)>`__ for this method to take effect. Refer to the `Configuring the Source Unit <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(configuringthesourceunit)>`__ topic in the *NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help* for more information about how to configure your device. Use this method in the Uncommitted or Committed programming states. Refer to the `Programming States <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programmingstates)>`__ topic in the *NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help* for more information about NI-DCPower programming states. .. note:: This method is not supported on all devices. Refer to `Supported Methods by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(nidcpowercref.chm',%20'supportedfunctions)>`__ for more information about supported devices. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :param values: Specifies the series of voltage levels or current levels, depending on the configured `output method <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_1(programming_output)>`__. **Valid values**: The valid values for this parameter are defined by the voltage level range or current level range. :type values: list of float :param source_delays: Specifies the source delay that follows the configuration of each value in the sequence. **Valid Values**: The valid values are between 0 and 167 seconds. :type source_delays: list of float
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session
.. py:method:: unlock() Releases a lock that you acquired on an device session using :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.lock`. Refer to :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.unlock` for additional information on session locks.
.. py:currentmodule:: nidcpower.Session.. py:method:: wait_for_event(event_id, timeout=hightime.timedelta(seconds=10.0)) Waits until the device has generated the specified event. The session monitors whether each type of event has occurred at least once since the last time this method or the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.initiate` method were called. If an event has only been generated once and you call this method successively, the method times out. Individual events must be generated between separate calls of this method. .. note:: Refer to `Supported Methods by Device <REPLACE_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_URL_2(nidcpowercref.chm',%20'supportedfunctions)>`__ for more information about supported devices. .. tip:: This method requires repeated capabilities. If called directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the method will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling this method on the result. :param event_id: Specifies which event to wait for. **Defined Values:** +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.NIDCPOWER_VAL_SOURCE_COMPLETE_EVENT` | Waits for the Source Complete event. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.NIDCPOWER_VAL_MEASURE_COMPLETE_EVENT` | Waits for the Measure Complete event. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.NIDCPOWER_VAL_SEQUENCE_ITERATION_COMPLETE_EVENT` | Waits for the Sequence Iteration Complete event. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.NIDCPOWER_VAL_SEQUENCE_ENGINE_DONE_EVENT` | Waits for the Sequence Engine Done event. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.NIDCPOWER_VAL_PULSE_COMPLETE_EVENT` | Waits for the Pulse Complete event. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | :py:data:`~nidcpower.NIDCPOWER_VAL_READY_FOR_PULSE_TRIGGER_EVENT` | Waits for the Ready for Pulse Trigger event. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: One or more of the referenced values are not in the Python API for this driver. Enums that only define values, or represent True/False, have been removed. :type event_id: :py:data:`nidcpower.Event` :param timeout: Specifies the maximum time allowed for this method to complete, in seconds. If the method does not complete within this time interval, NI-DCPower returns an error. .. note:: When setting the timeout interval, ensure you take into account any triggers so that the timeout interval is long enough for your application. :type timeout: hightime.timedelta, datetime.timedelta, or float in seconds
.. py:attribute:: active_advanced_sequence Specifies the advanced sequence to configure or generate. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Active Advanced Sequence** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_ACTIVE_ADVANCED_SEQUENCE**
.. py:attribute:: active_advanced_sequence_step Specifies the advanced sequence step to configure. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | int | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Active Advanced Sequence Step** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_ACTIVE_ADVANCED_SEQUENCE_STEP**
.. py:attribute:: actual_power_allocation Returns the power, in watts, the device is sourcing on each active channel if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.power_allocation_mode` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.PowerAllocationMode.AUTOMATIC` or :py:data:`~nidcpower.PowerAllocationMode.MANUAL`. Valid Values: [0, device per-channel maximum power] Default Value: Refer to the Supported Properties by Device topic for the default value by device. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to the Supported Properties by Device topic for information about supported devices. This property returns -1 when the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.power_allocation_mode` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.PowerAllocationMode.DISABLED`. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Actual Power Allocation** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_ACTUAL_POWER_ALLOCATION**
.. py:attribute:: aperture_time Specifies the measurement aperture time for the channel configuration. Aperture time is specified in the units set by the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.aperture_time_units` property. for information about supported devices. Refer to the Aperture Time topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about how to configure your measurements and for information about valid values. Default Value: 0.01666666 seconds .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Aperture Time** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_APERTURE_TIME**
.. py:attribute:: aperture_time_units Specifies the units of the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.aperture_time` property for the channel configuration. for information about supported devices. Refer to the Aperture Time topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about how to configure your measurements and for information about valid values. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.ApertureTimeUnits.SECONDS` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+=========================+ | Datatype | enums.ApertureTimeUnits | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Aperture Time Units** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_APERTURE_TIME_UNITS**
.. py:attribute:: autorange Specifies whether the hardware automatically selects the best range to measure the signal. Note the highest range the algorithm uses is dependent on the corresponding limit range property. The algorithm the hardware uses can be controlled using the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.autorange_aperture_time_mode` property. .. note:: Autoranging begins at module startup and remains active until the module is reconfigured or reset. This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Autorange** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_AUTORANGE**
.. py:attribute:: autorange_aperture_time_mode Specifies whether the aperture time used for the measurement autorange algorithm is determined automatically or customized using the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.autorange_minimum_aperture_time` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+---------------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+=================================+ | Datatype | enums.AutorangeApertureTimeMode | +----------------+---------------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+---------------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+---------------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+---------------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Advanced:Autorange Aperture Time Mode** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_AUTORANGE_APERTURE_TIME_MODE**
.. py:attribute:: autorange_behavior Specifies the algorithm the hardware uses for measurement autoranging. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+=========================+ | Datatype | enums.AutorangeBehavior | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Advanced:Autorange Behavior** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_AUTORANGE_BEHAVIOR**
.. py:attribute:: autorange_minimum_aperture_time Specifies the measurement autorange aperture time used for the measurement autorange algorithm. The aperture time is specified in the units set by the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.autorange_minimum_aperture_time_units` property. This value will typically be smaller than the aperture time used for measurements. .. note:: For smaller ranges, the value is scaled up to account for noise. The factor used to scale the value is derived from the module capabilities. This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Advanced:Autorange Minimum Aperture Time** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_AUTORANGE_MINIMUM_APERTURE_TIME**
.. py:attribute:: autorange_minimum_aperture_time_units Specifies the units of the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.autorange_minimum_aperture_time` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+=========================+ | Datatype | enums.ApertureTimeUnits | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Advanced:Autorange Minimum Aperture Time Units** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_AUTORANGE_MINIMUM_APERTURE_TIME_UNITS**
.. py:attribute:: autorange_minimum_current_range Specifies the lowest range used during measurement autoranging. Limiting the lowest range used during autoranging can improve the speed of the autoranging algorithm and minimize frequent and unpredictable range changes for noisy signals. .. note:: The maximum range used is the range that includes the value specified in the compliance limit property, :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_range` property or :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_range` property, depending on the selected :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function`. This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Advanced:Autorange Minimum Current Range** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_AUTORANGE_MINIMUM_CURRENT_RANGE**
.. py:attribute:: autorange_minimum_voltage_range Specifies the lowest range used during measurement autoranging. The maximum range used is range that includes the value specified in the compliance limit property. Limiting the lowest range used during autoranging can improve the speed of the autoranging algorithm and/or minimize thrashing between ranges for noisy signals. .. note:: The maximum range used is the range that includes the value specified in the compliance limit property, :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_range` property or :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_range` property, depending on the selected :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function`. This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Advanced:Autorange Minimum Voltage Range** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_AUTORANGE_MINIMUM_VOLTAGE_RANGE**
.. py:attribute:: autorange_threshold_mode Specifies thresholds used during autoranging to determine when range changing occurs. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+==============================+ | Datatype | enums.AutorangeThresholdMode | +----------------+------------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Advanced:Autorange Threshold Mode** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_AUTORANGE_THRESHOLD_MODE**
.. py:attribute:: auto_zero Specifies the auto-zero method to use on the device. Refer to the NI PXI-4132 Measurement Configuration and Timing and Auto Zero topics for more information about how to configure your measurements. Default Value: The default value for the NI PXI-4132 is :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.ON`. The default value for all other devices is :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.OFF`, which is the only supported value for these devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+----------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+================+ | Datatype | enums.AutoZero | +----------------+----------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+----------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+----------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+----------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Auto Zero** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_AUTO_ZERO**
.. py:attribute:: auxiliary_power_source_available Indicates whether an auxiliary power source is connected to the device. A value of False may indicate that the auxiliary input fuse has blown. Refer to the Detecting Internal/Auxiliary Power topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about internal and auxiliary power. power source to generate power. Use the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.power_source_in_use` property to retrieve this information. .. note:: This property does not necessarily indicate if the device is using the auxiliary The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | No | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Advanced:Auxiliary Power Source Available** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_AUXILIARY_POWER_SOURCE_AVAILABLE**
.. py:attribute:: channel_count Indicates the number of channels that NI-DCPower supports for the instrument that was chosen when the current session was opened. For channel-based properties, the IVI engine maintains a separate cache value for each channel. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | int | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | No | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:Driver Capabilities:Channel Count** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_CHANNEL_COUNT**
.. py:attribute:: compliance_limit_symmetry Specifies whether compliance limits for current generation and voltage generation for the device are applied symmetrically about 0 V and 0 A or asymmetrically with respect to 0 V and 0 A. When set to **Symmetric**, voltage limits and current limits are set using a single property with a positive value. The resulting range is bounded by this positive value and its opposite. When set to **Asymmetric**, you must separately set a limit high and a limit low using distinct properties. For asymmetric limits, the range bounded by the limit high and limit low must include zero. **Default Value:** Symmetric **Related Topics:** `Compliance <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/compliance.html>`__ `Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/ranges.html>`__ `Changing Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/changing_ranges.html>`__ `Overranging <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/overranging.html>`__ .. note:: Refer to `Supported Properties by Device <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/SupportedProperties.html>`__ for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===============================+ | Datatype | enums.ComplianceLimitSymmetry | +----------------+-------------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Compliance Limit Symmetry** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_COMPLIANCE_LIMIT_SYMMETRY**
.. py:attribute:: current_compensation_frequency The frequency at which a pole-zero pair is added to the system when the channel is in Constant Current mode. for information about supported devices. Default Value: Determined by the value of the :py:data:`~nidcpower.TransientResponse.NORMAL` setting of the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.transient_response` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Custom Transient Response:Current:Compensation Frequency** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_CURRENT_COMPENSATION_FREQUENCY**
