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File metadata and controls

579 lines (430 loc) · 18.7 KB

The Binary File Viewer

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The 'Binary File Viewer' is a framework that allows you to build your own custom viewers for binary files. These files can be either existing file formats for which no vscode extension exists or also proprietary file formats. I.e. file formats that you build on your own and for which you would like to have a convenient way to look inside.

To tell the 'Binary File Viewer' what files to decode and how, you have to provide a javascript file. This *.js file consist of 2 stages. I.e. you basically register 2 functions:

  • with 'registerFileType' you register the function which checks for the right file type. Normally you just check the file extension here.
  • with 'registerParser' you register the function which actually decodes the binary file.


The 'Binary File Viewer' itself registers inside vscode for every file type (*.*). I.e. whenever you select a file to be viewed the 'Binary File Viewer' will iterate through all of your js files until it finds one that returns true to indicate that it can decode the file.

Here is an example that registers for 'wav' files by checking the file extension:

registerFileType((fileExt, filePath, fileData) => {
	// Check for wav extension
	if (fileExt == 'wav') {
		return true;
	return false;

For more complicated checks other arguments are passed:

  • fileExt: The file extension without the '.', e.g. 'wav'.
  • filePath: The absolute file path to the binary file.
  • fileData: You can access the file data through this object.

Although normally not required, fileData can be quite handy in some situations. With fileData you can access the file contents and check e.g. the header of a file for certain data. E.g. some files carry an ID at the start of the file to identify the file type. A more enhanced version of the file type check for wav files could look like this:

registerFileType((fileExt, filePath, fileData) => {
	// Check for wav extension
	if (fileExt == 'wav') {
		const headerArray = fileData.getBytesAt(0, 4);
		const header = String.fromCharCode(...headerArray)
		if (header == 'RIFF')
			return true;
	return false;

This example checks for the string 'RIFF' at the beginning of the wav file. If not found it is not recognized as wav file.

Note: at this stage the file data is only read if you make use of fileData. Otherwise, for performance reasons, the file data is not read.

On fileData two methods can be called:

  • getBytesAt(offset: number, length = 1): number[] Returns the bytes from the file at the given offset.
    • offset: The file offset.
    • length: The number of bytes to return. Defaults to 1.
    • returns: A number array with the values. The length of the array might be smaller than 'length' if the file size is smaller.
  • getFileSize(): number Returns the file size in bytes.


This is the main function you need to install. Here you read in the data from the file and you create the output for the viewer's window. Basically you add a row for each decoded value in a table.

The above output is achieved with the following 4 lines of code:

registerParser(() => {
	addRow('RIFF id', getStringValue(), 'RIFF file description header');

	addRow('File size', getHex0xValue(), 'The file size LESS the size of the "RIFF" description (4 bytes) and the size of file description (4 bytes).');

The addRow parameters correspond exactly with the columns in the shown row.

addRow(name: string, value?: string|number, description?: string)

  • name: The name of the value.
  • value: (Optional) The value to display.
  • description: (Optional) A short description of the entry.

The first 2 columns are automatically filled by the 'Binary File viewer':

  • Offset: Is the offset from the start of the file. (Or the offset from the start of addDetails, see later.)
  • Size: Is the size of the data object represented by the row.

An important aspect of the size is that it is no parameter to the addRow. In fact it is directly used from the previous read.

Note: If you pass the string returned by getDecimalValue, getHex*Value or getBitsValue to addRow you can also hover over the 'Value' cell. For a decimal value the hover will show the hex value and vice versa.


There is an optional parameter available. If you register the parse function in this way:

registerParser((filePath) => {

the filePath parameter contains the absolute path to the file that should be decoded. In 'normal' circumstances you shouldn't require to use it.


As you have seen before: with read you will read in data from the file. The reading starts at the last position. I.e. for the first read at offset 0 or for the following read after the previous read.

All of the get... functions work on the data of the previous read.

This example reads in a single byte:

	const val = getNumberValue();

Because the size was 1, getNumberValue will return only 1 byte.

In the next example a word, i.e. a 2 byte number, is read:

	const val = getNumberValue();

The get... functions do not change the file offset in any way. I.e. in the following example:

	const val1 = getNumberValue();
	const val2 = getNumberValue();

val1 and val2 are the same values. They are read from the same file data offsets.


  • it is also possible to pass a negative value as a size. This can be useful if the offset needs to be moved backwards (relatively).
  • if you call read() without any parameter it reads all remaining data.


Similar to read you can use readBits to read an amount of bits. After usage of readBits the get... functions will operate on the bits instead of the bytes.

