juv welcomes contributions in the form of bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests.
For small changes, feel free to open a PR directly. For larger changes, please open an issue first to discuss the proposed changes.
juv is a Python package that uses uv for development. Please make sure you have it installed before contributing.
After cloning the repo, you can run an editable install of juv with uv run
uv run juv
Prior to opening a PR, ensure that your code has been auto-formatted and that it passes both lint and test validation checks.
uv run ruff format # auto-format code
uv run ruff check # check lint validation
uv run pytest # run tests
To release a new version of juv, run the following:
uvx --from 'rooster-blue>=0.0.9' rooster release # [--bump major|minor|patch]
uv sync # sync version in lockfile
This will bump the version of juv and update the CHANGELOG.md. Changelog entries are based on the commit messages and use GitHub labels to categorize the release sections.
Then open a PR with the title: vX.Y.Z
. Once the PR is merged, we will make a
release by manually running the release.yml workflow.