.. py:attribute:: current_gain_bandwidth The frequency at which the unloaded loop gain extrapolates to 0 dB in the absence of additional poles and zeroes. This property takes effect when the channel is in Constant Current mode. for information about supported devices. Default Value: Determined by the value of the :py:data:`~nidcpower.TransientResponse.NORMAL` setting of the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.transient_response` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Custom Transient Response:Current:Gain Bandwidth** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_CURRENT_GAIN_BANDWIDTH**
.. py:attribute:: current_level Specifies the current level, in amps, that the device attempts to generate on the specified channel(s). This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_CURRENT`. :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_enabled` property for more information about enabling the output channel. Valid Values: The valid values for this property are defined by the values to which the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_level_range` property is set. .. note:: The channel must be enabled for the specified current level to take effect. Refer to the .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Current:Current Level** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_CURRENT_LEVEL**
.. py:attribute:: current_level_autorange Specifies whether NI-DCPower automatically selects the current level range based on the desired current level for the specified channels. If you set this property to :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.ON`, NI-DCPower ignores any changes you make to the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_level_range` property. If you change the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_level_autorange` property from :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.ON` to :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.OFF`, NI-DCPower retains the last value the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_level_range` property was set to (or the default value if the property was never set) and uses that value as the current level range. Query the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_level_range` property by using the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session._get_attribute_vi_int32` method for information about which range NI-DCPower automatically selects. The :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_level_autorange` property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_CURRENT`. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.OFF` .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Current:Current Level Autorange** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_CURRENT_LEVEL_AUTORANGE**
.. py:attribute:: current_level_range Specifies the current level range, in amps, for the specified channel(s). The range defines the valid value to which the current level can be set. Use the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_level_autorange` property to enable automatic selection of the current level range. The :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_level_range` property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_CURRENT`. :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_enabled` property for more information about enabling the output channel. For valid ranges, refer to the Ranges topic for your device in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help. .. note:: The channel must be enabled for the specified current level range to take effect. Refer to the .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Current:Current Level Range** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_CURRENT_LEVEL_RANGE**
.. py:attribute:: current_limit Specifies the current limit, in amps, that the output cannot exceed when generating the desired voltage level on the specified channel(s). This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_VOLTAGE` and the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.compliance_limit_symmetry` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.ComplianceLimitSymmetry.SYMMETRIC`. :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_enabled` property for more information about enabling the output channel. Valid Values: The valid values for this property are defined by the values to which :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_range` property is set. .. note:: The channel must be enabled for the specified current limit to take effect. Refer to the .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Voltage:Current Limit** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_CURRENT_LIMIT**
.. py:attribute:: current_limit_autorange Specifies whether NI-DCPower automatically selects the current limit range based on the desired current limit for the specified channel(s). If you set this property to :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.ON`, NI-DCPower ignores any changes you make to the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_range` property. If you change this property from :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.ON` to :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.OFF`, NI-DCPower retains the last value the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_range` property was set to (or the default value if the property was never set) and uses that value as the current limit range. Query the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_range` property by using the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session._get_attribute_vi_int32` method for information about which range NI-DCPower automatically selects. The :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_autorange` property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_VOLTAGE`. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.OFF` .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Voltage:Current Limit Autorange** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_CURRENT_LIMIT_AUTORANGE**
.. py:attribute:: current_limit_behavior .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | int | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_CURRENT_LIMIT_BEHAVIOR**
.. py:attribute:: current_limit_high Specifies the maximum current, in amps, that the output can produce when generating the desired voltage on the specified channel(s). This property is applicable only if the `Compliance Limit Symmetry <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ComplianceLimitSymmetry`.html>`__ property is set to **Asymmetric** and the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to **DC Voltage**. You must also specify a `Current Limit Low <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.CurrentLimitLow`.html>`__ to complete the asymmetric range. **Valid Values:** [1% of `Current Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.CurrentLimitRange`.html>`__, `Current Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.CurrentLimitRange`.html>`__] The range bounded by the limit high and limit low must include zero. **Default Value:** Refer to `Supported Properties by Device <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/SupportedProperties.html>`__ for the default value by device. **Related Topics:** `Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/ranges.html>`__ `Changing Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/changing_ranges.html>`__ `Overranging <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/overranging.html>`__ .. note:: The limit may be extended beyond the selected limit range if the `Overranging Enabled <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OverrangingEnabled`.html>`__ property is set to TRUE. .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Voltage:Current Limit High** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_CURRENT_LIMIT_HIGH**
.. py:attribute:: current_limit_low Specifies the minimum current, in amps, that the output can produce when generating the desired voltage on the specified channel(s). This property is applicable only if the `Compliance Limit Symmetry <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ComplianceLimitSymmetry`.html>`__ property is set to **Asymmetric** and the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to **DC Voltage**. You must also specify a `Current Limit High <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.CurrentLimitHigh`.html>`__ to complete the asymmetric range. **Valid Values:** [-`Current Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.CurrentLimitRange`.html>`__, -1% of `Current Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.CurrentLimitRange`.html>`__] The range bounded by the limit high and limit low must include zero. **Default Value:** Refer to `Supported Properties by Device <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/SupportedProperties.html>`__ for the default value by device. **Related Topics:** `Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/ranges.html>`__ `Changing Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/changing_ranges.html>`__ `Overranging <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/overranging.html>`__ .. note:: The limit may be extended beyond the selected limit range if the `Overranging Enabled <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OverrangingEnabled`.html>`__ property is set to TRUE. .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Voltage:Current Limit Low** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_CURRENT_LIMIT_LOW**
.. py:attribute:: current_limit_range Specifies the current limit range, in amps, for the specified channel(s). The range defines the valid value to which the current limit can be set. Use the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_autorange` property to enable automatic selection of the current limit range. The :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_range` property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_VOLTAGE`. :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_enabled` property for more information about enabling the output channel. For valid ranges, refer to the Ranges topic for your device in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help. .. note:: The channel must be enabled for the specified current limit to take effect. Refer to the .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Voltage:Current Limit Range** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_CURRENT_LIMIT_RANGE**
.. py:attribute:: current_pole_zero_ratio The ratio of the pole frequency to the zero frequency when the channel is in Constant Current mode. for information about supported devices. Default Value: Determined by the value of the :py:data:`~nidcpower.TransientResponse.NORMAL` setting of the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.transient_response` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Custom Transient Response:Current:Pole-Zero Ratio** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_CURRENT_POLE_ZERO_RATIO**
.. py:attribute:: dc_noise_rejection Determines the relative weighting of samples in a measurement. Refer to the NI PXIe-4140/4141 DC Noise Rejection, NI PXIe-4142/4143 DC Noise Rejection, or NI PXIe-4144/4145 DC Noise Rejection topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about noise rejection. for information about supported devices. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.TransientResponse.NORMAL` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+========================+ | Datatype | enums.DCNoiseRejection | +----------------+------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Advanced:DC Noise Rejection** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_DC_NOISE_REJECTION**
.. py:attribute:: digital_edge_measure_trigger_input_terminal Specifies the input terminal for the Measure trigger. This property is used only when the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.measure_trigger_type` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.TriggerType.DIGITAL_EDGE`. for this property. You can specify any valid input terminal for this property. Valid terminals are listed in Measurement & Automation Explorer under the Device Routes tab. Input terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. The input terminal can also be a terminal from another device. For example, you can set the input terminal on Dev1 to be /Dev2/SourceCompleteEvent. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Measure Trigger:Digital Edge:Input Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_DIGITAL_EDGE_MEASURE_TRIGGER_INPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: digital_edge_pulse_trigger_input_terminal Specifies the input terminal for the Pulse trigger. This property is used only when the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_trigger_type` property is set to digital edge. You can specify any valid input terminal for this property. Valid terminals are listed in Measurement & Automation Explorer under the Device Routes tab. Input terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. The input terminal can also be a terminal from another device. For example, you can set the input terminal on Dev1 to be /Dev2/SourceCompleteEvent. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Pulse Trigger:Digital Edge:Input Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_DIGITAL_EDGE_PULSE_TRIGGER_INPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: digital_edge_sequence_advance_trigger_input_terminal Specifies the input terminal for the Sequence Advance trigger. Use this property only when the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.sequence_advance_trigger_type` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.TriggerType.DIGITAL_EDGE`. the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for information about supported devices. You can specify any valid input terminal for this property. Valid terminals are listed in Measurement & Automation Explorer under the Device Routes tab. Input terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. The input terminal can also be a terminal from another device. For example, you can set the input terminal on Dev1 to be /Dev2/SourceCompleteEvent. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic in .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Sequence Advance Trigger:Digital Edge:Input Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_DIGITAL_EDGE_SEQUENCE_ADVANCE_TRIGGER_INPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: digital_edge_shutdown_trigger_input_terminal Specifies the input terminal for the Shutdown trigger. This property is used only when the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.shutdown_trigger_type` property is set to digital edge. You can specify any valid input terminal for this property. Valid terminals are listed in Measurement & Automation Explorer under the Device Routes tab. Input terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. The input terminal can also be a terminal from another device. For example, you can set the input terminal on Dev1 to be /Dev2/SourceCompleteEvent. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Shutdown Trigger:Digital Edge:Input Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_DIGITAL_EDGE_SHUTDOWN_TRIGGER_INPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: digital_edge_source_trigger_input_terminal Specifies the input terminal for the Source trigger. Use this property only when the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.source_trigger_type` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.TriggerType.DIGITAL_EDGE`. for information about supported devices. You can specify any valid input terminal for this property. Valid terminals are listed in Measurement & Automation Explorer under the Device Routes tab. Input terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. The input terminal can also be a terminal from another device. For example, you can set the input terminal on Dev1 to be /Dev2/SourceCompleteEvent. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Source Trigger:Digital Edge:Input Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_DIGITAL_EDGE_SOURCE_TRIGGER_INPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: digital_edge_start_trigger_input_terminal Specifies the input terminal for the Start trigger. Use this property only when the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.start_trigger_type` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.TriggerType.DIGITAL_EDGE`. for information about supported devices. You can specify any valid input terminal for this property. Valid terminals are listed in Measurement & Automation Explorer under the Device Routes tab. Input terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. The input terminal can also be a terminal from another device. For example, you can set the input terminal on Dev1 to be /Dev2/SourceCompleteEvent. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Start Trigger:Digital Edge:Input Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_DIGITAL_EDGE_START_TRIGGER_INPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: driver_setup Indicates the Driver Setup string that you specified when initializing the driver. Some cases exist where you must specify the instrument driver options at initialization time. An example of this case is specifying a particular device model from among a family of devices that the driver supports. This property is useful when simulating a device. You can specify the driver-specific options through the DriverSetup keyword in the optionsString parameter in the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.__init__` method or through the IVI Configuration Utility. You can specify driver-specific options through the DriverSetup keyword in the optionsString parameter in the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.__init__` method. If you do not specify a Driver Setup string, this property returns an empty string. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | No | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:Advanced Session Information:Driver Setup** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_DRIVER_SETUP**