If bits are read the display of the size changes and displays an additional dot, e.g. ".5" for bit 5 or ".7-4" to indicate the bit range 7-4.

Note: If you read at least one bit of a byte, the next read will start on the next byte.


The default for reading data is little endian. You can change it via setEndianness. Changing the endianness will take effect on the next get... function. Please note that changing the endianness will not effect values read with readBits, only values read with read.


addDetails is used to make rows expandable. I.e. when using addDetails the previous row gets a '+' sign:

If you click it with the mouse the row expands:

Here is the code for the above:

	addRow('RIFF id', getStringValue(), 'RIFF file description header');

	addDetails(() => {
		addRow('1rst char', getNumberValue());
		addRow('2nd char', getNumberValue());
		addRow('3rd char', getNumberValue());
		addRow('4th char', getNumberValue());

When you use addDetails the current file offset position and the read size is pushed on an internal stack and popped when the addDetails function finishes.

I.e. the next row can be decoded just like before with:

	addRow('RIFF id', getStringValue(), 'RIFF file description header');

	addDetails(() => {
		addRow('1rst char', getNumberValue());
		addRow('2nd char', getNumberValue());
		addRow('3rd char', getNumberValue());
		addRow('4th char', getNumberValue());

	addRow('File size', getNumberValue(), 'The file size LESS the size of the "RIFF" description (4 bytes) and the size of file description (4 bytes).');

The offset shown in an addDetails section is always the offset from the beginning of the addDetails section.

  • addDetails has a second parameter 'opened': default is true, so the details will start expanded, if you set it to false the details will be shown collapsed.
  • Beginning with version 1.12.0 a chevron is shown instead of a '+' or '-' sign to indicate the expanded/collapsed state.


If you just want to output a memory dump of a region you can use addMemDump. If you additionally put it into addDetails you can make it expandable.


	addRow('Mem Dump');
	addDetails(() => {

results in:

Note: Hovering above the values will give additional information about the relative and absolute offset.


readRowWithDetails combines addRow and addDetails. But it is not just a shortcut for both commands. Its behavior is slightly different.

Whenever the size of a group of data is known in advance, e.g. by a length field in the binary, addRow and addDetails are fine to use. If addDetails is initially closed the parsing is delayed until the section is opened which is good for the performance.

But in some case the size is not known beforehand and requires decoding of the complete data group. In these cases readRowWithDetails is the right choice. The 'details' are parsed in any case even if initially closed. The name and offset field of the main row are set at the start of the call to this function but the size, the value and the description field are set at the end. I.e. the size is automatically calculated by adding all of the read sizes inside the details. And the value and description can be returned by the arrow function. I.e. you can use some of the values decoded inside the details to show up in the (summary) main row if you like. You can also decide to return nothing. Then the value and description fields stay empty.


	readRowWithDetails('Palette', () => {
		const count = getNumberValue();
		for(let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			addRow('Red', getNumberValue());
			addRow('Green', getNumberValue());
			addRow('Blue', getNumberValue());
		return {
			value: '' + count + ' Colors',
			description: 'The color palette.'

Important: With addDetails the current read pointer is put on a stack and popped when the arrow function ends. With readRowWithDetails this is different (therefore the name starts with 'read'): The (main) read pointer is incremented which each read.


To visualize data series you can use the addChart command.

In the basic form you just need to collect data in a number array that you can then use to display in a chart.

	const samples = getData(2);
		series: [samples]
	}, 'Samples');

You can display more than one series by simply adding another number array to the series array. E.g.:

		series: [
	}, 'Chart');

To get some more control you can also add an object with Series instead of a simple number array.

A Series is defined as

interface Series {
	samples: number[],
	label?: string,
	color?: string


	const sampleData = getData(2);
	const sampleSeries = {
		samples: sampleData,
		label: 'Audio data',
		color: 'red'
		series: [sampleSeries]
	}, 'Samples');


For visualizing e.g. of embedded pictures there exists a canvas object that you can draw to. You create one with

	const ctx = addCanvas(1000, 300, 'My Canvas');

Returned is a CanvasRenderingContext2D that you can use for drawing.

The example here creates a canvas object and draws a red rectangle inside:

	const ctx = addCanvas(1000, 300, 'My Canvas');
	// Fill whole canvas with black
	const w = ctx.canvas.width;
	const h = ctx.canvas.height;
	ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
	ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
	// Draw a red rect
	ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
	ctx.fillRect(200, 100, 600, 150);


The text box is a simple box with multiline text. Lines are separated with a '\n'.

