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This guide will provide some info what to do to update your projects from an earlier version.

Migrate from DeZog 3.5 to DeZog 3.6

There are changes to the syntax for LOGPOINTs. Please refer to the

Migrate from DeZog 3.4 to DeZog 3.5


  • The "vsyncInterrupt" has been removed. It is automatically enabled if the spectrum ULA (ulaScreen = 'spectrum') is enabled.
  • "ulaScreen": The type was changed from boolean to 'spectrum' | 'zx81'.
  • "zxKeyboard": The type was changed from boolean to 'spectrum' | 'zx81'.
  • "cpuLoadInterruptRange": renamed to "cpuLoad".
  • "ulaOptions" has been added.
  • "zxBorderWidth" removed. Use "ulaOptions.borderSize" instead.

Note: The release is dedicated to the simulation of the ZX81. You can find some more documentation here.

Migrate from DeZog 3.3 to DeZog 3.4

Logging: The Settings: 'dezog.log.customCode' changed to 'dezog.log.zsim.customCode'. Simply set the wanted value in the vscode Settings UI again.

Migrate from DeZog 3.2 to DeZog 3.3

There are 2 main updates required for DeZog 3.3 to work correctly.

  1. ZEsarUX 10.3: Because of changes in the zrcp DeZog 3.3 does not work anymore with previous versions of ZEsarUX. I.e. you need to update ZEsarUX to (at least) version 10.3.
  2. dezogif (ZX Next debugging): There was a change in the serial interfacing to the ZX Next. So, if you debug programs on the ZX Next you need to update the dezogif to version 2.2.0 (at least). You find the dezogif here. (Description how to install the dezogif enNextMf.rom on the ZXNext).

Migrate from DeZog 3.1 to DeZog 3.2

No required updates.

Migrate from DeZog 3.0 to DeZog 3.1

No required updates.

Migrate from DeZog 2.7 to DeZog 3.0

Many internals have been changed, especially in the use of banks and long addresses. All labels are now internally represented as long addresses. Prior to 3.0 there was a mixture of 64k and long addresses. However, this is only internal, there should be no visible change for the user.

Also the internal memory models for ZX48, ZX128 etc. have been reworked to use the same base as the new customMemory model.

The definition of a 'customMemory' model was changed in the launch.json. Please refer to the new structure in the The old structure cannot be used anymore and need to be changed.

The new 'customMemory' allows to define arbitrary slot ranges and bank switching.

This was all done to allow reverse engineering along with bank switching.

Please read about it in the

Anyhow a few changes were done/necessary:

  • The "disableBanking" option was removed from the "sjasmplus" launch.json configuration. If you used it, you need to remove it now from the launch.json.
  • The "zsim" "customMemory" definition was changed. Please refer to the customMemory section in
  • For "zsim" an additional breakpoint is available 'Break on Interrupt'. If turned on the simulator will break when an interrupt is entered. This is helpful for reverse engineering cases to easily find the interrupt address.
  • "esxdosRst" was removed from the launch.json. See for a replacement.

Furthermore the ASSERTIONs, WPMEMs and LOGPOINTs have been better integrated into the vscode UI. I.e. you can enable them directly from the vscode BREAKPOINTS pane. On the other hand the corresponding debug console commands have been removed as they are now superfluous: -ASSERTION ..., -WPMEM ...or -LOGPOINT ... are not available anymore. If you used them in the launch.json in the "commandsAfterLaunch" argument please make sure to remove them there.

For z88dk a new/additional parser has been added: "z88dkv2" (Please search for 'z88dkv2' for its usage). It can parse the z88dk version 2.2. .lis files. The old "z88dk" configuration is still available but will work only for older versions of z88dk.

A note about ZEsarUX: There is currently an incompatibility between ZEsarUX version 10.2 and DeZog. For DeZog 2.7 and DeZog 3.0 please use ZEsarUX version 10.1 instead.

Migrate from DeZog 2.6 to DeZog 2.7

No required updates.