.. py:attribute:: exported_measure_trigger_output_terminal Specifies the output terminal for exporting the Measure trigger. Refer to the Device Routes tab in Measurement & Automation Explorer for a list of the terminals available on your device. for information about supported devices. Output terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Measure Trigger:Export Output Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_EXPORTED_MEASURE_TRIGGER_OUTPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: exported_pulse_trigger_output_terminal Specifies the output terminal for exporting the Pulse trigger. Refer to the Device Routes tab in Measurement & Automation Explorer for a list of the terminals available on your device. Output terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Pulse Trigger:Export Output Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_EXPORTED_PULSE_TRIGGER_OUTPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: exported_sequence_advance_trigger_output_terminal Specifies the output terminal for exporting the Sequence Advance trigger. Refer to the Device Routes tab in Measurement & Automation Explorer for a list of the terminals available on your device. for information about supported devices. Output terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Sequence Advance Trigger:Export Output Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_EXPORTED_SEQUENCE_ADVANCE_TRIGGER_OUTPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: exported_source_trigger_output_terminal Specifies the output terminal for exporting the Source trigger. Refer to the Device Routes tab in MAX for a list of the terminals available on your device. for information about supported devices. Output terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Source Trigger:Export Output Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_EXPORTED_SOURCE_TRIGGER_OUTPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: exported_start_trigger_output_terminal Specifies the output terminal for exporting the Start trigger. Refer to the Device Routes tab in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) for a list of the terminals available on your device. Output terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. for information about supported devices. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Start Trigger:Export Output Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_EXPORTED_START_TRIGGER_OUTPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: fetch_backlog Returns the number of measurements acquired that have not been fetched yet. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | int | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Fetch Backlog** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_FETCH_BACKLOG**
.. py:attribute:: instrument_firmware_revision Contains the firmware revision information for the device you are currently using. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:Instrument Identification:Firmware Revision** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_INSTRUMENT_FIRMWARE_REVISION**
.. py:attribute:: instrument_manufacturer Contains the name of the manufacturer for the device you are currently using. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:Instrument Identification:Manufacturer** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_INSTRUMENT_MANUFACTURER**
.. py:attribute:: instrument_model Contains the model number or name of the device that you are currently using. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:Instrument Identification:Model** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_INSTRUMENT_MODEL**
.. py:attribute:: interlock_input_open Indicates whether the safety interlock circuit is open. Refer to the Safety Interlock topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about the safety interlock circuit. about supported devices. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Advanced:Interlock Input Open** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_INTERLOCK_INPUT_OPEN**
.. py:attribute:: io_resource_descriptor Indicates the resource descriptor NI-DCPower uses to identify the physical device. If you initialize NI-DCPower with a logical name, this property contains the resource descriptor that corresponds to the entry in the IVI Configuration utility. If you initialize NI-DCPower with the resource descriptor, this property contains that value. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | No | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:Advanced Session Information:Resource Descriptor** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR**
.. py:attribute:: logical_name Contains the logical name you specified when opening the current IVI session. You can pass a logical name to the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.__init__` method. The IVI Configuration utility must contain an entry for the logical name. The logical name entry refers to a method section in the IVI Configuration file. The method section specifies a physical device and initial user options. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | No | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:Advanced Session Information:Logical Name** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_LOGICAL_NAME**
.. py:attribute:: measure_buffer_size Specifies the number of samples that the active channel measurement buffer can hold. The default value is the maximum number of samples that a device is capable of recording in one second. for information about supported devices. Valid Values: 1000 to 2147483647 Default Value: Varies by device. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about default values. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | int | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Advanced:Measure Buffer Size** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_MEASURE_BUFFER_SIZE**
.. py:attribute:: measure_complete_event_delay Specifies the amount of time to delay the generation of the Measure Complete event, in seconds. for information about supported devices. Valid Values: 0 to 167 seconds Default Value: The NI PXI-4132 and NI PXIe-4140/4141/4142/4143/4144/4145/4154 supports values from 0 seconds to 167 seconds. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+=============================================================+ | Datatype | hightime.timedelta, datetime.timedelta, or float in seconds | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Measure Complete Event:Event Delay** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_MEASURE_COMPLETE_EVENT_DELAY**
.. py:attribute:: measure_complete_event_output_terminal Specifies the output terminal for exporting the Measure Complete event. for information about supported devices. Output terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Measure Complete Event:Output Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_MEASURE_COMPLETE_EVENT_OUTPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: measure_complete_event_pulse_polarity Specifies the behavior of the Measure Complete event. for information about supported devices. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.Polarity.HIGH` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+----------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+================+ | Datatype | enums.Polarity | +----------------+----------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+----------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+----------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+----------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Measure Complete Event:Pulse:Polarity** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_MEASURE_COMPLETE_EVENT_PULSE_POLARITY**
.. py:attribute:: measure_complete_event_pulse_width Specifies the width of the Measure Complete event, in seconds. The minimum event pulse width value for PXI devices is 150 ns, and the minimum event pulse width value for PXI Express devices is 250 ns. The maximum event pulse width value for all devices is 1.6 microseconds. for information about supported devices. Valid Values: 1.5e-7 to 1.6e-6 Default Value: The default value for PXI devices is 150 ns. The default value for PXI Express devices is 250 ns. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Measure Complete Event:Pulse:Width** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_MEASURE_COMPLETE_EVENT_PULSE_WIDTH**
.. py:attribute:: measure_record_delta_time Queries the amount of time, in seconds, between between the start of two consecutive measurements in a measure record. Only query this property after the desired measurement settings are committed. for information about supported devices. two measurements and the rest would differ. .. note:: This property is not available when Auto Zero is configured to Once because the amount of time between the first .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+=============================================================+ | Datatype | hightime.timedelta, datetime.timedelta, or float in seconds | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Measure Record Delta Time** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_MEASURE_RECORD_DELTA_TIME**
.. py:attribute:: measure_record_length Specifies how many measurements compose a measure record. When this property is set to a value greater than 1, the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.measure_when` property must be set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.MeasureWhen.AUTOMATICALLY_AFTER_SOURCE_COMPLETE` or :py:data:`~nidcpower.MeasureWhen.ON_MEASURE_TRIGGER`. for information about supported devices. Valid Values: 1 to 16,777,216 Default Value: 1 .. note:: This property is not available in a session involving multiple channels. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | int | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Measure Record Length** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_MEASURE_RECORD_LENGTH**
.. py:attribute:: measure_record_length_is_finite Specifies whether to take continuous measurements. Call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.abort` method to stop continuous measurements. When this property is set to False and the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.source_mode` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.SourceMode.SINGLE_POINT`, the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.measure_when` property must be set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.MeasureWhen.AUTOMATICALLY_AFTER_SOURCE_COMPLETE` or :py:data:`~nidcpower.MeasureWhen.ON_MEASURE_TRIGGER`. When this property is set to False and the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.source_mode` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.SourceMode.SEQUENCE`, the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.measure_when` property must be set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.MeasureWhen.ON_MEASURE_TRIGGER`. for information about supported devices. Default Value: True .. note:: This property is not available in a session involving multiple channels. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Measure Record Length Is Finite** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_MEASURE_RECORD_LENGTH_IS_FINITE**
.. py:attribute:: measure_trigger_type Specifies the behavior of the Measure trigger. for information about supported devices. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.TriggerType.DIGITAL_EDGE` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===================+ | Datatype | enums.TriggerType | +----------------+-------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Measure Trigger:Trigger Type** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_MEASURE_TRIGGER_TYPE**
.. py:attribute:: measure_when Specifies when the measure unit should acquire measurements. Unless this property is configured to :py:data:`~nidcpower.MeasureWhen.ON_MEASURE_TRIGGER`, the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.measure_trigger_type` property is ignored. Refer to the Acquiring Measurements topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about how to configure your measurements. Default Value: If the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.source_mode` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.SourceMode.SINGLE_POINT`, the default value is :py:data:`~nidcpower.MeasureWhen.ON_DEMAND`. This value supports only the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.measure` method and :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.measure_multiple` method. If the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.source_mode` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.SourceMode.SEQUENCE`, the default value is :py:data:`~nidcpower.MeasureWhen.AUTOMATICALLY_AFTER_SOURCE_COMPLETE`. This value supports only the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.fetch_multiple` method. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===================+ | Datatype | enums.MeasureWhen | +----------------+-------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Advanced:Measure When** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_MEASURE_WHEN**
.. py:attribute:: merged_channels Specifies the channel(s) to merge with a designated primary channel of an SMU in order to increase the maximum current you can source from the SMU. This property designates the merge channels to combine with a primary channel. To designate the primary channel, initialize the session to the primary channel only. Note: You cannot change the merge configuration with this property when the session is in the Running state. For complete information on using merged channels with this property, refer to Merged Channels in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. Devices that do not support this property behave as if no channels were merged. Default Value: Refer to the Supported Properties by Device topic for the default value by device. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Merged Channels** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_MERGED_CHANNELS**
.. py:attribute:: output_capacitance Specifies whether to use a low or high capacitance on the output for the specified channel(s). for information about supported devices. Refer to the NI PXI-4130 Output Capacitance Selection topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about capacitance. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+=========================+ | Datatype | enums.OutputCapacitance | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Output Capacitance** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_CAPACITANCE**