Here is an example:

	addDetails(() => {
		addTextBox(getStringValue(), 100, 200);
	}, true);


Functions that return a number (getNumberValue(), getSignedNumbervalue()) work with javascript's number precision. I.e. integer values are only safe up to the range 2^53-1 >= n >= -(2^53 - 1). So any 4 byte value will be accurately represented but if you e.g. try to use 8 byte integer values those will be inaccurate.

In contrast the functions that return strings (getHexValue(), getDecimalValue(), getSignedDecimalValue() etc.) are accurate no matter how big the number is. They are either implemented directly with a byte to string conversion or use the js BigInt type internally.


For debugging purposes there exist 2 commands.



to stop the execution of the parser.

dbgLog can be used to log texts and values. E.g.

	dbgLog("Counter:", counter);

I.e. the use is similar to console.log but in contrast dbgLog is not able to print complex data like objects.

The output goes into the OUTPUT pane under "Binary File Viewer".

With dbgOverrideDetailsOpen you can control/override the open/close state of the following 'details' commands, i.e. addDetails and readRowWithDetails.

Parser Path

The path(s) to your parser file(s) can be changed in the settings:

Change parser

If multiple parsers are in the parser path, we will use the first parser by default, you can change the parser by dropdown then press Reload to parse the file by the parser.


If you have the parser (*.js) file open and then click on the offset value of the decoded binary file, the function that was used to create the row will become selected.

Interactive Usage

If you open the parser file and the decoded binary file side-by-side you can easily extend your parser and watch the effect in the decoding immediately.

Just save your parser file to update the decoded file.

This does work only if both, the parser file and the decoded file, are open in the same vscode window. If the parser file is opened in another vscode window or in a completely different editor and changed, the binary file view will not be updated automatically.

For these case you can press the 'Reload' button in the binary file view.

Color Customization

You can change the colors used for the columns and rows. To do so use the setDefaults(config) function at the start of your registerParser function. In config you can define the colors object, which defines the colors for light and dark mode. You can optionally also define the dark-colors object for a different appearance in dark mode. Available properties for the colors are:

  • "collapse": The color of the collapse/expand icon (first column)
  • "offset": The text color of the 'offset' column (second column)
  • "size": The text color of the 'size' column (third column)
  • "name": The text color of the 'name' column (4th column)
  • "value": The text color of the 'value' column (5th column)
  • "description": The text color of the 'description' column (6th column)
  • "row-header": The background color of the header row.
  • "row-odd": The background color of all odd numbered rows.
  • "row-even": The background color of all even numbered rows.

Here is an example:

	"colors": {
		"collapse": "blue",
		"offset": "yellow",
		"size": "yellow",
		"name": "white",
		"value": "magenta",
		"description": "green",
		"row-header": "cyan",
		"row-odd": "gray",
		"row-even": "lightgray",
	"dark-colors": {
		"collapse": "blue",
		"offset": "red",
		"size": "green",
		"name": "yellow",
		"value": "white",
		"description": "magenta",
		"row-header": "green",
		"row-odd": "lightgray",
		"row-even": "gray",

Note: You can also use the vscode variables as color values. E.g. you could use:

	"offset": "var(--vscode-button-background)"


In the github repository there exist a few example parser and binary files. You'll find them here.

In order to use them you need to download the files and put the parser (*.js) files in your parser folder (the one you used in the settings).

You can also download the test binaries. When opened in vscode you are able to decode them with the parser files.

A very basic parser. Just showing the simplest commands.

A parser to decode wav files. It demonstrates the usage of charts. It works with the wav files in the testbinaries folder. It may or may not work with other wav files.

A parser which decodes a proprietary picture file format. This file format was invented just to demonstrate how to use a canvas.



The function defined in 'registerFileType' and 'registerFileType' are executed in 2 different contexts. That makes it impossible to pass data from the 'registerFileType' function to the 'registerParser' function. E.g. any global variable that is set in 'registerFileType' is new instantiated when 'registerParser' is called.

Furthermore, all functions described in this document should be called only from within the function installed with 'registerParser'. I.e. you cannot call them from 'registerFileType' or outside of the 'registerParser' function (e.g. in global context). Nevertheless it is possible to define variables outside of 'registerParser' and use (write/read) them inside of 'registerParser'. You can also define further functions that are called by 'registerParser'. These functions can also work with global variables.

Javascript built-in objects

Not all js builtins are accessible for the binary file viewer. These have been made available:

  • Math
  • Date
  • String
  • Number
  • BigInt
  • Object
  • Array
  • ArrayBuffer
  • DataView
  • Map
  • JSON
  • atob, btoa