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## bootstrapping a commune
1- to achieve self-sufficiency in primary needs communalists are expected to study the land to be occupied, to be rich in resources of energy, and food production.
2- for studying a research center need to be established for studying soil, environment, natural resources, climate, biodiversity, energy sources, employing humane intelligence of revolutionaries to invent grass-root solutions for supporting healthy diet, sufficiency energy, and accommodation in accord with nature, and societal sciences.
3- proposals of commune designs of different standards of living per capita should be devised for handling potentially different capacities.
4- historically political, and religious revolutionary movement evolve around slogan/emblem, and anthem/teachings without investing time in envisioning society, and the movement bubbles to lose it's meaning, in 21's century big portion of accumulation of humane knowledge are rendered with strokes of keys, envisioning and engineering the society is no longer esoteric on the temple, or the university.
## egalitarian revolutionary
5- the domination, and exploitation of all Earth resources, and unstoppable extravagantly accelerated changes in biosphere proportions is manifestation of the ineffectiveness of the leftists, all movements in the name of leftism run by suppressed oversocialized leftist motivated by inferiority, who can't leave a chance to exhibit their masochist tendencies polarized by sadist state, the term leftism wrap all antagonists to the state order, from egotists, lazy hedonists, to the altruists, the leftists exhibit no uniting vision, and goals, they are corrupted by their conflicting philosophies, if leftist to show seriousness, their movements need to exhibit it by planning the future based on understanding history, to be realists, and not idealists, to face the truth, and not to escape into Utopian goals, to abandon positivism, and follow problems to their roots, otherwise they may enjoy their erotic games, achieving integration with the state, on the other hand, rightist are united by glory of their ancestral golden age, motivated by the malevolence of conflicting ethos, they rise in reminiscence to the seemingly ideal remnants of history, the erotic leftist always seek compromise with the state law to stress priest, or university morality for optimally minimal conflicts, and harmony with social contract to expand their elusive liberty, while the rightist is much more closer the problem of cancerous city, and seeks illumination of conflict ethos, both are corrupted by the assumption of inevitable state!
6- in the worst case scenario, in the era of falling modernity's domination of resources, power, humane time, and intelligence, and unprecedented rapid centralization of wealth, small group of revolutionaries of sufficient expertise of unemployed graduates can employ their indoctrination of positivist sciences in developing grass-root self-sufficient research center, in secrecy if needed, for aspiring communalists to be vigilant for opportunities to ambush in right moment utilizing vacuum created by economical crises, and take back their sovereignty, if that model to thrive, it will work like a magnet to oppressed, occupied, manipulated nations, races, minorities, or sects, the more phenomenal, the stronger it gets, it has the potential to self-propagate like cancer in the dying modernity.
7- by aggregating statistics of different successful moral-political commune bootstrapping research center results can increase the accuracy of simulating the process using mathematics! and resurrection of egalitarianism as a phenomenon!
## self-propagation
8- assuming sufficient natural resources, revolutionary communalists must have enough expertise, or curiosity to gain it! otherwise chances of self-preservation is low, and proportional to the level of expertise, vulgar farmers can't arrive to grass-root solution, but will resort to the orthodox solutions, for example countering overpopulation requires increasing production by dependence on economical irrigation methods, composting and enhancing soil, engineering genetics to bear contemporary conditions with required growth qualities, the later required building gene bank, and making use of biodiversity, such project would require mathematicians, engineers, bioinformatists, mechanics, with vast research centers, and labs, just to counter one problem for supporting one basic necessity for just survival, to protect against bigger problems of self-defense, water scarcity, and contamination, energy problems, etc, vulgar, illiterate, low-educated can't have high chances in achieving self-preservation. self-preserving self-sufficient commune can only be achieved by sufficient expertise for it's continuations, and not arbitrary communalists, a healthy communalists is one with philosophy coherent with societal binding ethos, and curiosity, or expertise to fit in societal role.
9- to self-propagate a komingeh, new communalists will need to pass through academies of successful self-sufficient commune, until they able to replicate the society completely, otherwise equality, and preservation can't be maintained.
## societal awareness
10- society of relatively small size, united by it's consciously morally driven evolving binding ethos, anomalies in philosophy of living is optimally minimal, continuity of live in equal power distribution will burdens every member to seek knowledge sufficient for overcoming societal challenges, questioning, and developing their philosophy according to new circumistances, transferring knowledge to youngesters necessitated by passing of genes, propensity of siblings, each communalist a member of part of societal Mosaic of integral self-sufficient komingeh, altruism will be consciously developed to protect against manipulation, free-riding, low chances of self-preservation, awareness of societal problems, knowledge, philosophy, equal burdens, and share or responsibility will raise the highest societal awareness, of optimally vigilant communalists, and converge the prospering society communalists into equal Socratic philosopher kings.
11- societal awareness is self-regulating, any violation to biosphere is rapidly realized by it's members as inseparable part of nature, a short-term gain of resource surplus with no regard to the future planning will endanger it's long-term survival, and lower it's chances of self-propagation, in contrast to dominating power, the competition is between the most ecological societies, that will have higher chances of self-propagation.
12- self-propagation in the state follow from insatiable domination motivated by competition for survival, in egalitarian society, survival is pivoted around effectiveness of philosophy to achieve autonomy, otherwise it is a philosophy of domination, such doctrine is hindered in progress by any form of reconciliation with nature. egalitarianism self-propagation is merely motivated by population increase, and that phenomenon is self-regulating, egalitarian clan, band, or tribe maintained phenomenal size, limited by resources, insatiable domination follows to perish!