.. py:attribute:: output_connected Specifies whether the output relay is connected (closed) or disconnected (open). The :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_enabled` property does not change based on this property; they are independent of each other. about supported devices. Set this property to False to disconnect the output terminal from the output. to the output terminal might discharge unless the relay is disconnected. Excessive connecting and disconnecting of the output can cause premature wear on the relay. Default Value: True .. note:: Only disconnect the output when disconnecting is necessary for your application. For example, a battery connected .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Output Connected** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_CONNECTED**
.. py:attribute:: output_cutoff_current_change_limit_high Specifies a limit for positive current slew rate, in amps per microsecond, for output cutoff. If the current increases at a rate that exceeds this limit, the output is disconnected. To find out whether an output has exceeded this limit, call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.query_latched_output_cutoff_state` method with :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.CURRENT_CHANGE_HIGH` as the output cutoff reason. .. note:: Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Output Cutoff:Current Change Limit High** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_CUTOFF_CURRENT_CHANGE_LIMIT_HIGH**
.. py:attribute:: output_cutoff_current_change_limit_low Specifies a limit for negative current slew rate, in amps per microsecond, for output cutoff. If the current decreases at a rate that exceeds this limit, the output is disconnected. To find out whether an output has exceeded this limit, call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.query_latched_output_cutoff_state` method with :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.CURRENT_CHANGE_LOW` as the output cutoff reason. .. note:: Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Output Cutoff:Current Change Limit Low** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_CUTOFF_CURRENT_CHANGE_LIMIT_LOW**
.. py:attribute:: output_cutoff_current_measure_limit_high Specifies a high limit current value, in amps, for output cutoff. If the measured current exceeds this limit, the output is disconnected. To find out whether an output has exceeded this limit, call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.query_latched_output_cutoff_state` method with :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.CURRENT_MEASURE_HIGH` as the output cutoff reason. .. note:: Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Output Cutoff:Current Measure Limit High** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_CUTOFF_CURRENT_MEASURE_LIMIT_HIGH**
.. py:attribute:: output_cutoff_current_measure_limit_low Specifies a low limit current value, in amps, for output cutoff. If the measured current falls below this limit, the output is disconnected. To find out whether an output has fallen below this limit, call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.query_latched_output_cutoff_state` method with :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.CURRENT_MEASURE_LOW` as the output cutoff reason. .. note:: Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Output Cutoff:Current Measure Limit Low** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_CUTOFF_CURRENT_MEASURE_LIMIT_LOW**
.. py:attribute:: output_cutoff_current_overrange_enabled Enables or disables current overrange functionality for output cutoff. If enabled, the output is disconnected when the measured current saturates the current range. To find out whether an output has exceeded this limit, call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.query_latched_output_cutoff_state` method with :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.VOLTAGE_OUTPUT_HIGH` as the output cutoff reason. .. note:: Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Output Cutoff:Current Overrange Enabled** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_CUTOFF_CURRENT_OVERRANGE_ENABLED**
.. py:attribute:: output_cutoff_enabled Enables or disables output cutoff functionality. If enabled, you can define output cutoffs that, if exceeded, cause the output of the specified channel(s) to be disconnected. When this property is disabled, all other output cutoff properties are ignored. .. note:: Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. Instruments that do not support this property behave as if this property were set to False. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Output Cutoff:Enabled** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_CUTOFF_ENABLED**
.. py:attribute:: output_cutoff_voltage_change_limit_high Specifies a limit for positive voltage slew rate, in volts per microsecond, for output cutoff. If the voltage increases at a rate that exceeds this limit, the output is disconnected. To find out whether an output has exceeded this limit, call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.query_latched_output_cutoff_state` with :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.VOLTAGE_CHANGE_HIGH` as the output cutoff reason. .. note:: Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Output Cutoff:Voltage Change Limit High** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_CUTOFF_VOLTAGE_CHANGE_LIMIT_HIGH**
.. py:attribute:: output_cutoff_voltage_change_limit_low Specifies a limit for negative voltage slew rate, in volts per microsecond, for output cutoff. If the voltage decreases at a rate that exceeds this limit, the output is disconnected. To find out whether an output has exceeded this limit, call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.query_latched_output_cutoff_state` with :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.VOLTAGE_CHANGE_LOW` as the output cutoff reason. .. note:: Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Output Cutoff:Voltage Change Limit Low** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_CUTOFF_VOLTAGE_CHANGE_LIMIT_LOW**
.. py:attribute:: output_cutoff_voltage_output_limit_high Specifies a high limit voltage value, in volts, for output cutoff. If the voltage output exceeds this limit, the output is disconnected. To find out whether an output has exceeded this limit, call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.query_latched_output_cutoff_state` method with :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.VOLTAGE_OUTPUT_HIGH` as the output cutoff reason. .. note:: Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Output Cutoff:Voltage Output Limit High** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_CUTOFF_VOLTAGE_OUTPUT_LIMIT_HIGH**
.. py:attribute:: output_cutoff_voltage_output_limit_low Specifies a low limit voltage value, in volts, for output cutoff. If the voltage output falls below this limit, the output is disconnected. To find out whether an output has fallen below this limit, call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.query_latched_output_cutoff_state` method with :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputCutoffReason.VOLTAGE_OUTPUT_LOW` as the output cutoff reason. .. note:: Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Output Cutoff:Voltage Output Limit Low** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_CUTOFF_VOLTAGE_OUTPUT_LIMIT_LOW**
.. py:attribute:: output_enabled Specifies whether the output is enabled (True) or disabled (False). Depending on the value you specify for the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property, you also must set the voltage level or current level in addition to enabling the output the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.initiate` method. Refer to the Programming States topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about NI-DCPower programming states. Default Value: The default value is True if you use the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.__init__` method to open the session. Otherwise the default value is False, including when you use a calibration session or the deprecated programming model. .. note:: If the session is in the Committed or Uncommitted states, enabling the output does not take effect until you call .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Output Enabled** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_ENABLED**
.. py:attribute:: output_function Configures the method to generate on the specified channel(s). When :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_VOLTAGE` is selected, the device generates the desired voltage level on the output as long as the output current is below the current limit. You can use the following properties to configure the channel when :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_VOLTAGE` is selected: :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_level` :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit` :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_high` :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_low` :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_level_range` :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_limit_range` :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.compliance_limit_symmetry` When :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_CURRENT` is selected, the device generates the desired current level on the output as long as the output voltage is below the voltage limit. You can use the following properties to configure the channel when :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_CURRENT` is selected: :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_level` :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit` :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_high` :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_low` :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.current_level_range` :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_range` :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.compliance_limit_symmetry` .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+----------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+======================+ | Datatype | enums.OutputFunction | +----------------+----------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+----------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+----------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+----------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Output Function** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_FUNCTION**
.. py:attribute:: output_resistance Specifies the output resistance that the device attempts to generate for the specified channel(s). This property is available only when you set the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property on a support device. Refer to a supported device's topic about output resistance for more information about selecting an output resistance. about supported devices. Default Value: 0.0 .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic for information .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Output Resistance** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OUTPUT_RESISTANCE**
.. py:attribute:: overranging_enabled Specifies whether NI-DCPower allows setting the voltage level, current level, voltage limit and current limit outside the device specification limits. True means that overranging is enabled. Refer to the Ranges topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about overranging. Default Value: False .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Overranging Enabled** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OVERRANGING_ENABLED**
.. py:attribute:: ovp_enabled Enables (True) or disables (False) overvoltage protection (OVP). Refer to the Output Overvoltage Protection topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about overvoltage protection. for information about supported devices. Default Value: False .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:OVP Enabled** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OVP_ENABLED**
.. py:attribute:: ovp_limit Determines the voltage limit, in volts, beyond which overvoltage protection (OVP) engages. for information about supported devices. Valid Values: 2 V to 210 V Default Value: 210 V .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:OVP Limit** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OVP_LIMIT**
.. py:attribute:: power_allocation_mode Determines whether the device sources the power its source configuration requires or a specific wattage you request; determines whether NI-DCPower proactively checks that this sourcing power is within the maximum per-channel and overall sourcing power of the device. When this property configures NI-DCPower to perform a sourcing power check, a device is not permitted to source power in excess of its maximum per-channel or overall sourcing power. If the check determines a source configuration or power request would require the device to do so, NI-DCPower returns an error. When this property does not configure NI-DCPower to perform a sourcing power check, a device can attempt to fulfill source configurations that would require it to source power in excess of its maximum per-channel or overall sourcing power and may shut down to prevent damage. Default Value: Refer to the Supported Properties by Device topic for the default value by device. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to the Supported Properties by Device topic for information about supported devices. Devices that do not support this property behave as if this property were set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.PowerAllocationMode.DISABLED`. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+---------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========================+ | Datatype | enums.PowerAllocationMode | +----------------+---------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+---------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+---------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+---------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Power Allocation Mode** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_POWER_ALLOCATION_MODE**
.. py:attribute:: power_line_frequency Specifies the power line frequency for specified channel(s). NI-DCPower uses this value to select a timebase for setting the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.aperture_time` property in power line cycles (PLCs). in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for information about supported devices. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.NIDCPOWER_VAL_60_HERTZ` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to the Supported Properties by Device topic .. note:: One or more of the referenced values are not in the Python API for this driver. Enums that only define values, or represent True/False, have been removed. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Power Line Frequency** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY**
.. py:attribute:: power_source Specifies the power source to use. NI-DCPower switches the power source used by the device to the specified value. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.PowerSource.AUTOMATIC` is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.PowerSource.AUTOMATIC`. However, if the session is in the Committed or Uncommitted state when you set this property, the power source selection only occurs after you call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.initiate` method. .. note:: Automatic selection is not persistent and occurs only at the time this property The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===================+ | Datatype | enums.PowerSource | +----------------+-------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------+ | Channel Based | No | +----------------+-------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Advanced:Power Source** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_POWER_SOURCE**
