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A GitHub Action maintaining caches dependent on Python runtime and ABI stability
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re-actors/cache-python-deps@release/v1 — ABI-sensitive cache management

A GitHub Action maintaining caches dependent on Python runtime and ABI stability.

The action is meant to be run instead of using the cache input of actions/setup-python.


To use the action add the following step to your workflow file (e.g. .github/workflows/ci-cd.yml)

- name: Restore pip cache
  uses: re-actors/cache-python-deps@release/v1
    cache-key-for-dependency-files: >-



A command that prints cache directory to standard output. Defaults to pip cache lookup. (DEFAULT: python -Im pip cache dir)


A cache key string derived from the dependency declaration files. Should be pre-computed by the caller. Something like hashFiles() should do. (REQUIRED)


The cache-key-for-dependency-files must be computed before calling the action. It would typically depend on the contents of files containing dependency declarations. This means that the dependency files should be on disk before that (they can be retrieved by calling one of re-actors/checkout-python-sdist or actions/checkout, for example).

In case the cache-key-for-dependency-files computation is done in an early job in the workflow and the value is just being passed around, this action does not necessarily have to be called after checking out the repository. It should however still be invoked after actions/setup-python so that the correct cache entry is picked up.

Any users?

At the moment, it is used by @aio-libs, @CherryPy, with more to come.

cache-python-deps is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


A GitHub Action maintaining caches dependent on Python runtime and ABI stability

cache-python-deps is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.