Migrate from DeZog 2.5 to DeZog 2.6

Major change is the integration of the serial port into DeZog. This removes the need for the extra program DeZogSerialInterface when connecting to a ZX Next via a serial interface. Along with this the launch.json parameters for the "zxnext" have been changed:

  • "port", "hostname" and "socketTimeout" have been removed.
  • "serial" has been added.

For completeness: In the settings the "log.socket" pane has been renamed to "log.transport". But for most users this shouldn't make any difference.

Migrate from DeZog 2.4 to DeZog 2.5

No required updates.

Migrate from DeZog 2.3 to DeZog 2.4

Unit tests

Unit tests are now fully integrated into the vscode testing API. It is available since vscode v1.60. Prior to this the "Z80 Unit Tests" extension was required to run unit tests. With version 2.4 no additional extension is required anymore and you should remove the "Z80 Unit Tests" extension.

With this also the command palette commands and the text output for unit tests have been removed completely. Executing tests is now completely done via vscode's UI.

The UNITTEST_INITIALIZE macro is now executed not only once for all unit tests but before each single unit test.

You can setup now more than one unit test configuration in the launch.json.

The unit test Z80 macros have been slightly changed what makes it necessary to update the (or the file. Other than that all your unit tests should still run. Without any change in configuration you should be able to see the tests if you click on vscode's test icon in the sidebar.

If you are using custom code for your unit tests you should be able to use it without change. However there is a new option that you can read the currently executed unit test label from your custom code. With this you could implement different behavior depending on the executed unit test. See


Setting expressions: For years the vscode/debug-adapter was not able to set values in the WATCHes pane. Last month I decided to implement a workaround for this: the 'Expressions' section in the VARIABLES pane. This was bad timing. 4 weeks later with vscode 1.60 the setting of values was also supported by vscode. So I removed the 'Expressions' from the VARIABLES pane again. I.e. also the commands '-addexpr' and '-delexpr' have been removed. Instead, in the WATCHes pane, you can now right click and select 'Set value' to change the value.

From migration point of view: If you've added '-addexpr' or '-delexpr' to the "commandsAfterLaunch" section of your launch.json file, you would have to remove them.

Migrate from DeZog 2.2 to DeZog 2.3

No required updates.

Migrate from DeZog 2.1 to DeZog 2.2

Required updates

If you are using unit tests you need to update z80-unit-tests to v1.2.0.

Migrate from DeZog 2.0 to DeZog 2.1

Required updates

If you use CSpect you need to update:


You will find the TOC for the help now also in the sidebar. It can be turned off in the DeZog settings.

The Register Memory View

This view:

Does not start automatically anymore on each debug session start.

If you want to launch the register memory view every time you start a debug session then add it to the "commandsAfterLaunch" in the launch.json. E.g.

"commandsAfterLaunch": [

Or you manually launch it from the debug console when needed with:



One major change in 2.1 was the overworked WATCH window. Please have a look at chapter WATCHes in Together with sjasmplus the WATCH window can now display STRUCTs. The syntax has been changed slightly. I.e. the parameters 2 and 3 have been exchanged. Instead of


you have to use



And the behavior has changed. DeZog will not anymore assume and display an array by default. If you need the old behavior you now need to specify the count explicitly.

Furthermore the parameters named 'b' and 'w' for byte and word have been removed. Simply use the size now instead. I.e. 1 for byte and 2 for word.


zsim is much faster now and has got a few more configurations:

  • "defaultPortIn": The default value that is read if the read port is unused. Formerly this was always 0xFF which is still the default.
  • "zxInterface2Joy": If enabled the simulator shows 2 joystick controls to simulate ZX Interface 2 joysticks. You can also attach a USB controller.
  • "kempstonJoy": If enabled the simulator shows a pad to simulate the Kempston joystick at port 0x1F.
  • "zxBorderWidth": The ZX Spectrum border is now simulated as well. The displayed border width in pixels. If set to 0 then no border is displayed.
  • "zxBeeper": Experimental audio output of the beeper.
  • "limitSpeed": If enabled the simulated CPU performance is throttled to fit the given CPU frequency. This was necessary due to the improved zsim speed.
  • "updateFrequency": The update frequency of the simulator view in Hz. Defaults to 10Hz. Possible range is 5 to 100 Hz.