.. py:attribute:: power_source_in_use Indicates whether the device is using the internal or auxiliary power source to generate power. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+========================+ | Datatype | enums.PowerSourceInUse | +----------------+------------------------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+------------------------+ | Channel Based | No | +----------------+------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Advanced:Power Source In Use** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_POWER_SOURCE_IN_USE**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_bias_current_level Specifies the pulse bias current level, in amps, that the device attempts to generate on the specified channel(s) during the off phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.PULSE_CURRENT`. Valid Values: The valid values for this property are defined by the values you specify for the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_current_level_range` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Current:Pulse Bias Current Level** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_BIAS_CURRENT_LEVEL**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_bias_current_limit Specifies the pulse bias current limit, in amps, that the output cannot exceed when generating the desired pulse bias voltage on the specified channel(s) during the off phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.PULSE_VOLTAGE`. Valid Values: The valid values for this property are defined by the values you specify for the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_current_limit_range` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Voltage:Pulse Bias Current Limit** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_BIAS_CURRENT_LIMIT**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_bias_current_limit_high Specifies the maximum current, in amps, that the output can produce when generating the desired pulse voltage on the specified channel(s) during the *off* phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the `Compliance Limit Symmetry <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ComplianceLimitSymmetry`.html>`__ property is set to **Asymmetric** and the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to **Pulse Voltage**. You must also specify a `Pulse Bias Current Limit Low <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseBiasCurrentLimitLow`.html>`__ to complete the asymmetric range. **Valid Values:** [1% of `Pulse Current Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseCurrentLimitRange`.html>`__, `Pulse Current Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseCurrentLimitRange`.html>`__] The range bounded by the limit high and limit low must include zero. **Default Value:** Refer to `Supported Properties by Device <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/SupportedProperties.html>`__ for the default value by device. **Related Topics:** `Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/ranges.html>`__ `Changing Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/changing_ranges.html>`__ `Overranging <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/overranging.html>`__ .. note:: The limit may be extended beyond the selected limit range if the `Overranging Enabled <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OverrangingEnabled`.html>`__ property is set to TRUE or if the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to a pulsing method. .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Voltage:Pulse Bias Current Limit High** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_BIAS_CURRENT_LIMIT_HIGH**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_bias_current_limit_low Specifies the minimum current, in amps, that the output can produce when generating the desired pulse voltage on the specified channel(s) during the *off* phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the `Compliance Limit Symmetry <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ComplianceLimitSymmetry`.html>`__ property is set to **Asymmetric** and the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to **Pulse Voltage**. You must also specify a `Pulse Bias Current Limit High <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseBiasCurrentLimitHigh`.html>`__ to complete the asymmetric range. **Valid Values:** [-`Pulse Current Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseCurrentLimitRange`.html>`__, -1% of `Pulse Current Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseCurrentLimitRange`.html>`__] The range bounded by the limit high and limit low must include zero. **Default Value:** Refer to `Supported Properties by Device <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/SupportedProperties.html>`__ for the default value by device. **Related Topics:** `Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/ranges.html>`__ `Changing Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/changing_ranges.html>`__ `Overranging <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/overranging.html>`__ .. note:: The limit may be extended beyond the selected limit range if the `Overranging Enabled <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OverrangingEnabled`.html>`__ property is set to TRUE or if the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to a pulsing method. .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Voltage:Pulse Bias Current Limit Low** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_BIAS_CURRENT_LIMIT_LOW**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_bias_delay Determines when, in seconds, the device generates the Pulse Complete event after generating the off level of a pulse. Valid Values: 0 to 167 seconds Default Value: 16.67 milliseconds .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Pulse Bias Delay** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_BIAS_DELAY**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_bias_voltage_level Specifies the pulse bias voltage level, in volts, that the device attempts to generate on the specified channel(s) during the off phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.PULSE_VOLTAGE`. Valid Values: The valid values for this property are defined by the values you specify for the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_voltage_level_range` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Voltage:Pulse Bias Voltage Level** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_BIAS_VOLTAGE_LEVEL**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_bias_voltage_limit Specifies the pulse voltage limit, in volts, that the output cannot exceed when generating the desired current on the specified channel(s) during the off phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.PULSE_CURRENT`. Valid Values: The valid values for this property are defined by the values you specify for the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_voltage_limit_range` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Current:Pulse Bias Voltage Limit** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_BIAS_VOLTAGE_LIMIT**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_bias_voltage_limit_high Specifies the maximum voltage, in volts, that the output can produce when generating the desired pulse current on the specified channel(s) during the *off* phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the `Compliance Limit Symmetry <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ComplianceLimitSymmetry`.html>`__ property is set to **Asymmetric** and the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to **Pulse Current**. You must also specify a `Pulse Bias Voltage Limit Low <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseBiasVoltageLimitLow`.html>`__ to complete the asymmetric range. **Valid Values:** [1% of `Pulse Voltage Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseVoltageLimitRange`.html>`__, `Pulse Voltage Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseVoltageLimitRange`.html>`__] The range bounded by the limit high and limit low must include zero. **Default Value:** Refer to `Supported Properties by Device <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/SupportedProperties.html>`__ for the default value by device. **Related Topics:** `Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/ranges.html>`__ `Changing Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/changing_ranges.html>`__ `Overranging <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/overranging.html>`__ .. note:: The limit may be extended beyond the selected limit range if the `Overranging Enabled <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OverrangingEnabled`.html>`__ property is set to TRUE or if the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to a pulsing method. .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Current:Pulse Bias Voltage Limit High** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_BIAS_VOLTAGE_LIMIT_HIGH**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_bias_voltage_limit_low Specifies the minimum voltage, in volts, that the output can produce when generating the desired pulse current on the specified channel(s) during the *off* phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the `Compliance Limit Symmetry <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ComplianceLimitSymmetry`.html>`__ property is set to **Asymmetric** and the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to **Pulse Current**. You must also specify a `Pulse Bias Voltage Limit High <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseBiasVoltageLimitHigh`.html>`__ to complete the asymmetric range. **Valid Values:** [-`Pulse Voltage Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseVoltageLimitRange`.html>`__, -1% of `Pulse Voltage Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseVoltageLimitRange`.html>`__] The range bounded by the limit high and limit low must include zero. **Default Value:** Refer to `Supported Properties by Device <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/SupportedProperties.html>`__ for the default value by device. **Related Topics:** `Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/ranges.html>`__ `Changing Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/changing_ranges.html>`__ `Overranging <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/overranging.html>`__ .. note:: The limit may be extended beyond the selected limit range if the `Overranging Enabled <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OverrangingEnabled`.html>`__ property is set to TRUE or if the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to a pulsing method. .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Current:Pulse Bias Voltage Limit Low** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_BIAS_VOLTAGE_LIMIT_LOW**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_complete_event_output_terminal Specifies the output terminal for exporting the Pulse Complete event. Output terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. Default Value:The default value for PXI Express devices is 250 ns. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Pulse Complete Event:Output Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_COMPLETE_EVENT_OUTPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_complete_event_pulse_polarity Specifies the behavior of the Pulse Complete event. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.Polarity.HIGH` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+----------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+================+ | Datatype | enums.Polarity | +----------------+----------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+----------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+----------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+----------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Pulse Complete Event:Pulse:Polarity** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_COMPLETE_EVENT_PULSE_POLARITY**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_complete_event_pulse_width Specifies the width of the Pulse Complete event, in seconds. The minimum event pulse width value for PXI Express devices is 250 ns. The maximum event pulse width value for PXI Express devices is 1.6 microseconds. Default Value: The default value for PXI Express devices is 250 ns. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Pulse Complete Event:Pulse:Width** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_COMPLETE_EVENT_PULSE_WIDTH**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_current_level Specifies the pulse current level, in amps, that the device attempts to generate on the specified channel(s) during the on phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.PULSE_CURRENT`. Valid Values: The valid values for this property are defined by the values you specify for the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_current_level_range` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Current:Pulse Current Level** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_CURRENT_LEVEL**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_current_level_range Specifies the pulse current level range, in amps, for the specified channel(s). The range defines the valid values to which you can set the pulse current level and pulse bias current level. This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.PULSE_CURRENT`. For valid ranges, refer to the ranges topic for your device in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Current:Pulse Current Level Range** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_CURRENT_LEVEL_RANGE**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_current_limit Specifies the pulse current limit, in amps, that the output cannot exceed when generating the desired pulse voltage on the specified channel(s) during the on phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.PULSE_VOLTAGE` and the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.compliance_limit_symmetry` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.ComplianceLimitSymmetry.SYMMETRIC`. Valid Values: The valid values for this property are defined by the values you specify for the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_current_limit_range` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Voltage:Pulse Current Limit** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_CURRENT_LIMIT**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_current_limit_high Specifies the maximum current, in amps, that the output can produce when generating the desired pulse voltage on the specified channel(s) during the *on* phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the `Compliance Limit Symmetry <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ComplianceLimitSymmetry`.html>`__ property is set to **Asymmetric** and the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to **Pulse Voltage**. You must also specify a `Pulse Current Limit Low <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseCurrentLimitLow`.html>`__ to complete the asymmetric range. **Valid Values:** [1% of `Pulse Current Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseCurrentLimitRange`.html>`__, `Pulse Current Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseCurrentLimitRange`.html>`__] The range bounded by the limit high and limit low must include zero. **Default Value:** Refer to `Supported Properties by Device <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/SupportedProperties.html>`__ for the default value by device. **Related Topics:** `Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/ranges.html>`__ `Changing Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/changing_ranges.html>`__ `Overranging <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/overranging.html>`__ .. note:: The limit may be extended beyond the selected limit range if the `Overranging Enabled <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OverrangingEnabled`.html>`__ property is set to TRUE or if the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to a pulsing method. .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Voltage:Pulse Current Limit High** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_CURRENT_LIMIT_HIGH**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_current_limit_low Specifies the minimum current, in amps, that the output can produce when generating the desired pulse voltage on the specified channel(s) during the *on* phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the `Compliance Limit Symmetry <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ComplianceLimitSymmetry`.html>`__ property is set to **Asymmetric** and the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to **Pulse Voltage**. You must also specify a `Pulse Current Limit High <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseCurrentLimitHigh`.html>`__ to complete the asymmetric range. **Valid Values:** [-`Pulse Current Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseCurrentLimitRange`.html>`__, -1% of `Pulse Current Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseCurrentLimitRange`.html>`__] The range bounded by the limit high and limit low must include zero. **Default Value:** Refer to `Supported Properties by Device <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/SupportedProperties.html>`__ for the default value by device. **Related Topics:** `Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/ranges.html>`__ `Changing Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/changing_ranges.html>`__ `Overranging <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/overranging.html>`__ .. note:: The limit may be extended beyond the selected limit range if the `Overranging Enabled <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OverrangingEnabled`.html>`__ property is set to TRUE or if the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to a pulsing method. .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Voltage:Pulse Current Limit Low** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_CURRENT_LIMIT_LOW**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_current_limit_range Specifies the pulse current limit range, in amps, for the specified channel(s). The range defines the valid values to which you can set the pulse current limit and pulse bias current limit. This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.PULSE_VOLTAGE`. For valid ranges, refer to the ranges topic for your device in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Voltage:Pulse Current Limit Range** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_CURRENT_LIMIT_RANGE**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_off_time Determines the length, in seconds, of the off phase of a pulse. Valid Values: 10 microseconds to 167 seconds Default Value: 34 milliseconds .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+=============================================================+ | Datatype | hightime.timedelta, datetime.timedelta, or float in seconds | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Pulse Off Time** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_OFF_TIME**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_on_time Determines the length, in seconds, of the on phase of a pulse. Valid Values: 10 microseconds to 167 seconds Default Value: 34 milliseconds .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+=============================================================+ | Datatype | hightime.timedelta, datetime.timedelta, or float in seconds | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Pulse On Time** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_ON_TIME**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_trigger_type Specifies the behavior of the Pulse trigger. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.TriggerType.NONE` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===================+ | Datatype | enums.TriggerType | +----------------+-------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Pulse Trigger:Trigger Type** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_TRIGGER_TYPE**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_voltage_level Specifies the pulse current limit, in amps, that the output cannot exceed when generating the desired pulse voltage on the specified channel(s) during the on phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.PULSE_VOLTAGE`. Valid Values: The valid values for this property are defined by the values you specify for the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_current_limit_range` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Voltage:Pulse Voltage Level** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_VOLTAGE_LEVEL**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_voltage_level_range Specifies the pulse voltage level range, in volts, for the specified channel(s). The range defines the valid values at which you can set the pulse voltage level and pulse bias voltage level. This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.PULSE_VOLTAGE`. For valid ranges, refer to the ranges topic for your device in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Voltage:Pulse Voltage Level Range** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_VOLTAGE_LEVEL_RANGE**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_voltage_limit Specifies the pulse voltage limit, in volts, that the output cannot exceed when generating the desired pulse current on the specified channel(s) during the on phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.PULSE_CURRENT` and the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.compliance_limit_symmetry` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.ComplianceLimitSymmetry.SYMMETRIC`. Valid Values: The valid values for this property are defined by the values you specify for the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.pulse_voltage_limit_range` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Current:Pulse Voltage Limit** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_VOLTAGE_LIMIT**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_voltage_limit_high Specifies the maximum voltage, in volts, that the output can produce when generating the desired pulse current on the specified channel(s) during the *on* phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the `Compliance Limit Symmetry <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ComplianceLimitSymmetry`.html>`__ property is set to **Asymmetric** and the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to **Pulse Current**. You must also specify a `Pulse Voltage Limit Low <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseVoltageLimitLow`.html>`__ to complete the asymmetric range. **Valid Values:** [1% of `Pulse Voltage Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseVoltageLimitRange`.html>`__, `Pulse Voltage Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseVoltageLimitRange`.html>`__] The range bounded by the limit high and limit low must include zero. **Default Value:** Refer to `Supported Properties by Device <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/SupportedProperties.html>`__ for the default value by device. **Related Topics:** `Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/ranges.html>`__ `Changing Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/changing_ranges.html>`__ `Overranging <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/overranging.html>`__ .. note:: The limit may be extended beyond the selected limit range if the `Overranging Enabled <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OverrangingEnabled`.html>`__ property is set to TRUE or if the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to a pulsing method. .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Current:Pulse Voltage Limit High** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_VOLTAGE_LIMIT_HIGH**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_voltage_limit_low Specifies the minimum voltage, in volts, that the output can produce when generating the desired pulse current on the specified channel(s) during the *on* phase of a pulse. This property is applicable only if the `Compliance Limit Symmetry <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ComplianceLimitSymmetry`.html>`__ property is set to **Asymmetric** and the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to **Pulse Current**. You must also specify a `Pulse Voltage Limit High <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseVoltageLimitHigh`.html>`__ to complete the asymmetric range. **Valid Values:** [-`Pulse Voltage Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseVoltageLimitRange`.html>`__, -1% of `Pulse Voltage Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.PulseVoltageLimitRange`.html>`__] The range bounded by the limit high and limit low must include zero. **Default Value:** Refer to `Supported Properties by Device <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/SupportedProperties.html>`__ for the default value by device. **Related Topics:** `Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/ranges.html>`__ `Changing Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/changing_ranges.html>`__ `Overranging <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/overranging.html>`__ .. note:: The limit may be extended beyond the selected limit range if the `Overranging Enabled <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OverrangingEnabled`.html>`__ property is set to TRUE or if the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to a pulsing method. .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Current:Pulse Voltage Limit Low** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_VOLTAGE_LIMIT_LOW**
.. py:attribute:: pulse_voltage_limit_range Specifies the pulse voltage limit range, in volts, for the specified channel(s). The range defines the valid values to which you can set the pulse voltage limit and pulse bias voltage limit. This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.PULSE_CURRENT`. For valid ranges, refer to the ranges topic for your device in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help. .. note:: The channel must be enabled for the specified current limit to take effect. Refer to the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_enabled` property for more information about enabling the output channel. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Pulse Current:Pulse Voltage Limit Range** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_PULSE_VOLTAGE_LIMIT_RANGE**
.. py:attribute:: query_instrument_status Specifies whether NI-DCPower queries the device status after each operation. Querying the device status is useful for debugging. After you validate your program, you can set this property to False to disable status checking and maximize performance. NI-DCPower ignores status checking for particular properties regardless of the setting of this property. Use the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.__init__` method to override this value. Default Value: True The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | No | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:User Options:Query Instrument Status** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_QUERY_INSTRUMENT_STATUS**
.. py:attribute:: ready_for_pulse_trigger_event_output_terminal Specifies the output terminal for exporting the Ready For Pulse Trigger event. Output terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Ready For Pulse Trigger Event:Output Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_READY_FOR_PULSE_TRIGGER_EVENT_OUTPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: ready_for_pulse_trigger_event_pulse_polarity Specifies the behavior of the Ready For Pulse Trigger event. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.Polarity.HIGH` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+----------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+================+ | Datatype | enums.Polarity | +----------------+----------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+----------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+----------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+----------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Ready For Pulse Trigger Event:Pulse:Polarity** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_READY_FOR_PULSE_TRIGGER_EVENT_PULSE_POLARITY**
.. py:attribute:: ready_for_pulse_trigger_event_pulse_width Specifies the width of the Ready For Pulse Trigger event, in seconds. The minimum event pulse width value for PXI Express devices is 250 ns. The maximum event pulse width value for all devices is 1.6 microseconds. Default Value: The default value for PXI Express devices is 250 ns .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Ready For Pulse Trigger Event:Pulse:Width** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_READY_FOR_PULSE_TRIGGER_EVENT_PULSE_WIDTH**
.. py:attribute:: requested_power_allocation Specifies the power, in watts, to request the device to source from each active channel. This property defines the power to source from the device only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.power_allocation_mode` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.PowerAllocationMode.MANUAL`. The power you request with this property may be incompatible with the power a given source configuration requires or the power the device can provide: If the requested power is less than the power required for the source configuration, the device does not exceed the requested power, and NI-DCPower returns an error. If the requested power is greater than the maximum per-channel or overall sourcing power, the device does not exceed the allowed power, and NI-DCPower returns an error. Valid Values: [0, device per-channel maximum power] Default Value: Refer to the Supported Properties by Device topic for the default value by device. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Requested Power Allocation** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_REQUESTED_POWER_ALLOCATION**
.. py:attribute:: reset_average_before_measurement Specifies whether the measurement returned from any measurement call starts with a new measurement call (True) or returns a measurement that has already begun or completed(False). for information about supported devices. When you set the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.samples_to_average` property in the Running state, the output channel measurements might move out of synchronization. While NI-DCPower automatically synchronizes measurements upon the initialization of a session, you can force a synchronization in the running state before you run the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.measure_multiple` method. To force a synchronization in the running state, set this property to True, and then run the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.measure_multiple` method, specifying all channels in the channel name parameter. You can set the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.reset_average_before_measurement` property to False after the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.measure_multiple` method completes. Default Value: True .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Advanced:Reset Average Before Measurement** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_RESET_AVERAGE_BEFORE_MEASUREMENT**
.. py:attribute:: samples_to_average Specifies the number of samples to average when you take a measurement. Increasing the number of samples to average decreases measurement noise but increases the time required to take a measurement. Refer to the NI PXI-4110, NI PXI-4130, NI PXI-4132, or NI PXIe-4154 Averaging topic for optional property settings to improve immunity to certain noise types, or refer to the NI PXIe-4140/4141 DC Noise Rejection, NI PXIe-4142/4143 DC Noise Rejection, or NI PXIe-4144/4145 DC Noise Rejection topic for information about improving noise immunity for those devices. Default Value: NI PXI-4110 or NI PXI-4130—10 NI PXI-4132—1 NI PXIe-4112—1 NI PXIe-4113—1 NI PXIe-4140/4141—1 NI PXIe-4142/4143—1 NI PXIe-4144/4145—1 NI PXIe-4154—500 .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | int | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Samples To Average** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SAMPLES_TO_AVERAGE**
.. py:attribute:: self_calibration_persistence Specifies whether the values calculated during self-calibration should be written to hardware to be used until the next self-calibration or only used until the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.reset_device` method is called or the machine is powered down. This property affects the behavior of the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.self_cal` method. When set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.SelfCalibrationPersistence.KEEP_IN_MEMORY`, the values calculated by the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.self_cal` method are used in the existing session, as well as in all further sessions until you call the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.reset_device` method or restart the machine. When you set this property to :py:data:`~nidcpower.SelfCalibrationPersistence.WRITE_TO_EEPROM`, the values calculated by the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.self_cal` method are written to hardware and used in the existing session and in all subsequent sessions until another call to the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.self_cal` method is made. about supported devices. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.SelfCalibrationPersistence.KEEP_IN_MEMORY` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+----------------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+==================================+ | Datatype | enums.SelfCalibrationPersistence | +----------------+----------------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+----------------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+----------------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+----------------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Advanced:Self-Calibration Persistence** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SELF_CALIBRATION_PERSISTENCE**