Migrate your projects from DeZog 1.5 to 2.0

Required updates

If you use any of these you need to update:


A typical launch.json still looks like:

"configurations": [
            "type": "dezog",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Your Config Name",
            "remoteType": "zsim",
            //"remoteType": "zrcp",
            //"remoteType": "cspect",
            "zsim": {
            "sjasmplus": [
            "rootFolder": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "topOfStack": "stack_top",
            "load": "your-program.nex",

But there are changes inside.


	"zsim": {

Main change here is that DeZog doesn't make any assumptions any more. If you want to use a certain feature you have to mention/enable it otherwise it will not be enabled. I.e. there is no implicit enabling of features.

There are also new and modified parameters:

  • "Z80N": unchanged
  • "loadZxRom": unchanged
  • "zxKeyboard": unchanged
  • "visualMemory": boolean. Will use the "memoryModel" for display.
  • "ulaScreen": unchanged
  • "memoryPagingControl": removed. Use memory model instead.
  • "tbblueMemoryManagementSlots": removed. Use memory model instead.
  • "cpuLoadInterruptRange": unchanged
  • "vsyncInterrupt": unchanged


  • "memoryModel": "RAM", "ZXNEXT" etc. Defines the memory paging model. "RAM" = no paging.
  • "customCode": This is for implementing custom peripherals, see

zrcp (ZEsarUX)

"skipInterrupt" and "resetOnLaunch" are no global parameters anymore. They have been moved to the "zrcp" parameters.


This is one of the main changes: DeZog doesn't use the list file of sjasmplus anymore. Instead it uses the SLD file. sjasmplus includes special enhancements for DeZog. With the SLD format it is possible to use the 'long addresses' feature which allows to debug much bigger projects that would otherwise not fit in 64k.

	"sjasmplus": [
			"path": "your-sld-file.sld"

To create such a file you need at least sjasmplus version 1.18.0. The command line is:

sjasmplus --sld=your-sld-file.sld --fullpath your-source.asm

Of course, you need to exchange "your-..." with your file names. You can still add other options like the creation of a list or labels file but these files are no longer used by DeZog.

Inside one of your asm files you need to set a few more options:

  • Use DEVICE something to set a device. Otherwise the SLD file will be empty. You can e.g. use ZXSPECTRUM48, ZXSPECTRUM128, ZXSPECTRUMNEXT or for a non-spectrum pure Z80 system without any banking: NOSLOT64K
  • Add a line SLDOPT COMMENT WPMEM, LOGPOINT, ASSERTION to use DeZog's WPMEM, LOGPOINT and ASSERTION features. If SLDOPT ... is omitted sjasmplus will remove the info from the SLD file.

E.g. you could start your main.asm with:




Z80 unit tests

You need to exchange the file with this one (or this one for Savannah's z80asm assembler).

The unit tests have been simplified. There are still a few macros left for testing but the majority has been removed. For these macros you should use ASSERTION instead.

E.g. instead of

	TEST_DREG DE, 0x1234

you should use

	nop ; ASSERTION DE == 0x1234

ASSERTIONs allow more flexible checks. E.g. you can also use

	nop ; ASSERTION DE < 0x1234

Or even

	nop ; ASSERTION (A == 1) && (DE < 0x1234)

Note the 'nop'. Although it is not essential it will make your life easier to find the right (failed) ASSERTION in case you use several consecutive assertions:

	nop ; ASSERTION A == 10
	nop ; ASSERTION DE == 0x1234

The unit tests will automatically enable ASSERTION (and WPMEM and LOGPOINT).

Together with this change DeZog supports ASSERTIONs now also for ZEsarUX.