.. py:attribute:: sense Selects either local or remote sensing of the output voltage for the specified channel(s). Refer to the Local and Remote Sense topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about sensing voltage on supported channels and about devices that support local and/or remote sensing. Default Value: The default value is :py:data:`~nidcpower.Sense.LOCAL` if the device supports local sense. Otherwise, the default and only supported value is :py:data:`~nidcpower.Sense.REMOTE`. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+=============+ | Datatype | enums.Sense | +----------------+-------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Measurement:Sense** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SENSE**
.. py:attribute:: sequence_advance_trigger_type Specifies the behavior of the Sequence Advance trigger. for information about supported devices. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.TriggerType.NONE` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===================+ | Datatype | enums.TriggerType | +----------------+-------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Sequence Advance Trigger:Trigger Type** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SEQUENCE_ADVANCE_TRIGGER_TYPE**
.. py:attribute:: sequence_engine_done_event_output_terminal Specifies the output terminal for exporting the Sequence Engine Done Complete event. for information about supported devices. Output terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Sequence Engine Done Event:Output Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SEQUENCE_ENGINE_DONE_EVENT_OUTPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: sequence_engine_done_event_pulse_polarity Specifies the behavior of the Sequence Engine Done event. for information about supported devices. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.Polarity.HIGH` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+----------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+================+ | Datatype | enums.Polarity | +----------------+----------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+----------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+----------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+----------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Sequence Engine Done Event:Pulse:Polarity** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SEQUENCE_ENGINE_DONE_EVENT_PULSE_POLARITY**
.. py:attribute:: sequence_engine_done_event_pulse_width Specifies the width of the Sequence Engine Done event, in seconds. The minimum event pulse width value for PXI devices is 150 ns, and the minimum event pulse width value for PXI Express devices is 250 ns. The maximum event pulse width value for all devices is 1.6 microseconds. for information about supported devices. Valid Values: 1.5e-7 to 1.6e-6 seconds Default Value: The default value for PXI devices is 150 ns. The default value for PXI Express devices is 250 ns. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Sequence Engine Done Event:Pulse:Width** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SEQUENCE_ENGINE_DONE_EVENT_PULSE_WIDTH**
.. py:attribute:: sequence_iteration_complete_event_output_terminal Specifies the output terminal for exporting the Sequence Iteration Complete event. for information about supported devices. Output terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Sequence Iteration Complete Event:Output Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SEQUENCE_ITERATION_COMPLETE_EVENT_OUTPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: sequence_iteration_complete_event_pulse_polarity Specifies the behavior of the Sequence Iteration Complete event. for information about supported devices. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.Polarity.HIGH` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+----------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+================+ | Datatype | enums.Polarity | +----------------+----------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+----------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+----------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+----------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Sequence Iteration Complete Event:Pulse:Polarity** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SEQUENCE_ITERATION_COMPLETE_EVENT_PULSE_POLARITY**
.. py:attribute:: sequence_iteration_complete_event_pulse_width Specifies the width of the Sequence Iteration Complete event, in seconds. The minimum event pulse width value for PXI devices is 150 ns, and the minimum event pulse width value for PXI Express devices is 250 ns. The maximum event pulse width value for all devices is 1.6 microseconds. the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for information about supported devices. Valid Values: 1.5e-7 to 1.6e-6 seconds Default Value: The default value for PXI devices is 150 ns. The default value for PXI Express devices is 250 ns. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic in .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Sequence Iteration Complete Event:Pulse:Width** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SEQUENCE_ITERATION_COMPLETE_EVENT_PULSE_WIDTH**
.. py:attribute:: sequence_loop_count Specifies the number of times a sequence is run after initiation. Refer to the Sequence Source Mode topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about the sequence loop count. for information about supported devices. When the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.sequence_loop_count_is_finite` property is set to False, the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.sequence_loop_count` property is ignored. Valid Range: 1 to 134217727 Default Value: 1 .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | int | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Sequence Loop Count** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SEQUENCE_LOOP_COUNT**
.. py:attribute:: sequence_loop_count_is_finite Specifies whether a sequence should repeat indefinitely. Refer to the Sequence Source Mode topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about infinite sequencing. :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.sequence_loop_count_is_finite` property is set to False, the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.sequence_loop_count` property is ignored. Default Value: True .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. When the .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Sequence Loop Count Is Finite** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SEQUENCE_LOOP_COUNT_IS_FINITE**
.. py:attribute:: sequence_step_delta_time .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SEQUENCE_STEP_DELTA_TIME**
.. py:attribute:: sequence_step_delta_time_enabled .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SEQUENCE_STEP_DELTA_TIME_ENABLED**
.. py:attribute:: serial_number Contains the serial number for the device you are currently using. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:Instrument Identification:Serial Number** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SERIAL_NUMBER**
.. py:attribute:: shutdown_trigger_type Specifies the behavior of the Shutdown trigger. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.TriggerType.NONE` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===================+ | Datatype | enums.TriggerType | +----------------+-------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Shutdown Trigger:Trigger Type** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SHUTDOWN_TRIGGER_TYPE**
.. py:attribute:: simulate Specifies whether to simulate NI-DCPower I/O operations. True specifies that operation is simulated. Default Value: False The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | No | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:User Options:Simulate** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SIMULATE**
.. py:attribute:: source_complete_event_output_terminal Specifies the output terminal for exporting the Source Complete event. for information about supported devices. Output terminals can be specified in one of two ways. If the device is named Dev1 and your terminal is PXI_Trig0, you can specify the terminal with the fully qualified terminal name, /Dev1/PXI_Trig0, or with the shortened terminal name, PXI_Trig0. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Source Complete Event:Output Terminal** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SOURCE_COMPLETE_EVENT_OUTPUT_TERMINAL**
.. py:attribute:: source_complete_event_pulse_polarity Specifies the behavior of the Source Complete event. for information about supported devices. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.Polarity.HIGH` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+----------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+================+ | Datatype | enums.Polarity | +----------------+----------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+----------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+----------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+----------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Source Complete Event:Pulse:Polarity** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SOURCE_COMPLETE_EVENT_PULSE_POLARITY**
.. py:attribute:: source_complete_event_pulse_width Specifies the width of the Source Complete event, in seconds. for information about supported devices. The minimum event pulse width value for PXI devices is 150 ns, and the minimum event pulse width value for PXI Express devices is 250 ns. The maximum event pulse width value for all devices is 1.6 microseconds Valid Values: 1.5e-7 to 1.6e-6 seconds Default Value: The default value for PXI devices is 150 ns. The default value for PXI Express devices is 250 ns. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Events:Source Complete Event:Pulse:Width** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SOURCE_COMPLETE_EVENT_PULSE_WIDTH**
.. py:attribute:: source_delay Determines when, in seconds, the device generates the Source Complete event, potentially starting a measurement if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.measure_when` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.MeasureWhen.AUTOMATICALLY_AFTER_SOURCE_COMPLETE`. Refer to the Single Point Source Mode and Sequence Source Mode topics for more information. Valid Values: 0 to 167 seconds Default Value: 0.01667 seconds .. note:: Refer to Supported Properties by Device for information about supported devices. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+=============================================================+ | Datatype | hightime.timedelta, datetime.timedelta, or float in seconds | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Advanced:Source Delay** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SOURCE_DELAY**
.. py:attribute:: source_mode Specifies whether to run a single output point or a sequence. Refer to the Single Point Source Mode and Sequence Source Mode topics in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about source modes. Default value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.SourceMode.SINGLE_POINT` .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+==================+ | Datatype | enums.SourceMode | +----------------+------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Source Mode** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SOURCE_MODE**
.. py:attribute:: source_trigger_type Specifies the behavior of the Source trigger. for information about supported devices. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.TriggerType.NONE` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===================+ | Datatype | enums.TriggerType | +----------------+-------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Source Trigger:Trigger Type** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SOURCE_TRIGGER_TYPE**
.. py:attribute:: specific_driver_description Contains a brief description of the specific driver. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | No | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:Driver Identification:Description** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_DESCRIPTION**
.. py:attribute:: specific_driver_prefix Contains the prefix for NI-DCPower. The name of each user-callable method in NI-DCPower begins with this prefix. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | No | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:Driver Identification:Driver Prefix** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_PREFIX**
.. py:attribute:: specific_driver_revision Contains additional version information about NI-DCPower. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | No | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:Driver Identification:Revision** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_REVISION**
.. py:attribute:: specific_driver_vendor Contains the name of the vendor that supplies NI-DCPower. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | No | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:Driver Identification:Driver Vendor** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SPECIFIC_DRIVER_VENDOR**
.. py:attribute:: start_trigger_type Specifies the behavior of the Start trigger. for information about supported devices. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.TriggerType.NONE` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===================+ | Datatype | enums.TriggerType | +----------------+-------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Triggers:Start Trigger:Trigger Type** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_START_TRIGGER_TYPE**
.. py:attribute:: supported_instrument_models Contains a comma-separated (,) list of supported NI-DCPower device models. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-----------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+===========+ | Datatype | str | +----------------+-----------+ | Permissions | read only | +----------------+-----------+ | Channel Based | No | +----------------+-----------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-----------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Inherent IVI Attributes:Driver Capabilities:Supported Instrument Models** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_SUPPORTED_INSTRUMENT_MODELS**
.. py:attribute:: transient_response Specifies the transient response. Refer to the Transient Response topic in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help for more information about transient response. for information about supported devices. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.TransientResponse.NORMAL` .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+-------------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+=========================+ | Datatype | enums.TransientResponse | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+-------------------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+-------------------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Transient Response** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_TRANSIENT_RESPONSE**
.. py:attribute:: voltage_compensation_frequency The frequency at which a pole-zero pair is added to the system when the channel is in Constant Voltage mode. for information about supported devices. Default value: Determined by the value of the :py:data:`~nidcpower.TransientResponse.NORMAL` setting of the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.transient_response` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Custom Transient Response:Voltage:Compensation Frequency** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_VOLTAGE_COMPENSATION_FREQUENCY**
.. py:attribute:: voltage_gain_bandwidth The frequency at which the unloaded loop gain extrapolates to 0 dB in the absence of additional poles and zeroes. This property takes effect when the channel is in Constant Voltage mode. for information about supported devices. Default Value: Determined by the value of the :py:data:`~nidcpower.TransientResponse.NORMAL` setting of the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.transient_response` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Custom Transient Response:Voltage:Gain Bandwidth** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_VOLTAGE_GAIN_BANDWIDTH**
.. py:attribute:: voltage_level Specifies the voltage level, in volts, that the device attempts to generate on the specified channel(s). This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_VOLTAGE`. :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_enabled` property for more information about enabling the output channel. Valid Values: The valid values for this property are defined by the values you specify for the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_level_range` property. .. note:: The channel must be enabled for the specified voltage level to take effect. Refer to the .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Voltage:Voltage Level** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_VOLTAGE_LEVEL**
.. py:attribute:: voltage_level_autorange Specifies whether NI-DCPower automatically selects the voltage level range based on the desired voltage level for the specified channel(s). If you set this property to :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.ON`, NI-DCPower ignores any changes you make to the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_level_range` property. If you change the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_level_autorange` property from :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.ON` to :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.OFF`, NI-DCPower retains the last value the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_level_range` property was set to (or the default value if the property was never set) and uses that value as the voltage level range. Query the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_level_range` property by using the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session._get_attribute_vi_int32` method for information about which range NI-DCPower automatically selects. The :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_level_autorange` property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_VOLTAGE`. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.OFF` .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Voltage:Voltage Level Autorange** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_VOLTAGE_LEVEL_AUTORANGE**
.. py:attribute:: voltage_level_range Specifies the voltage level range, in volts, for the specified channel(s). The range defines the valid values to which the voltage level can be set. Use the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_level_autorange` property to enable automatic selection of the voltage level range. The :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_level_range` property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_VOLTAGE`. :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_enabled` property for more information about enabling the output channel. For valid ranges, refer to the Ranges topic for your device in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help. .. note:: The channel must be enabled for the specified voltage level range to take effect. Refer to the .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Voltage:Voltage Level Range** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_VOLTAGE_LEVEL_RANGE**
.. py:attribute:: voltage_limit Specifies the voltage limit, in volts, that the output cannot exceed when generating the desired current level on the specified channels. This property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_CURRENT` and the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.compliance_limit_symmetry` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.ComplianceLimitSymmetry.SYMMETRIC`. :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_enabled` property for more information about enabling the output channel. Valid Values: The valid values for this property are defined by the values to which the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_range` property is set. .. note:: The channel must be enabled for the specified current level to take effect. Refer to the .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Current:Voltage Limit** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_VOLTAGE_LIMIT**
.. py:attribute:: voltage_limit_autorange Specifies whether NI-DCPower automatically selects the voltage limit range based on the desired voltage limit for the specified channel(s). If this property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.ON`, NI-DCPower ignores any changes you make to the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_range` property. If you change the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_autorange` property from :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.ON` to :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.OFF`, NI-DCPower retains the last value the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_range` property was set to (or the default value if the property was never set) and uses that value as the voltage limit range. Query the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_range` property by using the :py:meth:`nidcpower.Session._get_attribute_vi_int32` method to find out which range NI-DCPower automatically selects. The :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_autorange` property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_CURRENT`. Default Value: :py:data:`~nidcpower.AutoZero.OFF` .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | bool | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Current:Voltage Limit Autorange** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_VOLTAGE_LIMIT_AUTORANGE**
.. py:attribute:: voltage_limit_high Specifies the maximum voltage, in volts, that the output can produce when generating the desired current on the specified channel(s). This property is applicable only if the `Compliance Limit Symmetry <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ComplianceLimitSymmetry`.html>`__ property is set to **Asymmetric** and the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to **DC Current**. You must also specify a `Voltage Limit Low <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.VoltageLimitLow`.html>`__ to complete the asymmetric range. **Valid Values:** [1% of `Voltage Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.VoltageLimitRange`.html>`__, `Voltage Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.VoltageLimitRange`.html>`__] The range bounded by the limit high and limit low must include zero. **Default Value:** Refer to `Supported Properties by Device <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/SupportedProperties.html>`__ for the default value by device. **Related Topics:** `Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/ranges.html>`__ `Changing Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/changing_ranges.html>`__ `Overranging <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/overranging.html>`__ .. note:: The limit may be extended beyond the selected limit range if the `Overranging Enabled <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OverrangingEnabled`.html>`__ property is set to TRUE. .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Current:Voltage Limit High** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_VOLTAGE_LIMIT_HIGH**
.. py:attribute:: voltage_limit_low Specifies the minimum voltage, in volts, that the output can produce when generating the desired current on the specified channel(s). This property is applicable only if the `Compliance Limit Symmetry <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.ComplianceLimitSymmetry`.html>`__ property is set to **Asymmetric** and the `Output Method <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OutputFunction`.html>`__ property is set to **DC Current**. You must also specify a `Voltage Limit High <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.VoltageLimitHigh`.html>`__ to complete the asymmetric range. **Valid Values:** [-`Voltage Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.VoltageLimitRange`.html>`__, -1% of `Voltage Limit Range <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.VoltageLimitRange`.html>`__] The range bounded by the limit high and limit low must include zero. **Default Value:** Refer to `Supported Properties by Device <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/SupportedProperties.html>`__ for the default value by device. **Related Topics:** `Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/ranges.html>`__ `Changing Ranges <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/changing_ranges.html>`__ `Overranging <NI_DC_Power_Supplies_Help.chm::/overranging.html>`__ .. note:: The limit may be extended beyond the selected limit range if the `Overranging Enabled <p:py:meth:`nidcpower.Session.OverrangingEnabled`.html>`__ property is set to TRUE. .. note:: One or more of the referenced methods are not in the Python API for this driver. .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Current:Voltage Limit Low** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_VOLTAGE_LIMIT_LOW**
.. py:attribute:: voltage_limit_range Specifies the voltage limit range, in volts, for the specified channel(s). The range defines the valid values to which the voltage limit can be set. Use the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_autorange` property to enable automatic selection of the voltage limit range. The :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.voltage_limit_range` property is applicable only if the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_function` property is set to :py:data:`~nidcpower.OutputFunction.DC_CURRENT`. :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.output_enabled` property for more information about enabling the output channel. For valid ranges, refer to the Ranges topic for your device in the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help. .. note:: The channel must be enabled for the specified voltage limit range to take effect. Refer to the .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:DC Current:Voltage Limit Range** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_VOLTAGE_LIMIT_RANGE**
.. py:attribute:: voltage_pole_zero_ratio The ratio of the pole frequency to the zero frequency when the channel is in Constant Voltage mode. for information about supported devices. Default value: Determined by the value of the :py:data:`~nidcpower.TransientResponse.NORMAL` setting of the :py:attr:`nidcpower.Session.transient_response` property. .. note:: This property is not supported by all devices. Refer to Supported Properties by Device topic .. tip:: This property can use repeated capabilities. If set or get directly on the nidcpower.Session object, then the set/get will use all repeated capabilities in the session. You can specify a subset of repeated capabilities using the Python index notation on an nidcpower.Session repeated capabilities container, and calling set/get value on the result. The following table lists the characteristics of this property. +----------------+------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +================+============+ | Datatype | float | +----------------+------------+ | Permissions | read-write | +----------------+------------+ | Channel Based | Yes | +----------------+------------+ | Resettable | No | +----------------+------------+ .. tip:: This property corresponds to the following LabVIEW Property or C Attribute: - LabVIEW Property: **Source:Custom Transient Response:Voltage:Pole-Zero Ratio** - C Attribute: **NIDCPOWER_ATTR_VOLTAGE_POLE_ZERO_RATIO**
- Session
- Methods
- abort
- clear_latched_output_cutoff_state
- close
- commit
- configure_aperture_time
- create_advanced_sequence
- create_advanced_sequence_step
- delete_advanced_sequence
- disable
- export_attribute_configuration_buffer
- export_attribute_configuration_file
- fetch_multiple
- get_channel_name
- get_channel_names
- get_ext_cal_last_date_and_time
- get_ext_cal_last_temp
- get_ext_cal_recommended_interval
- get_self_cal_last_date_and_time
- get_self_cal_last_temp
- import_attribute_configuration_buffer
- import_attribute_configuration_file
- initiate
- lock
- measure
- measure_multiple
- query_in_compliance
- query_latched_output_cutoff_state
- query_max_current_limit
- query_max_voltage_level
- query_min_current_limit
- query_output_state
- read_current_temperature
- reset
- reset_device
- reset_with_defaults
- self_cal
- self_test
- send_software_edge_trigger
- set_sequence
- unlock
- wait_for_event
- Properties
- active_advanced_sequence
- active_advanced_sequence_step
- actual_power_allocation
- aperture_time
- aperture_time_units
- autorange
- autorange_aperture_time_mode
- autorange_behavior
- autorange_minimum_aperture_time
- autorange_minimum_aperture_time_units
- autorange_minimum_current_range
- autorange_minimum_voltage_range
- autorange_threshold_mode
- auto_zero
- auxiliary_power_source_available
- channel_count
- compliance_limit_symmetry
- current_compensation_frequency
- current_gain_bandwidth
- current_level
- current_level_autorange
- current_level_range
- current_limit
- current_limit_autorange
- current_limit_behavior
- current_limit_high
- current_limit_low
- current_limit_range
- current_pole_zero_ratio
- dc_noise_rejection
- digital_edge_measure_trigger_input_terminal
- digital_edge_pulse_trigger_input_terminal
- digital_edge_sequence_advance_trigger_input_terminal
- digital_edge_shutdown_trigger_input_terminal
- digital_edge_source_trigger_input_terminal
- digital_edge_start_trigger_input_terminal
- driver_setup
- exported_measure_trigger_output_terminal
- exported_pulse_trigger_output_terminal
- exported_sequence_advance_trigger_output_terminal
- exported_source_trigger_output_terminal
- exported_start_trigger_output_terminal
- fetch_backlog
- instrument_firmware_revision
- instrument_manufacturer
- instrument_model
- interlock_input_open
- io_resource_descriptor
- logical_name
- measure_buffer_size
- measure_complete_event_delay
- measure_complete_event_output_terminal
- measure_complete_event_pulse_polarity
- measure_complete_event_pulse_width
- measure_record_delta_time
- measure_record_length
- measure_record_length_is_finite
- measure_trigger_type
- measure_when
- merged_channels
- output_capacitance
- output_connected
- output_cutoff_current_change_limit_high
- output_cutoff_current_change_limit_low
- output_cutoff_current_measure_limit_high
- output_cutoff_current_measure_limit_low
- output_cutoff_current_overrange_enabled
- output_cutoff_enabled
- output_cutoff_voltage_change_limit_high
- output_cutoff_voltage_change_limit_low
- output_cutoff_voltage_output_limit_high
- output_cutoff_voltage_output_limit_low
- output_enabled
- output_function
- output_resistance
- overranging_enabled
- ovp_enabled
- ovp_limit
- power_allocation_mode
- power_line_frequency
- power_source
- power_source_in_use
- pulse_bias_current_level
- pulse_bias_current_limit
- pulse_bias_current_limit_high
- pulse_bias_current_limit_low
- pulse_bias_delay
- pulse_bias_voltage_level
- pulse_bias_voltage_limit
- pulse_bias_voltage_limit_high
- pulse_bias_voltage_limit_low
- pulse_complete_event_output_terminal
- pulse_complete_event_pulse_polarity
- pulse_complete_event_pulse_width
- pulse_current_level
- pulse_current_level_range
- pulse_current_limit
- pulse_current_limit_high
- pulse_current_limit_low
- pulse_current_limit_range
- pulse_off_time
- pulse_on_time
- pulse_trigger_type
- pulse_voltage_level
- pulse_voltage_level_range
- pulse_voltage_limit
- pulse_voltage_limit_high
- pulse_voltage_limit_low
- pulse_voltage_limit_range
- query_instrument_status
- ready_for_pulse_trigger_event_output_terminal
- ready_for_pulse_trigger_event_pulse_polarity
- ready_for_pulse_trigger_event_pulse_width
- requested_power_allocation
- reset_average_before_measurement
- samples_to_average
- self_calibration_persistence
- sense
- sequence_advance_trigger_type
- sequence_engine_done_event_output_terminal
- sequence_engine_done_event_pulse_polarity
- sequence_engine_done_event_pulse_width
- sequence_iteration_complete_event_output_terminal
- sequence_iteration_complete_event_pulse_polarity
- sequence_iteration_complete_event_pulse_width
- sequence_loop_count
- sequence_loop_count_is_finite
- sequence_step_delta_time
- sequence_step_delta_time_enabled
- serial_number
- shutdown_trigger_type
- simulate
- source_complete_event_output_terminal
- source_complete_event_pulse_polarity
- source_complete_event_pulse_width
- source_delay
- source_mode
- source_trigger_type
- specific_driver_description
- specific_driver_prefix
- specific_driver_revision
- specific_driver_vendor
- start_trigger_type
- supported_instrument_models
- transient_response
- voltage_compensation_frequency
- voltage_gain_bandwidth
- voltage_level
- voltage_level_autorange
- voltage_level_range
- voltage_limit
- voltage_limit_autorange
- voltage_limit_high
- voltage_limit_low
- voltage_limit_range
- voltage_pole_zero_ratio